THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, SATURDAY, DEC. 23. 1944 PAGE FIVE Local News TEMPERATURE Max) mum yesterday, 27 degrees. Minimum last night, 18 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p.m., 18 de grees; 10 a.m., 28 degrees. Veloc ity of wind: 10 p.m. 2, miles; 10 a.m., 4 miles. D. Verges of Prineville, was a caller In Bend today. James A. Dolphin, purchasing agent in the local Bureau of re clamation, has returned to his home at 423 East Irvin street, after spending several days in the St. Charles hospital, victim of a broken ankle. Dolphin received the injury while skating at Turn alo reservoir. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snder of Gilchrist, visited Bend friends to day. H. B. Stephens of Madras, last night was a guest at the Pilot Butte inn. William Drysdale of Prineville, called on Bend friends today. Earl Amick, who has been em ployed in Salem, was expected here today to spend the holidays with his family. Harry Barnes was a Bend caller today from Frlnevllle. W. D. Murray and T. H. Nance, stationed at the Redmond army air field, were Bend visitors to day. Mrs. Jack Blind is expected to arrive within a few days from Salinas, Calif. She will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Marr for the duration. Pvt. Jack Blind, a brother of Mrs Marr's and a former Bend resident, for merly stationed at Fort Ord, Calif., is now in the Pacific area. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Carroll were to leave- today for Ashland to spend the Christmas holidays with her father, L. F. Kelly, and her brother, Orville P. Kelly. Miss Phyllis Nielsen arrived from Portland last night to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Simmons, 430 Florida street. Lt. and Mrs. John D. Tracy, who were married in Olympia, Wash. In August, are expected to arrive at-the Simmons home tonight. Miss Margaret Allen, army ca det nurse now training at the Providence hospital, Portland, ar rived last night to spend the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Allen, 955 Ogden street. A daughter, Kathie Ellen, was born in Portland Wednesday night to Lt. and Mrs. Howard Kriz. She is their first child. Lt. Kriz, who resided in Bend for four years at the home of his sister, Mrs. Sea ton Smith, Is now in England with a field artillery unit. . Roland Barnes, seaman 1c, arn rived here today from Treasure Island to spend Sunday with his mother, Mrs Ruth Barnes, 162 East Kearney street. SSgt. Rob ert F. Barnes, another son sta tioned at Luke Field, Ariz., was unable to visit his mother during the holidays. H. B. Moore was to leave today for Portland, to be with his wile, HAPPY a patient at the Emmanuel hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomp son planned to leave today to spend the Christmas holidays In Vancouver, Wash., with relatives. Dean H. Webb, warrant officer with the merchant marine, has arrived in Bend to spend Christ mas with his wife, the former Eleanor Thatcher, and two-year-old son, Dennis. Bill I. Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Murphy, Bend, and a graduate from the Bend high school, is to be graduated from the Columbus army flying school at Columbus, Miss., on Dec. 23 as a lieutenant in the U. S. air corps. Bill, star lineman on the Lava Bears a few years back, attended the University of Oregon. Eugene D. Wilmoth, newly ap pointed ranger for the Bend dis trict in the Deschutes national forest, arrived here today with Mrs Wilmoth and daughter, from Austin, headquarters of the Whit man national forest. Wilmoth sue ceeas uwen Aydelott, who was transferred to the executive staff of the Deschutes forest. Mr and Mrs. Robert Black and small sons, Gary and Donald, of Portland, arrived here last night to spend the holidays with their respective parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Filey and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Black.' Miss Charlotte Mullins left yes terday afternoon for San Fran cisco. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Anderson will spend Christmas in Portland with Mr. and Mrs. George Starr. Mrs. Starr is Mrs.' Anderson's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Combs plan to leave for Baker this afternoon to spend Christmas with relatives. Misses Lucy Davison and Elma Mullins left for Portland last night to spend the holidays with relatives. Miss Solvig Jensen left yester day for Corvallis to spend the holi days with relatives. Miss Zola McDougall left yes terday for Yoncalla where she will spend the holidays with her parents. Jerrold Thompson, apprentice seaman, is home on leave from Carroll College, Helena, Mont, where he .is enrolled under the navy's V-12 program. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson. John Shevlin, who has been at tending the Cate-Vosberg school at Carpinteria, Calif., is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crosby H. Shevlin, for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Turner of Madras were Bend visitors yester day. . Marion Armstrong, yeoman 3c, is visiting his wife and three-year-old son, Donnie over the holidays. Marion, who is stationed at Far- -Iraout, Ida., is a son of Mr. and Kirs. J. w .Armstrong. A marriage license was Issued this week to Joel M. Pratt, legal age, and Julia M. Wells, legal age, both of Bend. C. Van Tassel of Shevlin was in Bend this morning on business. NOTICE IWA LOCAL 6-7 The Union office will be kept open for your convenience eve- Gkrsim If it were ot oil possible, we would see eoch of you person ally, clasp your hand in o friendly sort of way, and say, "Merry Christmas!" At the same time, we would express our sincere thanks for all past favors, and invite your continued patronage on the basis of our genuine interest in your welfare and our desire to be of every service possible to you during the coming year. We ore sorry we cannot see each of you individually and we want to convey, through this message, our heartfelt appreciation of your friendships and to wish you all the joys of the Christmas Season. NEWS OF (All society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later than 10 a.m. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.) Triniiy Guild j Holds Holiday Tea & Program An entertaining program, tea and gift exchange highlighted Tuesday's meeting of the Trinity Episcopal ladies guild. Mrs. J. P. Keyes presided' at the tea table, which was decorated with a tiny snow man amid pine boughs. Mrs. George L. Conklin, was hostess for the affair, which was attended by members and their guests. The program follows: "Origin of Christmas Customs," Mrs. G. R. V. Bolster; "Rest In The Lord," and "The Lord Is Mindful Of His Own," were sung by Mrs. Stella Pearl Runge, accompanied by Mrs. Kenneth Sawyer; "Hong Without Words," and "Consola tion," piano solos, Mrs. Sawyer; "Christ Of The Snow," "Holy Night," and "The Star," were sung by Misses Beverley Wennerstrom, Cynthia Shevlin and Helen Bailey, accompanied Dy Heien riuason; Rondo Caprice," piano soio, miss Shevlin. Members gathered around a twinkling Christmas tree after the program for exchange of gifts. At a brief business meeting h was unanimously agreed that the names of those submitted by the nominating committee as presid iner sulld executives for the com ing year' should be adopted. New committee members are: Mrs. E. W. Williamson, Mrs. Ward Coble, Mrs. Wilson George, Mrs. James C. Blaisdel and Mrs. William At Lee. Out-going "executives are Mrs. George L. Conklin, Mrs. James Chamberlin, Mrs. E. A, Lintz and Mrs. H. Gentry. nlngs, Friday' and Saturday this week and 11:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Sunday. Will be closed, on Christ mas Dav. You may vote on Dis trict ballots during office hours until Sunday, January 7th. Adv, The Fuller Brush representa tive is Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl road. Phone 594. Adv. NOTICE Dr. lendershott will not be in his office until January 15. Adv. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday night and Christ mas night. Marshall's orchestra. Modern and old time music. No minors allowed without chaperon, Adv. POLICEMAN'S BALL The annual Bend Policemen's benefit ball will be held this year at the Roller Rink, Franklin and Bond, at 9 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 23. Get your ticket from any police officer or at the door. Adv. Buy National War Bonds Now! SOCIETY SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight " 7:30 p. m. Sons of Norway Christmas party, members, friends, children. Norway hall. 8 p. m. USO Junior hostesses dress-up dance for servicemen. Trinity parish haul. 9 p. m. Policemen's ball at roller rink. Sunday 9:30 a. m. First Lutheran Sunday school practice. 12:30 p. m. Methodist Sunday school rehearsal. 2 p. m. Christmas party for Eagles, friends and children. Eagles hall. 6:30 p. m. Methodist Sunday school program. ' 7 p. m. Annual Christmas program at First Presbyterian church. 7:30 p. m. First Baptist Bible school Christmas program at church. - Christmas Day 8 p. m. -- Formal USO dance, servicemen and junior hostesses, Trinity parish hall. Tuesday 2:30 p. m. Juvenile Degree of Honor practice.-Norway hall. o p. m. Degree ol Honor party for juveniles. Norway hall. Thursday 8 p. m. Moira Andros sorority hen party" with Barbara Sue Devereau;c. Earlier Practice Time Scheduled Sunday school classes of the First Lutheran church will meet at 9:30 tomorrow morning instead of at 9:45 as originally planned. The earlier time has been set to afford more practice, it was announced today. W.S.C.S. Officer's Day Set The annual W.S.C.S. officers' day will be conducted at 2 p.m. Wed nesday in the fireside parlor oi the Methodist church by Mrs. M. B. Smith. All newly elected and retiring officers are requested to attend, according to an announce ment. Norway Sons Frolic Tonight A Christmas party for members, friends and children will be given by the Sons of Norway at 8 p. m. tonight in Norway hall. f USO Dress-Up Dance Tonight- Servicemen and women, junior hostesses and college girls home on vacation, will attend a dress-up dance tonight in the USO quarters at the Trinity parisn nail. , Guest at Shower Miss Miriam Clark left yesterday to spend the nouciays with relatives in Wy oming. She was the guest of honor at a luncheon and handker chief shower, given by girls em ployed at the bureau of reclama tion, tms week. Lucky Seven Has Party The Lucky Seven club held their an nual Christmas dinner party and gift exchange Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Frieda Pickett. Those present were Mrs. Ola Den ton, Mrs. Lillie Walker, Mrs. Mary Allen, Mrs. Agnes Burrows, Mrs. Clarice Wilson, Mrs. Beatrice Spencer. Methodist Program Tomorrow A final rehearsal for the Metho dist Sunday school Christmas program will be held at 12:30 to morrow. All members of the cast, with the exception of beginner and primary groups, are asked be present. The program starts at 6:30 p.m but children should be at the church by 6:15, it was an nounced. Christmas Night Formal at USO Junior Hostesses of the USOi have been asked to be at the Trin-1 ity parish hall for the Christmas night formal dance at 8 p.m. Doc. 25, Mrs. Rodney Jungquist, chairman, has announced. Degree of Honor on Tuesday The Degree of Honor will hold its annual party for juveniles at 8 p. m. Tuesday in Norway hall. Juveniles on the program will meet for practice at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday in Norway hall. Arctic Weather Chills Midwest (By United Prm) Temperature climbed above the zero mark In some sections of the midwest today, with snow flurries reported in Nebraska and Iowa, but the weatherman warned that colder weather was due tonight. Sub-zero temperatures were re ported in Minnesota, the Dakot as and Montana, the federal weather bureau at Chicago ra ported, but elsewhere in the mid west the murcury cllmed to the 20's. Zero temperatures also were reported in some sections of Maine. The temperature rose to 21 de grees at Chicago early today, but it was expected to drop to five above tomorrow. Bemidji, Minn., and Lewiston, Mont., were the coldest spots in the nation, each repoiling a low ol 12 degrees below zero. Three inches of snow ft-ll in some sections of Iowa and light snow flurries were reported In Nebraska and some sections of i Michigan. The Greatest Sift ,. Jv sV' ti "Peace on Earth" J (TJ 'SSTVV' SH0W1 f Merry Christmas 3 i ,zy s iNv--r r li ir li mini" , it I f VrlVVt-vJ THE MANAGEMENT-AND STAFFS OF - ;. ;S-V fj 1 Ni VC---- THE TOWER AND CAPITOL THEATRES I s mJr lxS'tf . '" EXTEND TO YOU THE VERY MERRIEST i : v. M$22rl?y "' 1 x l my Wk&mCT3r? J ' is our fervent wish and prayer 1 " hr) V T THAT ALL YOUR LOVED ONES NOW Vf VH.' TSLy M SERVING WITH OUR COUNTRY'S ARM- liinf Jkj-t. ED SERVICES WILL BE BACK HOME .' 1' fJ , tyy ' I ' ' soon!YOU-SAFE AND S0UND AND : : L -A V4 I ,lllc 11 LOUIS - FERGIE LUTHER GEORGE CHUCK i rA A I CHRISTMAS IV MONDA FRANCES EDNA ADDIE MARION . M I I. 7 V f DINNER MfcLcN MART rAi JV H V ' THE THEATRE Wmu,, n ,. ' II r "vi . s ',V -'M -' "III I -, IT THE PLACE ' . CHRISTMAS DAY (Shows at 2 - 4:30 - 7 - 9:30 p. m.) S T O BANTER... vL )oy-MoyL June Allyson Gloria DeHaven Vfz van Johnson tjgL l losetturtt fe to I I , I ! ! PLUS LATEST NEWS FILM NOVELTY A Wonderful ENDS TONIGHT Humphrey Bogart in 'PASSAGE TO MARSEILLE 4 Shows Sunday Monday TOMORROW and Family Program CHRISTMAS DAY (Continuous Show From 1 to 11 p. m.) ENDS TONIGHT "DEAD MAN'S EYES "STRANGE AFFAIR' Continuous 1 to 11 P. M. TOMORROW and NEWS AND BUGS BUNNY