PAGE TWO THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON. SATURDAY. DEC. 23. 1944 n Wallop Bears By 42-22 Count Coach Hank Kuchera's fast moving, close guarding deadly- shooting Axemen won their sev enth consecutive game of the sea- son here last night at the expense of the bogged-down Lava Bears by the nearly two-to-one count of 42 . to 22. So far this year, the Eu gene quintet has suffered only one defeat, to Benson of Portland in the season's opener. The Axe men erased that defeat by wallop ing Benson in the second game. The Bears got under way first last night, and for one quarter looked like the team that hog tied Corvallls here last week-end to win two games. But so effec tively did the Axemen corral the Hears in the second quarter that the Deschutes squad scored only one point. Axemen Powerful Bend's failure to keep moving after the opening quarter could not entirely he blamed on the Bears' lethargy. After adjusting their sights in the first period, the Axemen turned loose a brand of ball seldom seen off a college court. Their backboard work was flashy, their passing was accur ate and their zone defense was hard to crack. Nevertheless at least half a dozen shots were of the gift variety, as the Axemen broke away from the Bears, glid ed under the basket and scored without even being touched. Their fast break frequently baffled the Bears, who obviously suffered a Jet down after a week of practice minus tne service of tneir coach, who was confined to his home by illness. As the game got under way, Bend took a 7 to 2 lead over the Axemen, but that was the height ox tne .Bears' conquest. At the end of the opening quarter, the Axemen nad cut tne lead, 9 to 8. Eugene Takes Lead Early in the second Quarter, the Axemen slipped ahead and held aj Out Our Way w By J. R. Williams ! h WH 7, OH, WHY U.K.. otitic; ll!ljIIUllll1f DOES HE DO THAT BETTER. THAK1 HAVING ) JUST BECAUSE (1 HIM BLABBIM' TO TH' THERE ARE SOME V OMES HE DOES LIKE fl5 OF YOUR FRIENDS I 7 TELLING ALL MV AMD f2 SS, ' -V HE DOESN'T LIKE? J V THE FAMILY'S ZlLys!iiW ' WHY MOTHERS GET 5RAV A.T,'gfttJlSi!gt!" Today's Sport Parade By Wlliard D. Eherhart (Unite-.! 1'rtH Suf( Corrapondent) Seattle, Dec. 23 (IB A prankish Santa Claus Is going to bring Se ttle a baseball game with ail the trappings and then, somehow be coming quadruplets, stick around uiiu umpire ine contest. Louis Browns will be at shortstop ana dick uyselman of the Rain iers at third. Maury Abbot of the Padres and Joe Demoran, Rainier pitcher, will be In the outfield. Fortne north, Chet Johnson of the Padres will oppose Tincun. and Spencer Harris, ex-Rainier Both teams will be loaded with 'now with the Portland Beavers. Pacific coast league and semi-pro W'H he at first. Local semi-pros talent for the second annual w"l out the two nines. PhHctmau -rial, nnmn n1.l .Tpff ffoath thn flntnlri ttA Tnrl. halftime lead of 22 to 13. By thejwoodland park diamond whlchian slugger who played last year, end-of the third quarter, Eugene becomes a sort of Tom & Jcrryiwill be on hand for the festivities was nut fi hpnri A. in si . . . . . . , . was out ahead 33 to 21. Both coaches sent in all their first string reserves, when it be came obvious that the game was no longer a contest. A totaj of 20 players saw action. Obviously headed toward the championship of district No. 6 of Oregon, the Axemen, paced by Warberg and Hunter, looked like state tourney talent in their llashy gume against the Bears. However, Wirtz, Bend guard, tied Warberg and Hunter for high scoring honors. All three boys were credited with eight points. A total of 26 personal fouls were charged, and Robinson of the vis itors went to the showers when his allotted five were chalked up. Bend was charged with 16 fouls and Eugene with ten. Cubs Win Gume In the preliminary last nlcht Coach Everett Gettman's alert Cubs defeated the Redmond Kit tens 38 to 20. The Kittens substi tuted for Sisters. There will be no preliminary to night, and the main game will start at 8 p.m. The lineups: Bend (22) (42) Eugene James (7) F. (8) Hunter Murphy F..I5) Thomanson Higgins (3) C (8) Warberg Smith (3) G..(4) Hutchinson Wlrtz (8) G (7) Robinson Substitutes. Bend: Brogan. Ras musson,' Plath, Moore (3), Hawes. bowl for the occasion The four umpires will be dres sed from Santa Cluus' own ward robe, but 1he players will wear their regular uniforms. The fans will sing Christmas carols between innings to the accompaniment of a public address system with Jingle BelJs" saved for the sev enth inning stretch. The 3 and O club, the semi-pro baseball outfit that dreamed up the game last year, figures the bleachers will be filled by a mob of hardy citizens who will be blowing on their hands and won dering why they left the warmth 01 their festooned firesides. There arc no tickets and the game goes for nine innings re gardless of temperature or pre cipitation, The fairly distinguished list of players will be divided, north and, south, depending upon where! they live in Seattlo. The north bcut the south 2-1 last year, but tne soutn may even it this year. Frank Tlneup, recently of the Seattle Rainiers who was sold to San Diego, will open on the hill for the southerners, with Hal Splndel of the Ralniers catching him. Alan Strange of the St, but a recent' knee operation will keep him out of any action more strenuous than the Christmas carols. Whoa, Dunder and Blitsen! Play ball! Robinson Beats Georgia Martin Boston, Dec. 23 (IB Ray (Sugar) Robinson offered con vincing new evidence today to substantiate his claim as "un- crowned king of the welter weights" after a seven-round tech nical knockout over Georgle Mar tin, of Boston, the New England welterweight champion, in their scheduled 10 -round bout last night. Robinson, a Harlem Neero. toyed with his smaller opponent uiiuukm most 01 me iigm and at one point in the third round passed up a chance to knock him out. Martin, confused after a heavy exchange of punches, turned his back to Robinson, who administered a soft tap to the seat of his trunks. Eugene: Ruth (4), Fulps (4), Mitchell, Kracdricks, Denser (2) Officials: Jim Howard, Prineville; Murel Nohl, Bend. GLEN VISTA CLUB will be open CHRISTMAS DAY from 1 p. m. until 1 a. m. f f f f E F P f Trojans Prepare For Jan. 1 Game Los Angeles, Dec. 23 mi The University of Southern California Trojans today had n brief work out preparing to meet the Uni versity of Tennessee Volunteers in tne Rose bowl, Jan. L Coach Jeff Cravalh is still wnt-k. ing psychology trying to got the Trojans full of fight for the game with the unscouted invaders who will be seeking to avenge their 14 to 0 defeat In the 1940 spec ten i,-. "Remember the Rose bowl game of 1934 when Columbia's underdog Lions defeated Stan ford," Cravat h, whose squad has an unbeaten Rose bowl tradition to uphold, said. Connie Mack, 82, Looks to Future By Gene Friedman (United PreM Staff Correspondent) Los Angeles, Dec. 23 'IB Con nie Mack, 82 years old today, ad mits that "each year seems to slip by a little faster," but he's still young enough to be looking for- .ward to another season as mana ger of the Philadelphia Athletics. it doesn t seem possible that today is my 82nd birthday," Amer ica's grand old man of baseball said reflectively, "life seems such a short time as. I look back. In fact, the years fairly fly after a man reaches 50. Despite his 82 years, the vet eran coach of the Philadelphia Athletics American league base ball team ever since 1901, is look ing forward to another active season. Health Is Good My health has been pretty good all of my life and I am happy to tell you now it is real good." Mack said he thought that next year his Athletics had as good a cnance as any team in the Ameri can league to cop the champion- snip, tne title to wmcn he guided the Athletics in 1902, 05. 10. 11. 13. 29, 30, 31. But he acknowledged that it was far too soon to make concrete predictions. "No, I can't see how that 'work or fight" order will prevent base- Dan irom continuing next season, the season after or the season after that there will always be baseball," Mack emphasized. War Ball Wanted "The war department itself wants baseball to go on. It re alizes; as we all do, that baseball has a real moral effect on the boys overseas they want to hear about it. The boys in camps here worn tu yiy nu uie rest want to follow baseball. We couldn't possibly do away with it," the aged, but agile Philadelphia patri arch saio. "And we'll get along all right It will be hard, but not imnossible. Last year was one of the best ma jor league baseball seasons on record, even without big name stars. "We're not going to ask for deferments eitherthere's no rea son for it. Our main purpose in continuing the game is to build up morale, and it's the game it sel, not the individual players who do that," he explained. Mayor LaGuardia Sees Big Fight New York, Dec. 23 (IP) Mayor "Little Flower" LaGuardia attend ed his first imlrv,.. nrl'snfirrh ir. half way through at a 12-all tie, six years, last night, and he may Dehrett of the Cougars changed .have become converted to the Northern Quints Dominate Play Astoria, Ore., Dec. 2 UiThe Washington Collegiate teams to day stood out in front on vic tories in the four-way basketball jamboree against Oregon teams with the .following scores: Washington last night beat Ore gon 31-18 and won from Oregon State 20-17; Washington State de feated Oregon State 32-18 and lost to Oregon 26-21 in the final 20- minute contest. A similar cross-over schedule will be played by the same teams tonight. In the first contest, Oregon vs. Washington, because of Injuries Oregon did not use its two best players, Bob Hamilton and Dick Wilkins. After a spw start, Wash ington picked up steam with two baskets by Carnovale and kept the lead thereafter. Game Tied I In. the 'next game, Oregon State and Washington State each had live letter men on the floor. About KBND Voice of Central Oregon Affiliated With Mutual Don Lee Broadcasting System 1340 Kilocycle TONIGHTS FKOGRAM 5:00 News 5:13 Central Oregon News 5:20 Musical Interlude 5:25 Sport Yarns 5:30 Dinner Music 5:35 Musical interlude 5:40 Sport Yarns 5:45 Dinner Music 6:00 Results Inc. 6:30 News 6:45 Origins of Silent night 7:00 Moment of Reverie 7:15 Sonny Dunham's Orchestra ' 7:30 Red Ryder 8:00 Chicago Theatre of Air 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 The Marshalls 9:30 Hal Mclntyre's Orchestra lU:UO Dean Hamilton's Orchestra 10:15 George Hamilton's Orches- the pace with a ringer and then the WSC 6-foot-8 center took over in combination with Rennick. With Oregon state playing Washington, OSC led 15-14 with four minutes remaining but Mo sich's basket made it 16-15 for the Huskies. Carnovale got another and- Puddy's basket In the last minute put the Orangemen only a point behind. But Whitey King clinched the game for Washington with a fast basket. Tied Three Times Against Washington State, Hamilton of Oregon started and soon Wilkins took up play. The game was tied three times, WSC was in front three times and Ore gon led four. The telling basket was made by 6-foot-7 Ken Hayes of Oregon, putting the webfoots ahead 21-20. Hamilton and Wil kins did the good work to bring home the honors. DRUNK CHARGE FACED George Charley, 33-year-old In dian, today was held in the city Jail as a result of his arrest last night on Bond street for alleged intoxication. sport, because he witnessed an ocellent 10-round inter-borough brawl between welterweights Harold Green of Brooklyn and Rocky Graziano of Manhattan. The mayor and 10,236 other spectators in Madison Square Gar den saw young Green hammer his way to a split decision, re peating a victory he had regis tered over wildswinging Graziano on Nov. 3. Each lad was on the canvas once during the furious exchange. Green scaled 149 pounds; Graziano 154. The gate was $29,773. 30. BASKETBALL SCORES I)y United I'mu) Grants Pass 28, Roseburg 20. University (Eugene) 47, Albany Junction City 26, Corvallis 14. Medford 36, North Bend 35. Eugene 42, Bend 22. Oregon City 34, Vancouver 30. Gresham 30, Milwaukie 21. Goldendale 28, Hood River 23. Lebanon 29, Sweet Home 18, Salem 35, Redmond 23. Vale 31, Grant Union 23. MAY T H t GLOW (fD) OF M 1 CANDLE II HAPPINESS TO ALL 313 Wafl St. Phone 51 With Our Sincere Best Wishes We Extend of the Grant that more happier day! ro just ahrad. Brookings Wood Yard l'nul Brooking Horace Brookings SUNDAY, DEC. 24 8:00 Wesley Radio League 8:30 Voice of Prophecy 9:00 Pilgrim Hour 9:30 Lutheran Hour 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Russ Morgan's Orchestra 10:30 Hookey Hall 11:00 Baptist Church Services 12:15 Voice of Dairy Farmer s 12:30 Nick Carter 1:00 Your America 1:30 Missionary Baptist church 2:00 Columbus Boys Choir 2:15 President Roosevelt 2:30 Ave Maria Hour 3:00 Quick As a Flash 3:30 Canary Pet Shop 3:45 Dick Brown 4:O0V-Cleveland Symphony 5:00 Sunset Island Trio 5:15 Pentecostal Mission 5:45 Gabriel Heatter 6:00-Steel Horizons 6:30 Cedric Foster 6:45 Xmas Program-Bend Churches j 7:30 First Christian Church 8:30 Hoagy Carmichael Show 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Rex Miller 9:30 Chime of Christmas Bells 10:00 Old Fashioned Revival Life 6:30 Christmas Concert 7:00 Soldiers of the Press 7:15 Lowell Thomas 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 Children's Xmas Story 8:15 Tommy Tucker Time 8:30 Michael Shane 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Cecil Brown 9:30 Music of Worship 10:00 Sherlock Holmes TUESDAY, DEC. 16 7:00 News 7:15 Rise at;d Shine 7:30 Baker's Best Buys 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News 8:00 Joe Reichman's Orchestra 8:15 Shady Valley Folks 8:30 News 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Organ Treasures 8:55 Glen Miller 9:00 News and Gabriel Heatter 9:15 Rationing News 9:20 Old Family Almanac 9:45 Joey Nash 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Terry's House Party 10:30 Paulas Stone and Phil tsntto . 10:45 Redmond Victory March 11:35 Lady About Town 11:40 News 11:45 Claude Thornhill's Orchestra 12:00 Lura 'n Abner 12:30 News 1 12:15 Strings of Melody 12:45 Farmer's Hour 1:00 Organ Meditations 1:30 Headlines in Harmony 2:00 Meditations 2:15 Music ' 2:45 Back to the Bible 3:00 Griffin Reporting 3:15 Hasten the Day 3:30 Musical Matinee 3:45 Johnson Family 4:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr. 4:15 Louis Armstrong's - - Orchestra 4:30 Music and Lyrics 4:45 Coronet Story Teller 4:50 LeAhn Sisters 5:00 Sam Kayes 5:15 Cental Oregon News 5:20 Musical Interlude 5:25 Sports Yarns 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 American Forum of Air 7:15 Lowell Thomas 7:30 Red Ryder 8:00 Something for the Girls 8:15 Cote Glee Club 8:30 Mystery Traveler 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 hex Miller 9:30 Oregon Melodies 9:45 Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra 10:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 10:15 News Buy National War Bonds Now! Dr. Pauline Sears OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN (Graduate under Dr. A. T. Still) No. i Newberry Btdg. Bend, Ore. rhoae410-W MONDAY, DEC. 25 7:00-News 7:15 Rise and Shine 7:15-rBaker's Best Buys 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News 8:00 Christmas Music 8:15 Melody Mustangs 8:30 News 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Women in the News 8:55 Lanny and Ginger 9:00 News and Gabriel Heatter 9:15rrRatlontng News 9:20-A-Old Family Almanac 9:45 Dick Brown 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Carols in U. S. Station Hospital 10:30 Cote Glee Club 10:45 News of Prineville 11:35 Lady About Town 11:40 News 11:45 Szath Myri 12:00 Lum 'n Abner 12:15 Bob Hamilton Trio 12:30 News 12:45 Farmer's Hour 1:00 Four Aces 1:15 Grass Valley Choir 1:30 Headlines In Harmony 2:00 Dickens' Christmas Carol 2:30 Modern Melody Trio 2:45 Back to the Bible 3:00 Lew White 3:15 Conceit Hall 3:45 Johnson Family 4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 4:15 Jose Morand's Orchestra 4:30 Carroll Glenn 4:45 Coronet Story Teller 4:50 Evalyn Tyner's Orchestra 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Central Oregon News 5:20 Musical Interlude 5:25 Sport Yarns 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 - Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Stories from Real v EICHB0RS AND FRIENDS! It's the cordial relationships of the past year which prompt us to send Seasons Greetings and to thank you for your pa tronage. SCOTTY'S MARKET 1854 N. 1st Street Check Their Eyes Don't send yout girl or boy to m-iiixn nanuicappcd with faulty vision. Dr. M. B. McKenney OPTOMETRIST Offices: Foot of Oregon Ave, Phone 465-W MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY ME.RRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS CHR CHR CHR CHR CHR CHR CHR CHR CHR CHR CHR CHR CHR CHR CHR CHR CHR CHft CHR CHR CHR CH CHR CHR cu a Typical AMERICAN YULE T I D Ep J i ivi n STMAS STMAS STMAS RI.STMAS STMAS STMAS EVANS Fly Company W appreciate your friendly ouociations during the past twelve 'months with more pleasure than 'we con express and wish you all the joys and prosperity and Peace 'that Chiistmos and the New Year can bring. CORDIAL GREETINGS OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. To Wish You a . to CARROI I "Q Body and Fender Service 4 3) ALLEY OOP Wl M WNfa WUK r .rt..jC--T in his eRasp.SiS ALLEY OOP V 1hl op teal wS?T ( I WVT GOT A SAIN IN HIS V0W? JEWUS") QUEST FOR THE LOST JEWELRYaS YOO HAD 'EM, SO YOU WMOW WHERE THEY . you Rat MY PRIME MINISTER ITOOK 'En WHEN I GOT STOCK HEADED nun. in- Ml LI . CANT HAVE GOT (SO, VERY FAR.' fi2FWHENICAN SEE TRACKS THIS GOOD, IT imUSUAuV AiN'T LON& till I Find th1 GUY WHO MADE "EW 3y V. T. HAMLIN HAH .'50 ON D0PE,f ME.' X VVANTA JT 'ilt"f B PLENTY MAD TS V - . " SO'S I CAN DO A V--J N SJ), - pi