Engineers Move 49 'Dozers Via Air Into Burma By Jack Guinn (United Prem Staff Comapondcnt) Myltkylna, North Burma IP Myitylna's famed alrstrip-bulld-ing engineers claim two firsts for any theater of war they have flown in the first f ull-stze bulldoz ers and other heavy equipment and they have flown in the first battalion of all-Negro aviation en gineers. The engineers say that for the first time in any theater they flew in full-size bulldozers, huge dirt hauling carryalls, heavy shovels, road graders, sheepsfoot rollers and 20-ton flat-bed trailers; All but the rollers were cut into sec tions with acetylene torches so they would fit in transport planes, flown in to the Myitkyina area and welded back together an op eration the engineering higher ups had frowned upon as imprac tical. The all-Negro engineering bat talion, not a regular airborne unit, wasflown in from one of the B-29 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, SATURDAY, DEC. 23, 1944 PAGE FIVE Superfortress fields. The mem bers of the battalion are well trained, experienced troops and have given "excellent" perform ances, according to Capt. Leo Vec ellio, Beckley, W. Va.. plans and operations officer for the aviation engineers. Whipped the Monsoon Commanding officer of nil fnnr battalions of the engineering troop the "airstrip fixers" who made the Myitkyina airstrip serv iceable rillrlnor ttio mnnoswn inadequate Japanese repairs had en ii a mass oi noies is col. Manuel J. Asencio of Passiac, N.J. : rains set In on the Myitkyina air-, sinp live ana one-nan inches in six hours nn nlA nnfnelnn tVui Shell hnlpe In thn Btrin wMnh (ha Japanese had hastily filled with muse uur oegan 10 smK. as a re sult, several American transport planes cracked up while attempt ing tn lnnrl Tho anofnoaMs iiuitt to work, patched the holes and put in a drainage system so eiiective that after an early morning five inch rnin thA rttiaf- ivna flvlncr nn the strip in the afternoon. The engineers are more proud of cutting and welding the huge marhinpc with whlnh tViov tvA-U than they are of the work they have accomplished with the machines. 1,300 flights Needed The devices which they took U. K. With j. I.'S nn?""!- "i5 war II - r v m:& Mb! V r h ! Norden Bombsight Is Shown To Public for the First Time 9 ( FOR AN OLD. TIME AMERICAN CHRISTMAS RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE Wall and Greenwood Phone 64 Out of place in this setting? Not so you could notice it, say G. I.'s behind lines in Italy who see Rita Roper, Chicago dancer, shown leaving tent "dressing room," do her stuff as U. S. O. entertainer. apart and flew in to Myitkyina and welded together without los ing a single machine Included 49 sixteen-ton bulldozers, seven 16 ton shovels, 22 twelve-ton road graders, 27 eleven-ton carryalls, 12 sheepfoot rollers and seven 20 ton flat bed trailers. ,It required 1,300 sorties by transport planes to bring in the equipment. Vecellio said that "some of the best welders in the business" were on hand to weld the machines back together after the various parts were unloaded from the planes. And considering the fact they had no great amount of equipment with which to work, Vecellio considers they did a good job. It took 10 hours to disassem ble completely a heavy bulldozer and make one necessary cut with a torch. A day and a half was needed to put it back together. COW BRINGS THE COPS Fort Wayne, Ind. IIP) A bawl ing cow, left cramped in a small truck, in front of a Main street tavern, received the attention of a police squad, a city councilman land a humane officer when its Lbawling of more than six hours oecame more insistent ana piuiui and the nearby residents could no longer stand the cries. By George D. Crlssey . (United Preu Suit Correspondent) Chicago, Dec. 23 IIP" The Nor den bombsight is so efficient that after it has been set on a pre-con-ceived target the plane would continue toward its objective even though all the crew had been killed, it was disclosed recently at a public showing of this heretofore secret weapon of the U. S. air force. The bombsight was the subject of a press' review at the Victor Adding Machine company where it is manufactured in part and as sembled in full for the army air technical service command and the navy. Hundreds of sub-con-tractors contribute parts to the final job of the instrument which might well be called a mechanical eye for Superfortresses and other bomb-carrying planes. ' Device Described The bombsight is comprised of two units upper and lower. The lower part is the stabilizer which holds the craft on its course through the ship's rudder during the bombing run. The upper part is the "sight" itself. The two func tion as a unit although there are 900 parts to the lower unit alone. Most Important parts of the sight itself are the telescope, the computer and the gyro. The com puter is called the brains of the sight by engineers who said its mechanism is approximately 40 times more accurate than the finest watch. The function of the computer is to solve various mathematical problems which confront the bom bardier just prior to the bombing run. It answers questions as to ground speed, altitude and atmos pheric conditions almost instantly. Sighting Explained In effect the three-way team plays this .way: The computer dopes out various conditions and circumstances, including the curv ature of the earth; the stabilizer seizes on the set course for the bombing run and the "sight" fixes its eye on the target and follows it to a pre-determlned spot, loos ing its load of destruction at the exact moment planned in advance. Without it, engineers said, pre cision bombing such as Tokyo nas experienced from Superfortresses would be impossible at the alti tudes being flown. As remarkable as the 75-pound bombsight itself are some of the tools used In making it. There are gadgets, for example, which are capable of measuring' the thick ness of a piece of human hair after It has been split lengthwise 3,000 times and others which take such things as 70 millionth! of an inch in stride. GAS STEALER 'KICKS' Manchester, N. H. ilP Arrested after stealing three automobiles and breaking into a gasoline sta tion in his escape from an Indus trial school here, a 17-year-old boy complained to police: "While I was in the filing station, a mean guy came along and let the air out of one of my tires. You can't trust anybody these days." BUND LAWYER WINS Springfield, Mass. IIP) A prece dent was established in probate court when Attorney John F, Nagle, a blind lawyer, read ques tions to witnesses by means of Braille. Nagle's client won the case. ANOTHER USE FOR JEEP Waltham, Mass. IIP) Besides Its extensive uses on the farm, the army jeep can be used after the war as an effective forest fire fighter, according to U. S. depart ment of agriculture reports. , ft It has been our good fortune to serve you during the past year and we want to take this means of expressing our thanks. We trust the coming year will be one of utmost success for you and yours. Michaelson's Grocery 917 Wall Phone 82 P IT'S CHRISTMAS AGAIN i May all the joys of a glorious holiday season be the good fortune of our host of friends in this enmmunltv. t JL. . - . - . 2P. PILAN'DS MARKET For the Best in Meats 514 Franklin St. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All and To the Best People in the World the Customers of THE BEAUTY QUEST Jo Ann Thomas, Mgr., and Personnel 81 Oregon Phone 170 CM ' O m T.IW.C 101 E. Greenwood Bend, Oregon Telephone 544 i v n O DOUBT all of us find it difficult to observe the Christmas season in the manner to which we have been accustomed in former years but shall we not re ceive a certain amount of satisfaction from the knowl edge that we are a step near er to lasting Peace e JL R( ROM the set-backs and disappointments of past months have come the ce mentina of solid friendships that will in a measure com pensate all of us for the sac rifices we have made. Out of the chaotic conditions will come a quiet understanding that will remain with us airways. ND SO, at this time of Christmas, may we moke every effort to enjoy it to the fullest and let us be thankful for all good things, that hove been our tortune, 7 JL HI HE Season's Best to each of you. G. I.'s 'Prof . Ma, Oen. Frederick H, Osborn, above, head of the Army's In formation and Education Divi sion, Intends that 800,000 soldiers will be better educated when they return to civilian life. Through his enormous corre spondence school the U. S. Armed Forces Institute that many men take 300 courses, pre paring for better lobs. .Through prosperity And peace through adversity and war, we have always enjoyed greeting our friends at Christ mastime. And so again we send greetings with the hope that your future will always be bright with the light of liberty and broad in the freedoms as we know them so that you may enjoy all the fine things that freedom brings. , ' THOUGH THE EARTH ROCK, THESE THINGS MUST NEVER CHANGE LIBERTY-FREEDOM iU SPIRIT o CHRISTMAS ShellhartY Grocery At Christmas timt it is our privilege la git tiprtssion to our thoughts concerning those whose friendship and good suitt we cherish above all else. It is a little dilicult this year because wi realise that In recent months it has been necessary or all e us to make tome sacrifices that the American way of life may be preserved. Since we are aware of most o four problems, we sincerely believe that we are qualified to express a genuine Christmas Creeling that carries with it the true thoughts that are in our hearts for you at this time. In difficult limes, as well as in good times, we consider it a privilege to remember you with viord of good cheer and a wish for genuine happiness and the good things that follow. y RE OF GOOD CHEER 1 j Shoop & Schulze Tire Service 1291 Wall Street Phone t65 I NCE again, as the Christmas season is ushered in, we wish to take advantage of the opportunity to express our sin cere good wishes to those whom we have been associated in a personal and in a business way during the past twelve months. Serving you has been a happy privilege, from which we have received a tremendous amount of satisfaction and it is our sincere wish that we may con ' tinue to be of service to you in the future. Without your friendships and your goodwill we tiould have heen dissatisfied but because of your un derstanding of our problems and because we tried des perately to understand yours, we have enjoyed a continu ation of your patronage. It is our expressed desire to improve our facilities of service and we assure you that as conditions return to normalcy you can depend on our institution making every effoit to fulfill your re quirements. . THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. BEND GARAGE COMPANY South of Pott Office Phona 193