The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, December 23, 1944, Page 10, Image 10

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The heavenly host vanished but
a radiant glow lingered upon the
plain. Here Ruth had gleaned and
Boaz met and loved her. Here,
also, David had tendered his fa
ther's flocks. Here, now, if he
could believe his ears, an heir had
been born to David and would
lead his countrymen to peace and
joy, yea, might lead even the
Romans, the Romans and all men,
Joel reflected. ,
Eager now to return to the
sleeping flocks, the shepherds
hastened. The Roman inn of Beth
lehem, they saw, was yet alight
as Romans and Hellenists passed
the night in unwonted revelry.
Familiar with the courtyard,
Joel became leader now, and his
foot was first to pause at the inn's
stable. From within the cavernous
dark a light glowed, there was
the low murmur of voices, and
while the shepherds hesitated the
stir of wings sounded, and hover
ing low above the stable, they be
held the angelic throng whose
message had fetched them thither, and Its warmth and power bring
It was as though the ange.s Sand her
stood silent guard, there was no "L '
s " , , B , . ,, husband, then, and an impulse to
sound of singing now, and Joel ' , , r . t
. . . .? u. . ,ih kneel would not be denied. So that
IU1JICU lu nan jiia iciwno,
they follow into the cave?
Cradled in a manger, the King
of Glory lay sleeping. A mere
helpless babe such as love has
given repeatedly throughout the
ages, infinitely dear, with a value
beyond price, ana a oeauiy great
er than the beauty of the universe.
Joel felt the ache In his heart
advance to his ) throat, so that
speech was impossible, and he
knew now why Jonathan had
taken his babe to Michal, who else
should he have trusted with a
thing so tiny?
This babe before them, warm
in the hay-scented manger, the
birth of this babe would redeem
all the unwanted births of gen
erations and the radiance that
surrounded Him where He lay
wrapped in His swaddling clothes,
that radiance would spread its
light into every darkened place
i i 111 W MS
May the yule Cogs
The glowing cheerful
ness of the Yule log is
symbolic of Christmas.
The. warmth of good
friendships is reflected
throughout the nation and
the season of good will is
is evidence everywhere.
Wuuld that this atmosphere of, happiness prevail
every day of the coming year so that each of us might
njo the associations of our fellowman more fully
Lt-t us strive for such a goal.
SN Men's Shop
945 Wall Street "We Dres, That Town" Bend;. Oregon
j he knelt before the maiden, while
the other shepherds, Kneeling
niso. told of the star and the her
ald whose word had brought them
While they knelt the whole stall
became bright as day,
Little Dan became restless and
Michal awakened as the new
moi-nint? licht fell within the
sheeptoid. ine sun had not yet
risen and Michal raised herself
on one elbow, striving to see the
figure of her husband in the door
way of the fold. 'Ihe sheep were
asleep and the quietness that held
onlv the soft sounds of their
hreathines was suddenly broken
hv excited shepherd voices. 'Ihe
sleeping babe in her arms, Michal
arose and iiung a roue luwiujr
about her shouluers, and stepping
carefully she made her way to
the doorway, anxious lest the ris
ing round of voices should rouse
the sheep and take them from the
i fold if Joel's voice should reach
Joel was there, and he came to
' her, his face alight, his step eager
! and young once more as sne naa
I known it in the days before she
! and Jonathan were wed and Joel
had ridden awav to war.
Ho drew her close to him, and
explained excitedly, "Thou hast
slept while angels sang! The
Messiah is born! This night we
shepherds have seen glory beyond
that ot Kings, we nave seen nun
who is born to be King and Sav
iour of all the world!
"Angels sang of His birth, and
a star led the way, and an herald
told us we should find Tim in a
manner with cattle lying near. We
went even unto Bethlehem, to the
stable of the inn, and found Him
of whom the angel told. Th heir
of David, who shall save His peo
ple. The babe through whoso birth
peace and good will are promised
to all men."
"In a stable, Joel?" Michal
questioned, and her thoughts flew
to Flavia and her brother. Was
this the wife refused her room
that Drusus might sleep in the
inn? Had the Lord of all the
World been born in a stable be
cause she, Michal, had flirted with
a Roman and feared his coming
to. her this night? Yet how should
the shepherds have known Him
from a hundred babes if His birth-
;-,-(! Amu Bvllars Mortor Shells 105 mm. Shall 1 55-mm. Shalls
300,000,000 roundi 3,500,000 rounds 4,426.000 rounds 1,248,000 rounds
75' "-.-' -. .U
Mortars, 50
It is a very pleasant, cheering custom to renew friendly associa
tions during the Yuletide season by- extending to you our sincere
wishes for a Happy-Christmas. .
We like to think of each of you as a friend and that our success,
whatever it may be, is just a reflection of yours.
Our wish is that these friendly associations have been as pleas-
ant to you as they have been to us. May the coming months bring
you a large share of prosperity .and happiness.
From the Staff of the l
"Your NYAL Store"
Wc eagerly await the coming of the New Year
because wc arc confident that it will bring untold
happiness and joy and contentment for each of us.
From the exigencies of the turbulent months just
closing wc find courage to face the future. Ameri
cans have been united closer than ever before and
from this attitude will grow a more tolerant feeling
for our fellow man.
Wc await the future with great anticipation and
take comfort at this glad Christmastime from the
friendships which wc have enjoyed in the past. '
Lioht and medium fanki, 10
pv-gT res
Dump trucks, 83 - , Scout cars, 14
Reasons why U.. S. war plants are being asked to step up produc
tion are shown in the above charts. The figures on the rate the
U.' S. armies in the European theater are using ammunition and
materiel were given by Gen. Brehon B. Somervell, commander of
.the Army Service Forces. Figures on losses are from all causes.
y-J . - fed
Irish 'Prince Michael Visions
Monte Carlo on Isle Kingdom
By Everett Vilander
United Freu Staff Correspondent)
London ip In these hectic
days when royal houses are tot
tering and crumbling or barely
existing in exile throughout the
place had not been strange?
Joel answered, "in a manger
sweet with hay, warm with the
breath of clean cattle, and hallow
ed by the star's great' light. Truly
Adonai witnessed the birth of this
babe, and to David's royal line
has come the King of Kings."
The babes mother, is it well
with her?" Michal asked.
'She is young and lovely," Joel
replied. "And worthy to bear our
Prince. Shie seemed well, indeed, (
for she welcomed us graciously
and let us look upon the babe. And
about her and the child was a lus
ter as though the sun shone on
them, while yet there was no sun.
I carried a fine white lamb of
my flock, warm in my bosom
where I had thrust It that its
bleatings should not disturb thee,
and when I offered it to the young
mother there, there was light
about them as radiant as the star!
She smiled upon me, and held the
iamb in her arms with her little
son, and the Holy Child shall be
warmed tonight by my lamb's
sweet wool." '
A herdsboy regretted, "I am
without a thing to offer to the
babe and His mother. So poor! so
"Lad, thou art rich!" Joel cried.
"Would that I had the riches of
thy future years!"
Another spoke of the star, its
brilliance visible still from where
it stood above the stable, "It is so
wonderously bright, surely its ra
diance will shine upon the world
tnrougnout all generations."
Michal spoke softly, "And the
glory ot tnis nignt, shall be re
membered by all nnfions.
also my own coat of arms.
"My employes on the Island will
wear uniforms. I will also issue
my own coins, which, of course,
will be merely token money for.
jsland purposes."
Elaborating on his plans, Neale
says, "When my scheme gets go
ing it will be my object to attract
wealthy American, British, Irish,
and Continental visitors.
"I propose to build a casino and
put all my energy and initiative
into making the island one of the
best exclusive holiday resorts In
Europe." .
This is going to take some do
ing, because today Mike's king
dom Is in a wild virgin state. It is
one of the great bird sanctuaries
of Europe. Huge clouds of birds
swirl around the 400-foot cliffs
which rise sheer from the sea
where they have their nests.
world from the chaotic Balkans
to the Japanese-occupied realm
of Sarawak, a new dynasty has
been founded and a new kingdom
Prince Michael I, self-styled
Prince of the Saltees," is the new
Prince Mike fits into the Prince
Miko tradition made famous- by
Mike Romanoff, Hollywood res
taurateur and general entrepre
The Prince of the Saltees is an
ex-newsboy from Tottenham
Court road, London's third ave
nue, and former dishwasher in
Lyons' Corner House, the British
equivalent ot UhUd's.
' And in tia nact Vta Vine nftan
a nard bench on the Thames em
bankment to snatch a few hours'
sleep at night.
Owns 700-Acre Isle
But he does have a kingdom
an exceptional achievement for
almost any royal house these
days. It Is a 700-acre Saltee island
which Mike has Just purchased
from the Eire government lands
Born plain Michael Neale in
County Wexford, Ireland, some 33
years ago, he added Prince to his
baptismal names and today is a
chemical manufacturer as well as
being a sizable landowner.
"Don't be daft, me boy," Ml
chad's mother used to say to him.
But from the time he was 10,
Mike would just laugh and per
sist in his penchant lor owning
one oi ine saltees.
Now that he has realized his
ambition, ho intends to create
there "the Irish Monte Carlo."
The Saltees are just off the
southeast coast of Eire in St.
George's channel about 100 miles
from Dublin.
Uniforms for Employes
i propose to nave my own
flag," Prince Michael says, "and
v i n
High above the broken cities and war
torn fields, rides the changeless Christ
mas Star, the eternal symbol oi Christian
faith and hope. Men and nations must
at la.-t yield to its regenerative force
and turn back to ways of peace and
We hope you have a pleasant Christ
mas and that next year our boys from
all over the world will be home to enjoy
Christmas with us.
Indianapolis; Ind. (IB For
years it was regarded as an ordi
nary mulberry tree, but Mrs.
Sarah Barnes found that some
thing new had been added as site
reached up and picked pumpkins
from the branches of her back
yard fruit tree. She didn't plant
any mulberry or pumpkin seeds,
but she proudly shows off her
"pummulberry" tree. The pump
kin vine had climbed up the tree.
Llnd, Wash. il Mayor Joe
Roller of Llnd left his car In Its
garage near the highway "to save
gas" and patriotically walked to
work. He was notified by a phone
call that a gasoline truck had
crashed into his garage spilling
6,800 gallons , of gasoline which
caught fire and burned both the
garage and the car.
Worland, Wyo. upa. 17.
pound head of cabbage has been
grown on the farm of Mrs. W. C.
Hinkle. She also reports raising
12 and 14-pound heads of cab
Chicago IF .Nine thousand
pounds of fish caught out of sea
son lake trout from Michigan
wafers were confiscated by the
Illinois department of conserva
tion when two men attempted to
dispose of the fish on the Chicago
market. The two had crossed
Lake Michigan and docked in the
Chicago river. Each was fined
$300 and the confiscated fish were
sold for . $3,700, thereby adding
$4,300 to the state game and fish
fund. It was the largest penalty
ever levied for fishing out of sea
YOU ...
Andrew Foley,
, 1039 Wall St.
All good wishes for o Merry
'American Christmas. May it
be a season of good cheer and
' fine fellowship.
it tnere are inose pi your
loved ones who are in distant ,
lands ot this Christmas time,"
and, .who will be unable to ,
, spend Christmas with you, may " .
you receive an extra blessing s
to- compensate. t
We-are sure it is their wilt
that you petebrate Christmas )
' a usual. They have fought :
valiantly thot you might enjoy
this and other occasions so l!
dear tw rfeedortvjoving Ameri- :
..-cans;!-;'- - 'x -
Let's be happy
it's- Christmas.
Bond SI reel Food Market
The Dairy Store
Gohrke's Market
As we look about us at this season of
the year, we find our friends enjoying the
Christmastime with all the happy enthu
siasm with which this occasion should be
experienced. This is as it should be!
Christmas is a time to be happy and to
give thoughts to those we love. "
It is good to know that Americans are
enjoying Christmas even though many
of our loved ones are in distant parts of
the world and cannot be with us. They
would not have us forget Christmas; nor
would they have us do other than enjoy
the Yuletide to its fullest. This we should
do as our obligation to them.
Neither will we forget those whose ef
' forts have made it possible for us to enjoy
Christmas. It is part of the American way
of life for which our youth has fought on
distant lands and we will not forget.
And so, as we extend our Christmas
message to you, we want you to know
that our greetings are meant for those far
away. We are thinking of them too, and
hoping for the day when our Christmas
season may be one of full happiness with
all of our loved ones and friends together
The Miller Lumber Company
131 Greenwood
Phone 41
Phone 166