TUESDAY. AUGUST 26,1947 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON faGE SEVEN : i CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE 85 Words One Time 40o IS Words Three Times $1.00 25 Word Six Times $L75 All wmu mt. M mii U var wr4 flaw uabaf f taMrtlM Oh mtmtk tma. iuu rapj. H tor nil MlalM dure. 4c Um nU Id CpltI IK Bm4w lt Um. alatau Mt DUpUr ArHthi Chl ttm P.M. prvrieu tor. Ona iill Hi. r Uigcr, dajr .mUu to pMlkatiaa. For Sale Beat Estate For Sale Real Estate i ANNE FORBES, Realtor 36 Oregon.. "Phone 36-W IMMEDIATE Possession, sewer connections, close In, lge. living room, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, plastered, wired for electric range, $4500, $1500 down, $60 mo. NEAT 3 ROOMS, furnished extra cabin, 2 lots, $3500, $1000 down, $40 mo. CHOICE Location on river, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, lge. living room, fireplace, furnace, $12,000, $4,000 down. VACANT, Rustic 4-room cozy 11U11IC, UIIV. II fUWVp UUIII $35 mo. ... ...... 2 MILES From Bend, 80. a., 80. Swalley, 4-bedroom stucco,-modern home, fine dairy barn; $25,000, $15,000 down. Will -take Bood, modern house as part payment. BUSINESS Opportunities ill Clean, well furnished rooming house, $11,500, $5,000 down, $75 mo. (2) Well located and equip ped cafe,' $3350, $1600 down. ' NICE, LEVEL Lot, good location, 50x140. Frefc irrigation- water, $500. .... :' i ACREAGES: (1) 3 a., modern house. Well constructed poultry house, $5500. (2) Glen Vista tract, 5 a., A houses,. $4uu. Terms. ; $5500, 3 ACRES, 3 acres water, 5 room, modern home, good chicken house and barn, close to town, Central Oregon Real Estate & In surance C, 1039 Wall St. Phone 1327-w. . FOR SALE: Lease on restaurant and fountain, well located. Doing Bood business, sickness reason lor selling. Call 1258 RX between 9 and ii a. m. . RANCH, 80 acres, 49 acres COI water with 2-bedroom home, good barn, chicken house, and other outbuildings. Only 6 miles out, nrice S6850. Onlv $2250 down. Bal ance $50 per month. Call Mr. Bal- lew, All State Realty, zzi ureen wood. Phone 1293-W. . FARMS & RANCHES. A" very good selection of Central Ore gon's better farms & ranches now i available. Now is the time to get . ore that iarm. Stop in and let us snow yuu uiese luiius. ii oiulc Realty, 221 Greenwood, phone J293-W . . ' IF ITS REAL . ESTATE, IT'S . ALL STATE, BEND'S LARGEST SELLER OF HOMES, FARMS, INCOMS PROPERTY AND BUS INESS OPPORTUNITIES. TO RUY OR SELL. CALL ALL v STATE REALTY COMPANY, ' REALTORS, 221 GREENWOOD, PHONE 1293-W. EXPERIENCED, COMPETENT SALESMEN TO HEIvP YOU. RUY AHOME FROM GILBERT The home you're looking for is listed at Gilbert's Real Estate & Insurance, .1015 Wall -St. WE HAVE THE LISTINGS. HAVE BUYERS for residence and business property. List your home for quick sale with DAVIS & LARSON AGENCY, 124 Oregon, phone 32. FOR SALE BY OWNER Three bedroom house. Immediate pos , session. One of Bend's finer homes at 268 Congress. Phone 225-J. . BY OWNER Large new 2 bed room modern home, 30x38. Base ment 30x32 and : large garaget - Coal stoker, hot water heating system, Youngstown built-in and insulated. New lawn, shrubs and garden. Three 50x140 ft. lots. See it at 571 E Irving, facing E 6th St. evenings after 5 o'clock. I5LAKELY Heights, 3 acres, COI, -3-bcdroom house, city water, 4 1 chicken houses, 2 brooder houses, barn. Cash or terms. All State Realty, 221 Greenwood. Phone J.203-W. IN PORTLAND: 2-hedroom home. Arthur F. Pack, 310 South 3rd St.. Bend. S8500 ' BUYS Large, nearly new 2-bedroom, modern home, com pletely furnished, 4 lots, cast side. Immediate possession. C. V. Sil via, 126, Minnesota. LOTS Two 50 ft. lots wun moim - V'- oiirvpvprt anri priced: Phone 49 from " 2-BEDROOM. Modern Home. Lo- caled on Milwaukee. Circulating heater, kitchen range, linoleums and window shades goes. Has sep arate septic tank for utility room, 2' a lots, large garage and wood shed. Price $1,615.00. Terms. VACANT, 4-room, modern, plas tered home. Redecorated Inside and out. Located close lo business district. Oil circulating heater, electric w;ter heater and window shades, $3,700.00. N , CONSULT US on your farm re quirements. We have a list of 40, SO and. 160-acre Irrigated farms all located close to Bend. BEND'S Best Barber and Beauty i Shop. All modern equipment, best I location on wan si. """" ,,i,i,, nrofit nt S300.00. Mr I fwklin. k'.i'Tr". 124 Ore - ITioe S8.400.00. Son. Phone 32. For Sale Beat Estate NEW 3-BEDROOM, Furnished. East side, $1800 down, balance c Interest. Call Lee Stilwell, 11 State Realty. 221 Greenwood. Phone 1293-W. 2-BEDROOM, Modern furnished home, part basement, single gar age, $5750. ' LARGE Llvlngroom, kitchen, modern, finished in knotty pine, paved street, $40uu, $iuuo down. 3-BEDROOM, Modern home, util ity room, fireplace, part basement $5000, $2500 down. See Earl Ew- ing, Huff Real Estate Co., Bond St. Phone 1445-J. 3-BEDROOM, Modern home, fire place, garage, lots of lawn and shrubs, 3-room, modern, rental on adjoining lot, $12,500. - APARTMENTS and one-bed room house, all modern, furnish ed, close to town, $9000. Terms. 80 ACRES,' seeded, 65 acres wa ter, $aoou. Terms, see lea hoiii day, Huff Real Estate Co., 1026 Bond St. Phone. 1445-J. SUBURBAN Property by owner, 6-room. modern house. 2M acres, $5600. .4-ROOM. semi-modern. 53 acres. U acres alfalfa, $5600. 3-ROOM, $2850. semi-modern, 3 acres, STOCK and DAIRY Ranch 407 acres. 2 sets of buildings. 85 wa ter. 100 cultivation, extra grazing, $15,000. Chickens, turkeys, stock, equipment - and furniture avail able. Ed Losch, Rt..l, Box 156. Phone 488-W. NEW 3-ROOM, Modern home on 2 nice river lots, $3675. including electric range, 52 gallon electric hot water tank and other furnish ings. Call Bill Hamilton, Central Oregon Real Estate & Insurance uo., J.UJS wan st. rnone uz-w. 30x100 LOT, one finished room, one 16x20 unfinished, but very livable, city water, lights, 2 stoves, fine view, off 97 highway. Bar gain, $975.00. Owner, phone 172. J. A. DUDREY, Realtor, 533 Hill St., Bend, Ore. 4-ROOM HOME, with shower, near Kenwood school, large liv ing room, kitchen with bullt-ins 1-bedroom, child's bedroom that can be enlarged, garage, shop and woodshed, on 45 ft. lot with lawn, some furniture., $2650, $1500 down, $40 monthly. ON NEWPORT AVE., 2-bcdroom, modern home, newly redone in terior, firtex and Knotty pine, good linoleum, new gas floor fur nace, gas range, gas water heat er included, IMMEDIATE POS SESSION, $5250.00. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, Present income $371 monthly, good build ing and furnishings, newly redec orated interior, new paint out side, about $5,000 down, bal. $75 monthly. CAFE ON 97 SOUTH, fine loca tion, new building 25x40, horse shoe counter, seats 20, new equip ment,, large Tyler refrigerator, oil burning range, steam table, new dishes, etc., gets 97 and 58 (Willamette traffic), doing $100 to $125 daily, short shift, good all night stand as truckers and buses have no other meal stop for long ways. Price: bldg., lot and equipment $12,000 or will sell equipment and give good lease for $6,000. Gas station pumping 9,000 gallons monthly also avail able. , 160 A. CUT OVER Land, close to Little River, some timber left. Ask about it, this may be good. J. A.' Dudrey, 533 Hill St. E. M. BUCKNUM, Realtor 1029 Brooks St. Phone 331 Near Chamber of Commerce. NEW, MODERN HOUSES: Near ly completed, on double lots, one block from East 8th St., beauti ful view, some furnishings, elec tric water heater, wired for elec tric range, $3675. 3-BEDROOM HOME, 2 blocks from Kenwood school, paved street, one and half lots on corner, polished floors, plastered walls, fireplace, fenced yard, double gar age. Reduced to $10,500. 2-BEDROOM, MODERN Home, across street from Kenwood school, $5250. 2-BEDROOM HOME, Modern, plast, ed walls, large lot, electric water heater, $5250, with $2650 down, balance $50 per month Walking distance. 2-BEDROOM HOME, Insulated, nine furnace, nice fenced yard Cmn ,lnu-n nnvmpnt SlfiO. bal. ; ancc $.,5 monlh '41 ACRES, 25 acres alfalfa, some P. cres o. ler, Perne, farm equipment, siock pomis, electricity, pressure system, out i buildings, 4-room house, mall, paved roan, loveiy view. uih.t has 2 places, must sell one. Your own terms, Sj.500 including crop of hay. Take Burns highway to 5 mile post, left on Alfalfa road for 3 miles, left at row of mail boxes, 2nd house on right, around curve. Geo. McCall. FOR SALE, by "owner: lovely home, 2-bedroom, tile bath, large livingroom and fireplace: spac I Ious diningroom and kitchen, breakfast nook, basement with 1 winter's wood on 75x140 lot, 2'j blocks from high school, unfur nished or furnished with Bendix iand 1947 electric range. Phone ilO-13-J, or call at 527 Congress for shAwlng. '7nnn m:v! SH.OOO BLYS Large. 4-bedroom, modern home, corner lot, close 'to schools and business center, -C C. Silvia, 126 Minnesota. For Sale Real Estate $5500, NEW HOME on east side, all gas equipped, beautifully land scaped. Central Oregon Real Estate & Insurance Co., 1039 Wall St. Phone 1327-W. 1 Tun . nrnnnoM nm-tiniiv completed house at 322' Columbia. Also one moaern, is-Dearuom house at 440 Riverfront. Inquire after 5 p. m. at 1404 Galveston. FOUR-ROOM Home with bath, ready for fixtures, garage and woodshed, on bus line, has pnone. Phone 1378-J. 1333 Cumberland. LIST YOUR PROPERTY AT GILBERT'S REAL ESTATE. Homes, businesses, farms, sold promptly and efficiently. Gilbert Das served Bend since 1915. Gil bert's Real Estate. 1015 wall. Fuel GOOD, Dry body wood. Phone 1336-J or place orders at 58 Cas cade for city or country delivery. Any length. FIRST CLASS Yellow Pine body wood, delivered in Bend. Drop card to O. D. Alexander, Box 43, Lapine. JACK PINE and Jack pine slabs, also railroad ties, 16:'x24", also) wood sawing wanted. L. R. Car penter. 1324 Albany, pnone boj after S p.m. GREEN Slab wood delivered, 13.00 ner 2-cord load. Phone 201 W Redmond. Central Oregon Fuel. - For Sate Miscellaneous CLIFF'S Tuesday Bargain Spe cial: Maytag washing machine and a Monterey guitar with case. Eureka vacuum cleaner wun at tachments $17.50, runs very quiet ly. Hot water tank,- enamel gas range, with oven, fire-proof na tional charge account file, all met al. Two new 6:50x15 tires $15.00 for the pair.' Good rubber-tired lawn mower; coaster wagon, bi cycle with balloon tires; floor lamp $2.50: ice box $7.50. Skill saw. a real buy: salmon fishing rod, almost new; baby bed, large metal tool box; dresser, walnut dining table. Cliff's Bargain Spot, 1841 North First, north highway, Open evenings. No phone yet drive out. PIANO Beautiful mahogany Randenbush with bench, Anker Nielsen. Inquire Tumalo store. 1 GUERNSEY Cow, just ' fresh, Folmer Bodtker, Rt. 2, Box 222. MAN OR BOYS' bicvele in per fect condition. Apt. 6, Irving Apts. 1 GLASS French Door, circulat ing wood heater, adjustable hot and cold Water wash bowl or shampoo sink, combination table and magazine stand, .58 Minne sota, Betty Rose Beauty Salon. MONARCH Circulator Heater, new condition, very reasonable on price. C. F. Doerfler, 1 mile west and l mile soutn oi Aiiaua store. Call evenings. ALMOST NEW White enamel wood cook stove for sale, also electric range. 1175 Roosevelt. A. U. Kosengartn. i'none iuii-m. THOROUGHBRED Cocker Span iel puppies, black, 2 montns old. Inquire Lindeborg Shoe Service, 120 Minnesota, or phone 1513-W-3. COMPLETE STOCK of radio tubes Including Phllco and other nationally-known makes. Get tne best performance from your ra dio. Bend Furniture Co. NOW AVAILABLE Fenders for any trailer, legal specifications, fast service, reasonable prices. Bend Washer Service, 633 Har mon. Phone 583. ENGINES POWER PLANTS 1 NEW Hercules Diesel, 228 HP, $1750 2 NEW Cadillac V-8, 156 HP, with Hydromatlc transmis sions, $975 each. Write or call RECKARD OIL CO., P. O. Box "P." Phone 8-140, North Bend, Oregon. FOR SALE: Will sacrifice com plete new lath mill. This equip ment will cut either handle stock or molding bolts. If interested, call 743, Florence, Oregon, or write George Fish, Florence, Ore. 24 FT. GENERAL House Trailer, electric brakes, knotty pine Inter ior, oil circulating heater, com plete. 434 DeKalb. GENERAL Electric sweeper $25. 1144 Roosevelt. OAT HAY, Shocked in the field. About one acre, reasonable. 300 yards south of Bend Trap club. Phone 22-F-22. NEW SEWING Machine attach ment makes button holes, fits all sewing machines. Price only 50c. Special demonstration all. this week. Inquire at Newberry's. FOR SALE: Radio, large table model, nine-tube, A-l condition; high chair, new, cheap. Also U h. p. 32-volt electric motor. 2425 N. 1st. 39 IN. BED, beautyrest box springs and mattress, used 4 mo.; model S41G Hallirrafter combina tion receiver: 4-tube Motorola portable radio; double bed and springs; large Buick auto radio; 5 h. p. outboard DeLuxe model; pr. 7) foot skies, binders-poles, and wax kit; cartop ski and lug gage carrier: new 6:00x16 tire chains; party built two-wheel trail er: Singer sewing machine, new Astictic microphone. These Items are priced to sell quick. Reason for selling, t purchased house trailer. Call 727 Georgia Ave be tween noon and 4:30 p. m. all week. 110 VOLT A. C. Arc Welder, 80 amps. Outfit practically new. tlnlu Sfil On Ate.-. PmctnwnlH nrp. tyle'ne outfit $85, or both for $140. 1472 Hartford, across from 1475 iliartlord. For Sale Miscellaneous ELECTRIC Hot Water Tanks, 20 gallon size automatic, ideal for the small family, only $39.50. Open evenings. Phone '1156. Brown Supply Co., Lake and Di vision St. ELECTRIC Washing Machine, chest of drawers $14;, dressers, beds, springs, mattresses, bed-rm. suites, davenos $29.50 up. Kitchen ranges $10 up. Everything to fur- mail lite iiumv " Open evenings. Phone 1156. Brown Supply Co., Lake and Division at. . SPECIALS! Specials! Brand new "Eureka" electric vacuum clean er with all attachments, a $100 value for only $79.50. "Universal" vacuum cleaner, brand new, with all attachments, a $90 value for only $59.50. Open evenings. Brown Supply Co., Lake and Division. fnone nao. MODEL 90 Maytag washing ma chine, completely reconditioned anil noltltari mmnlpln tlPW viriPPI. Call at Bend Washer Service, 633 Harmon. WOOD and COAL Circulator, new grates and sides, Just like new all over, price au. inquire ai jv Federal ave. Phone 504-W. ONE TOLEDO No. 999 pipe thread ner machine. 5175.00. 1U8 Tumalo ave. Phone 199-W. LABRADOR Retriever pups, quire at 400 Slsemore.-. v i In- WIZARD Motor Bike, excellent condition. Inquire at Western Union between 4 and 9 p. m. ' ALL METAL Work Trailer. 4 by 6 by 5 It. 6 in. high, with tailor made water ana lire prooi aur vas cover, $175. 1374 Fresno. 3-BURNER, Apartment size elec tric range in penect conauion. 2410 North First. VENETIAN BLINDS made to measure. Free estimates and in stallation. For the highest qual ity Venetian blinds at the lowest prices, call Cascade . Venetian Blind Co., 1420-W. P.O. Box 936. Also cleaning and renewing. ; ONE BOY'S Bike, also one girl's bike, new at Christmas. Will sell for half price. 909 Bond Street.' YOUNG RED Laying Hens for sale, 30e lb. live weignt. rnone 1513-W-2.' , 2 LOVELY Chihuahua male pups, 2 mo. old. Inquire Pastime Pool Hall, or call 962, Sisters, Ore. , TRAILER, 2-wheel utility, like new; 4 by 8 bed. 1446 West First. Phone 33-K. TJT1P SAT.K: 75 ioints 12-inch con crete nlDe at $1.55 per joint; 95 joints 8-inch concrete pipe 80c per joint. 5 miles east of Sisters, cor ner highway 20 and Cloverdale road. RF.DROOM Suites, finished and unfinished: bunk beds, youth; beds, wardrobe and crib, brea'M fast tables, dinette sets, dining table and four chairs, circulators, wood, coal and oil; ranges, wood and kerosene, occasional chairs, kitchen chairs, rockers, 'daven-, ports and chairs, davenos, leather settees and love seats; floor and table lamns. coffee and card tables, telephone stands, radios,. baby carriages, desks, dressersi and night stands, library tables.' electric water tanks, wood water' heaters, 2 8 x6 8 doors and snow cases. Square Deal Exchange, 201 East Franklin. Phone 1224. FOR SALE: Baling .'!re. 10 feet, 3 inches long, $7.00 per bundle for 10 bundles or more, uaviuson Brothers, 2H miles northeast Terrebonne, Ore. YOUNG. White Ducks, 35c lb. live weight. Inquire Alfalfa store. '47 COLUMBIA Trailer. 22 foot aluminum exterior, sleeps 4, oven range, oil heat, priced to sen. Blum's Trailer Court, Redmond. SADDLE MARE, ideal for chil dren or brood mare. Gordon Moore, 365 E. Greenwood. Phone 1027. : 12 GAUGE Automatic shotgun or 12 guage Stevens pump gun, 227 Wall Street. 2 GOOD Used electric washing machines. See at Maytag Appli ance store, or phone 274. 10" TABLE Power Saw. Inquire 2055 No. Hill, evenings. CROCHETED Aprons, large size 53.00; medium size, $2.00; cro :heted pot holders, 25c. M. Wit son. Route 1, Box 89, Vale, Ore LOOK THOUSANDS OF RECORDS Brand new recordu 19c each. 10c 19c. All are going for Just l!lc ir 6 for $1.10 your selection. Al bums 98c or 29 records $5.35. Top bands, top orchestras, cowboy music, classical, sacred, Spanish, Mmical music. This is no Joke. Every record new and In It orig inal wrapper. Just drive over and play these for yourself. Phil Har ris, Judy Canova, Bob Crosby. Hoagv Carmichael, Stewart Iliim blln, Harry James and hundreds of others. Don't wait, we purchas ed thousands. Don't wait, they won't last long. We will sell you an all electric phonograph wilh six records for $23.!I5. Clint's Ra dio, 37 Hastings. Phone 1330W. Open day and evenings. STOP REFRIGERATOR and Ice 'wx odors with Fuller Brush re frigerator freshner. All metal container, long lasting, and cfli cient. Lloyd Whcadon, 24'I8 N. 1st, North Highway. Bend. Phone ."i!4. FRYERS Chicken and rabbit, live or dressed on order. I'rvmc 59-W, or call first white house back of Carroll Acres store. For Sale Lswl Cars REO SCHOOL Huh In good, aver age condition. Would make good 1 farm trurk or house car. Pric ed I at only $295. Inquire Museum of I Wonders, north highway. For Sale Used Cars 1937 HUDSON Teraplane coupe, first class condition, only 37,000 miles, reasonably priced. Inquire 42 Irving. . . 1 1935 STANDARD Chev. sedan. Folmer Bodtker, Route 2, Box 222. 1936 PONTIAC 2-door sedan, $375. 148 Congress after 5 p. m. 1935 CHEV. Truck, l'A-ton, $500. Trailer house, well equipped, $500. 1214 Fresno, any time. 1931 NASH Coupe, good motor and tires. Inquire The Elkhorn, 1115 S. Third. FOR SALE OR TRADE: '38 Ford, 2-door sedan. 415 E. Thurston street. 37 MODEL V-8, 85-horsepower, for sale; good shape, good rubber, over-load springs, stock rack. 36 Cascade. Call after 6 o'clock. Priced right. Won't last 'long at our price. 1937 CHEV. 2-door $475; 1937 Ford 2-door $475. Terms on both cars.' See Earl at Al's Mobil Serv ice, 6th and E St., Redmond, Ore. 1942 STUDEBAKER Commander. 5-passenger coupe, low mileage. good condition, bibtti Main St., Prinevllle, 1937 DODGE Coupe, in excellent condition, new '46 motor, by own er. Ora Gunn, Silver Lake, Ore. OR TRADE, '38 Oldsmoblle, club coupe, radio, heater, suot light, in good condition. Will trade for se dan. Also 2 n.p. outooaro motor, all metal boat. Inquire U44 New port. Phone 1386-J. 1937 TOUPE For Sale, very rea sonable. Call 1425-W. 1946 , tt-TON Chevrolet panel truck with heavy duty 6-nly tires and spot light, Only 8,000 actual miles. Priced to sell. 1HZ4 west Second. .- 1939 CHEVROLET Pickup for sale, in excellent mechanical con dition. Priced right for quick sale, Phone 10-F-33. OR TRADE, for car '46 model motorcycle. Clapp Bros., 1 ml. south of Redmond. Phone 12-R-7. 1941 HARLEY Davidson 610HV with '42 ennlne. Lot of chrome, good condition. Priced to sell. 1352 Elgin Ave. 1931 CHEVROLET Sedan, recent lv overhauled. . good condition price.: $175.00. Inquire Pel Lam- mers, Fort KocK. , ' : . 1935 CHEV. Std. 2-dr. sedan. $250, 727 Georgia Ave., between 12 noon and 4:30 p, m. ; EQUITY IN Two-door . V-8 Ford. Rubber and car in fair condition Balance low monthly payments 1345 Federal. V-8 COUPE, $295. 1327 Wall St. For ltcnf HOUSE at 64 Franklin, adults. Cal after 6 p. nt SINGLE- Room, apartment close m. pnone lar-j. NEW. Heavy Duty floor sander, edger and polisher; new portable paint spraying ouuit, equipped with quart container to paint car, furniture, etc., or 2 ',4 gal. pot to paint house. Portable electric concrete mixer. Bob's Trading Post, South Third St. BEE HIVE SYSTEM Trucks to drlvb yourself any where, no restrictions. New 1946 Dodge van for good clean haul ing. Court House Service Sla., coi ner Wall and Bond. Phone 458. NEW CLARK HEAVY DUTY SANDER, EDGER AND POL ISHER. SINGLE OR COMBINA TION RATES. EASY TO OPER ATE. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., 125 OREGON AVE., PHUNE 21. Wanted WANTED TO Buy clean cotton rags. Will pay 15c per lb. at Ed die's Sales & Service. WANTED TO BUY 1!M1 Chev., 1941 Ford, 1!H1 Ponliac. Top prices paid for late mode auto mobiles. See Eiui at Al's Mobil Service, Olh and E St., Redmond, Oregon. VETERAN and Wife need unfur nished, modern house. Have month old baby. Call 14KH-J. CAPABLE Young woman will care for children in your home evenings. Phone 1371-J. CUSTOM Baling and combining. Call 1457-W. FURNITURE, M i s c ell.i neons, small articles of nil kinds at Rile Rale Sales Ring. We either buy or sell on consignment. We also sell farm machinery, automobiles, trucks, trailers, tractors, poultry, rabbits, every Thursday night at 7 p. m. Free pick up service all day Thursday. Call 19. WANTED: Someone with truck j and tank to haul water apprnxi- I mutely 5 miles lor about .'120 ; head of cattle. From September! 22nd to October 21s. Call 11F4 or 11F21 or 11F2 after H p. m. ' Arnold Cattle Association. RED RYDER TrtRC J3-t - KOCf-PK mm Wanted USED PANEL Truck. Gordon Moore, 365 E. Greenwood. Phone 1027. AM INTERESTED in getting winter pasture for 13 head of sad dle stock near Bend or Sisters. Write Pack Station, Elk Lake, Oregon. ROOM AND BOARD 5 days a week for country boy attending high school. Mrs. D. Verges. Write No. 2105 co Bulletin. WILL BUY any kind of cattle, fat or thin, also good milk cows, fresh or freshening soon. Drop card to W. R, Franks, Redmond, phone 78. DEAD OR WORTHLESS slock picked up free of charge. Phone collect 9 F-25, Redmond. Behy- mer & Myers Rendering Plant. GOOD CLEAN city and suburban homes. 2. 3 and 4 bedrooms mod ern. Cash buyers waiting for this better type property. Call Mr. Shaver, AU State Realty, 221 Greenwood. Phone 1293-W. Help Wanted CAR HOP Wanted. Apply at the Skyline Drive-inn. Lost RED BOOK 3"x4',i" In vicinity of Georgia and Staats streets. Phone bi-w tor reward. WILL THE Party please return the black suitcase containing boy's clothing, picked up on the old tfenu-Hurns mgnway, souin east of Bend, about 8:30 Thurs day evening. Contact H. W. Kerns. Telephone li-t -m. BLACK Zipper bill fold, contain ing currency and valuable papers. Reward. Charles W. Mitchell, La pine, Oregon. Services ATTENTION Cesspool and Sep tic tank owners. We specialize in pumping septic tanks and clean ing drains any size, any place. Prices reasonable. Grimes & Giskaas, phone 1252-J or 1447-W. BROWN'S Delivery Service, city, 1 parcel or a truckload. Reason able rates. Try us. Lake & Divi sion St. Phone 1156. - WASHING MACHINE SERVICE and wringer rolls for all makes. Lot us check your machine no obligation. Maytag Appliance Store, next to Chamber of Com merce, phone 274. WELL & DRAIN HOLE drilling. L. A. Holman, 108 Tumalo Ave., phone 199-W. Call Sutton1368-J for Cleaning. WE CLEAN: windows, wall paper, kalsomlne, painted walls, woodwork, outside of buildings, Venetian blinds and upholstery. We clean and wax floors with heavy equipment. We do Janitor service. Free estimates on new vpnetlan hllnds. Oulck delivery, Pj'PferJwe manufacture and sell Pine " Sweeping Compound. We have been in this business in Bend since 1933. Satisfaction gutuan teed. CARPENTERING, Remodeling, repairing, asbestos and brick ski ing, new roof or roof repairing, painting. Wall tile and cement work, foundations and driveways. All work guaranteed. Work done by the day or contract. Fully in sured. James L. Dillon, 1631 E. 8th. Phone 1451-J. LOCAL AND LONG distance moving. Household goods moved any place In the U.S.A.; also house moving. We are agents for Hunts Van Lines. Holman Trans fer & Storage, 201 Irving, phone 987. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE Parts and repairs for most makes. Electric and acetylene welding of all metals. Bend Wash er Service, 633 Harmon & Galves ton. Office 583, residence 1295-J. EXPERT RADIO SERVICE now available at Claypool Furniture. We Will Pay Highest Prices for Good Used Furniture Square Deal Furniture Exchange 201 Franklin Phone 324 or 1224 Services DRESSMAKING Phone 1184-J. P A I N T f N G, Interior, exterior, plaster patching, renovating. Rea sonable prices. Free estimates. Worth Forcher, 344 Delaware, phone 889-J or 1427-W. Miscellaneous PUPPIES to give away. Collie and Shepherd. Anker Nielsen. In quire Tumalo store. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Aug. 26 Utt Cattle salable 200; calves 25. Early mar ket steady but sales limited to cutter to medium cows and heif ers; common to medium steers held steady around 17.00-22.00 or above; top Monday 25.25 for one load good gtass steers. Few com mon to medium heifers today 15.00-19.00; canner and cutter cows 11.00-13.00; fat dairy type cows slow; few up to 13.50; me dium beef cows up to 16.00. Few loads heavy cows unsold; bulls scarce; salable steady; good Deei bulls Monday up to 18.50; good to choice vealers scarce; quoted 22.00-24.00. Hogs salable 50. Market ac tive, steady; few good to choice 180-235 lb. butchers 30.00; 250 320 lb. 26.50-27.50; good sows FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE HOMES $10,000 Reduced rrom $11,000 New beautiful 3 bedroom home on East 8th. Has hardwood floors, plastered and some knotty pine. Attached garage and laundry room. Excellent terms. Shown by appointment only. $23,000 This Is the type of home you see In magazines. lias over 2200 square feet of floor space all on one floor level. Also $3,000.00 worth of rugs, drapes and blinds. Terms available. Shown by appointment only. 510,500 New two bedroom home on Eastside. Automatic 'heat, hardwood floors throughout, dining room and at tached garage, $ 8,000 New Modern home on Eastside. Automatic oil heat, two bedrooms and large utility room. Excellent terms. $ 8,500 4 Bedroom homo on Eastside, knotty pine Interior, all rooms are large. Has basement and !c lots. Also 3 room house on rear of property. Good terms. $ 8,000 3 bedroom home on Delaware. Has fireplace, dining room and full basement. Excellent terms. $ 6,500 Two houses, one six rooms, other 3 room house rent ed for $25.00. Includes stoves and on paved street. $ 5,500 New 4 room house on Eastside with unfinished up stairs and double gurage. Has 5 lots. $2500 will handle. $ 4,500 Westslde 3 bedroom home. Furnished or unfur nished. Nice yard and close to bus line. Terms available. $ 4,200 Eastside up and down duplex. Close in, completely furnished. Present rental $75.00. Terms available. . 4,200 Westslde 4 room house. $2100.00 down, bal. at $40.00 per month. . . ('.v, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $45,000 NEW MODERN LODGE on Dalles-Calif. Highway, open year around. 10 furnished hotel rooms, 8 furnished 7 cabins, coffee shop, tavern and gas pumps. Excellent locality for fishing and hunting. $30,000 down. $31,500 HOTEL, Space for 2 business rentals on lower floor and 20 room hotel on upper floor. $10,000.00 down. $38,500 Two Story Building Iff center of Bend. Leased at - y present at $!J85.00,per .month. $8,500 will handle. equipment, good will, modern business building and modern 2 bedroom home. Buildings and land alone are worth the price. $16,800 CABINET SHOP and home. Building and equipment new. Excellent established business. $18,000 STONE BUILDING 84 x 74 ft. excellent location. 70 ft. frontage Hwy. 87. Building can bo used for business or apartments. $15,000 HOTEL AND BOARDING HOUSE, Full basement wllh automatic coal stoker furnace. Gas kitchen range. Large refrigerator. Large deep freeze box. 15 rooms, newiy decorulcd. 40 steady boarders. An excellent set up for man and -wife. $8000.00 will handle. $13,125 CAFE, SERVICE STATION, TRAILER COURT, 3 CABINS on highway 07 hi small town close to Bend. $0,000 down. $10,500 AUTO COURT. 11 furnished cabins. At present on monthly rental basis. $205.00 per month gross Income, This Is 23 return on Investment. $2500.00 will handle. $ 7,250 GARAGE and 5 room home on Dalles-Calif. Highway at Crescent, Oregon, In the heart of logging area, $3,400.00 worth of equipment. Terms. $ .3,775 GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION. Excellent op portunity for a mechanic. Terms. $ 3,000 SMALL LOCAL RESTAURANT doing a nice busi ness. $1500.00 will handle. LOTS 4 50- Ixils on East Eighth. 4 50' Lois on East Ninth. 4 no- i,ts on Ohiey between 4th and 5th. 0 Ml' lAtin on Roosevelt. $550,110 4 50' Iits on Revere. $5,000.00 173 x 125 ft, frontage on Highway 97. FARM ACREAGES $05,000 12,000 Acre Cattle Ranch. Has 0 creeks on properly. 3 modern sets of Improvements. Capable of running 1,000 head of stock. Terms available. $25,000 80 Acre Powell Bultu Hunch. COI water, all level and under eiilllvallon. Excellent crops. Complete new farm ing cuiiipmcnt anil household furniture Included. Terms. $12,000 The best buy III Central Oregon. HO acre farm. 70 acres C.O.I, water. Excellent Improvements. Modern 4 ImcI room bouse. Everything goes including cros and full line of farm machinery. $12,000 HO Acres with spacious modern 6 room home. Has 80 shares of water. Crops all In. Ijirgc barn and all equi- nii-iit goes wun place. I WONDERFUL RANCH OPPORTUNITY 50,000 acres of rich sub-Irrigated lund for sole or lease, (mid farmers wauled, very little money needed. Any amount from I (10 acres up. Crops on adjoining farms show whul this lund will produce. RIXE REAL ESTATE ,l,ic Tililcn 431 S. 3rd I'hoiie I2I8 R 111 Oregon Avenue Room 1 I nstuirs. Plume 28 M 22.00-23.00; choice feeder pigs quoted to 31.50. sneep salable aoo. Market ac tive, steady; good to choice spring lambs up to 22.25; ex treme top Monday 22.50; sizeable lot good to choice 72 lb. No. 2 pelt lambs 21.75; odd medium yearlings 17.00; good ewes up to. 6.75. . : PORTLAND DAIRY PRICES ' Portland, Aug. 26 Utt Portland butter prices were unchanged and. steady today with supplies of top grades light. Egg prices also were unchang ed with a strong undertone in face of steady consumer demand. Butter Prices to retailers: Grade AA prints, 81c; AA cartons, 82c; A prints, 78-80c; and cartons, 79-81c; B prints, 75c. Eggs Prices to retailers: Grade AA large, 69-70c doz.; A large, 66-67c; AA medium, 65c; A medium, 63c; A small, 51c. MEETING SCHEDULED An organization meeting of the Womens' Bowling league will be held tonight at 8 p.m., at the Bend Recreation alleys, it was announced by Mrs. Arlene Rob erts, president of the group. All women bowlers are asked to at tend the meeting. Bulletin Classifieds bring results. LOU SHOP Includes all fixtures, inventory, mm. Ernie Hlxn 321 (onirress Phone 107-J By Fred Harmart V0A.'-&4OT6 I Ricoio us?! CAUoHT Ur WITH