PAGE srx THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON TUESDAY. AUGUST 26. 1947 Construction of Underground Plants Rumored Albuquerque, N. M., Aug. 26 IH Reports' persisted today that the army was digging atomic bomb assembly plants and stor age dumps underground but of ficials refused to deny-or confirm the stories. The reports were bas ed mainly on a Denver newspa per story which said hundreds of commercial airplane passen gers had sighted excavations on a mountainside near here. ine mountains in this area would be likely sites for under ground strongholds if the govern ment actually had such a project under way. Robert Bissell, head of an Albu querque advertising agency, claimed today that he had flown over a huge excavation being dug by the army. He charged that army intelligence omcers confis cated pictures taken of the dig gings. . Officials of the Miami, Okla., chamber of commerce said engi neers planned to use old lead and zinc mines in northeastern Okla noma as munitions storage dumps. Decline to Comment The army declined to comment on the reports but hinted that a statement might be coming from Washington soon. Col. Henry F. Hassis of the U. S. army engineers here said "if there would be anything to the published report, the war depr-f-ment would have to give out the Information. Despite official silence, the fact remained that the army recently let a $10,000,000 contract for "per manent roads and housing con struction" in an area here where few people formerly were known to be living. ' Bissell said he accompanied Robert Fenwick, a reporter for the Denver Post, a photographer, 1 Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, and a pilot on a flight over tne pursuant to an order ol tne Hon- Manzano mountain range adjoin ing the Samlia army air base. Took Pictures "We got 24 pictures," Bissell said. "They were very accurate photos. I saw the negatives and they showed very clearly some ex cavations Into the mountainside." The diggings looked like "sub terranean labs," he said. He said army Intelligence offi cers "swarmed all over us" when the party landed. The officers confiscated the negatives and "asked us what we were doing and where we got our informa tion." Fenwick filed a copywrlghted story to his paper before being questioned, Bissell said, and the officers refused to "confirm or deny it." Czar Langston, secretary of the Miami. Okla.. chamber of com merce, said he had exchanged correspondence with Lt. Gen. Kay- mond K. Wheeler, chief of army engineers, about the feasibility of using abandoned mines ior ware houses. Langston said army officers have made preliminary surveys and found the mines "highly suit able" for use as storage dumps. They are dry, with high ceilings and constant temperature and humidity. orable Ralph S. Hamilton, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 23rd day of August, 1947. Dated and first published this 25th day of August, 1947. DeARMOND, GOODRICH & FOLEY Attorneys for Plaintiff U. S. National Bank Bldg. Bend, Oregon. 69-74-80-86-C. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes VERN H. WOOD, Plaintiff, vs. ESTHER WOOD, Defendant. TO: ESTHER WOOD, Defend ant: IN THE NAME OF THfc. STATU OF OREGON. You are hereby re- auircd to aooear and answer or otherwise pieau to tne compiaim of plaintiff filed herein against you within thirty (30) days from the date of the first publication of the summons, and if you fail, for want thereof, the plaintiff will demand judgment against you as prayed for in his complaint, to wit: For a decree of divorce and for such other and further relief as the Court might deem just in the premises. This summons is served upon you by publication in The Bend Bulletin, a newspaner of general circulation, puollsned daily in NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the county court of the state of Ore gon for the county of Deschutes, appointed administrator of the estate ol rranK A. i-erguson, ue ceasod, and all persons holding claims against said estate are re quired to present the same with proper vouchers to the under signed at the office of Koss Farn ham. attornev at law, in Bend, Oregon, within six months after the date hereof. Dated and published first time August 5, 1947. BURTON E. FERGUSON. Administrator Estate of Frank A. Ferg uson, Dec. 51-57-G3-69-C. until 7:00 P. M. for the purpose of voting upon the question of the consolidation of School Dis trict No. 1 and School District No. 21, both in Deschutes County, Oregon, and for the purpose of voting upon the question of the Consolidation of School District No. 1 and School District No. 28, both in Deschutes County, Ore gon. Dated this 18th day of August, 1947. G. W. WINSLOW, Chairman, Board of Directors. ATTEST: I. Cothrell, District Clerk. 63-69-C. out the United States, in Alaska, and in the Panama canal zone. Further information and applica tion forms may be secured from the commission's local secretary, Kenneth C. Bennet,, whose office Is located In the Bend post office. NURSES NEEDED General staff nurse and head nurse positions, at salaries of $2, 644 and $3,397 a year, will be fill ed from an examination announc ed today by the U. S. civil service commission. Nurses are needed to fill vacancies in these positions In Washington, D. C, through- SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with Sec. 111-908, O. C. L. A. and Sea 111-831 O. c. L. A., to the legal voters of School District No. 1, of Des chutes County, State of Oregon, thnt a SCHOOL MEETING of said District will be held at Bend High School Bldg., Bend, Oregon, on the 4th day of September, 1947, from 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon ELECTROLUX CLEANER AND ' AIR PURIFIER Now Available THE ORIGINAL THE BEST Authorized Representative for Sales Service Supplies PHIL PHILBROOK 1246 E. 3rd Phone 1293-J MV. We Sharpen Tools yt& Chain Saws StP7 W Bucking Saws , (rt & JK 111 Circular Saws ' ! $3 Z m Gumming and 2 SB 2 Hammering V T Hand Saws " & Weld Narrow Band VAA Saws Axes and Knives 2MWXy VVe Make Sander Belts for JtyfajA XAPAii A Machines l&XrA; XSUPPLV 4 SAW SERVICE pOX "9 WALL ST. &THE SEA LILtftlS A FLOWER--y archibalp, PLEASE ) PICK ME A PRETTY j 4 f- i When you pick Mid-State Meat Co., you know you're right. For courteous service and friendly attention assure your satisfaction. NOTICE All new lockers replacing those In the Bend Dairy Bldg. are installed. You may call for your key at your convenience and all patrons not using their lockers may get refunds by turning them In as there are a number of people desiring lockers. ANSWER: FALSE The sea lily Is an animal, a form of marine life. The U. S. 33,000-ton old aircraft carrier, the Saratoga, sunk by an atomic bomb at Bikini, has been found by navy divers to rest on nearly even keel with the tops of her masts a few feet below the surface of the lagoon. JIM CARROLL'S ClttFULOSOPHItS Milwaukee's Deerl ASpif In Milwaukee, brewing capi tal of the nation, Blatz Beer has been the standard of ex cellence since 1 851 . . . prized by experts for its delicate flavor, its clean, fresh Good Taste ... known to judges of premium beers as "Milwau kee's first bottled beer." Now. can enjoy Blatz... today I Find out for yourself that Bfafz brews better beer. Ps-s-s-f! Tell the boys if they want to make a real haul to hurry down to JOE KNOWS HOW to win friends and in fluence people! When he tips them off about our complete, ' guaranteed service he knows he's do ing them, and himself, a favor! Bring your car in today for lubrication, tire repairs, or any of the many services that keep it in perfect run ning order. ,Tiiamit.,a... . I'm X n" Ml 1L1 r ,ti ,TCT; M amm rift V I r w PENS PENCILS For School SHEAFFER WATERMAN The practical beauty of our pens and pencils is a "must" for school days and you'll find the best here. SPECIAL! Welsharp Pens Regularly $1.00 Reduced to 75c NIEBERGALL Jeweler Next to Capitol Theater FOWLER WATER ELECTRIC HEATER PORCELINED THE ORIGINAL GLASS LINED TANK Low Operating Cost Built of Heavy ' . Gauge Iron Pressure Treated Lustrous Enamel Finish Sag -Proof Insulation Dead Air Insulation 20 YEAR REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE. .Thousands of heaters are still operating after years of use. Porcelain lined heaters carry a 20 year replacement guarantee and will be replaced with a com plete new heater for a charge based ori the proportionate part of 20 years of service received. With a Fowler you pay only for ser vice received. AN ELECTRIC WATER HEATER TO SUIT EVERY NEED 30-Gallon Table Model . . . with porcelain top and front fits in with standard cabinets, ranges and other table top ap pliances. Height 36". Width 232". Depth 2312". Standard Water Heater ... in 30-, 40- and 50-gallon sizes designed -for use in homes and any establishment requiring an abundance of hot water. OREGON EQUIPMENT COMPANY 901 Bond Street , ....... ..to1, Phone 888 OIM7, IAH I1IWINO COMPANY, litoUtihtd U5I, Mllwouk.., Wix. T I t'BOY- I'M SURE ANX-lOUbJ feAV- HOW '80VTOI I J 1 JO SEE VJHA.T HE'S X.OOK ZZT I I ' ' 1 aBmW!ttw (mzamjD fmm)