TUESDAY, AUGUST 26. 194? THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON PAGE FIVE i i.li loco news Bend nnd vicinity Fair today and Wednesday: high tempera ture today 81; low tonight, 37; high Wednesday, 76. TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 83 degrees. Minimum last night, 39 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p. m. yester day, 56 degrees: 10 a. m. today, 75 degrees. Barometer ((reduced to sea level) : 10 p. m., 29.97 Inch es; 10 a. m., 29.83 inches. Relative humidity: 10 p. in., 42 per cent; 10 a. m., 38 per cent. Velocity of wind: 10 p. m., 3 miles; 10 a. m., 7 miles. Prevailing direction of wind: north. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hunnell have returned from a one week vacation to Ocean lake and Port land. While in Portland they vis ited with Mrs. Hunnell's sister, Mrs. Ernest Bembry. A boy was born today at the St. Charles hospital to Mr. and Mrs. J. -Stuart MacDonald, of 1355 Harmon boulevard. , , Orville E. Shults, of Portland, ijspent the week end visiting his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shults, In the - Alfalfa commu nity. r :, Tom Murphy, of the Three Sis ters hotel, was released , today Shop HORNBECK'S First We Have a New Line of Greeting Cards Treasure Masters Personalized Birthday Cards for: Mother Father Wife ' Husband Sweetheart General Illness Congratulations Wedding Birth Sympathy Anniversary Wife Husband Mother and Father Gift Enclosures Thank You Cards F.tc etc.. etc. All Sizes of G.E. Lamp Globes4 Also Fluorescent 20s and 40s CLOCKS Gilbert Alarm 3.85 G.E. Elec. Alarm 4.95 Beam Alarm 8.95 G.E. Kitchen 5.95 Teapot Kitchen 5.95 Household Scales 3.95 KMP-ER SPRING Clothes Pins The Better Clothes Pin 5c each, doi. 55c Stainless Steel Kitchen FLINT TOOLS Best Egg Beater 3.95 Hamburger Turner 1.35 Cake Turner - 1J Pie Server 1.85 Wide Snntula 1.35 Ijidlc 1-50 Potato Masher 1-75 SB BRftSSJSi.l 89.57 Tax Inrl. Terms Available Hornbeck's for House Wares AND GIFTS 122 Oregon Ave. Phone 12 from the Lumberman's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Newby and Del Baker, of Roseburg, arrived Saturday to spend a week fishing on the Metolius river, and visiting Newby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Newby, of 245 Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Leo B. Beimlor, of Redmond, are parents of a boy born today at the St. Charles hos pital! Mrs. Joe Elder, Camp Fire ex ecutive secretary, requested today that girls who attended summer camp at Crescent lake look through their camping equipment in an effort to locate a book, "Illenka," by Kingman, which was among books loaned by the li brary for the session. If the miss ing book is located, it may be re turned to the library or to Mrs. Elder, It was announced. Mrs. Les Mills and son, Gregg, of Yakima, are visiting Mrs. Mills' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Banks, 1668 Awbrey road. Mills accompanied them here by plane, ana returned to xakima Sunday. Orville Miller, Bend, field man of the accident prevention division of the state .industrial accident commission for Klamath, Lake, Deschutes and Jefferson counties will be at Salem August 27 and 28 in attendance at a training school which will complete plans for a long-range specialized safety program aimed at the reduction of logging truck accidents throughout the state. Chester Winkle, of Sisters, was fto be released today from the Lumberman s hospital, where he underwent a tonsillectomy yester day, i Miss Dorothy Gilpin and Miss Myra DeBunce, both of Portland, are vacationing at the Alber Shults home In Alfalfa. Mrs. James Gouker and daugh ter, Phyllis, returned Sunday to their home In Elkhart, Indiana, after a visit with Mrs. Gouker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Daum. 'Miss Gouker, who is ma joring in science at an Indiana college, devoted part of her local visit to the study of Central Ore gon trees and flowers. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Baessler were Bend visitors Sunday. Rummage sale Wed. and Thurs.. Aug. 27 and 28, by First Lutheran Ladies Aid in church basement. across from library. adv. I shall not be resDonsible for any debts out those contracted by me personally. Thomas S. Stllwill. adv. NOTICE Horse Ridge Telephone Co. special meeting Friday, Aug. 29 at Kicnardson school 8 d. m. All Imembersj will attend to defend tneir rignt oi snare Holder against possioie liquidation. L,et us rec ommend reorganization and con tinued service. E. L. Walrath, director. . - adv. NOTICE School election for district 28 will be held Friday, Aug., 29th from 2 p. m. to 7 p. m. at The Rock bchool. , adv, Lenice George Kindergarten opening Monday, September 8. Morning and atternoon classes. Enroll now. Phone 359. 1435 West Thirfl St. adv, I shall not be responsible for any debts but those contracted by me personally. Thomas S. Stilwell. adv Gar Wood Stock Is Market Leader New York, Aug. 26 UPi Strength in common and prefer red stocks of Gar Wood Indus tries featured an otherwise irregu lar decline In the stock market to day. Buying came into Gar Wood Is sues on news that Edward V. Fisher one of the famous Detroit Fisher brothers of General Mo tors has plans to purchase a $1, 500,000 block of convertible 5-year notes of the company. This news was interpreted as the first move by the brothers who severed nil official connections but one with G-M several years ago to return to the automotive field where the made history as founders of the Fisher Body company. The common rose to 6 ',4, up 1, Ihon receded to 574, while the pre ferred hit a high of 30 !4, up 34. Pacific Telephone was another Individual strong spot, recovering nearly 3 points after yesterday's break. The stock cracked Mon day when it was announced that the next dividend would be omitted. Use classified ads in The Bulle tin for quick results. Any Time is MINT TIME! f You're buying beauty; you are; when you try "Perma-Iili! Ira. A lovely, vibrant, beautiful figure is yours too. The soft, yet firm; cushion insets at the base of the bra cups gently ' support your bust from below never lose that support through ever so many washings and wearing. There's a 'Terma-lift" bra just for you, make your selection today. .50 - 3.50 N I nobonesasoutitII ITr Ut WITHOUMTAtj I JpP' Anolhtf "Hlcliory" fuccw Carefree comfort is yours in a new "Perma-lift'l Pantio. Made entirely without bones; this comfortable Pantie won't wrinkle, won't roll over, won't 4 bind, yet it will stay up. The magic inset does the trick gives you comfort beyond compare. The special . eliminates riding up too-r-gives you a smooth; trim line not found in ordinary panties. Ask for a new 'Terma-lift" Pantic today; 7.0012.50 WO IE W PLACE TO TRADE Two Die in Auto Crash Near Burns v!""inninn mnn nnd his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ogllvie, of Kan das city, ivio., met death on the Central Oregon highway near Burns this past week in a colli sion with a truck driven by Byron Logan, of Bend, reports the Burns Times-Herald. The crash occurred when the Missouri car unaccount ably sideswiped the Bend truck, which was loaded with 13 tons of grain. The Missouri car was de molished, and Its occupants were Instantly killed. The crash occured a short dis tance east of the Yellowstone cut off, on the Central Oregon high way. Mr. and Mrs. Ogilvie were en routeto the Yellowstone from a trip to California. He was 65 years old andshe was 60. 1 m&mi Bend Woman Is Bowling Winner Mentioned In the September Issue of the bowling magazine THANKS We wish to thank you, our friends and riiNtomers, for your pat patronage. We're lire that the new manage, nient of the Tower Confec tionery will continue to give you the same high quality service. Mr. and' Mrs. Ijiwrencc Clausen "300" Is a local bowler, Miss Ju lia Garlinglon. She won first place In a California tourney held in Lodl from June 28 to July 27, for which she received a cash prize of $100 and trophy. There were 208 entries in the tourna ment. Miss Garlinglon is captain of Freeman's Tackle team and sec retary of the local Women's league. bne carried a 22 pin handicap for each of her four games, wiln a total of 7U3. The Keystone or Treaty oal at Jacksonville, Fin., Is so large that 4,000 persons can stand in Its shade at noon, it is estimaled. House Damaged ' By Four Children Investigating officers reported today that a residence at 34 Port land avenue, Bend, recently pur chased by Kenneth J. Ruth, mem ber of the local school faculty, was entered yeslerday by four children ranging In age from 7 to 11 years, and considerably damaged. Windows were shatter ed, a door was broken and other damage done, officers said. H. E. Roderick, Juvenile officer, said the four youngsters were identified and added that their parents have volunteered to pay for the damage. I ONE OK TWINS DIES Rock Springs, Wyo., Aug. 2; !- -One of Rock Spi mgs' SI amesc-twln girls died today, and attendants at the Wyoming Gen i eral hospital said the other In I fant did not have long to live. ' ( Alt PKICKS BOOST f: It ' Detroit, Aug. 26 nil The Ford ' Motor company today announced ! list price Increases ranging from $86 to $229 on Lincoln and Merc ury cars and Ford station wagons and convertibles. State Campaigns To Cut Air Stunting Harrisburg, Pa. Ui'iFancy fly ing In Pennsylvania is on lis way out. The stale aeronautics commis sion said a 56 per cent drop in ML a (DA Sicks Sehci private plane accident fatalities was duo to Pennsylvania's cam paign to get rid of Its "air cow boys." Commission executive director William L. Anderson said there were 24 air accident deaths re ported for the first six months of this year, 56 per cent less than the toll for the corresponding 1916 period. A thin wedge, inserted between insoles and outsodes of shoes to throw the foot Into correct pos ture, is called a "Dutchman." SICKS' BREWING CO., tllta, Ot, A Slcli' Oioll'y "! ! Announcing THE OPENING OF Roy's Signal Service (Formerly the Carroll Acres Wrecker) CARROLL ACRES ON THE SOUTH HIGHWAY Now under new mandgement. we are In position to take care of all your auto needs. Repairing Overhauling Body and Fender Work Wheel and Brake Repairing and Aligning TIRES TUBES ACCESSORIES GAS OIL GREASE WELDING of all kinds. Head and block welding with a new and exclusive process. AND REMEMBER ALL WORK GUARANTEED Owners Walt Koy Mechanics: Pel, Kenncy and Rosa