'x. TUESDAY, AUGUST 26.1947 NEWS OF SOCIETY hH, ty ltem.l sim reported to The Bulletin not later wan 10 a.m. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and " ; Saturdays.) Bridal Couple Returns From Wedding Trip Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lee Sholes (Irene Eleanor Vaughn) have re turned from a honeymoon trip to Oregon and Washington points, and will make their home on Columbia street. They were mar ried August 16 at 2 p..m., in the St. Francis Catholic rectory, with Rev. Edmund Hyland officiating. - Only relatives and close friends of the couple witnessed the infor mal double-ring ceremony, which was followed by a reception for about 60 guests, in the Catholic parish hall. The bride wore a cutaway suit in light blue, with white accessor ies and a white carnation corsage. She carried a white Bible which k j.had been her grandmother's. Her q only attendant was Miss Johanne Goodwin, who wore a1 grey dress- maker suit, with black accessor ies and a corsage of red roses. Wayne Saunders acted as best ; man. S. T. Vaughn gave his daugh ter in marriage. At the reception which followed the ceremony, Mrs. H. Smart and Mary H. Marple, aunts of the bride, and Miss Jane Stuhr, e V cousin, all from Portland, assisted with the serving, as did Mrs. A. R. Cothrell, of Bend. The bride's table was centored with the beautifully-decorated wedding cake, en circled with a wreath-like arrange ment of gladioli, in shades of pink I and fuschia. Candelabra held white tapers, and large mixed bou quets were placed about the room. Other guests from out-of-town included the bride's uncle, Wil ; liam Vaughn, 'of Libby, Mont.; . her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. Me ' Collum, of Libby, and Mr. and SERVICES Now Available at the Singer Sewing Center Ladies' Custom Tailoring Alterations all kinds Custom Draperies Hemstitching Plcotlng Covered) Buttons Buckles Custom Blade Belts Buttonholes, all kinds . Sewing; Machine Repairs, all makes - -- M Vacuum Cleaner Repairs, all makes Authorized Scale Service, all makes Cabinet Refinlshing with Lacquer Singer Sewing Center Corner State & Tumalo Joe Anderson Distributor . Taller Slimmer Lovelier JU Advertised in MADEMOISELLE V "SCENE" FOR FALL y. , . . tail-malting, slenderizing, beautifying showing off trie effectiveness of softly tucked shoulders, an unusual squared- off collar and peg-pocketed Km skirt with a mod fly front. In a fine fabric of Spun Rayon -and Worsted Flannel, Smoke ray, Dawn Rose, Mist Blue. Blush Beige. 12' to 72'h- 14.9S styled end sited for the Junior Woman of five feel fie or less Mrs. B. Vaughn, of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. V. Carpenter, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Kentner, all of Con don. Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Kentner are sisters of the bride groom. For the wedding trip, the bride .wore a teal dress With brown ac cessories, and her white corsage. Sholes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Sholes, of 1455 Cum berland, spent 30 months In the navy, after graduating from Bend high school. He is a member of the Eagles lodge and the V.F.W., and Is employed by the county read department. The bride, who was graduated from Bend high school with the class of 1944, is employed as an office clerk at the Bend Hardware company. She is affiliated with Epsilon Sigma Al pha sorority. La pine Home Is Scene of Party For Bride-Elect Lapine, Aug. 26 (Special) Miss Ethel Storey, bride-elect of Dar rell M. Ferns, was honored at a bridal shower last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Carey Stearns. The hostesses were Mrs. Carey Sterns, Mrs. James Stearns, Mrs. William James, Mrs. Floyd Garrison and Mrs. Fay Howard. A program of musical numbers provided entertainment. Mrs. James Stearns played piano se lections, and vocal numbers were a group of solos by Shirley Stearns, of Prineville, and a duet by the Misses June and Shirley Stearns. The guests joined in group singing, following the pres entation of gifts. Among the guests were Mrs. Cecil Cox and Mrs. Lester Kra mer, of Bend; Mrs. A. W. Rachuy and Mrs. Ray Cumpert and daughters, 'from Shevlin; Mrs.. Harry Stearns, Shirley Stearns and Mrs. Joyce Barney, of Prine ville, and the following from La pine: Mrs. Clarence Still, Car men Ferns, Faith Brunner, Arlene Jackson, Mrs. David Adrian, Mrs. Gerald Dalrymple, Mrs. F. E. Clark, Mrs. Mark Ferns, Mrs. Vic Ferns, Mrs. Bob Hunter, Mrs. Welburn Parker, Patsy Parker, Beth Day, Mrs. Bud Holmes, Mrs. J. Johnson, Mrs. Roy Larson and Mrs. A. Kellems, all of Lapine. Miss Storey's wedding is plan ned for early September. V F. W. Auxiliary will have an all-day -sewing meeting Wednes day, Aug." 27, beginning at 10:30 i. m., at tne home of Mrs. Charles Roley, 844 Quincy. Potluck lunch eon will be served at noon, Mrs. V. G. Gates, president, has an nounced. LeJies Golf club will have a 1 T'clock luncheon Friday at the country club, with Mrs. Carl E. Erlckson, Mrs. Frank H. Loggan, Mrs. Chris F. Heindel and Mrs. W. A. Grimsley as hostesses. Fall Fashions To Highlight Bridge Affair More than 20 costumes will be modeled Wednesday, Sept. 3, at the 1 o'clock dessert-bridge lunch eon to be held in the Masonic temple, under sponsorship of the Bend club of Daughters of the Nile. Fashions, to be supplied by Mannheimer's apparel shop, will include "back to school" frocks for high school and college girls, styles for the business girl, and costumes for the smart young matron, It has been announced. Plans are being made under the supervision of Mrs. Sumner Deitrick, general chairman, who today announced the following committees: Mrs. Alfred Hunnel, Mrs. N. E. Gilbert and Mrs. George McCormack, tickets; Mrs. J. A. Dudrey and Mrs. George Euston, publicity; Mrs. Wilfred Jossy and Mrs. A. B. Snider, trans portation; Mrs. Lloyd Magill, Mrs. B. V. Anderson and Mrs. G. F. Chester, decorations; Mrs. A. O. Schilling and Mrs. H. D. Hamil ton, prizes; Mrs. J. S. Grahlman and Mrs. A. E. Hill, cards; Mrs. H. D. Hamilton, Mrs. M. Gray, Mrs. A. B. Snider, Mrs. William Jappert, and Mrs. G. F. Chester, serving, and Mrs. Alfred Hun nell and Mrs. J. C. Vandevert, hos pitality. Mayfield-Danison Ceremony Is Read News has reached Bend of the marriage of Miss Mary Maxine Danison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Danison, of Al falfa, and Richard Mayfield, of Redmond. The Informal ceremony was read at 2 p. m. Tuesday, Aug. 19, in Rogue River, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hatch, who attended the couple. Mrs. Hatch is the bridegroom's sister. Rev. Roscoe F. Wilson officiated. The bride wore a dove grey dressmaker suit, with alligator ac cessories and an orchid corsage. After a honeymoon trip, the coup le returned last week end to Red mond, to make their hame. Mayfield is the son of Mrs. Ru by Mayfield, of Redmond, and Joe Mayfield, of Sams Valley. He is employed as a service station attendant. The bride attended high school in Redmond. Her par ents operate the general store at Alfalfa. Bulletin want ads bring results. THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON FUNNY BUSINESS S-JAOCuX-. "Hb'$ getting ready for the extra leisure they say atomic ivliiuii It nini, t lulu .lll nimmiiitiiiiiiiiinnHiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiniiitiiiiiiiiiiiiuiliiiiimiiillMiimiiui Social Calendar MiUHiliiiiuiniunHjiiiujiiJiiiwituiiiinuuiiiimiteHiiijiinmiMiiiuiiiuutv . Tonight 8:00 p.m. Degree of Honor, Eagles hall. Wednesday 10:30 p.m. V.F.W. auxiliary with Mrs. Charles , Roley, 844 Quincy. 2:00-p.m. S.O.S. club with Mrs. Pat Kiernan, Carroll Acres. 2:00 p.m. Methodist W.S.C.S. executive board with Mrs. F. H. May, 355 Florida. 7:00 p.m. Soroptimist club, an niversary dinner at Pilot Butte inn. 8:00 p.m Academy of friend ship, Women of the Moose, with Mrs. H. N. Hayse, 831 Portland avenue. 8:00 p.m. Circle 4, Catholic Altar society, with Mrs. Walter R.- Hansen, 28 Mueller. Thursday 10:00 a.m. Church of God missionary society with Mrs. Ed Oetken, 1345 Davenport. 2:00 p.m. Thursday bridge club with Mrs. Gordon Meagher, 614 Broadway. Friday 1:00 p.m. Ladies golf club, luncheon at country club. M ' ' WE FIT THE HARD TO FIT Buster Brown Shoe Store X-Ray Fittings by Hershberger Lawn Affair Given To Compliment Honolulu Visitors Complimenting Mrs. Fred Schaefer and her daughter, Sus an, who will leave tomorrow for theit home in Honolulu,' via Unit ed Airline, Mrs. Felix Sprlngstubc entertained recently at an infor mal reception and handkerchief shower. The affair was held on the lawn at the Springtube home at 515 Kansas avenue. Mrs. Schaefer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton, with whom she and Susan spent the summer. Other guests at the party in cluded the following: Mrs. Earl Sanders, Mrs. Wayne Faddls, Mrs. Paul Malone, Mrs. William Bar ton, Mrs. James Arhow, Mrs. Wayne Hamilton, Mrs. Roland Reinhart and, son, Kenny, Mrs. Lee Reinharf, Mrs. Ross Farn ham, Mrs. Vic Plath, Mrs. An tone Fossen, Mrs. R. J. Gardner, Mrs. Welch Evans, Mrs. May Ev ans, Mrs. Georgia Gudmonson, Mrs. Alf Hansen and daughter, Mrs. Hugh Fountain, Mrs. Lcn Flshback, Mrs. Charles Monahan, Mrs. F. E. Moore, Mrs. O. B. Si mons, Mrs. D. M. Loy and grand- Attractive Party At Fishback Home Attended by 60 The home of Rev. and Mrs. Len B. Fishback, on Harmon boule vard, was the scene of an attrac tive "pink and blue" party Fri day evening, complimenting Mrs. Clifford Ingram. Mrs. Fishback and Mrs. Walter Daum were co hostesses for the affair. Elaborate decorations included choice flowers in shades of pink and blue, with a large stork standing in clusters of leaves and flowers. Small tables held clever favoi-s In the form of pine cone storks and tiny baby shoes, and the full length dining table was centered with a tiny sprinkler to which baby ribbons were attach ed, cascading over the many gifts. A large cake, framed in pink and blue scallops, was a feature of the refreshments. Mrs. Walter Naff, of Redmond, presented appropriate games, Mrs. Eugene Bucknum sang a group of lullabies, and Winona Fishback entertained with read ings. After the social hour and pre sentation of the shower gifts, dainty refreshments were served. Assisting the hostesses with the serving were Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Mrs. George Emerson, Mrs. Walter Naff, Mrs. James Gouker, Mrs. Albert Dumler, Miss Phyllis Gouker and Miss Winona Fish back. Sixty guests were present at the affair. , I.O.O.F. PICNIC SEPT. 1 Members of the Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges and their families are among groups who have scheduled picnics for Labor day. Their outing will be held at the I.O.O.F. campsite at Paulina l&ke. Potluck dinner will be serv ed at noon, with Earl H. Shank, grand secretury of the .grand lodge and grand scribe of the grand encampment, as principal speaker. Afternoon entertain ment, to Include boat rides, is be ing planned. Church of Goj missionary so ciety will have an all-day meeting Thursday beginning at 10 a. m.. at the home of Mrs. Ed, Oetken, 1343 Davenport. Potluck luncheon will be served at noon. son, Randy Adams, Mrs. W. F. Connally, Mrs. C. L. Hlnman, Mrs. G. M. de Broekert, Mrs. I. T. Powell, Miss Ivy Grovor, Miss Elizabeth Plath, Miss Marion Plath and Mrs. Hamilton. " I Plans Made for All-Day Meeting The Central Oregon assembly of the Churches of Christ will meet Sunday, Aug. 31, In the Powell Butle church, with the session to sturt at 3 p. m. A dinner will be served at 6 o'clock, with the Powell Butte ladies in charge. Visiting congregations are to pro vide salads and desserts. Rev. DeVere Penhollow, of the host church, will open the meet ing, and Henry Musick will have charge of the program. Kenneth Green, of Madras, will conduct the business session which will follow the afternoon program, and Ralph Bailey, of Bend, will be in charge of the "99". men's ses sion from 5 to 6 p. m. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Naff will lead a meet ing of the young people's group, following the dinner hour. Eve ning services will begin at 8 p. m. . County Camp Firs council, in TONIGHT & WEDNESDAY ! ! BARGAIN NIGHTS. ALL SEATS 40c "''h WIZARD! ffTj )j You'll howl y f at the laff I , '5 V i I c o r e he:. Lv AJ piles up by -J)r" accident! I TOMORROW Straight from (lie pages of the Saturday Evenno Past Serial EDWARD ROBINSON and LON McCALLISTER in The RED HOUSE JUDITH ANDERSON'JUUE IONDON RORY CAIHOUN-ONA MUNSON AILENE ROBERTS HARRY SHANNON ; PAGE THREE cluding all guardians and repre sentatives of sponsoring groups, will meet Monday evening, Sept. 8, in Redmond. The meeting was moved up from the regular first Monday because of the Labor day holiday. Meeting place will be an nounced later, according to Mrs. Joe Elder, executive secretary. ... .,. " Triple Link club will have a 1 o'clock luncheon Tuesday, Sept. 2, In the I. O. O. F. hall, with members whose birthdays occur In August acting as hostesses. The regular business meeting will follow at 2 o'clock. , . - - First Lutheran L. D. K. will hold a rummage sale Friday, Aug. 29, in the church basement, officers of the group have announced. The otter, whose fur is highly prized, is an unusually large member of the weasel family; Its webbed feet are better adapted for swimming than for travel on dry land. ... ENDS TONIGHT! Hedy Luinarr John Loder "DISHONORED LADY" ft -? G. 3 !' EXTRA COLOR CARTOON NOVELTY LATEST NEWS