The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, August 17, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tin: iikni) iii.'m.ktin, imii.y k.ditiov, iiknii, ohk.(;on, tiukkdav. ai cm ht 17, loua
IIDM) tiiai.v h( iu;in;i.n
On-gnn Trunk
A 1 riven, 7:35 A. M.
Leaves, I til . M.
O..W. It. A N.
Arrives, (J: (,0 I'. M.
Leaves, 7:00 A. M.
T. II. Knlcy wnil Id Hiilem lul
iiiltht fur a kIiciiI IiiihIiii'hh vIhII
Hill WIIIIiiiiih left hint nli-t f,,i
I'lirlliiliil, In have IiIk eyes (ri'iititl.
(It'll Young unci I. ii wi mi Kinell
started hy inilii I id 11 v fur Liikcvlcw.
0. ('. .Morgan Ii'fl liiilny for 4 J 1 1 1 1
hike tu Kol 1mm- IiIh wIiiIi'i h hiipply nf
J. T. Kolii'itinu of TihI Kuril wiih
In lli'iiil IiihI night iiii IiIi u uy In I'm I.
Iniiil mill SiiltMii.
Mm. Jerry and l n n m It t i .
Klnri'iui., Ii'fl limt lilchl for I'lirlliiliil.
tn vlrtll fur Hi'ViTiil daya.
Hani V. H'oaier, proprietor nf I hi'
Mnlrnpulliuii liuilii'i' ahnp, Iiiih re
turned (nun u Iwii weeka' viii'iitinii.
Kay I.iiiik, wlm Iiiih hi'i'ii fin ploy -)
it HIiKvllii-lllxiin I'n in i No. 1, left
lunl nlKlit fur hla Iiihiiii ill Ti-rre-buiiliu.
lliiwiinl Young. Irmk driver fur
tilt? I)enclllea llll I loll U I (ureal. Ii'fl
thlM morning (r Maters with u lond
uf lelcphuiio wlru.
A. V. Culp uf Minima unci a Kriui
uf I'urlliinil friends pimacd through
ttend tuiluy mi their way tu Taylor
hum to pick huckleberries.
Mm. J. .. .Morrlaun unil small nun.
I. ii win Kay, uf t'nrvallla. am vlaltlug
nl tlm homo nf Mm. M in rlHtiii M mm,
l.iin Morrlaoti, anil family.
r. W. Htnry li'ft hint nlKhl for
Crcsccul City, Cal., where ho will
bavo charge of the men's and buys'
department of a clothing store.
Mr. and Mm. II. I'. Itoyce mid nun
Itift last night by train for Portland,
planning to rt'lurn with a new Hludn
liuki'r car fur llio Pioneer garage.
Tlin l.adlea' Aid aoclety of Un
christian church will infi'l Thura
day uflermion, August 24, lit the
home nf Mrs. II. Kandall, 0.H Ogdcll
Minn (Iwt'ii Irwin, who In employed
In tbo county clerk's oftlco uh a sten
ographer, returned lam nlKht from a
vucutluu trip to her former home In
Mn. J. 1). Itlli-y, formerly of La
Pine, wiim In Iteiid luNt nlKht on her
way tn hnr home In I'orlland, from
Fori Hock, where she ban been visit
ing. She iiuty rt'luru to Ih nd mioli to
iniiko her Iiiiiiii'.
A frniiin proporly mulched to a
picture liirrenaoa Its altractlveneaa
7 0 pit cent. KymoiiH llron., Jeweler.
I'lltit lluttn Inn Mr. and Mra. C.
W. Ilrownn, Hurry Htlllwiill und wife,
Arnold Cohen, Mra. Prudence Ab
bott. Mra. Charlea Ilrlgga, I.. II.
Ilrlgga and wife, Dr. and Mra. R. II.
Oaborn, T. M. Jordan, K. I). Rona und
wife. Dick Wllaon. Porlluml; J. M.
Hchmlti. Nlnn O. Iliichnnnn, Seattle;
Holland A. Htovnna, Lowell. Mima.;
Jack Given. Ilerkoley, Cal.; Fred Gil
man, Prlnevllle; J. 1). McCain, Kel
logg, Idaho; John PeterHon, Arling
ton; 11. 8. McCnlleclitir, Wlllium I.
Ktendnbacb, San Franclilco. j
HoM !.) Mra. 0. U. Kvuna, Jon
Klnea, I). C. Phehe. Mllllcun; Joseph I
Bherur, Choney, Waah.; Lawrence !
WnlterH. Laclede, Idaho: Kuy (iur
rett, L. N. Juiii'H, Miirquiim.
Wrltfit Hotel J. Tryaler, J. E.
Drown, Portland; I). O. Wnrne, Milli
on n; P. J. Drown, Dalian; II. G. Hur
tnn. Silver Luke; Mike Vegnr, SIk
tera; H. F. Powell, Prlnevllle.
DowiiIiik Motel Kil Hogera, Til m -nln;
J. Cuaaberger, J. R. Hartniiin,
Tim Dallea; A. II. Tuylur, C. C. (bun
man, W, K. Knlghtuii, Purtliind; A.
J. I.ocwcr, Piilaliiy; Mr. and Mra. H.
A. Miller, Mlim Klaln Cox, Spokane ;
W. H. Holllimhead, Lu Pine; R. F.
Tuylor. Slatcra.
8-oz.Squals per doz. 59c
8-oz. Tails per doz. 59c
.Musical Phase of LwIkc'h
Work To Ik Developed
DokicH Show How
OlKlllll.lllllJII llf II IlI'llHH llllllll WIIM iiiiiiii nt hint night' llli-l'llllK
uf lii'Hi'liuli'H Lodge Nu. 103, Knlghl
nf I'yihhiH. Ill nddllliill to a liliinhi'i
of iniinliliiiiH ulriiady members, tint
lodge Iiiih In view a dozen or iiiuru
Hu n who play liiHtruiiiiiiils, who will
In- lull lnli'tl Hiiuii. Tim pi" n grew ii tit
uf Him i t-t-x ii I vlnll of llic 11. (. K. K.
hiiuii from iMi'ilfurd, nl which lime
Hit valtin uf iiiiihIc In cuiincrlloii with
I'M unl 1M Ir work uf the nrdcr wna eiu-
K 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y tin- hand now iiliuul tu
In' oiKimlgt'd will lii'iniiiu a I). O.
K, K. tin ml . lliu pliui linliiK to tomtit
a temple of that order here n hiiuii
ii a puaalhlo after lliu required iiumber
of member urn Kiilni-d. Neurly
I'liuuith "doklcM" iiuw llvn In Cent nil
I'Iiiiik fur Hi'curliiK tiulforiiiH fur
lhi baiiit hy next uprliiK will be taken
up aa noun ari thu iiiiihIcIiiiim iirn laknn
Into the order and the baud funned.
John Newby, l.oula Ileimett and Dr.
It. 1). Ketehuin were nniiied aa u com
mltlnii tu organize the band.
I -a t ulKhl'a I'ythlun ineetliiK wna
laiK"ly ticciiplod In dlacuaalliK the by
law which urn auon to be adopted.
IHwUI lo Tb. llulMln.l
Aug. 17. A trip Into California
planned by Owen Morrla and fnmlly
had to be postponed on account of the
auto accident In which Ivun I look and
William Stanley were Injured. Mor
rla will atay In Hend until Ijouk re
cover. During Morrla' absence, bla
work a a foreman of Camp 2 will bo
bandied by llnrold Richardson.
Horn Sunday, August 13, lo Mr.
und Mra. O. 1). Kli by, an eight-pound
baby boy. Mra. Kliby la ut the Moun-
tain View hospital and la doing Hue. I
Mra. William Norberg and son re
turned Sunduy from a weeka' outing
nHiittle hike. The lime was greatly,
enjoyed. In spile of thu rain and cold I
weii!icr. , A,, . .1
Mra. Xovadn Klrby. and nephew,'
Ralph, of Portland, arrived Tuesday
to spend several weeka III camp with'
her sons, (). D. und R. C. Klrby.
Harold Keeps, formerly employed
at camp No. 1, Is now working here
with Dill llenulgor.
Raymond Ward, accompanied by
bla mother anil two brothers, drove
to Crescent Sunday, where Mm. Ward
will vlnll with her daughter, Mrs.
Lester Vuughn, for several weeks.
George Allison aud family will
leuve Thursday for Odell lake, where
they Intend to pick huckleberries aud
to fish for two weeki.
' Mr. and Mrs. Out Sclffcrt left Au
gust 10 for Sbowells, Oregon, where
they will vHIt relatives nnd friends.
Fifteen Years Ago
(From tho columns of The Bulletin
of Ailguat 16, 190?.)
Prospects for an extension of the
Corvnllia & Eastern have been ma
terially brightened during the week.
According to word from Sisters,
crew of surveyors, hus arrived nt that
point and us soon aa their equipment
arrives will sunt u survey across the.
The littuMl railroad company to ex
press Itself as detormiiicd to tap Cen
tral Oregon through the Ilend coun
try Is the Eugene & Eastern. J. C.
Drnchor, director of the company,
states that construction of a lino
from Eugene to Springfield Is now
under way, and that It will bo ex
tended to reach Bond In two years.
The Ilullotin has It on reliable au
thority that nnuthor Irrigation project
will soon be In process of construc
tion In Crook county that will rival
even that of tbe Deschutes Irrigation
& Power compnny In size nnd Impor
tance. The scheme la In tho first
Htngos of development, but la backed
by money men who are able to carry
It to a successful close
A real estate transfer of the woek
was the sale of tho II. J, Overturf
resldnnco on Hawthorne avenue to
C. M. Retinoid at a consideration of
Hugh O'Knno has brought In a lot
of sweet corn from his homestead
this week nnd Is beginning to think
that ho iu quite a farmer.
F. S. Stanley was tho guest of
honor nt a banquet given by the
Knights of PythliiH at tho Holul Ilend
this wook.
Johnny Edwards was In Bend Sun-
rlav with samulns of water taken
from three soda springs rocontly
found near Sparks lnko.
Vt 1 1 V. LnnnaiLiniai ,m
.tcwBOM "7ie STORW1"sa-i9 HOUSE PETE.CS
l.llierly Tun Uh I lixl Time
The huckleberry aeaaon la here.
I'urtlea Irom Mend and vicinity, and
even from im far away aa Cortland,
are leaving fur the mountaina tu
gather n wlnter'a aupply of wild
fruit. The vicinity of Udell lake mid
Taylor burn are among the placea to
ward which purlieu Blurted today.
Origin of Wtathsr Cocks.
By a papsl enactment made In the
middle of the Ninth century, the fig
ure of a cock was set up on every
church steeple as the emblem of ML
Peter. This Is the origin of weather
Successful Graduates
Are tbe Best Recommendation of
0. A. C.
This ItiKtltution offera a thorough, practical, and standard edu
cation at a coal viltliin reach of the high school graduate.
It offers training for colleglute degrees In:
Agriculture Mines "
Commerce Pharmacy
Kngiueeriug and Mci'hauic Arts Vocational Education
Forestry Chemical Engineering
Homo Economics Military Science and Tactics
It offers training also In: Tho School of Music, Physical
Education, Industrial Journalism. ,
Full Term Open September 18
For circulars of Information and Illustrated booklet write to
The It'glhtrar, Olegon Agricultural College,
1'orvalliN, On'gon
Saturday is the last day of our Great
Bargain Basket Sale
200 Baskets Will Be
Given Away
A double handle market basket free with a
$1.00 purchase. Only one to a customer.
Bushel Baskets Free to Ranchers
With a $5.00 purchase we will give a bushel
basket free only one to a rancher.
Get Your Basket Saturday
Our watch repairing department
will ae to It that your watch runs
properly. Syinuna DroH., Jewelem.
It Ih a legend in the motion picture
world that tho bent adorn on the
tcreu are the unconacloua ones the
babiett and anfmalH who go through
their paces before the camera in a
natural manner. Local photoplay
fans will find this well demonstrated
as a fact nnd at the same time get
some real enjoyable moments out of
i iif.veral Mei.tii- In "rjud'a Country and
thu Law," Hie J u in en Oliver Curwood
prudunlluii at the Crau.l llieati-r to
niKhl unil Friday.
In iheue outdoor acenia, during the
curly purl of the picture, three little
black hear culm, but weeka old,
aro given the center of the Hinge for
coimlileruble (Urn footage. The way
they cavort and play nnd the manner
in which all three of them alrlve at
one tlrno to make a meal off of a
miming bottle filled with milk ban
lurried out to be one o( the moat In
teresting acenes in the entire produc
tion. The three little bear cuba lined in
Simply Wonderful
For Hair and Scalp
KKcrrUiiwM, Me'lleal Hrlvne, er.ijfkv
Mm wonderful Action of ttlwep iJip.
After yetr of emmrinmnting to obt&ln
tl xft riuirmot in ffirniulutlnr
pul wiih Hhw Dip Dvodorlzd
nnd othtr mdicitl vrur Iht reuita
ha wrt th pprnrvisJ of Uiowtundt ut inta
i4 wuiucj.
Ti remarkable artfon of ffepol vmticiB
the Kklft from rrn Uf which I tturntial
V proper hair yrowih t.d bcaotifal hair.
GUInr a mw ltf.ik l'Icm. hutr an4
Kor Eic-y Oil, Uft-Iea Hair. Itrhlnf
ftalp. Dandruff and Fallinv Hair it haa
no efjoal. Yoa todar can doubt th bvautr
of jtAit hair by th reg-ular una of Sul.
Biftir i)r ruiwrtor to ordinary Hoap and
water. LrtJltt-Mf ul to uat.
Hsvpol la oe kjI at all Dm Htofru Ari.
From Tomorrow
Until Aug. 31st
Every Article in Our
Store will be Reduced
to Prices that Mean
Tremendous Savings
to Yon!
It will pay you big to call and
see what we have to offer
Saxo- Jazz
$1.00 Admission No War Tax
Now Is The Time To Buy Homes And Homesites
Bend Investment Company
- The forest is dry now and fire spreads
- m
The Shevlin-Hixon Company
thl picture were raptured JiiRt two
weeka before they mude their debut
aa acreon Htiirn. Their mother, at the
tlniti tin y were c iught, put up audi
a hard light to protect her offspring,
that h had to be killed.
Wleatorla. the most desirable res
ldence site In the city of Bend.
We ure offering for the next 30
days some beautiful tracts rang
ing In size from one to four acres
at greatly reduced prices. These
tracts lay nice, Just enough trees
to make shade, each tract has a
perpetual water right, also city
water and lights. Any man with
a family cannot afford to be with
out a cow, chickens or garden;
these are the very things that
makes life worth living. For
terms see
Ask For
Then $10.00 will keep it
home, and take a year to
pay the balance in : small
monthly payments.
Bend Water Light &
Power Co.
ever found for a man's
money is real estate aud we
can assure you ffia( mw is
the time to buy. Prices
have been deflated by un
usual world-wide disturb
ances and there is every in
dication that property val
ues will begin to rise very
rapidly in a short time. '