The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, August 14, 1922, Page 2-3, Image 3

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    PAGE 9
The Bend Bulletin
rakUekei Beerr Afleraeea Eirept Inh),
Br TIm BeMl BalUtla (larerpe rated)
Entered aa Second Claea matter January I,
ibit, at uie rotl uniee at Hand, uragon,
nder Art of March t, 17
OBERT W. SAWYER Edltor-Manairer
Binui N. rvWLUK Auoclete Editor
a H. SMITH Adv.rtUin Manager
An Indeiienderit Newepaper, atandtiur for
ana eauare ileal, clean Duilneaa, clean polltira
and tha beet UltereaU of Band and Central
Br Mail
One Year
Jl Montha ,
Toree Montlta
Br Carrier
One Year
Bts Hontha
Ona Month
.,Ail.J!V.btj!.DtioB ,r "I" a PAYABLE
W ADVANCE. Not tea at expiration are
tailed eubecribera and If renewal ta not
ejade within reasonable time the paper will
ka diaeontinued.
Pleaaa notifr oa proopUr of any change
at addreaa, or of failure to receive tha paper
taslarlr. Otherwiaa wa will not be re.
aponaible for eoptaa miaaed.
Make all Checks anil nntM nmrmMm
Tha Band Bulletin.
Search tre Scriptures: for In them
ye think ye have eternal life; and
they are they which testify of me.
John 5: 39.
(La Grande Observer)
Two men were talking about
friendship, and one of them had
praised Emerson's splendid essay
The other said, "I don't know what
Emerson wrote on friendship, but I
am willing to accept for myself the
definition of a friend, written by
some unknown writer, that I found
somewhere the other day. printed on
a little slip of paper. Let me read
it to you," says Thomas Drier in Our
Dumb Animals.
vwiat Is a friend?' he read. "I
will tell you. It is a person with
whom you dare to be yourself. Your
soul can go naked with him. He
seems to ask of you to put on noth
ing, only to be what you are. He
does not want you to be better or
"When you are with him yon feel
as a prisoner who has been declared
innocent. You do not have to be on
your guard. Y'ou can say what you
think so long as it is genuinely you.
He understands those contradictions
in your nature that lead others to
misjudge you.
"With him you breathe free. Y'ou
can take off your coat and loosen
your collar. You can avow your lit
tle vanities and envies and hates and
vicious sparks, your meanness and
absurdities, and in opening them up
to him they are lost, dissolved in the
white ocean of his loyalty. He un
derstands. Y'ou do not have to be
"You can abuse him, neglect him.
tolerate him. Best of all, you can
keep still with him. It makes no
matter. He likes you. He is like
fire that purges all you do. He is
like water that cleanses all you say.
He is like wine that warms you to
the bone. He understands.
"You can weep with him, laugh
with him, sin with him, pray with
him. Through and underneath it all
he sees, knows and loves you.
"A friend, I repeat, is one with
whom you dare to be yourself."
ItVw. I
- w i I . . . " W hew
If you want a tale that's gory, let a woman
write the same; to compound a thrilling story I'd
appoint some gentle dame. Man at times seems
rather sparing, daubing in the scarlet tones, but a
woman, greatly daring, fills her narrative with
bones. When her inspiration's wrapped her she
has blood and bones to spare, with a corpse in
every chapter, and an inquest here and there.
Woman writes detective stories by the bushel, in
these times, and we can't deny the glories of her
plots and sleuths and crimes. And the reader mur
murs sadly, "What a dragon she must be, she who
writes so blithely, gladly, of red carnage in a sea!"
Then some day the reader sees her, and he cries
aloud, "Gadzooks!" And a most astonished geezer
is that reader of her books. For she's quiet and
retiring, she is of a queenly grace; and if blood
shed she's desiring, there's no symptom in her face.
Nearly all this season's thrillers are by female
authors writ ; through their pages wild-eyed killers
like the movie phantoms flit. And the gentle
authors render all their fury in their books; in
their private lives they're tender, drinking tea in
quiet nooks.
toasted. This
on extra process
gives a rare and
delightful quality
"impossible to
OnanaacroJ by
ho burned himself up. llu pluycd u
ceaseless pun in Ihu production of tllrl
papers, rruiuotliiii wus rapid under
hi m u nd IiIh fu'iioi'iiKlty ii" vur fiilli'd
when tin espied merit, llu paid blith
er wanes Hum uny nthiir London piili.
Usher. Hill In' would nut Inlorutu In
cltlcloiiey. This led In a Kiiytim In
Kloot street lliul hu muilu his form lie
iiiiikIiik li'inoiiH mill throwing uwity
Mm skins. Tim t'lllU'lHiii wild mle-
oi'UHi'li'Knly for iiiiwh ill nil hIiiiImk
places, llu binliti down vi 1 1 1 lot- Hu,
nti'ulli mill wan forced In i- ti rt it I ) IiIh
lour. On hi I'liliiin In ICuriipit Ihu
doetoin took III in III I'liui'K" iikhIi!'.
Hut hu refused mini iiiiirn In IImIcii in
III! Iioruillll Vl'iy IIITIllle, III! Weill
lulu (loiiiiiiuy, iIIhkiiIhi'iI, Id Mluily
rnmlilliin llii'in, llu severely rilil-
clKi'il in pulilln Hut ml lull of hi it sult-
liluri'd, fur Norilielin'ti muilit dm for-j ordinate on llm Dully Mull In iiitroe-
IlllleS Of llllll'O HU lllll i I Mil I I'N pi'llllllllly llIK Willi Other publishers III It'll
tliun all oilier l-'loot Mlrut't proprietor" wiiki'b. Two of llm nii'inlioiK of llm 4
combined. , I lion id ci r tlli'i'itliira of llm Dally Mull
NoillicllnVu iiolltli'iil power wiih , "tailed llluil hiiIIh ukiiIiisI him, IHn
inlnriiiitloiiiil. Ills newspapers have ctindlllnn 11 lit 1-until IiIh relatives 11 ml
hud u wlil.i liillticiiru on foreign rilu- '"w " Hnully persuaded In give up
liuim. people discussed NiirlhclinVi nil work 11 nil hiiIiiiiII In medical Ircul
iinllrles us If hit were 11 inline mill- "' Hill li retired ton lulit. IIIh
utter. Nu i t hi ll IT.) wuh independent
tf rl f
If vsi I
W V .-ai. 1' ataaa
limes a day.
a a a
Critics dUcUHHhiK Hurry Ured, Iho
light heuvywelght champion, usk:
"How does hu do II?"
Oreb cun't box ami lie cnu'1 hll.
and tiiiulerutely piiiKreHHlvo In IiIh
views. Ilefore I ho war ho liltturly U
tucked l.liiyd lli'imti' H 1 iiiIIi'iiIImiii, but
unco llm conllli'l hi'Kiin. NoitlicllITu
realltud thut l.loyil-(li'i)iKi) wiih bt-Hl
tlttud to becniiiii war iniiiiiler. The
welch! of NorthrllftVH liiflueiii'tt un
doubtedly hud 111 mil to do with
Moyd-Ucorgv'B Helectlon. Durlnn Ihu
pi'OKrt'HN of Hit) war, Lloyd-tleoiKe
and Northclinftt worked loKether
wllhoiil frlctliin, deHpllu their titiii
perumeulnl dlfferencea.
Hut when tho Uerinnn hreiik ciinie
and the itIbIh wiih over, reliitluiiH be
lle Just goes out and wins bee, use!, ween them cenned to' be anilnilile
the (leHlru ia there, tho amltlllon gives
him tho heart, mid lie getH the maxi
mum out of his maivelouH vitality,
e a
Greb works on tho principle of ml
nnfo ftrtver with n I.,. I b v f
"get started good and then don't dure
Wl T r-i
Tho ciiimt! of Hie break probably was
tho ImpoHNllilllty of two hih-Ii lude
pemlent it nil uttlvo peiHiiniilllleii
working together exeept under the
HlimuliiH of n 11 1 i it 1 t:t I Hitir-preiutrva-
tloii. Niirllicllffx atirllnileil their dlf
ferences to l.luyil-tletirKe'H refiiHiil to
reoi'Kiiiilno his nilnlHtry In the Inter
cut of greater national i-mrlency.
MYSTERIOUS MALADY I 'l"v,l'1"",K0' vei-Hlun Ih Hint the
.w ,,,1, , 1 ,,,1,1 111 1 inttiiT lite
heart beeiiiutt ulTeiiteil and Hie end
ruiilil Hitou. He died prai'tleally it h hit
hint lived, lit IiIh (limk. Nortlit-lirttt Ih
Hurvlviid by IiIh wife, In w hum he
wiih inari'led In 1 8N H. Hit hail no
children. IIIh prlnolpitl heir Ih ex
peeled lo be IiIh nephew, lluiioiiihle
Kamoiid HiiriiiHWorlli, nun of I.tinl
Why have a watvh that iloeHii'l
keep 1I11111 when wu KUmiiiiteu iihtiii
lute reHiillH? riyiniiiiH Hum., Jewel
era. 3 1 1 re
Don'l Fill It.
A li.'l wtiler Inn lie Nliniilil iii'ver he
realty lilted. If It In bi- ,ut In
beil in wit nu have U i,y M)(,,
three qiiitrlera full.
THH niClVn DAfliY KDfTION, IlKwn, QniXWN, MO.NIMV. Al'iU'HT 14, 1022
e- Oregon Trunk
ArrlvuH, 7:86 A. M.
I.euvoH, 8:00 I1, M,
O..W, It. A N.
Arrival, 8: GO I'. M.
. I.ouvtm, 7:00 A, M.
pa;e a
(Continued from I'iiro 1.)
tnu HOL-liil world of
Did You Ever
Stop To
Hy Hem-- I.. Fan-ell
NEW YORK. Aug. 14. Talking
about Dave Robertson, after he had
beeu released by the Giants several
years ago, John McGraw said: "He's
just us good a ball player as he wants
to be."
The same words for the some pur
pose cover a number of present day
players who are just outside Htardoin '
because they won't step in.
a e a -
Robertson, instead of being a star!
outfielder working for good pay, to-;
day is back on the New York bench. !
going to bat now and then in a pinch 1
to give someone else a seat in the
dugout. !
a a a
McGraw and several other manag
ers failed to make Robertson take his.
work seriously. The same perplex
ing problem is being studied by Mil
ler Huggins. manager of the Yanks,
in the case of Bob Meusel.
a a a
A born ball player, with a wonder
ful batting eye, a pair of slugging
shoulders and the best throwing arm
in the game, MeuRel is just some
thing short of being one of the sport's I
greatest stars.
these days of huge purses. Hut Joe
never gave a hang us long as he had
the dough to keep the tailors at work
and have the feed bag full three
give him rank
Northcllffo never cared for soi-lety,
and class criticism did not bother
him. Ills 111I111I was too active to Kventually he wan persuaded to take
dwell tor any tlmu In reveries. He a. trip around Ihu world. The dor-
name!! of u pencil cabinet.
After tho quarrel Northcllffe be
gan to Hhow Hie effects nf tint hi ruin
under which he had been luboiinK
dlirliiK the war. Several times he
was ordered by IiIh pliymcliiuii to rent,
but ho illsreKiirded their advlco.
had mi astonishing supply of nervous
energy and his death at 11 pieniiituio
tors thought HiIm would enforce unlet
upon dim. Insleiid. Not thcllfftj turned
age Is due primarily to the fut-t that speclul correspondent and xeurclied
The tenderness of
depend' much on how
they are cut
Try Our Steaks
We think they will
please you.
(). Cliiypniil spent Kiindiiy
MImh KiiIii Krli kMitii visited In (IM
liioud Hut utility nlKlil.
' J'K'li I'liillainl HaliiHiniiii,
iiiilvetl In It.. ml HiIh morning.
J. 11. milliner reHiiiii-d Monday
iiioiiiliiK from a trip to I'urilunil.
MIhh I'.'iIiiii Kviiiih hud her KiiisIIh
r veil nl 11 loeai hottpiiui (n,y.
('. Hall mid William lliililei'mmi
llslwil 011 Kiindiiy nl J.lltle ,vu liike.
Mm. I'iiiiI C. Cyr left IhhI nlKlil
for Grand Junction, ui visit fur Home
J. I.. Tinker of .M.11I1 oh spent the
week end vlHltlug with It Ih family
Miss l,ui-y Palmer f Hitliirdiiy
nlKlil fur I'l'lintvlllii, to hu Knni. Iwo
MIhh ,iii tdirnt ll.-rnhiml hud her
IoiihIIh reinoveil it t a I11111I lntsiltul
Mr. mid .Mrs. J. K. Mogan have
ret iii'tied f 1 wit a weeli'H oiiIIiik nl
KliHt litlte.
Hev. ami Mi-h. P. II. Heard re
turned Hiinilay fi'oiii a vacation trip
to (lie lieat-lieH.
.Mrs. 1. 11 11 111 dummy, who Iihh hei-n
11 pallenl 111 11 local hiiHiltul, hail 1--t
Hi lled to her hoiiie.
J. I.. O'HiiIIIviiii of i'alsley re
lumed Inline yeiiteitlity urier mji.-uiI -IIIK
Hi'Veilll llnys III lleuil.
('. T. Terrll. deputy slietlfr, ri
Ulined this morning from a vllt of
several weeks In I'm I In nil.
Mis. W. I'. Vaiitleveit of tint Old
I "lend Is visiting In llentl with
her Hon, Dr. J. ('. Viiinlevert.
lii'V. and .Mrs. J. W. Ciilieen of lles-i-ltiiliH
retiiinetl to their hnum lust
nlKlil nfler vIhIHiik here Hlitro Tliurs
iluy. Mr. ami Mih. Itolterl Khafer me
I'll l'i-II I M of it Ititlty boy welKlllllg Hi'Vell '
and iluee finirtliH pouitdH, born Hun
day nveiiliig.
Mih. Mai'Kiirel lluiurlli hai ra
liii'iieil to her 1I11 1 les In Ihu iiMIchh of
Ins, IIi'hmiii anil Woeiner, ufter being
III for si'veial ilnys.
Mr. anil Mis, I', ('. Valley mid hoiih
mid MIhh I Inel 1 1 unites have rutlllimil
lo Hielr home hern after 1111 outing
spent at Knst In It u.
Mrs. K. T. GerilHli mid dniigliter,
lliiiiilliy, hn vn if 1 11 111 ! f 1 inn I'm I -laud,
iiflttr Hieiitlliig live weekn then.,
and nl the Iteachi'H.
MIhh (Ireitl lleiiloii, who ban been
vhiltliiK with itiliillveH ul Alfalfa, left
Inst night to ret urn to Tier luiiiiu 11 1
Wlilltler, (.'allfoi'iilu.
J. A. Kiislim u nd piirly returned
from lllaiiiiiud I11I10 loday, reportliig
Hint II hIi I iik wiih not ho kikhI us It
Hhotild he luler In (hn Hi'iiHon.
,Mm. Km ma I'. Hroderlck left Hut -ui'duy
ulghl for l-iing lli'iii'h, Wush.,
to attend u couveiitlon of Hut Oiifgon
WiiHhliiKton leiiKuu of collitrtois,
Hd .M11 sun mid family and MIhk
Nelllo HIi till of MltilriiH visited In
Heud Hiinday, attending the dedica
tion of Ilio new Methodist church.
MIhh Jilllu II, Clock, county II ill si
fur Ihu pant, IX iiiniitliH, who recently
resigned, will leave tunlglu for her
future home 11 1 Ohiinrif; it 11, Wash.
Mih, J, W. Dletilih of I'ltitlainl.
who tins been at tho Hi. '('IiiiiIi.h Iioh
pltal for 1 1 11 1 1 11 1-1 j I . will leave tonight
for her Inline. Her IiiihIiuiiiI hi me to
llend yesleitlny 10 ntiiiiii with IiIh
Lester Kittitz, who cut bin leg
several weeks ago when he climbed
on a trimmer at the Ili-'ooks-Keiinlou
mill, wits 1 11 hen lo I'orlliind Saturday
ulghl for Ireaiiiieut by 11 specialist.
In hiipi-H of Having the leg.
N. It. Glllii-rt and family left Kun-
duy morning on u vacutioii trip, plan
ning to drive to I'liitlitnil, Scuttle,
Tui-oiiia ami other roust towns. MIhh
(ii'iieva Kuiiiner iiccompiiulud them lis
far us The Dalles, where she will visit
for several weeks.
Mrs. W. .. Moss of l.akevlew ar
rived In Heud Huuilay from I'm 1I11111I,
leaving later In the day for hi-r homo,
accompanied by Mrs. K. 1, Miller nf
Paisley, who him been visiting fur
several days at the home of Mr. ami
Mis. It. N. Ilmliwalter.
I'llot lluldi Inn Charles K. f.'un
mill, W. I). I'urliiy, ( A, Itnlimy,
(Jeoigit I. Downing, J. , HobertM,
I. It. Muiiro, W. T. Hrowiison, O. T
Lee, A. H. Jncksini, Kdwuril l.alrd
MIIIh, Mi-h. K. W. C. Iloardiiinii, C.
ti, Wills, Carl II. Humes, MIsh l.lly
K. Wlilltt, II. J. HHihhlelleltl nod wife,
Mildred IIioiih. Hlldu (iroiidalil, A. II.
Holileruinii, A, J. H111U1111111, Kayo
Kandlu, i'lirllaitd; C. W. HiikIicb, A.
I'. HariiiH. 15. H, (Jruliam, Mr. ami
Mih. II, II. Itown, Han Kranclsco; 0.
A. llaperlefii, Ht. Louis, Mo.; Dr. H.
K. Wulker, Mrs, J. N. 1 1 11 IT mil 11 and
HlHler, Konist Ornvo; K. W. Ilorst
koltn, Hiiokane; Mih, Theodore Wal-
leiH mid family. Coeur d'Aleuu, Idu-
ho; MIhh Kutherlnn Winkler, Mll
waiiktni, Wis.; Gerlrudu Uruntvedt
and party, Chicago; A. II. Tlndell and
wlftt, Lodl, Cal.; J, O'Kooffo, Mln
nnapollH; Ituby Klllott, Cliarlolte
Vohh, Walla Walla; L. A. Btanfleld,
Welser, Idaho; Mary Ilium, I'hoehe
Klnnlsoii, Aberdettn, Wash.
Hotel Cozy Grace V. Taylor. Heul
tle; C. M. I'ltynn, Itcdmond; Delia
Hillings. Meiollus; Joo K. Hurlch,
Milton; G, 0. Thompson and wife,
Kossll; K. M. I'ltyiut, Warm HprlngH;
J. W. Dietrich, I'ortlund; I). It.
North, Hood Itlver: Hulh Htreel, Cc
darvlllu; J, Lamb, Rimini, Wash,
Wright Kdwurd Alherl.
Malthies; Kraiik Colo, Louis Vlor
hles, J, TryHler, Portland; Albert
Gibbon, Kuiilex; A. L. Mosler and
wife. Giles and wife. Murruy, Ornn
diirff. John Hums. Dorothy Yoch,
C'liiude Hill ns, Williams ami wife,
show troupe; Omer Wulters, Hlslers;
Krnest ItobertH, Winchester, Idaho;
Hum Lor.osch, Spokane; Joo Garske,
Hrother; Klmi-r Kiickson, Hedmond;
W. J. Jorduii, Prlnevlllo; K. I'lilen,
Honolulu, II. T.
Donning; Hotel A. J, Muildeu, K.
P. A K.; A. Posalho, G. A. Mohr, H.
K. Peterson. C. C. Chapman. Walter
K. Kiilghton, Portland; K. C. Dono
van. Hnlyul; Mrs. Wriithers, Seulllo;
Archie Winters. Pendleton: G. K. I
Hughes. Con Llbby, M. Itlcliardson,
Hums; K. C. Cook. Fort Rock; L. G.
IIHsh 11ml family, Tiimalo; ('. II.
Oakns, W. K. Dieter. Hrooks-Srnnlon
Cump No. 2: Tom Nelson. Andrew
That something seems to be noth
ing but the desire.
a a a j
With his indolent grace. Mp-isnl!
j looks like he loafs down 10 first on i
1 every hit. but his friends on the club!
j maintain that he gets down as fast as :
.any man on the club, his long stride!
j making his speed deceptive. I
That the classified columns of your
newspapers are known as the "clear
ing house of trade"? Use tliem and
read them.
That agriculture is the basic bnsi-
fc,T Great as a rVLa. I f!ra ar a c? a r i M 1
j-iViaD - r-' wrw r vw o rV. 1 V
TT' I aV I ta 1
Tdri f;aene presents
f4WWw. PBT2R
In a stupendou?TJcreen version
of 9etrge Droadlbrst's New York
pyociucttDn of thd sensational
sxc success UrgdonM-mick
Joe Beniamin, the Calirornln light-'
weight, represents the same type in
the ring. The handsome Joe. if ho
was not so handsome, should be one .
lit ll.n t, ..U. 1 - .. '
ness of the ennntrv ntt, fi.. " musing uie ,
makes better business.
That farming in the future will be
a business of work, organization and
intelligence. -
That organized effort for better
business will make uny city a better j
place in which to live and make a
living. j
That the average real estate man is j
looking for buyers; he wants to know
how to find them, how to interest !
them, and how to sell them. He!
should advertise, so that the buyer I
can know where he is and what he ;
lias. j
That the progressive business man
can't meet everybody every day face
lo face. He can meet you half way
through the advertising columns of
your papers. Reud your paper, meet
him half way.
Thut you should, be so gracious to
visitors tlnt when they' leave they
will be glad they came and want to
come again.
Secretary Shawnee, Oklahoma, liomi
of Commerce.
all fighters niaka In .
Explaining Mistakes.
Thi-pe-foiinlis of tho niimukes we
iniike happen bei-atisc we do not know
what wu think we know.-James
Pups and Polish
Have you ever watched your
dog skid across your smooth
hardwood floor on your new
oriental rug?
Perhaps you've tried It your
self some time with disastrous
One hundred and twenty
policyholders of The Travelers
insurance Company wore in
jured lust year by slippln;; on
rugs and polished floors.
A Travelers Accident I'ullcv,
however, pays for Injuries sus
:i'.iiied in this way an well as
l a thoiiKiuid other ways you
may be hurt.
The llentl Company Ofllec
H Wall HI. J'lione 7
ff . WKhv U 4
u rn a a mm, 1 ,Trv
KI X X . -. MM tm'S-V 1 ' V ,, I'YIA. m V f Jk V..aY. ..s V
pm SHOW, 8:00 P. M. 23c and 50c
Directed bq Reginald Barkenwho made "The Old Nest"
The World's Most Wonderful Picture
FeutiiririfT the famous Forest Fire whiii swept the newspaper critics of,
New ork into torrents of praise! rfc-senting the most appalling ro
mance and. thrilling episodes of the sciijon on the . screen.
mm iw
Buy Blankets Now and Save Money
Here are savings that should interest anyone who needs new
Blankets this fall.
C0x76 Wearwell Cotton Blankets at $1.93
64 x 76 Wearwell Cotton Blankets at $2 48
70 x 80 Wearwell Cotton Blankets at $2.98
70 x 80 White Sheet Blankets at $2 98
66 x 80 Plaid Cotton Blankets at.' $2.75
66x80 Plaid Woolnap Blankets at $4.69
All Wool Plaid Blankets, per pair $8.95, $9.50, $10.50, $12.50
Complete line of Infants' Blankets and Robes, correctly priced
Here Are The Avenues of Feminine Interest Right Now
Take Your Pick.
Fashions, Home Needs, Colleice CUuhes Doesn't matter which way your heart
leans whether It's street or social clothes shoes, draperies or what not your
interest Ih In common with everylmdy's, to this extent you want the newest and
host tho KrealHHt assortments. And the greatest possihle price advantage come
and ace If you don't llnd every one of these features here.
New Coats at $19.75 to $55.00
New Dresses in Poiret, Tricotine, Canton Crepe, and Satin;
priced at $16.75 to $37.50
Seeing Is Believing
When a comparison of values takes place, you need not feel alarmed. No
regrets are in order for merchandise purchased here is sold at Talr prices. When
others say my suit cost so much look it over. There are grades which do not
meet a standard of quality. You may he assured that all merchandise purchased
hero is not of the varying grades hut of an excellent quality.
I'osedel. W. Swiuer, J. L. 'Sullivan.
Silver I, like.
- Flrct Known Cooked Dish.
The first conked di-di nf which any
ret'iirtl elsis. act-n rilini: to one writer.
Is the n il iolt:mt nf lentils fur which
K111 11 snld his liliihright. This fnnn
of fund is still very common in hoth
Ceiiiuiuy and France.
The M. K. Ladles' Aid requests all
memhers and friends who will to
coma to the church Krlday after
noon at 1 o'clock to help clean and
prepare the church for Sunday serv
ices. 57c
Likis Longer Visit.
Hull, four years old. lute heen going
to Sunday school for some time, when
his teacher one .Sunday nsked the
clnss: "Who witnis to go to Itcuven?"
anil all hands went up hut Hail's. The
leaeher usketl: -l)o you nut want to
to heaven?" and Hail answered:
".Vn. thank you." Teacher asked why,
and Hall replied : "It has nut been
leng since I came from there.
Our watch repairing department
will see to it that yoor watch runa
properly. Symons Bros., Jewelers.
Put It in The Bulletin.
t). T. MANX
Watchmaker, jeweller, engraver.
With Uuchwalter's Sport store.
6 4-riG-r,sc
are not available than
you can get at the
Wiestoria, tha most desirable res
idence site in the city of Bend
We are offering for the next 30
days some beautiful tracts rang
ing in size from one to four acres
at greatly reduced prices. These
tracts lay nice, just enough trees
to make shade, each tract has a
perpetual water right, also city
water and lights. Any man with
a family cannot afford to be with
out a cow, chickens or garden;
these are the very things that
makes life worth living. For
terms see
At Prices That Satisfy.
Home of Society Brand
Shop in rear of Store;
oldest established Shoe
Shop in the city.
Well seasoned, and all
cut from this year's
green standing pine
timber. No old stuff.
Sixteen inch, two foot,
and four foot body.
Phone 152-M.
lf33 Wert Eighth Slieel
and acquire a house of your own
with the snmo expenditure. A little
judgment will prompt any man to
stako his future on good old real
estate. It's always there, and the
value mounts skyward wiih the
years. Make no mistake, real es
tate Is tho foundation of nimu-;
every substantial fortune. Why nut
hoKln to mount the ladder of suc
cess. Come around and ho a cap
ital lut
Bend Iiiveslmenf Company
8U0 W.U.I, ST.
Cook hy
If your kitchen is small this
Model C-18 Hotpoint - Hughes
Electric will render very good
service. We will install this
Range complete for $7..'iO
year to pay.
Model C-4 Hotpoint -Hughes
Kiectric has three service coils
and large oven. This Range
is not as large as some of the
others, but can be used in
small or large kitchens.
SI2I..-.0 will complete the in
stallation of Model C.4. Year
to pay.
.Model R-03 is one of the high
er class Ranges with nickle
trimming and porcelain splash
hourd. Will sit under uny
window. We can inslull this
Range for SIH7.0U complete.
cur to pay.
We hhve some snups in used
Ranges. Come tu and look
at them. You will he surprised.
Bend Water Light &4
Power Co.