PAGH 4 THR BKND BUUiBTIN. DAILY KTrlTION, BKND, ORIKION, WKDNHNOAV, Al'CHW 0, I0-Jfl HOLD SERVICES FOR LAD KILLED "Jack" Johnson, Victim of Accident At La Pine, Buried Here Today. ExtarmlnaU th House Fly. Among the ISO different kinds of oacteria and other organisms taken from the bodies of house tiles by dif ferent investigators, are tufiiittlln Ular rliiK'H, typhoid fever, Hiithrux, food poisoning, aniiH'hlc dysentery, aboesses, leprosy, tapeworms, hookworms, bu bonic plague, conjunctivitis, sum mer eoi)liilnt, tuberculosis, enteritis, trachoma, eryslpteas, gas gangrene, stomach worms, plnworms and opto, tlialiula. Funeral services were held this afternoon at the Niswonger chupel for James )ouglas Johnson, Jr., eight-year-old Ron of Mr. and Mrs. Douglaa Johnson of La Plue, who died yesterday of Internal injuries sustained when an automobile trailer on which ,b,o was playing fell and crushed btn. ' Uev. J. L. Webster of the Presbyterian church had charge of the sorvice. In addition to many residents of- La Pine who came to Bend for the funeral, all of the local representatives of the forest service j attended, and many other local' friends of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Interment was In the Pilot Butte, cemetery. I From the time that he was hurt; until his death, the boy did not weep or complain, it was learned here to day. He went home and quietly told his parents-that he had been Injured. The parents -knew, however, that his condition was serious, and the trip to Bend was started as soon as it was thought safe to move him. He fell asleep on' the way in, and a little later it was discovered that he was dead, the blood clots caused by the falling trailer having spread to his brain. Mrs. Johnson's pareuts had just left on way to Ashland after visiting at- the Johnson home, and could not be communicated with in time for .them to come. for the fu neral, ."joliuson's father, Rev. Levi Johnson, assistant pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Portland, was also unable to come. "Jack." as the boy was. familiarly known, had just returned with his parents from a trip to the seashore. He is survived by a sister, Dottie Belle, aged five. XOT1CF.OF lUIKJKT AMI F.STI MATFS OK WKST S1KK KF.l' LAMATION DISTRICT . First American Piano. Evidence seems to prove that the piano was Invented by Barrolonieo Chrlstoforl, a harpsichord maker of Padua in 1710. A balf century later pianos were manufactured In England liy German mechanics. The first American piano was made In Boston In 1822 by a firm that has continued to make that Instrument for a hun dred years. Notice is Hereby (liven. -That the undersigned, constituting the Budget Committee of West Side Reclama tion District, composed of the Haunt of Directors and Levying Hoard of West Side Reclamation District. Hiul three qualified electors and free holders of West Sldo Reclamation District not officers, agents or em nloyes of any municipal corporation. and appointed by the Board of Di rectors of West Sldo Reclamation District, have made and prepared estimates as hereinafter set forth of the total amount of money pro posed to be exponded by West Side Reclamation District lor nil pur poses during the fiscal year 1923, as follows: Organization expense, cov ered by outstanding war rants $1.464.6S Attorney's fee for fiscal year 1922. covered hy outstanding warrant 600.00 Interest on outstanding warrants to April 1, 1923 150.00 Fees and expenses of Di rectors and Secretory for the balance of year 1922 100.00 Legal Expense for the year 1923 600.00 Compensation and expenses of Directors and Secre tary for year 1923 300.00 Emergency or unforeseen exnenditures for year 1923 500.00 Total J3.714.68 Estimated delinquency on tax assessments 928.00 Our watch repairing department will see to It that your watch runs properly. Symoiis Bros., Jewelers. Jl'rc , Hl'SINF.SS Ori'ORTUNlTlKS For Sale Twenty-five room hotel near mills; sell and louse building for live year period. For Sulo Harbor shop, doing good business; cheap rout. For Snlo Seventeen room board ing and rooming house; sell furni ture and lease property. For Sulo One-half Interest In good pool hull and harbor shop. Selling on account of ill health. For Sulo Small grocery und butcher shop; good location. HOMES FOR SALE For Sulo Five room fiirnlshod house, strictly modern, good loca tion; can ho handled on n soldier bonus loan. For Sulo Four room semi-modern house, completely furnished; fine garden mid everything goes for Jl.S0u.00. Will tako small car In part payment. Terms on baluncu. (nod location. For Snl) Five room plastered house, liKhts and water, full base ment. Price $1,200; $300 down, balance $20 per month. If you want to sell your homo, list It with us as wo huvo several buyers. Have cars to trade for city property, also severul trades on farms. See us before listing your property. HEXHAM FALLS REALTY CO. Bend. Oregon Phono S8-W. ISS-BSc FOR' SALE The NHU Section 86. Township SO, Range 2f, Harney county. V. K. Spurrier, 447 Simp son at., Portland, Ore. tltt-66-67p FOR SALE Horse, saddle, bUKgy and harness; cheap. Inquire 1U6 Irving avenue. t!3-5il-58p FOR SALE Furniture. Cull 944 Newport avo. 56-65-ttOp CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ClaMiAed advert Uinjr chant pr fuue, 516 rent (or 26 words or left. On wnt per word for all over 26. . All classified adver tising itrictly cash In advance. FOR SALE FOR SALE Ivory reed baby bugKy, good condition. $12.00; Vlctrolu, records and cabinet, good condition, $35.00. 134 Delaware. 69-66p Total $4,642.58 And Notice Is Hereby Given, That on September 5, 1922, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock a. m., the estimates herein given may be discussed with the Levying Board, that is, with the Board of Directors of West Side Reclamation District, and that at all times prior to such date this esti mate will be on file In the office of the Secretary of West Side Reclama tion District at Lower Bridge, Ore gon. G. E. STADIG. FRED WALTERS. JOHN A. SCOTT. TOM A VEDDER. RUSSEL H. CHAPMAN", JERRY GROSZKRUGER, Budget Committee West Side Reclamation' District. 56-62c BE SURE TO EXTINGUISH EVERY SPARK OF FIRE BEFORE BREAKING CAMP One little spark may cause the los3 of millions of feet of very valuable timber. Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. GRAND Last Time Tonight "A WOMAN OF NO E" A picture that shows a man learns to early and u woman too late. Showing true to life the passion ami sins of man; the wenkne.Hs and love of a woman. A picture every moth er and daughter in Item! would see if they knew what a won derful moral lesson it shows. If you see it you will glad If not, you may he sorry. TWO SHOWS, 7:ilO AND 0:00 FOR SALE Blcyclo, six hole range, three plain chairs, ope rocker, sanitary couch, ull in good condi tion. Floyd K. Fetty, 852 Colum bia avo. 67-6B-67p FOR SALE Ouo three room shack, partly furnished; one two room shuck; burn, tent, ull for $125 If taken Immediately. Inquire Hulr- dressing I'urlor. 4 5-5 3-5 uc FOR SALE Four room house ut n uarKitiu; win Rive lerms. i.;. ft. Benson, Sathor building. tlO-55-OUc FOR SALE Reed buliy buggy, Ivory finish; revorsllilu. Call 111 -J. l-55-57p FOR RENT WANTED Man for ranch, iilile to milk und drive Ford truck: mar ried or single; good wages. Phone 1H-F-2I. Nela Anderson. U ft - b ll-C H p WANTED Furnished, strictly mud eru Iiouhu for short I Into or will lease right place for longer term. 11. jMooro.Tol. 1117. fU-r6-67r Put It In The Ilullntln' WANTED llock inon, teumstorN and slatlon men by (Ireeuwood A liiinn, bnlwann Prlnevlllii and Mitchell; wages $4.(10; hoard $1.25; gooil prices for Mlulloii work. Holi er! Brooks, Hupt., Prlnovllle, Ore gon. iM-fiil-nop WANTED-- Elderly Tally' lii help with housework. IKHI Colorado avenue. rt 7 - fi 11 ii FOR RENT Desirable sleeping room In modern home, near town; gen tlemen preferred. Apply Bulletin office. 68-60-6UC FOR RENT Threo room house; seven room house; two room fur nished npurtmenl with sleeping porch. Phono 1 1 -11. 65-55-66p WANTED WANTED Someone to look after hoy four years old for few hours every day whllo mother works. Ap ply Downlng's Cafe. 62-SBp MEN AND BOYS WANTED For Bash and door cut-up plant, box shook factory; wanes $3.50 to $8.00 per day; room and board $1.21 per day; steum boated buildings; shower huths; modern conveniences: club house; now plant; population 3.000; accommodations for families; steady employment. Address Fruit (Srow ors Supply Co., Susunvllle, Cut. 62-54-SXp WANTED Work by hour or dny. Juanlta Miller, 200 Canal street. 4l-53-66p WANTED Competent housakoepor; steady work If satisfactory; small family. Phone 15-F-22, Brusflold. 26-63-66C WANTED To oxchanno for Ford -car, $500 -equity In five room house; modern excopt heat. Phono 70. 97-47lfc now mucn rem tea Flavor do you Buy? Do you buy tea flavor or just tea ? With the old-fashioned square tins or cartons, a good deal of the flavor is apt to be lost. In the new round vacuum-packed tin, Folger s Golden Gate Tea (Black or Green) comes with all its fine flavor and delightful fragrance kept for you. Ask your grocer. -fOMEKS Golden Gate, TFTT? A hfUviVn-tfii ma To Holders of Victory Bonds Tlio United Htatcs Treasury has Issued a call for the redemption on December 15th, 1022, of about One Billion Dollars of the 4 per cent Victory Notes out standing. Tho notes railed for redemption bear the distinguish ing letters A, II, V, D, E, or F prefixed to the aerial number. In order to provide for the gradual retirement of these notes, the Secretary of the Treasury has announced that until further notice 4 per cent Victory Notes will be redeemed upon presentation with all unpaid coupons attached at par and accrued interest to date of delivery. Wo offer our facilities to our depositors and to the public for the redemption of their outstanding Victory Notes. The First National Bank of Bend Turn Bank or Stmmo Smtiob This Bank Member of (he Federal Reserve System r WILLIAM DEMILLE'S PRODUCTION cMidsummer ; JWadness' with Lds'Wfls'on.LilaLee, . JuckHoltoGDnradNagd An alluringly beautiful plcturlzation of Cosmo Hamilton's novel, "His Friend and His Wife." Set in a flood of magic moonlight and charged . with a crashing conflict of love and marriage Tonight and Thursday y - ff V Ht MOTOB CAR A irmouncmg A wholly rfew line of cars built on time-tried Buick principles but with improvements and refinements which make their introduction an event of nation-wide interest. 14 Distinctive Models Astonishing Values and Prices PACIFIC COAST PRICES INCLUDING WAR TAX Four Cylinder Models I'. V., Roadster, 2 passenger $1050 Touring, 5 passenger $1075 Coupe, 3 passenger $1385 Sedan, 5 passenger ., $1625 Touring Sedan, 5 passenger r. $1510 Six Cylinder Models Touring Sedan, 5 passenger $2210 Roadster, 2 passenger $1400 Touring, 5 passenger :. $1425 Sedan, 5 passenger $2270 Coupe, 4 passenger $2180 Touring, 7 passenger $1690 Sedan, 7 passenger $2495 Sport Roadster, 3 passenger $1890 Sport Touring, 4 passenger $1945 BEND GARAGE DISTRIBUTOR MIEN BETTER. AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM