THK BKND lWLlJiTlff. JA1LT EDITION. BKM), OURaON. WKHXHSHA V, Jll.V 10, IDJJ PACK ECONOMY OF SINGLE TRACK UP DESCHUTES SHOWN BY SKINNER Uoih Lines Losing: Money, 1 mid Mecca, us well lis for the Jener- unn Vl'..t.. f','iiilrv .lifl'll'l llllll Ueciarea ii Hearing , , Wosl Kt'chiinnumi district. Befoi'e Commission j sen in-' iththt l'nwiiuii ! "Tills proposed section i)( line 10 be PORTLANIl, July 19. Proposed abandoned Is nol In Hie Deschutes ubnndoumeiil of the Oregon Trunk river ennyon." su!d Kollork. "but Is tracks from Motolius to 8oith June- constructed on right of way oul of tion will moan heavy reduction in the canyon. It is not asking poriuis the transportation expense which the sion to build n new line paralleling line must carry. W. D. Skinner, traf-1 an old one, but it has been operated lie manager tor the Oregon Trunk ' some ten years and ninny peoplo have and the 8. P. & 3. stated yesterday settled in the district through which while testifying in the public service ! it passes, have built homes and bnsl commisslon : hearing on the rail-! ness there because the line was down, road's application for permission to Mecca will be wiped out and Madras give up operation on its own tracks will be thrown a mile and n halt away between those noluts. I from the railroad if the Oregon ii. hv Trunk trucks are torn up. In the th Oreeoo Trunk and the O.-W. R. ! next tew years more than 200.000 & N. for,ioiut use of one track be-: acres of Irrigated lauds In the section tween Bend and the Columbia river, i now served by the 29 miles of Oregon - ... . . ...til I... h...,u. Illlltll til., I I 1111 1 luivna iiiiw"" !.. . market. Rich timber is also near.' C. V. Raslult represents govern ment Interests in the Warm Springs Indian reservation, which is near the O. T. line. R. J. Kuolt, t raffle man ager of the Western Pine Manufac tures' association, is taking an active interest. C. A. Hart conducted the questioning for the railroad, which was also represented by President W. F. Turner and other otTlcials. near Ilend. TO KXCHANOK - iieiieral merchandise business and oulldiiiK, ulso acre of ground with six-room house, small Willamette Valley town, for farm in Deschutes County. TO KXCHAXOK SO-ucro fa riit III I. inn County, Ore gon, slock iuhI equipment, no iucum- ii'ancc, for Irrigated farm In Des llllles Coiinly. TO KXCIlANtli: - Highly improved ttl acres near Mcdl'ord, hearing peaches, pears. cherries, 20 acres in alfalfa, electric light, etc.. for Deschutes County Ir rigated fur m. TO EXCHANO K Seven-room house In lleuil. unin cumbered, for a good uiiioinobiln. HKNHA.M FALLS UK A I. TV CO.. ' Rend, Oregon. Phono 88 W U..12-3KC BOARD AND ROOM HOARD AND ROOM tiood, clean home cooking; close to nilllH Mrs. J. E. Jackson, 302 Riverside. 34-S7-3KP last will and testament of J. P. Kevos, deeeiised, hits rendered and tiled his account of his nilmliilstra-1 Hon of said estalo, logelhnr with u pelltlon for Us allowance u ml ap proval, mill tor the ilislrlliuiloii nt Ihe liulaiiee lomalliliig III his pos session its such executor. Thai Monday, July XI, 11122, III 2 :10 o'clock p. in., at Hie olllce of the County Judge lit the Court House III Pond, Oregon, has been llxed as Hie lime and place when and where any poison Interested may appear and tile objections to said lliial account and Hie petition for the distribution of said estate, hy all order tnadu. entered and tiled hi the above entitled County Court hy the Judge thereof. Dated at Heud, Oregon, Juun 2S, 1922. HARRY K. HltOOKS, Kxncutor of the Last Will unil Testa ment of J. P. Koyes, Deceased. R. S. HAMILTON. Attorney for Executor. 31-37-S:i-39-4nC CLASSIFIED AOVKRTIS1XO Just when this will come about, he did not know, but stated that under the present plan of operation, both lines are losing money in Central Ore gon. He declnred thai most of the time the road did not even pay operating expenses. Only Preliminary Step "This proposed abandonment of 29 miles of line is but a preliminary to wards the unification of the two lines from the Columbia river to Ilend." Skinner declared. He pointed oul that the proposed abandonment of the South Juuction Metoliua section will mean a great re duction In the transportation expense the line must-bear. The witness said his road did not receive $5,000 a year in freight returns on the 29 miles of line it wants to lose. Skinner declared there will con tinue to be competition for business by the two liues and denied there is any intention of the O. T. and O.-W. forming a legal consolidation. He said the O.-W. R. & N. line between South Junction and Metolius is fiTe ; -VAXTED One dishwasher and one FOR RENT FOR RKNT Two room furnished housekeeping apartment. Call 377-J, 37-38-3S'p FOR REXT Three room modern furnished house. Inquire 65 Franklin avenue. 35-3fi-3Sc FOR RENT Three-room furnished apartment. Inquire 726 Delaware. 92-30tfc WANTED NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the olllce of Douglas Johnson. School Clork, La Pino, Deschutes County, Oregon, for t!eneral Con tract and Plumbing Contract of School Untitling and Gymnasium un til 12 a. in.. July 22. 1922. and not thereafter. Hids to ho opened on the same date. Plans and spool Mentions thorefor may be secured at the olllce of Lee Thomas. Architect. and Hugji Thompson. Rend. Ore., about July 13, 1922. upon a cash deposit of $5. No proposal will he considered, unless accompanied with a certified check for an amount equal to seven (7Tr) per cent of the amount of the bid. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. Dated nt La Pino, Ore.. July 1 1th. 1922. 31-40c than the Oregon Trunk shorter tracks. "As a feeder line it has some value. but I do not regard it a successful WANTED Girl for general house- lunch man for camp: steady Job also yard and mill men. Apply at Shevlin-Hixon office. 41-3Stfc feeder line." said Skinner. BusinoB Cftlefly Lumber He stated that nearly all of the business received by the two roads originated in Bend, from whence work. Bartlett Hotel. 56-26tfc FOR SALE FOU SALE Two lots and store Imihlinn- In onnrl rililniiff iturt 41M3 canoaas oi lumuer io ot citv. Inquire at Bulletin office, last year. The witness said that to 39-3S-43p the best of his knowledge , the Oregon j SALE One good team of Trunk line cost J16.000.000 and the, Worses weight 2S50 pounds, or O.-W.'s Central Oregon line $6,000,- wm sell separate. Inquire J. O. 000. Hagan, He said there will be no Immediate, 261-W. reduction In Central Oregon freight rates even if the Oregon Trunk is per mitted to give up the section it wishes to abandon. Costly Repairs Xenlcd "W. H. Marsh. Oregon Trunk engi neer, announced that if the company cannot quit the 29 miles talked about, it will have to construct at once repairs on two bridges that will cost $100,000. and tie replacement that should be made at once will cost $20,000 more. Marsh said the normal mainte nance cost of the 29 miles was be tween $301000 and $40,000 annually. O. B. Riddle,, Oregon Trunk ac countant, said. these 29 miles cost $3,146,568 to build. Riddle stated that only 2 per cent of the freight secured by the Oregon Trunk line originated along the line of the disputed section. John K. Kollock, Portland attor ney, appeared for citizens of Madras 959 Newport, or telephone 40-3-40p FOR SALE at a bargain, comfor table three-room little house; wa ter and fixtures built in: has garage. Terms. Write, Owuer, Box No. 236. Boise, Idaho. S9-30-39p FOR SALE: An good condition. electric range in Call 36S W. 30-35tfc FOR SALE . Five-room house, modern, near mills, easy, terms, $300 down, $25 per month. FOR SALE Five-room modern house In Wiest oria, $2,150; terms. TO EXCHANGE Highly improved 80-acre farm, 16 miles from Bend, to exchange for TO EXCHANGE Bend property. Timber at St. Mary's, Idaho, for house in Bend. TO EXCHANGE Highly improved Willamette Val ley farm, modern in every respect, for Central Oregon stock ranch. TO EXCHANGE A nice little farm in Northern California for Bend property or farm iifHH ml ' " .- ui- ii-,r.,"H!;-- Pi I "WILL KEEP: YOUR. ACCOUNT. STRAIGHT FOR A BANK BOOK In an efficient bookkeeper. You will know at all times the exact amount of cash you have in re serve and it will add to your business UMUtencsH lo do business by check. Allow- us to serve you. The First National Bank of Bend Tsw BjkB or Supbiii Thiv Bank U a Member of the Federal Reserve System 1 TONIGHT & THURSDAY If laughs were dollars this picture would be worth millions! XOT1CK OK HKAKIMi I'POX FIX Ali ACCOl'NT AND PF.Tl TlOX FOR DIKTHIM'TIOS. In the County Court of the Stnte of Oregon for the County of Des chutes. . In the Mutter of the Estate of J. P. Keyes. Deceased. Notice is Hereby Given. That. Harry K. Brooks, executor of the PIANO INSTRUCTIONS Specializes on time, harmony and technique. Orchestra work taught to advance pupils. .MRS. W. J. MAHOXKY Formerly Orchestra Leader Grand Theater. Phone 339R. 521 Georgia LATEST and SNAPPY STYLES IN Men's Furnishings At Prices That Satisfy. Home of Society Brand Clothing. SHOE REPAIRING Shop in rear of Store; oldest established Shoe Shop in the city. LOVEN'S 1017 BOND STREET ViiH-i-t lve-ly guaranteed a tin' gosli-all-di-riidot, crmikcdcM yarn that ever tickled the ribs of the world ! A yarn for the hundred million folks who Itch, at lime, lo pecu-, late. ALSO PATIIK XK.WS Coming to Grand Tomorrow Zane Gray's "THE U. P. TRAIL" BETTER. EATS are not available than you can get at the SILVER GRILLE BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOMES Wlestorla. the most desirable res idence site in the city of Bond. We aro offering for the next 30 dnys some beautiful tracts rang ing In size from one to four acres at greatly reduced prices. These tracts lay nice, Just enough trees to make shade, euch tract has a perpetuul water right, also city wotor and lights. Any man with a family cannot afford to be with out a cow, chickens or garden; those are the very things that makes life worth living. For terms see HENKLE & MINER LAND CO. Fly Time Screen Time I. 0. JACKSON The Screen Man Shop, 121 Minnesota Call 341-W for Prices The tenderness of STEAKS depend' much on how they are cut Try Our Steaks We think they will please you. O'DONNELL BROS. Prices of Auto Tops Reduced Fords $12.50 Oilier tops ill proportion. Fords ,1'c-lipliolHlcrcd, $I.T.(IO. Wo absolutely guarantee all work. Xoim belter anywhere. Bend Auto Top Shop lilO Greene, ood Avenue. White River Flour Fowl Scientists and the groat stomach specialists are now recom mending pure white clean flour as the cheapest, most nutritious and health ful food that can he consumed by the human race. Every kernel of what made into WHITE RIVER FLOUR is thoroughly washed in pure clean water before be ing ground into flour. If you buy WHITE RIVER flour you will save eating the unhealthy im purities that are contained in flour made from unwashed wheat. Sold by all merchants of Oregon. Wasco Warehouse Milling Company The Dalles, Oregon. Spend Your Week End at ELK LAKE Where The Trout Bite Best IN THE HEART OF THE CASCADES Boating Bathing Hiking Tents with Springs and Mattresses (asoline and Oil for Motorists Saddle Hoists for Side Trips Telephone For .Reservations !53!i Till'; "MILKY WAY" TO HHAITH Sou Hill: "It's really wonderful! rinfnolhig lino us silk NIim-c I'm cotiHiimlliK every iluy, A tmrl or more nf milk. "I'm gaining weight; I'm full of pep; My brain In clearer, too, The "Milky Wuy" to Perfect Health Huh made me good as now. If you get feidln' all run down, Just, try the "Milky Way." You'rn bound lo "pick up" If you drink A iiiiirl or in i It each day. Bend Dairy Store Wall Street i;;i!it!i,ii:i,Lj