THE BEND BULLETIN TIIH WKATIIKII Fair toulght unci tomorrow. DAILY EDITION VOU VI. IIKMt, IlKHOIIUTKH COUNTY, OREGON, TI'KHIM V AFTERNOON, JULY 18, lU'J NO. 7 SETTLEMENT OF RAIL TROUBLES AGAIN (OSSIBLE Shopcraft leaders Sponwor New DiHCUHuion WORKERS MAY RETURN MnluUtaanrtt of Way I'nliin Head Ut ilises To Call Htrlkiv New I'lnn uf Arbitration Involves Tim Re opening of Wa(i (jumtloil. I II United I'rtM to The Mend llulletln.) CHICAGO. July 18. Grout algnlfl riiuee lit utluchiid to tlm reopening of negotiation loiluy lo settle (Ho mil road atrlko. The new phut Ih based on tho Immediate return of atrlktira to work, reopening of wuu scnlii din cuaalon boforo Ihn labor bourd, ro turnlriK seniority rights, illinlnnllon of contract work by railroads, und crentlon of adjustment boards In uc rnrduncn wlih Iho terma of Dm trana pVrtutlon act. Hhopcrufl leaders uro understood to tin HpoimorliiK (ho now move, with tin! bonrd agreeing. Aviator Trying Flight To Siberia DiHappears; Search Tarty Formed (11 Hulled I'm to Tin Bvnd llulletln.) DAWHON, V. T., July 18. Huurcliltig iurlH buvo been dis patched from Kulrbunka lo dud C. O. Preat, aviator, attempting to iimko a flight from tlm Al iunde count to Blberlu, who left Knglo for Fairbanks Sunday uud hua not been seen since. Hl fllKht ahould uot have required or four bourn. PERMIT ASKED FOR DM1 WORK Work At Crescent Lake To Re Finished In 3 Months Says Redfield. CLARKSEEKING TO PLACE ALL BLAMEONONEY Forest Ranger Confesses To Irregularities FEDERAL TRIAL IS ON BACKERS ASK OLCOTT FUND Money Needed To Finance Recount of State Pri mary Vote. illy United rm l The llend tlulletln.l SALEM, July 18. Friends of Gov ernor Olcolt Issued a cull to III" sup porters today to contribute toward a fund to defray tho expense of a re count of the atnte vote to aettle the Olcott-Hall controversy ua to tho re , nulla of Ihn Muy primary elwctlou In Ihla atate. The Ku Klux Klun hit already la sued a similar cull to rnlae $50,000 to defray llnll'a ihare of tho expenae. Construction of tho slornge roser- volr d 11 in at Crescent luko to furnlah uddltlonal water for the Pendulum County Municipal Improvement dls- rlct, formerly tlm-Tumiilo IrrlKatlon district, will bo started wltbln 1C days and compliitod within three montha, nccordlng to HtulemoiitN mado In nn application for u apociul uao permit Died with tho Deachutua national foreat by C. M. l'.edflcld, en gineer for the project. Coat of conal ruction, which la lo Include a log crib duin which will ralae Iho level of the lake 10 feat, und an outlet ennui, la given In the application aa $35,000. Those de velopment will require tho uae of un acre of hind at the outlet of Croa cent lake. Another apnclal uao iormlt appli cation la for timber which will be de stroyed aa tho reault of raising tho level of the luko. CALIFORNIANS OUT AGAINST THE S. P. Hc-Mrrger of lUllroad Hyntema Op- poxtl Ity Chamber of Com I merco llureau. (He United Press UThe llend llulletln,) SAN MATEO, Cal.. July 18. That the Southern Puclflc in to have strong oppoaltlon from certain part of the atnte In Ita cnmpolgn to line up com merclnl and civic bodloa In favor of n r-morgr of the Southern and Cen trul Paolflo ayatonia waa Indicated hero when the Peninsula bureau ot chambora ot commerce through F. R Thnmpaon, chairman of the trnnspor tatlon committee, announced Ita aup port of tho auprome court ruling un scrambling the two systems. Tho Penlnaula body tavora tho Halo of the Conlral Paclflo to tho Union raclflc, In order to create rail competition on the Ponlnaula. Thompaon doclarod that tho U' promo court looked Into and ruled on 4 all the argumenta of the Southorn Pacific now being preaonted to the Cullfoyla public, and handed down a Uoclnlon against tho Southorn Pacific. Ho declarea that it ahould be unneces sary to "support tho auprome court," but that "In vlow of the campaign being waged by tho Botithern Paclllo, It Ib noceaaury to miike tho poHltlon of tho Penlnaula plain." ' Trouwrs Anil Hlnoculum (Imrgrcl 1'p Am Camp Food Huppliiw, la I'harg) ;iark Advhu-d Fraud, Arruvril Man Test Men. t lly United Prese U. The Bend Bulletin.) PORTLAND, July 18. The trial of E. L. Clurk, merchant of La Pine, in dieted with Uurton Oney, foreat ran ger, an a charge of huvlng conspired to defraud tho government through the padding of Oney a expense ac count, wua in progreHH In federal court today, with the greater portion of La Plne'H population present. Clark's attorney Ih attempting taj shift the guilt upon tho shoulders of Oney, who freely confessed to tho Ir rcgulnrltlea, which consisted of two pulr of trousers and one pair of bin oculars, charged up to "food sup piles" for vurlous camps. Oney testified lo tho details of the transaction, and xuld that Clark had told him. In regard to the trousers. that he could not carry him on his accounts, and for him to charge them up to the government. When Oney hcsltutcd, he said Clurk told him he wua foolish and urged him until he did so. DEFENSE WINS POSTPONEMENT Mrs. Clara Phillips Calm As She Hears Indictment For Cruel Murder. Bonus Commission Has Supreme Authority In Appraisals, Is Ruling I n lnILd Press to Tlm Hend HulMln.) HALEM, July 18. In a au prome court decision the state bonua commission was sustained today as the final authority In making appraisals for loans to ex-service men and women. , Tho suit had been brought by ' un ex-service man dTsaatlaflcd with the commlasion's decision. WATER IS MADE SAFE FOR USE Comparative State Show Results Chlorinazation. Tests of - What the chlorlnlziitlon of wator means to the people of Bend la shown In a report received yesterduy by the Dend Water, Light & Power Co. from the ofllco of the state health officer giving results of testa made of Des chutes river water which had been treated with chlorine gas and another sample taken on the same duy which had not been chlorinized. The first sample showed that water taken from tho city faucets Is entirely safo for domestic use, while that taken direct from the river could only be used with considerable dnnger. Untreated river water had a bac teria tent of SB per cubic centimeter und colon bacilli with a count of 10 per 100 cubic centimeters. Accord ing to the Btnte board of health, water which contains 100 bacteria per cubic centimeter, or shows a count of two In the colon bacilli test, is unfit for human use. OREGON TRUNK! PROTECTION OF IN HEARING TO ABANDON TRACK Commerce Commission To Pass On Evidence TURNER IS WITNESS MINES, TRAINS, TOBEORDERED Harding Threatens To Use Federal Troops ARM NATIONAL GUARD Miulras, Mecca, Anil Other Towns Which Would lie AfferU-d liy l'ropuMfl Action Are Itepre ( Hr United Prcu to The Bn4 BuHrtfn.) PORTLAND, July 18. Presenta tion of evidence by the 8. P. & S. owners of the Oregon Trunk road, which is seeking to abandon 29.4 miles of track between South Junc tion and Metoliua. was begun today In a hearing before the public service commission, which will transmit the evidence to the interstate commerce commission after the hearing has beon completed. W. P. Turner, president of the road, which was originally construct ed by the Hill Interests, was the first to testify. W. D. Skinner, general truffle manager, will be questioned this afternoon. John W. Kollock is representing residents of Madras and Mecca and other towns which will be affected it the road is abandoned. Residents of these towns are objecting to the plan. Charles A. Hurt is representing the railroad. Gomper Warn Vim. of Kot tilers, Predh tM FHilaro of Gov- ' eminent Operation CI If- " 1 tonvllln la Arms. STEADY REALTY ACTIVITY SEEN COOK IS BOUND TO GRAND JURY U United Prw la Tt Bend Ilullrtln.) ( LOS ANOKLE8. July 18. Defense attorneys today succeeded In having Judge Homer postpone until Thurs day the arraignment of Mrs. Clara Phillips for the murder ot Mrs. Al berta Meadows with a hammer. Crowds thronged tho courtroom to- duy. Mrs. Phillips continued cheerful, despite the continued recital ot the horrid dotulls connected with the crime. District Attorney Woolwlne reud tho Indictment this morning. SEEDS IS CANDIDATE TO SUCCEED HUDSON Will Take -Kxamlnntlon To Pick KllglMn Mat From Which Appointmrat Is Made. Purchase of Residence Sites For New Homes Fea tures Transactions. Ileal estate transactions in llend this year have as their most encour aging foature the consistent demand for hitherto unimproved property to bo used os sites for new residence. This Is tho declaration ot R. S. Dart of the Descbutos County Abstract Co., in analysing the local really market on the basis of abstracts of title han dled through his ofllco. The demand for houses has been good, too, he notes, a number ot sales being com pleted this summer ot property which bad lain Idle or which had been on the mnrket for more than a year. Renting property has been scarce tor some time, but the steady pur chase ot lots In residence sections of the town Indicates a decrease in the number of desirable dwellings for sale, and consequent necessity for Assault With Intent To Kill Alleged In Two Complaints. CHOLERA RAGES IN LAST STAND Disease Now More Alarm ing In Odessa Than Ever Before. ( Br United Proi to Th Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, July 18. Presi dent Harding will call upon state governors to take Immediate steps to protect mining of coal and movement of trains, probably issuing the call tonight. He will sound a warning that unless state troops or peace offi cers are able to maintan order, fed eral troops will bo called out.'. ' National guard companies are pre pared tor action in Georgia. Ohio, Il linois, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Texas. In some cases troops have the riot situation In band, and In oth ers troops are enroute, while in still other places companies are merely held in readiness for transportation to disquieted centers. Two charges of assault with intent to kill, preferred against Tom Foley, cook at tho Cascade rooming house, will be Investigated by the grand jury at ita next session. Foley stood ex amination on the first charge, in which he la alleged to have menaced Officer Tom Curlon, but waived hear ing on the second charge, in which he is churged with similarly assaulting Officer Tom Murphy. In each case the bond was fixed by Justice of the Peace E. D. Gilson at 85,000. Foley continued to deny any recol lection of Saturday night's occur rences when, witnesses testified, he shoved a revolver against Carlon's new building, aa Dart Interprets con- body and threatened to kill him if he LAKEVIEW TO BEND DRIVEN IN 82 HOURS In order that Mrs. Bum nalloy of Lakevlow might cntch tho evonlng train to Portlund, C. A. Chnlslrond tnxlcnb mnn of that town, mnde the trip to llend In 8 hours and 25 niln utos, which If not a record, Is nt least remarkably fuat time. Tho distance Is 185 mllnB, bo thut Chnlstrnnd avor ngod nearly 22 miles nil hour. Leav ing Lakovlow nt 11 o'clock, he reached Dond nt 7:25. That he will take the civil service examination which will pick an eli gible list of throo from which an ap pointment will bo made by President Harding to fill the vuciincy loft by tho resignation of Postmaster W. II. Hudson, 'as tho statement today ot Acting Poatmaater S. C. Seeda. ArUIo from this ha will make no active race to securo the appointment, he said. R. N. Ouchwalter and J. D. David son are the only others who have publicly announced that they are willing to'assumo charge of the Bend postofllce. THUMB NEARLY CUT OFF BY RIP SAW Huvold Clnrno's loft thumb wits out nearly off when It was caught In a rip saw In the Rhovlin-Hlxon box fao tory Into yoBlorday. Tho thumb may bo aitved, It was stnted nt tho Lunv borman's hospital, where Clarnn Is a pntlent, this morning. CAR TURNS OVER ON GRADE; TWO ESCAPE An automobile, driven by Fred Wil son of Tumalo slipped off the Tumnlo grnde Inst night In trying to pass an other car, and rolled over, smashing the top, fondcrs and windshield, Wil son whh cut about the fact by bits of gluns from the windshield, but othpr wlso wua not Injured. G. M. nalloy, riding with him, escuped Injury. ditlons. All this means a- steadily growing population, he points out. . Transactions are much more fre quent than lust year, especially ' In city . property. Farm lands, as Is usual during the growing season, are moving alowly. . . NO BLISTER RUST IS LOCATED BY EXPERT No white pine blister rust exists In Central Oregon as far as W. R. Lawr ence ot tho United States bureau of plant Industry has beon able to ascer tain In Investigations covering more than a week. He has, however, found many wild currant und goose berry plants, the alternate hosts of the fungus cnuslng the disease, indi cating that the timber urea ot Central Oregon would not'-prove a barrier to the spread of the disease. did not leave the rooming house where the officers had come to make Foley's arrest. An instant later, he Included Murphy in the threat In addition to the complaining wit nesses, James E. White, John D. Cole and Clarence E. Stevens, all roomers nt the Cascade, testified. Tho defendant briefly conducted the cross examination. TELEPHONE LINE TO REACH MOUNTAIN TOP Construction ot the telephone line from Elk lake to tho summit of Ba chelor moimuilii is to be resumed by a crew of men taken out yesterday afternoon by Forest Ranger Archie Estes. The line is to afford a means of communication for the fire lookout who will be stationed at the top of Bachelor. RATHENAU KILLERS t COMMIT SUICIDE (My United Trail to The Dond Bulletin,) BERLIN, July 18, Fischer nnd Koin, assassins of Walter Riithennu, traced by police to a fortified tower at Bud Kopson, Thuringla, commit ted suicide today before they could bo arrested. . Each shot himself through tho temple. Dog Saves Life of Tiny Mistress; Holds Child Back as She Wades Into Deschutes; Barks Bring Help Alternately tugging tit tho dress of a tiny miss of perhnpn two yenrs, und barking until ho gained the at tention of people across the river, n shaggy shophord dog Is credited with saving the life ot the child, who had wodod Into tho river un til her foot, sinking In the muddy bottom on the wost side of tho stream, mnde It Impossible for her to return to shore. Tho child hud apparently Btruyod from home, the ' dog finding her Just when n few more minutes would have mount drowning In the Deschutes. Unaided the nnlmnl was unable to pull the youngster from the wator. but he could and did bark until he secured help. Safe on shore, the child took a firm hold ot tho dog's heavy coat as he started alowly for homo. Human rescuers failed to learn the name or address of the parents, contenting themselves with the In formation from tho child that she was Doris nnd that she was "Mam ma's girl." . liy Wm. M. KweetH (United Press Staff Correspondent.) LONDON, July 18. -"Europe's greatest cholera epidemic is now rag ing in its last stronghold, the Ukraine, according to Dr. J. L. Mc Elroy, who has been for the past year district physician for the American relief administration In the Ukraine. Both the cholera epidemic and the less terrible spotted typhus epidemic have at present, however, become more alarming in Odessa and the Ukraine than they have ever been in Russia, without excepting even the Saratovr region, he told the United Press. ' . The continual inpouring of refu gees from the Volga Into Odessa has taxed the facilities of the relief ad ministration to the fullest, according to McElroy. - "There are today 2.000 cases of cholera in Odessa and fully' 500,000 cases in the Ukraine," Dr. McElroy stated. The number of typhus cases are approximately twice that number. The present death rate of the cholera victims is 60 per cent, with typhus only about 10 per cent. - "The Russian epidemic centers have become very much quieter In the past six months, thanks to the gov ernment's mensures and its coopera tlon with tho American relief organ' Uatlons. We hope lo reduce the pro nortlons of the epidemic to a much lew alarming degree before the win ter." OOMPKR8 ISSUES WARNING .., WA8HINOTON, July 18. The country is drifting into a state of "irresponsibility" and the . situation resulting from the railroad and. coal strikes Is such as to cause "gravest concern In every quarter." Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, declared today. Gompers Issued an emphatic warn ing against the use ot troops In the coal strike, declaring that this is no time for "rattling the saber or the mailed list." and predicting failure for the government's plan to take and operate the mines. He charged a close bond of sym pathy between the government and the employers, as evidenced by state ments both have made. E. F. Grable, head of the main tenance of way union, announced ho would not call a strike at this time. CABINET DETERMINED WASHINGTON, July 18. With bituminous operators accepting Presi dent Harding's arbitration proposal in part and offering to put their mines and services at the president's disposal, Harding and his cabinet met today, determined to force coal pro duction regardless of the miners' re-" f usal to arbitrate. Federal troops may be need at mines accepting the president's in vitation to reopen. GIRLS' SUMMER CAMP FEAR ANOTHER ATTACK . CLIFTONVILLE, W. Va., July 18. Cliftonvlile bristled with arms to day as sheriff's deputies surrounded the mines and guarded strikebreakers to prevent an outburst like yester day's when Sheriff Duval and six min ers were killed in battle. Strikers are reported to be mobil izing for another attack. Machine guns are placed ready to repulse them. MAJOR LEAGUE SCORES NATIONAL LEAGUE At New York- ... R. AT ELK LAKE OPENS e Yrk -I St. Louis 0 H. E. The girls summer camp in charge ot Miss Cttiln Degermark and Miss Jane Hall, which sturted Monduy ut Elk lake. Is preparing tor still more girls who will arrive in llend Satur day, according to Miss Degermark while on a trip to Bend from the lake this morning. Today the enrollment Included Helen Nicolui. Anne Wont worth, Helen Cornell and. Doris Leigh Gordon, nil of Portland. Miss Dcger mark's father, C. F. Degermark, and Miss Doris Pettlnger, Instructor, nre also at the camp. (First Inning) Pittsburgh-Brooklyn.rain. At Cincinnatt- At Chicago At New York T5ARBER RECOVERS AFTER LONG FAST! Chicago At Philadelphia- Henry Cavnnuugh, La Pine barber who spent nearly Beven days without food receutly when he wag taken ill and was unable to continue while walking home from Bend, has com pletely recovered, according to Yls Idtors In Beud yesterday from La Pine. j Cleveland At Boston- R. H. E. . 9 14 1 .3 5 2 R. H. E. .6 12 1 .3 8 1 IAGUE R. H. B. .14 20 8 .. 4 . 10 4 R. H. B. ..8 '4 1 .. 6 10 ' 2 R. H. B. 6 U 3 ..5 8 - Waahington-8t. Louis, rain,