The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, July 14, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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The Bend Bulletin
rmUbkW Enrr Altraaaa Eiml B.nd.7.
Br Tha Ball.Ua (larantarsud)
KnurvU a. Second CImm mattrr January I.
1111, at tha I'oat OBIca at thud, OratoD.
andar Act of March J. 1IT
BORKHT W. BAWYER Rlitor-Manaaar
BENKY N. roWLKK Awociat. Kditor
0. H. SMITH AJv.rtUlnii Manatar
An Indtxndnt Nw.ap.r, Btandins for
tb. louin kal. clean buuncM, clean politic
and uia beat lnteraata of Bend and Central
By Mali
On. Year tn.00
Jtl Month! 12.16
toraa Montlia , 11.60
Br Carrier
Dim Year , .M.60
Biz Month 13.(0
Oaa Month 0.S0
A'J luhaerlotiona ara du and PAYAH1JC
D) ADVANCE. Notlcea .of expiration arc j
nailed aubaeribera and If renewal la not (
aaada within reasonable tuna the paper will I
a discontinued.
Pleaaa notify ua promptly of any chanirc '
af addreaa, or of failure to receive the paper i
varalarly. Otherwtae wa will not be ra
aponaibla for eopiea ffilaacd.
Make alt ebecka and ordcra parable to ;
Tna ttena tfuiMtln.
FRIDAY. Jl'I.Y 14. 1922
thy tongue from evil, and thy lips
from speak Ins guile. Depart from
evil, and do good; seek peace, and
pursue it. Psalm 34: 13. 14.
Here is what the Harney County
News thinks of the announcement
made by the Oregoninn of Mr. Krutt
schnitt's promise that the Southern
Pacific would build She Natron cut
oft. The opinion of the News con
cerning the railroad situation in gen
eral is also of interest. Says the
"This railroad controversy is one
of vital utmost importance to East
and central Oregon, as the Southern
Pacific, during its life, has never
done anything only develop the coast
north and south traffic over its lines
to the Atlantic coast, and without
the most drastic authority prevails
the Southern Pacific will not at any
future time aid central and eastern
"In comment on the above declara
tion The News wishes to state that
the general tenor declared seems an
endeavor to create an atmosphere of
magnanimous philanthropy on the
part of the Southern Pacific in prom
ising to build the Natron cutoff.
"It is possible that the people of
the Western Oregon can be gulled
into believing it a philanthropic act,
but any dull student of simple trans
portation and commercial economics
certainly knows, and also the intrepid
pioneers of eastern and central Ore
gon know that the Natron cutoff is
one of the most siragctic and advan
tageous positions and situations for
any potential transcontinental trans
portation line to controj in the north
west. Therefore to solidly deduct
conclusions the Southern Pacific has
only a selfish, ulterior motive exist
ing in its determination to build the
Natron cutoff. Mr. Piper, the servile
editor of the Oregonian, fell for the
flattery of advance selfish confidence
handed him by the S. P. people and
like a boy with his first pair of red
top boots, is very selfishly elated and
flambouyant In advocacy of the S. P.
cause without regard for the benefit
of all of Oregon. In this insipid
frame of mind Piper pipes bis pipe
as the Pied Piper of old and gives
comfort and satisfaction to the now
recognized enemy of Eastern and
Central Oregon. This statement,
The News feels is safely and sanely
Justified by the cards as they lie on
the table before us at the present
time. No map of the Southern Pa
cific people has been printed or even
published that promises of develop
ment into its magnitude the latent
resources of the Eastern and Central
"A reporter for the Oregonian in
the Wednesday's issue, has a long
laudation concerning the Southern
Pacific endeavors to parallel the
western portion of Oregon with Us
awn lines, and this report falls into
error for magnanimity by saying as
" 'On the other hand, the Union
Pacific had declared that, in case it
should receive the control of the lines
in controversy, in addition to the
completion of the cut-off. It would
extend lines through central Oregon.
Just what this latter would mean is
not definitely known.'
"Did the reader note that remark
'Just what this latter would mean
Is not definitely known!'
"Portland and the Willamette val
ley have either forgotten, in their
narrow selfishness, that there is an
eastern portion of the state, or they
are insanely Jealous of the fabulouB
Intent wealth of eastern Oregon that
it would outstrip every and all done
In their localities. Once Eastern Or
egon has adequate and sufficient
transportation to brln the magni
tude of its resources into existence,
the Western Oregon 'web-footers
realise they have no chance In com
parison or amount of production.'
"It Is quite manifest to The News
that Portland is trembling and fear
some of some magnanimous , trans
portation company developing some
! Jl A
v it wan rrjtfon , -?r
More Trouble
I asked my friends, in ringing terms, to drink
from brimming rivers; the streams, alas, were full
of germs, and now they've ailing livers. They come
to me in ire and say, "You are a blamed deceiver;
you made us throw our jugs away, and now we've
typhoid fever. To help you boost the Volstead act
we cut out all our bitters, and went and sipped a
cataract, and now we're weakly critters. The rivers
are not fit to drink, for microbes there are swarm
ing; you've put us all upon the blink, and ought to
quit reforming." Some good I struggle to achieve,
though frost meets each endeavor, though knockers
stand around and grieve, and gnash their teeth for
ever. I say to all these janes and jakes, these
mourning sons and daughters, "You ought to boil
your streams and lakes before you drink their
waters. The wild Missouri's full of mud, all kinds
of germs enmeshing, but if you cook its turbid flood,
it's wholesome and refreshing. You'll have good
health and sweetly dream, upon your divers pillows,
if you will take the babbling stream and fry its
sparkling billows."
stuii'd pi'iipiir itllmvitiit'ti Iihh nut bi'tui
tmulti n in liiit.HO rut' kI'Ih of In iid
i di'dli'utvd lo public iim; f 1 70. 342 fur
t rust of lhi Ori'Kou Trunk an It t-xlxt-
fil prior In I UOSt, when It was uf
! qiilri'il by thii riirriur; $79'.I.1I!M1 for
! tuloivst on funds ixMuilid for t'nu
1 Hinit'ilon, iiml $319 fur I In' euniiuiiiy's
1 pun Ion of Iwn iiuliiiniiliiii's Joint I y
1 owned with tht S, P. & S., tint Ori'Kuu
I Kli'i'Ulo it ml I ho fulled Hnllwuys.
By tha Second Post.
"Gi'iiilenii'n : Am m-ntlltii: ynii buck
Hie lii'lt of nit mt'i.'unl purrliiiNi'il it
fi'W ilnys iiuii from yen. II In tun
short. One with lliu ulioiit'Kt Iniltutt
pluieil wlirre (lie mil mio ought to
1m mi this mil' would lio nliutit right,
us when I hi' t-iiil button ml tills urni
Is ustil In runiHMtlon with whi're
IIhtp t-otlld In- mi ,im liiittonliolo on
this belt it Is it ipiml hi. hut thi'i-i' lire
mint'. Other Hutu it-o above I lie belt
Is all rlKlit. Yours, vie., Vt. S. O."
I'lilrapi Tribune.
of the other Justly competitive ports
of Oregon should congestion of trans
portation warrant. This 'sticks in
the craw' of the Portland 'bunch.'
"Any way. Harney county feels its
suport is with the Union Pacific for
the reason that it will develop the
unknown potential resources and also
give us a competitive market on the
Pacific or at Omaha or Chicago. Our
resources will surely earn us a mag
nitude of marketable supplies we
have then to offer.
"Furthermore, the endeavors in
achieving power, no matter by indi
vidual, corporation or nation, must
have that humane quality to secure
permanancy, and in seeking to crush
by reason of potentialties the laud
able and magnanimous ambitions of
an equally situated system that seeks
a fair competitive situation, is flag
rantly unfair, unethical and repre
hensible act against society, com
merce and political economics."
WASHINGTON. July 13. Protest
against the tentative valuation of its
property fixed by the Interstate com
merce commission has been tiled with
that body by the Oregon Trunk rail
road. The total value ullowed by the
commission was 16.252,000, and the
railroad says this should be increased
to at least $16,667,000.
Objections are made to the engi
neering. Innd and accounting reports
on which the valuation Is bused.
Among the items for which It Is us-
Out O'Door Garments
for Ladies and Misses
To thoroughly enjoy a trip to
the mountains or beaches, one
must be appropriately dressed.
Style, quality and comfort,
as well as reasonable prices,
make "Will Wear" garments
popular everywhere.
Ladies' Khaki Outing Coats
.at $3.50 and $4.85
Ladies' Khaki Breeches....$3.48
Ladies' Khaki Skirts $3.95
Ladies' Khaki Midies $2.25
and $2.50
Ladies' Khaki Hats 95c
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Wool
Leggings $2.68
Ladies' Wool Tweed Knickers
at $6.95 mi.
Ladies' Wool Suits ...$16.95
Pin re.
Odd Lots Ladies' Fibre Silk Hose, white
only, sizes, 8Vfc to 10 39c
Odd Lots Ladies' Lisle and Cotton Hose,
black, brown, white and gray 39c
Phyllis Klliiilioth Knninor, unit fur
mil tithnr rtdiuf its llto t'uurt may
ili'oin Just mid piopi'i'.
This summons la hoi veil upon you
liy the piililli'iitlnu thi'ioof In the
lleiul 1 1 it I lot In . Dully Kill! Ion. tor
a pel iuil uf nix I'oiiiovullvo iiml Miir
i'i'hsIvk wt'eliH In ueeuiiliiiieii Willi nil
order therefor miiiln by the Hun. T.
K. .1. liiilTy. JuiIku of tint t'lieull
('unit for hiiIiI J ml la- lii I District.
Said unler requires puhlhullnii of
thin milnuioliH fur six euiiHiieiitlvo
ami Hiiei'PHHlvu weeliH, mid tlnil the
Hint piihlleiillon Hint 1 1 lie on h'l'liluy.
the i'uil iluy of .tune, I '.!'.! 2
Attorney for I'lulullff
I'. it. AiIiIiohh: lleiiil, iii'okoii.
I (.1 -ft-1 I 7-::i :u-.iii'
Avoid Imitation
1 & Substitute
For Infants, InvalldaaodOrowlnRChlldran iRIchmllk.miltail grain aitract In Powdar
Tht Original I'ood-Dtlnk For All AHNo Cooking NourUhta - DIcMtlbW
i"llM"' '4a. ratlal -l
Sealed proposals wilt lie received
lit the olllco of UoiikIiib Johnson,
School Clerk, Im I'lne, Deschutes
County, llreRon. for Ceneinl Con
tract n nil l'liiinhliiK Contract of;
School IluiltlliiK mid Cymiiasiuin tin-'
til 12 a. m.. July 2-2, tititl not!
thereafter. Illds to lie opened on j
the a mo date. I
Plans and spoclllcntlons therefor
may be secured at the oltlce uf I.e j
Thomas, Architect, iiml IIiikIi
TliompHoii, llend. Ore., aim ut July
1.1. 1922, upon a rush deposit of ffi.
No propositi will he considered,
unless accompanied with a certllleil
check for an umuiiut enmit to seven
"" per cent of the amount of tho
bid. The right Is reserved to reject
any or all bids.
Dated ut I.u I'lne, Ore., July 11th.
1D22. ' 31-40c
Iu the Circuit Court of tho Statu
of Oregon for tho County of Des
chutes. Viola It. Sumner, riulntlff, vs.
Ilollle K. Sumner. Defendant.
To Ilolllo K. Sumnor. Defendant:
lu tho Namo of tho Hluto of Oro
Kon, You uro hereby required to ap
pear and answer tho complaint filed
nttulnst you in tho nbovo entitled
suit within six weeks from the dato
of the first publication of this sum
mons, to-wit: Within six weeks
from tha 2nd duy of June, 1922.
and If you fall so to answer the
plaintiff will, for lack thereof, apply
to the Court for Judgment against
you as demanded In her complaint,
to-wit: For a decree of tho above
entitled Court of absolute divorce
from tho defendant, fur the custody
of the minor child of the pnrtles.
UNiTRsrrY(RrcoN Sffi
The college of Literature, Scienc
and tht Arts with 22 department.
The professional tchoola of Archi
tecture Business Administration -Education-tjraduale
Study -Uw-Medicine
Music Physical EducationSociology.
The 47th Year Opera October 2. 1922
For acatalojut or ang Information
toritt Tht Rcjlttror. UnWtrKlg of
Oregon, Eufrnt, On ton.
, Sex Hill: "It's really wonderful!
I'm feeling Hue us silk -Since
I'm consuming every duy.
A ttturt or mure of milk.
'"I'm gaining weight; I'm full uf pep;
My liralil Is cleurer, tun.
The "Milky Way" lu Perfect Health
Has made me good us new.
If you get feellu' all run down.
Just try the "Milky Way."
You're hound In "pick up" If you drink
A i an it of milk each duy.
Bend Dairy Store
Wall Street
One little spark may cause the loss
of millions of feet of very valuable
Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co.
The People's Store
Sacred Heart Academy
Boarding antl Day School for Hoys and filrls
Abundant wholesome food and regular hours. Personal
supervision with home like conditions.
School Will Open Sept. 5, 1922
For information, call on or write
SI8TKR HUPERIOIl, Klamath Falls, Ore.
First Baker and Man Who Set Up
The Electric Bake-Rite Oven
Is Back On The Job
Again having secured the services of Karl
Swanson, the original Bake-Rite baker, we
are in a better position to serve the public
than in the past few months.
A Fine Assortment of Fresh French Pastries
and other goodies can always be had at the
Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery
Phone 273 We Deliver to Your Home