TIIH I1KNI lll'U.KTIN, DAILY EDITION, HKVT), OltKflOX, HATI HIMY, Jl'.VK 10, IWKi. PAfiB IIICNI) TltAIN HCIIICDUMO Ore(on Trunk Arrlvui, 7:85 A. M. LauviiH, 8:00 l. M. O.-W, It. A N. Arrlvon, C:B0 I'. M. Loaves, 7:00 A. M. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ('. I,. (Jlnl nf Misters la In llitnil on himlui'iis (uilny. J. II. limine returned luiliiy fi "in a trip In KIiiiiiiiIIi Kalis. II. I'. Itoyi'u ruliiriii'il I hi iiioiiiIiik from ii hIioi I lrli l I'oiiland. Jiiii Thiiiiipnou, Hums iiii'rrliiiul, wim In lli'iul yesterday un himlnimn. Mrs. W. I.i'iiiinnl wns n puimonicr In llllvor I .ii U ii mi ilm slime yesterday. Mm. ('. H. HiiiIhiiii unci (1 u u k "f 'l in ni'il IIiIh iiiiiiiiIiik from I'lirtliiml. Mr. mill Mrs. W. II. Munis re liirni'il llilu iiioiiiIiik from u Hliurt li'lii In I'll! tlllllll. Allen Wlllriixiin, u oiuleior ' III" Kill Inku !.' 1 1 , wim In lli'iul yesler iliiy fur nit i I Ikm. It. T. FleinliiK f I'rliievllle wan In 1 1f ii f 1 yesterday un 111" wuy Iiiiiik' from Silver Lake. Nelson Hytii'iK. formerly of thin 'Ity, In vlnldiiK hero tl dim Ii Ih home In .MIhihiuIii, .Mont. Tim KHimlilim club will meet W'etl iKimliiy uf I riiiiiiii Willi Mik I,. K Orrell, 813 (ieoiKln. M. I'.luia to Silver I. ii In' mill A. I.. Iliinkii to Kritmont were thin iiioiii Iiik' MiiK" puiiHi'iiKi'Mi. MImh Hum Knickerbocker mill Imr brother lOminett III" In lli'iul today from their home ut Kim mi'. licit lliiiTlnun mill piuly of Astoria arrived In lli'iul Friday iificrnoon to iitti'iul Ilm nlulo Imp Hlionl. Itt'V. W. (). Ti'iilnly. pimlor of the I r' 1 1 y t i-r I ii ii cliiirch ill rrlimvllli', mill Mm. Tetilnly, with In lli'iul yes li'rilny. A. M ('routine Ii h n tulleii a poHllloli wllli Ilm llmiil Intimity. Mr. ami Mm. (.'rniitiim uriived Imrn yiinli'iiluy from KnutllK. Mm, P. Ilottrlr.ht returned to I'orl In ml hint nlKlil after vImUIiik for some t lino wllli lnr ilutiKlilir. Mm. J T. (illKl'll. Jr. John I.okiiii iiml Harold DiiiIIiik Imvo returned from Porllmul, where I hoy lilt vo lii'i'li iiIIiiiiiIIiik Columlilii university. Jiinmn lllalsdnll wi'iit to I'lirlliunl hint iiIkIi I (or IiIh IIiiiiI exiiuiliiiillou for mil i a ii i'ii In Ilm n it in in or IrulnlnK rump ut ('limp Lewis. Muck A. Paulson, former principal of Ilm llmiil Ii I k Ii school, litfl lunt nlltht for IiIh linino lit Hllvorlon, nflitr HpniiilliiK two (luyM In llmiil. Miss HiiIiiii IIowiiIiik Iiiih returned to Imr il ill Inn In Ilm olllro of II. II. I) Armoml, followliiK ml Illness of ni'Vnriil duyn wllli IoiihIIIIJh. II. I). Inn Im mill T. I). Ilurchiy of I'm llniiil ri'liirimil lunt nlKlit from I. ii hi hill on, IhIiikIHk with them un uniiimiilly iiiimhnr of lame trout. Mr. mill Mm. Ilurpor Hkimu arrived In llmiil thin imirnlnif In uttiuid thu hi ii t o Imp nliout. Kkunii wuu foriiinrly inunuKKr of it hardware storo here. Minn OIku Dickson loft hint nly.ht for i'ortlmiil, whore she will npimd Mm summer. Klin wun n pupil In tin' schools hero durliiK Ilm punt year. II. (1. Ilnnlos, construction niimi'lu li'lidnnl on Hi" Kllvnr I. nk" mid Hum mer I. lid ii Ii'iIkiiIIoii proini'tn, ! f t yes turduy for Hllvnr l.nko uflnr npniidiiiK several duyn In lli'iul. A. T. V. 1 0 1 1 1 i k r of 1 ' it I ii ii il w.-ik In lli'iul Friday on IiIh wuy to I.u I'lne on liunliinnn In connection Willi lid Jiinlmniil of Innitrmir" on thn nrhool Iioiihii whlrh liiirund Mouduy. ('. A. Iliilhiiwuy, niiKlnnnr on Ilm Tiimiiln project, hun returned from ('oivullls. where Im iilieniled thu commencement exercises mid re ceived IiIh liiu-lii'lor of Mi'h'iii'i; 1k i'i.. I'liri'liiiHn of Itulek rurn ly ('hurlnn Khetifell, Wllllnm I. mm und K. A. Slither, mid of Chevrolets hy S'. K. MiikIII, (). K. Andrews. Arthur Khuw und I' 1.. Wllllmiin, In reported hy Ih" III ml kuiiik". Tim Presbyterian Ktilld will itlvo n ri.ri'pllou, hoiiorliiK Itev. mid Mm. J. I.. Webster, nl lliu liiinin of Mrs. John DiiIiiiIh, 111)11 ColiKri'HH. ni'Xl Tuesday iivniiliiK from 8 to 10 o'clock. All iiiimiiIm'I'h mid frlcndH of thu church un.' Invited. AT THE HOTELS Pilot llnKo Inn l' A. Iluiion, Wi'lHfr. Iditho: 1'. J. Iloliilimi. II. K MrlloiTiiuu, A. It l'lilni'T'. 1". (). Joy II. I,. Dniilou. (. I.. IIuIIith. A. 10. Kiullh, J. M. I.iihIi, Kd Mornlo, (). II. Kurd, M. ('. Miidnmi. I'oitliiml: Mink Klddiill. llmi liny. Anlnriii: W. K. Kiainn, A rl I UK ton : Aim full, I'ihko, N. I).;'t:. f. I'lnmon, Kntilll"; llurlmrl Wlilmuilnr, llrothnm. Until fo.y- Mr. n ml Mm. A. (I. limits", Kliiiiiuth AKuncy; f. Mutlork und wifn, Dimiii Shull, I'midli'lon ; Alum I). Miirlln, H. 10. I. oily. I'orl I ii lid; Itoy Nnwnll, Muilrnn; V. Mnu Knl. Khnvlln-Illxoii (!iiiup No. 1; Mm. K lino und fiimlly, llnllliiKhiim. Wunh.; H. O'Dontmll, I'himnlx; It. II. Hurt, ItuHi'ljiirK. DiihiiIiik lloti'l J. 0. CurrliiKton, I'oillund: Krunk Johnnon, Hhuvllii lllxon cuinp: Ilyroii Hinllli, I'owull lliltln; Tom C'ronlli, Tim UIiik, IIIkIi DuHirt; lliiel llllihurd, Hulph V. Hwutt, lluriii). Wrliclit lloli-l Nulnon IIuiiiIh, Cot tiiK (Irovu; (lrunt IIuukim, Wukoii Ilm; It. Gii'iiii, Murynvllln, Colo.; K ii ii I Andnrnoii, Nvw York; K. Ny lundnr, Hpokiinu. JMOVIES AMOfH IMK) 'AST I')lt IlKi ItOI.K IN FIIM I'l.AY A doK whlrh cuii not uiidnrntiind KiikIIhIi mid unnwnrn to Iho Frnuch luiiKuiiKi) only, wun unud III milking iinporliiut nniiunurnn In "Klownr of Ilm North," thn VltiiKruph npcclu) production hunnd on tho fumoiin novnl hy Jmnnn Ollvnr Curwood, which will Im nhown nt Did l.llierty llmutnr tonlKht. Kor Unit rnunon Ilnnry II. Wulthull mid I 'ii ii 1 1 :i- Klnrkn und otbnr mnin-h"i-H of thn compmiy hriiKhnd up on thnlr lliiltulnlli: iihilltinn, und coin uinncnil to npnuk Krunch while on lo cution. In fact, throiiKh the Krnator part of thn tlmu Kronen wan the Ian Kuuko unud by the entire company. Tim dog, a beautiful rlftlglun ihep hiird, wan norurod from a l!nltnil Hlutun mliilor, while In Knince. It lookn and clevernnnn thin dog In all thul I Im mont oxnctlng director could wlnh for. Hut the animal could not undnrntnud a word of EiikIIhIi, and whnn It wun necennury for one of the iiiembnrn of the pluy to npeak to it, hur owner told the non-Kri noh npnuk Ing party how to pronounce the phrunn, mid prvnto, .Marl", Imr great eynn Imaming with intelligence, Jumped and hurried to the renponne. The dog wan nncured In Houge, Knince, when nhe wun three yearn old. Klin In lhrne-(iiurtnrn Alnutiun nhepherd und one-fourth wolf. Bhn in owned hy u I.oh AiiKelen huxlueHn man. I'MON ; HOI.IK Mr. Arthur HhilliMK. of the Ilnnd Hardware 'o., on a drive Saturday and Hiinduy proved to hin nutinfuc tiou that on l.'uioii gunoline lie could obtain greater mlleuiie than on that of u competitive nanollnc. Having tried both, he ohtultied 18 inllen per gullon on I'nlon gasoline and 15 mllnn on the oilier. We urge you to make your own tentn und bo fatin- jfled un to the renuliH. Mr. Shilling iliovn mi KMiex car. Adv. Cc REI'UIJLICANS OF WASHINGTON MEET roll Til And . I'l lmary Law Am t'lllef Ihhuih lll-fol-n iThe fonvrntlnn. . (II; United Prn la Tb B.ixi Bullxln.) CIIKHALIH, June 10. The Wanh ington male republican convention met here toduy with two important innuen to be nawed Into planka. He peal or formal approval of the ntate poll tax und repeal or formal ap proval of a direct primary law modi fication or retention of Ibe law In its present form were anked. -, Hay Greenwood probably will be chonnn temporary chairman and P. K. Jnffery, permanent chairman. MIRROR BREAKS IN LOCAL POOL HALL From no me unknown eaune the plate glann mirror behind the bar at j the Metropolitan fell from itn place and nhuttnred on the floor lant night at 11 o'clock, the damage amounting to 30d. K. H. Kennedy, one of the proprietors narrowly avoided injury. LIBERTY LAST TIME TONIGHT James Oliver Curwood's Story 'Flower of The North' Spring Musical Styles New Columbia RECORDS Unit will make your (irufonola burnt forth Into a bloom of hilarious iinlnil) Hint villi do the family morn good tlimi a Mi'i'k-i'iul v ileal Inn In the country. AMIIOII "(Jeoryln" Kox Trot 7.V 'Snmn Kunny Dny" I'ux Trot.. .:ilill-7.V All Over VotliiiiK At All" 'KIihIiii'hh" Hny .Miller Huy Miller Nora lliiycn Nora Itnyin A:IIHI(l "Honey I.u" Tim Hurt Sister 7.V "Wiikn t'p, I.lttln (ilrl Shannon Kour A.'tno'J "I'oor l.lltln ln" l-'ox Trot KnliknrbiMker On liitra 75n 'll'goiies" Kox Trot Knlcknrbocknr Ori-hestra Aililtin "My Miuliinen I.tilliiby" Klwin Dale 75c "lOrln 'ourn Wnitrln' n Wondnrful Kmlln"....f lin. Hurt Thompson Music Co. ' Most of this picture was photographed in Oregon. Some of the scenes on the MeKenzie river. nnnr mi lnrjnnnm: it imnrmm innnnnnnnnnnnnmnnnnnnnnnnnnn lUULiaijaauQLirjuuuuuui luuuuDuuuuuuGuuauuuuuuauuuuuuuuuuu! rqnnnnnnnnmnnnnnnnnnanan::nnaannnnnannnannonnDnDCDaaonnnnaX)angnaDqnDqDODO JuuuLJCLJGUuuoaauaDaDauaaauaaaaDaaauaaaaaDDaaaDDDDaaDaQauDpacaaDDoaaDanaaDuDa LOOK A t These Prices and Say Can Afford to Yo Walk We know absolutely, you never saw Better Values in Used Cars, and wh en vou in see the cars you will bacK us up this statement. I low Dors This Tick ? SEVEN PASSENGER BUICK In tho very bent of condition In ovory wuy. Junl h i overhiiulnd and hun always had thu bnnt of cure. Only $750.00 It may look Ilko cow hut itn a fuct. Wo are offer ing a Model "N" HUPMOBILE In A-l niochiinlcnl condition; paint and upholHtnrliiK 1rt cluna bIiiiiic. for $400.00 If you can reslnt this temptation you'ro no kin to Adam. Here is a Bargain as Big as an Elephant BRAND NEW Ford Roadster Only ran 360 miles. Extra tire and cover mid shocks, tor $500.00 Gentlemen, we could make a stump speech about this car and not say too much then. We are only going to say we have a MAXWELL priced at $250.00 No, it's not the Good Maxwell, but it's a good car. Here You Are if you went a ROADSTER. (Nationality) DODGE (Age) 14 months. (Condition) perfect. (Price) $700.00 A ban full of nKKR nt tho price they were lust winter would be a fair cxchatiRO for this car. 490 CHEVROLET - $165.00 No, It's not a rock, It'a a Rood car nt n whalo of a buy. Wo have three othor Chovrolnta that aro priced: 1920 sells for $200 1020 marked $225 1921, and it's mighty cheap at $375 wmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmm Wo will Ritarantoe every car wo list hero to be just exactly what we toll you It Is or your money back. We want you for a regular customer and we are going to Rive you treatment that will warrant 11. w wiiii mum nil1 in nimiiiH Look These Staples Over, Ford Sedan, excelent shape throughout $650 Olds Eight Chummy $700 Overland, Model 90 $400 Velie Touring -- $450 Maxwell (old style) $350 Hudson Bug .'. $225 Franklin, newly painted and just over hauled $950 We Arc Agents for PA(JE JEWETT MAXWELL OLDSMOIULE Beod Motor Service Co 835 BOND STREET If you already have a car we solicit a part of your busi ness. Drop in and get acquainted. DO 3 on DO on on od a eg an GQ yy Rfl no uu oa g Da DQ SB eg nn og a 89 eg BB ca . ........tfiiirrrinnnnrinrirnnrirnrnr n 11 n 11 11 u nnmmnnrinrmnn gfiBBBBBBEBgff