FA UK THB BEND BULLETIN, DAILY EDITION, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNK ft, 10211 The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION fllttM Ermt Annum Km Bander. Hw Tka llnl BallctlB AmumiiM) stared aa Second Claaa matter January ft. MIT, at tba Poet Offica at Band, Oregon. aadar Act ox Jiarca a, imi. OBKKT W. BAWYKR...... .Editor-Manager BSNBY N. FOWLKR Aaaociata Suitor & B. SMITH AdTorUeins Manager JAMJCS M. O'NKIL Circulation Manager a Independent Newapaper, atandtng for tb aooare dead, elemn bualneea. elean polltiea and tha baat iatanata of Band and Central Uraaon. ... . SUBSCRIPTION KATES . Be Mall Oat Tear IS. 00 Jtm Montha W.76 Three Montha f MO By Carrier Oat Tear St. 50 Six Montha IUI Oat MoaU W.40 AU aubeerlptione ara dua and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notice, of expiration ara allart aubaeribara and If ranawai ia not asnda within reaaonabla time tha pa par will ha dtaeontinnrd. Plenee notify na promptly of any enance mt addreea. or of failora to receiT tba paper ffeeralarry. Othcrwiaa wa will not bo re ponaihla for eopica mlaeed. Make all ehecka and ordara payable to Tbo Band Bulletin. THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1922. BIBLE THOUGHT FOB TODAY THE WAY TO PEACE: Ac quaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: .thereby good shall come unto thee. Job 22; 21. MASONRY AND THE K. K. K. (From the National Trestle Board Organ of Masonry) The grand master of California has joined with those of Iowa and Texas and other jurisdictions in denouncing an organization that some, in despic able propaganda, have sought to con nect with Masonry. It should not need the pronouncement of these au thorities to conrince the people that the very nature of the Ku Klux Klan is utterly foreign and repugnant to the real Mason. Many of the broth ers may have joined such society, un aware of its meaning. But now they must choose between the two. And that one who may prefer the night riding and disguised association will benefit Masonry by leaving. - "Free masonry," says Grand Master Burke, "stands for law and order and decent government. ' It stands now and al ways and openly for the orderly con duct of society, and for the uphold ing of the lawful and..regnlar admin istration of the legal processes of our courts." He contrasts it thus with the Ku Klux:- "Its practical workings appear to be to interfere with the orderly and lawful administration of the processes of our courts; a society that skulks and strikes in the dark -under cover of. masks; an organiza tion so un-American and un-Masonic as to merit the disapproval of all thoughtful, law-abiding, order-loving men." Further the grand master has stated, beyond his edict, that Masons who are Klansmen "must get out of either one order or the other. The oath of the Ku Klux Klan absolutely subverts everything that Masons are taught as their first and highest duties." One may wonder at times if some of the out rages committed have not been the work of Agents Provocateur, and if some of the lurid stories told are not part of an adverse propaganda. But that law can be flouted by any, and blame thus attached to others, only serves to prove the danger. The con nection of Masonry with this society was seized upon in certain quarters and spread with avidity. It is well that grand masters are thus emphatic in dissociating Masonry from any such entanglement, and in making plain to the world that the great fra ternity is fn the open in all things. FINDS PASTE JEWEL, . SELLS FOR FORTUNE "Diamond I'ull," Newest Swindle, Successfully Worked With . Tourists. - (By United Presa to The Bend Bulletin.) LONDON. June 8. The gold brick is dead.' The latest stuns is known as the "diamond pull" and has come to London via Geneva, where it was first worked off in the following man ner: Two Swiss tourists were .walking out of a church when a well drescd man stopped just ahead of. them . bent, picked up something which glit tered and whistled. He turned around to the two tour ists and displayed a glittering dia mond ring. "I'm a jeweler," he said. This ring is worth more than a million crowns, I'll let you have it for half a million." The two suckers bought the ring and on trying to sell it were told that it was a "phoney" stone worth about 75 cents.' .. HOLLAND FARMERS SENT TO CANADA (By United Presa to The Bend Bulletin.) ItEQINA, Bask., June 8. Farm la borers are being brought into Sas katchewan from Holland. Hundreds of workers will arrive during the next few weks. Each will be given a guarantee of a year's work at good f5ro!infRhumQS Being A Bore It isn't hard to be a bore, if you are so in clined; with ease you'll make your neighbors sore, and spoil their peace of mind. Perhaps you have an old tin car, an antiquated Liz ; then sound its praises near and far, and brag how good it is." Up beetling mountainsides it tears, without a change of gears; it hasn't cost you for repairs a buck in fourteen years. Your friends all know your old tin bus, they see it every day; they know it isn't worth a cuss, no matter what you say. And they have cars that really make a splash for grace and style, and they all wish, for Peter's sake, you'd let them .brag a while. The auto makes the whole outdoors the playground of the mob; it also makes a crowd of bores where'er its pistons throb. And there are ninety other ways to bore your wilting friends; new systems always meet your gaze, when some .old system ends. Sir Oracle is still a bore, whenever he may ream, the man" who talks as though all lore were packed within his dome. To talk the side boards off of men is not a wholesome plan ; a flash of silence now and then is good for any man. wages. At the end of the year most of them are expected to settle on farms of their own. Saskatchewan has had a farm la bor shortage. During last year vast acreage of new land along the trans continental lines of the Canadian Na tional Railways has gone under the plow with the influx of settlers. This has resulted In the need of additional farm help. The decision to Import men from Holland is in line with the general immigration plan but the men are carefully examined as to their quali fications. Only those who are fitted for agricultural pursuits are selected. DENBY SAYS NAVY IS SURPRISE PROOF (By United Preaa to The Bend Bulletin.) SAN DIEGO, Cal., June 8. Al though this Is peace time, the United States stands "in constant readi ness" to meet such surprises as were sprung on the world in 1914, William Denby, secretary of the navy, said in a United Press inter view here today. "The United States navy cannot be taken by sur prise," Denby Insisted. He is here with the transport Henderson, en route to the Orient. BEND MAN RECEIVES WARRANT FOR BONUS One of the 61 warrants for bonus loans so far issued in Oregon has been Issued to a Bend man. It is to Dr. H. C. Dodds and Is for the max imum sum of $3000, it was stated this morning by Charles W. Ersklne. attorney for the bonus commission in Deschutes county. Infamous Tree Grew on Island. For one of its features Christmas Island, In the Indian ocean, may be said to be Infamous rather than fa mous. A bulletin of the National Geo graphic society tells of a tree, believed not to exist elsewhere, which la de scribed by one disgusted visitor to the island as emitting "the most disagree able odor In the world."' With a trunk as- sturdy as nn oak, and leaves as graceful as those of an aspeu, it gives to the, eye no Indication of Its true character. But Its scent permeates the air for hundreds of feet In every di rection, and if one Is unfortunate enough to so much as touch its bark or leaves, nothing short of repeated scrubbing with strong carbolic soap will make him again fit for human so ciety. The Island Is a British possession, having been annexed In 1888 after the discovery of rich fertilizer deposits. . Azteo. In a prehistoric ruin near Aztec, N. Mex., cxcavatorB found a basket-work shield, for warding off the enemy' spears. The owner cunningly had coated it with flakes of mica, fastened with gum. In the sunlight this worked like a mirror, blinding the enemy. Behold, there, one of the earliest manifestations of the Inventive spirit, chief thing that separates us from the savagery of Hie past. Our finest modern inventions will be considered crude when they are unearthed by future orcheologists. Child's Poetio Expression. Verna Is the proud sister of (In her estimation) the most darling hahy brother In the world. The other day she went up to liiiu and, throwing her arms around him, remarked: "Oh, jou little doll, you're so sweet 1 can kl'js all the soft oiT of you," referring " his cheeks, which are soft and rosy, Chlcugo Tribune, MORROW WILL SPEAK AT CREDIT MEETING President of Association Urges .Mem bers To Hear Vijtltlng Jurist. Circuit Judge Robert G, Morrow will be the chief speaker tomorrow night at the monthly meeting of the Bend Credit association to be held at 7 o'clock at the Pilot Butte Inn, a letter sent out to the association members announces. Dinner will be served. "Judge Morrow Is a very engaging speaker and will have a message of interest for all of us; we should turn out in generous numbers to hear him," says A. G. Clark, president of the association. Put Pony's Comfo-t First. One Sunday afternoon when I was ten years old my beau came over to take me for a ride In Ills pony enrt. I took my new red panisn along, ns It was a very hot day. on the way home my beau thought It was loo hot for his pony so he took my parasol and climbed on the pony's back and held It over the pony's head. I was left sitting alone In the cart, with not even a hat on my heart. Tills ended my flW love affair. Chicago Journal. Always Something. And 'If they can lind nothing else to disagree about, a happy innrrled cou ple can quarrel for hours over wheth er It Is worse to put "the- mticllnxo brush In the Ink or the pen In the uiu-cilnjre. EXCURSION FARES EAST Lower Than Ever This Summer Round Trip Tickets Routed Over The Union Pacific System Returning same or any direct line Yellowstone Park ....) 4'iJVi Hnlt Lake City 48.82 Denver , ; 04.(10 Kansas City ' 72.00 Omaha 72.00 Chicago 80.00 Ticket Sales DAILY until August 31. Return limit October 31. The Union Pacific operates the only THROUGH SOLID TRAIN . between Portland and Chicago, '. . - "Oregon-Washington Limited" Leaves Bend 7 A, M. Arrives Chicago 11:00 A. M. (third day) Through service also on "Continental Limited." Every -foot of tho track fs protected by AUTOMATIC SAFETY SIGNALS. Equipment Is the best In tho transportation world. Dining car service the very maximum of human skill and art. The-servlce as a whole represents the supreme effort of the management to please and satisfy patrons, Call on our Agent when you are ready to go and he will do the rest. . f- F. E. 8TUDEBAKKR, Traveling Passenger Agent 13M East Thin! H'reot, Uentl, Ore. Phono 210-J. WM. McMUItllAY, General Passongor Agent. RUSSIANS GO TO HOMELAND Coast Residents Will Get Land Tax Free On Their Return. By It. A. Donaldxon - (Unltad I'raaa HUH Corrauondont.) ' BAN FRANCISCO, Juno e.Organ lied Into tho "California Commune," aud furnished with resources of "base" cnpitullstia cash totullng more than $100,000 us a rosult of pooling their accumulated savings, over 400 Russians now residing on tho Pacific const aro preparing to leave for soviet Kutwlu during the next six months. The emigrants havo boon grunted a tract uf 7, B00 acres of hind near Moscow by tho soviet government. They will work It us commuual property- and flnnnco'tholr operations and their trip to Russia out of I ho $100. 000 funds. In consideration of the migration, and on Btlpulution tluit they cultivate the tract, the soviet government has ! agroed that the land shall bo tax-free tor eight years. Members of the "California Com mune" will sail for Russia In two contingents, tho llrst on June 30 and the second on January 1. " . TWO RACES TO END RACING ON WATER Vale-Harvard Classic And Inter collcglute Rcgnttn Remnln To lie Rowed. By Henry L. Furrell (United Pro Staff Corrcapondent.) NEW YORK, June 8. Only the two big clusslcs of the yoar the Yule-Harvard race at New London and the intercoliegluto regatta at Poughkeopslo remain on tho rowing schedule Yale and Harvard with all their traditions aud color behind them will havo their usual place In tho spot light on June 23, but national inter cut centers more In the buttle of six crews on the Hudson on June 26. Navy's Olympic, national and Inter coliegluto champion eight, Syracuse, Cornell, Columbln, Penn and the Uni versity of Washington will make up the field that will row for tho Intor collcglute title at Poughkoopsle. With such a great record behind them and an undefeated season, the mldshlpmon will paddle to tho sturt er's line an overwhelming favorite. As In the case last year, when Cali fornia and Cornell engaged In audi a sensational duel, tho interest prob ably will be confined to the fight for second place. . Hated to Part With Jewels. The maxim expressing the futility of earthly posiojxHlniiii, "Shrouds have no pockets," was recognized with frank regret by Itachel, the French actress. Fondly contemplating her Jewels, she said, "And -must I part with these so soon I" St. Louis f, 8I.no Cincinnati IOO.IIO Philadelphia 144.1)5 New York 147.40 Boston 108.35 To other cities In proportion. GINGHAM DRESSES for Children A very attractive and for play or dress wear; One Dress at Two Dresses, each Three Dresses, each THE rilOPKHHIOMAli AND Hoaeei Work at lloneal Price CHARLES R. STANTON Painter and Paper Hanger Ilouae ralntliw In alljl'e Ilranthea Celetailnlng a Bpeelalty I'hone la -J J. E. LEDGERWOOD OENEHAIi IIAUMVU Haul Anything Auywhcra Stand at A-55 Second Hund Store Phono 94 -J Prices reasonable When You Want Your WOOD SAWED Telephone 134-J SEE IIARR AND 8KB liKTTKR II. W. BARR OPTOMETRIST Office lloura: 1:10 to lit I to I Wednesday and Saturday evening. I to I Beama !- Upatalra O'Kane Bias. Telephone 310-J for DOONAR'S WOOD SAW W. G. MANNING, D. M. DENTIST' Suit 12-14, O'Kane Building Phone 178-W. Bend, Oregon Office Phono : : : : 6 8-J F. M. BLOOM Dentist Rooms 4 and 5, over Pontofrico DR. G. SKINNER DENTIST Ofllce, Room 16, O'Kane Bldg. Phono: OITlce, 236-W. omco Hours: 6 to 12 1 to 5 R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13 and 16 First National Bank Building. Phone 51. (Dr, Coo's Former Office) The Law Ofllce of W.P.MYERS Now Loetttod In Rooms 220-8 Miner Building New Phone No. 2nfI-V. Phono 27-J. O'Knne Bldg. DR. E. E. GRAY ,; DENTIST Hours: 9 to 121 to 5:30 Evenings and Sundays by Appointment If Your Troubles Are Electrical, Don't Do Disappointed . ' (HAVE HOPE) Hope Electric Shop 844 Wall 8. Phone 11B-J. well made Dress, suitable special for Saturday only. ....95c 85c 75c HUB BUSINESS DIKECTOHT BEND CYCLER Y 121 Minnesota Avenue) Now Open for llunlnraa Indian Motorcycles, Reading Stan ord lllcycloa and Tricycles, Parts. AcciMworias and Repairs. MARION M. LESII NURSE Phone : : : 191-J Offle Frame 117 . O'Donnefl Building DODDS & BLOOM Phynlrlans and Surgeon !r. n. a IVal.la, Thone tal-M. Or. C K. Blown. Hm. I-hone U-J. lloura l I to II A. M.t I to I F. M.I 7 to I evening. BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Wrllera of all alnrfa of Iniuranee. OI4. eat Ineurence Axency In Central Oreiton II. C KLL1M Flrat National Dank Uld.. Mend, Ore. J.B. MINER & CO. Real Estate MINER 111.1X1. Room 201 Phono Blio-W. MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent for the . NUHO.NK CORSET Will call by appointment t 1069 Columbia St. Phono 303-M. p. o. Box 40 G. C. MORGAN ATTORN EY-AT-I.AW 153 Minnesota Ar. Phono 1 1 0-J. Next Door Eust of Commorclal Club, Offlco, ' DR. H. N. MOORE DENTISTRY Phono 167 O'Kane Bldifr- HAVH THAT TRUNK HAULED , ' BY .. us. GLAZEIR'S EXPRESS v a Kansas Ave. Phono Oil) CARLSON & LYONS PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and Hoatlng Supplies Bath Room Accessories, otc, etc. - Pipe, Valves , and Fittings TELEPHONE 159-J Wo Sliaipen Your LAWN MOWERS Hubble Service Station Corner Bond and Oregon Telephone 04-W.