pish s THE BKXD IUL1.KTIN. DAILY EDITION, IJK'ND, ORKtlON', .Sl'lTKDAY, MAY 1. I HIM. AT n W ON .EVERY 1 C,,fc " USED CAR WE HAVE! We don't ask a profit all we want is to move them at once. WE MUST MOVE THEM WE MUST HAVE THE ROOM! The boss says, "put them out at whatever they will bring, BUT MAKE THEM MOVE." So that means profit to you if you are alert to real bargains. If you know anything about used car values come and see what we are offering and you will realize its no time for you to parley. If you don't know, bring a friend who does and he will tell you to buy and buy quick before we change our minds. Call and try these used cars out. We know they are all in A-l condition and we know they are priced below what you could buy the same car for elsewhere. Call before the car you want has been sold. Don't overlook our special offer for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The list of cars we now have to offer is as follows: Four Chevrolet touring, 18's to 21's. One Ford roadster, shocks, extra tire and cover, license; run about 500 miles; priced cheap. Another Ford roadster, good condition, price right. Another Oldsmobile six touring. Oldsmobile eight four pas senger; cheap. 85 Overland. Four 490 Chevrolet. Two Ford roadsters. Two Oldsmo biles. One seven passenger Buick. One Overland. One Dodge touring. One 1920 Ford Touring. One 1917 Ford touring. One 1917 Dodge touring, cheap. One 1919 Maxwell. One 1920 Maxwell. Bend Motor Service Co. H. O. WILKINS, Mgr. 835 Bond Street Phone 93 R. D. SULLIVAN, Asst. Mgr. PARIS TOO COSTLY STUDENTS REALIZE Many From European Countries Forced To Iteturn Home When Funds Give Out. PARIS, May 13. Students in the Latin Quarters have been so hard hit by the continual rise in the cost of living that hundreds of young for eigners coming from countries whose exchange 13 low compared with the franc have been forced to go to Ber lin to continue their studies. Only Americans, English. Snaui- ards and natives of some of the Scan dinavian countries can afford to live In the shadow of the Sorbonne. For the rest and (bey-are a large major ity Roumanians, Greeks, Italians, all manner of Orientals it is "nach Berlin" or "back home." There are actually in the various schools which comprise the educa tional world of the ."Quarter" 17,264 French and 3.561 .foreign students regularly inscribed. These are about the same figures as In the year pre ceding the war for the foreign stu dents and an increase of nearly 3,000 for the French. But the cost of liv ing has more than tripled. HE FLAPPERS ARE LONDON'S LATEST Trousered Prototype of Feminine Type Develops In British MetropoliM, LONDON, May 13. London has discovered the he-flapper. A trou sered but not otherwise over-masculine prototype of the American flap per has sprung up in large numbers. Cartoons and conversations dwell upon the latest link. Male vamps of tender years are making miserable the lives of film producers. Each thinks his plastered locks destined to glisten on the cel luloid screen. And aren't these youths, persistent, though? Simply won t take no for an answer. SPORT WRITERS FIND SPANISH A HANDICAP Argcntinn Has Good Hunt In King tiamc. Hut Dignified Landmine Doesn't Fit. PE1 W F5G.tl'fc' IT WM r AVOID TOO FAST A PACE In your personal and business extravagances. Don't let prosperity run V?, away wun you. A com mercial bank like ours Is a suitable balance wheel. We will pilot you away from the uncertain seas of adversity that often run a business ship against the rocks of (11b artrous bankruptcy. The First National Bank Turn Bw ow Bumo. S.btic. Thlt Bank l a Member of the Federal Reserve Sysle BUENOS AIRES, May 13. No body doubts that the Spanish langu age is a fine thing for serenades, but it never was meant for prize-fighting lingo. When the South Americans wants to talk about fisticuffs, they have to say something like this: "Senior Mickey places a right with precision and evident energy, touch ing full on the Jaw his adversary. covering himself sufficiently to make difficult the action of his rival in the In-fighting." Which means, of course, that Mick swung a stiff right to the jaw. With the exception of a snappy line of sport slang, Argentina has everything a fight-mad country needs, since Luis Angel Firpo, cham pion of all South America, wont to New York to mix it with the big boys up there. Sheep and Cattle Men, Attention For Sale 320 aero stock ranch; well on land: 60 mlloa cunt of Henri, near Frederick Butte. Owner, An drew Nlrschl, Tiimulo, Oroiton. 73-1 35i FOR RKNT Four room modern house. lleud Investment Co., Wall street. 1 5-1 35-1 J tit- FOR SALE Mack truck; very good condition. Inquire Demi Motor Service Co. 1 7-1 35-1 3Gc FOR RENT - Larue new inni'lum furnlnheri four rmitu house; ehihe III- ,'lill,ti-..ii I ii ii ii I 11A u. Helens place. B-l 35p IFOR KENT- --Strictly modern sieve. lug room. 255 Delaware avenue. 07-1 3-1-1 3t!p FOR SALE Small modern house, furnished or unfurnished; small payment down; easy terms; would. inse enr in iraue; iniKtit rent to responsible party. 536 Colorado avenue. 12-135p FOR SALE At $750.00, good four room house; Just been stained, Doors painted; wood for six months; I Karrien in; nlco lawn; all fenced; I Furniture for sale; why pay rent? .Call at 634 Arizona avenue. 8-134 135p WAITS YEAR FOR JOB, DIES WHEN IT COMES LONDON. May 13. After waiting over a year for a Job, Edward James, stevedore, was killed at the London docks five minutes after he had se cured work. FOR SALE Ono three room and one two room house; two large lots: furnished or unfurnished; terms: bargain. Sec Mr. Wood, 214S Awbrey. 9ll-134-139p FOR RENT- Six room house, 32H Bond struct. Inquire 016 Delaware avonue. 80-132tfc FOR RENT Four mom rotloKo lo cated on paved street. Inquire Uuchwaltcr's Sport Store. X 1-1 31-1 311c FOIt KENT - Fresh, clean, furnished house 1u rent May 20 to rcponKl Me parly: cMlriicn arccptcri condi tionally; H .Vim per mimlli. IU6 St. Helens place. HMJ&p Foil RENT, SALE (lit TRADE - 40 acres. Improved, dope in; liuptu incuts for sale; also one mitre and one yenilliiit colt. Call at cross roads of old Hums and Hear Creek roads. I., M Hurt 03 1 :12 1 3f.u PERSONAL ANYONE V li ii w I ii k the whereabouts of Hob Roberts, know as "Tex" Roberts, please notify XI 4, raro The llulletlu. Anxious friend who Is III Inquires, till-1 211-1 5 5 p FOR SALE Modern hniiso. four rooms und sleeping porch: garden spot; wood shed; place for chickens; close to mills and close to town; good terms. Inquire 723 Hill st. X5-131-135p FOR SALE 100 pound Davis porta ble generator. Henri Iron Works. I! fi I 'J ft I 1 C 1 1 tin tv in nn, 00-1. 30-1 35c Bulletin Want Ads bring results try them. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS OIlMifled adrertUiti thmrw iu mh eenU for 20 word or low. On cent par word for all over 20. All olaMlAed advert, hur atrtetly cuh In advance. WANTED WANTED To rent five room fnrt nlshed house. Call v I wu.,,. Troy Laundry. 14-'l35-l40i WANTED Repair work; for ropalr wurn 01 uny kiiio anil gey making apply at 808 Wall st. Universal Repair Shop. P. R. Henderson. 6-l34-l.1p WANTED TO RENT - housekeeping room. 350-.I. Furnished Call Phone 6-1 34-130)1 FOR SALE FOR HALE For shrubbery, cur- rants, gooseberries, etc.. and rhu barb roots, Phone 221-J. Mrs. Henry Linster. 13-1 35-140n FOR SALE Saw mill; we have a No. 2 Russell mill, complete, with 68 Inch I. T. circular saw, 50 h.p. engine and boiler, new carriage, 1800. gallon galvanised Iron water supply iuuk,.. all In splendid condi tion; also one 16 h.p. upright steam onglne, complete, with governor, brand new, for sale, or open to any business proposition. J. N. Masten Lumber Co., La Pine, Oregon. 48-113-143C Bulletin Want Ads bring results try them. TO TRADE EXCHANGE For residence prop orty, 160 acre wheat ranch 20 miles east of Spokane, three miles from AUiol, Idaho; price $4,000; will take or give difference; 60 acres fenced, 18 acres cleared, 10 acres In wheat; otlior crops In; four room plastered house; chicken house and garage; team, two cows, ono calf, 100 chickens, incubator, broodor and all Implements go with place. Ad dress X2, care llulletlu. 2-133-1 H Tip WILL TRADE Stock of groceries, tinware, galvanized ware, etc., for 320 or 640 acres of dosert land. Call of an evening at Wright Hotel. Ask for Mr. Outright. 63-1 27-1 53p FOR RENT FOR itENT Four room house. Call at 331 Rlvorfront St. 1 1-1 3Bp SUNDAY AND MONDAY Matinee Sunday 2:15 Anita JL Also "The Skipper Strikes It Rich"