TIIK IIKNI) III'LI.ETIN, DAILY KDITIO.V. BKNP, OHKflON. HATUUMV, MA V IH. 1122. Eend Mds Mr Hon rirn-- yi" - '-tr iiifif m V V ; -S.' r'-tl i : .-. 'o. dJjjfij A few dollars saved today when it means the loss of many y''f v srjfi'lyjfi tomorrow is false economy. 'y' (v iV No matter what the value of the house in which you are now living is, if you do not own it, the money you pay for rent is wasted. No matter how it is figured, the man who builds a home of his own, even though he pays for it monthly, like rent, always come out in the end with something worth while to show for the money spent for a dwelling place. But there are absolutely ' no returns for the renter. Some short-sighted chap may try to argue that a man can't afford to own his home That its cheaper to pay rent But If that were true how have many men right here in Bend started with nothing, but a determination to own a home, carried out that determination and today have an investment that could be turned into cash any time? By making the start they have become proud and happy owners of a home. They have ap parently deprived their family or themselves of nothing more than when they were paying rent. In some instances, if you are observing you" will see that the man who is buying a home by monthly payments has more extra money than he did while he was renting. You say, "Why?" Because the realization that he is accumulating something encourages him and he spends wisely. On the other hand you will find the man who is renting, earning just as much, yet has no more to spend and usually saves nothing. A small start will do much towards a great ending. There is no better time to build than now. Building material costs are low, labor costs are down, and labor is available. Ample money is available at low interest. There is nothing to stop you. Take the step while opportunity offers. ttttwmme1 W- . ' 1 ttttrth-M r-TTlMMit, mmmm rnll-iMnnilinlMinii n nJ Now Is the Time-Lay The Foundation for a Brighter Future by Owning a Home in Bend. PAJK 7 4