TIIK IIKNI) I1UI.IJ0TIN, DAIIiY KD1TION, IIKM, OKKUON, H4Tl'ltlAV, MAY l, 1022. I A(.E 5 IIKNI) J HA IN H ilUDIJI.IO OrcKim Trunk Arrlvus, 7:H5 A. M. I.oiivoh, 8:00 1', ,M, (l.-W. It. AN. Arrlvim, (I: Till I', M. I.onvun, 7:00 A. M. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mrs. W. II. Ilohlm or lli'dinond upon! III" in c in 1 ii k In IIkiiiI. Mm. I.. I Ion licit wool Id Piirlluiiil lllHl IIIkIiI tO Hllllld till! Wl'ltk mill. Mis. Flunk It. I'rlnin ri'l in iumI lliln iiiiiiiiIiik from u trio In I'm I IumI. MIhh Akhi'h M i' ii k ii of I'i'IiiTIiiIdii Ih VlhlttllK III Mil' lllllllO lit IllT llli'C", Mm. (I. A. I'm kin. Mni. I. . (JiiitIhiiii, foi'mnrty of I tn nil . v I x 1 1 ill liiu'i yimiiii ilny from linr lioiiin lit Prim villi' Hu ml ii y 'm Imp Hhnot will Im lutlil III 10 o'clock II.. III., II It-ri 1 1 1 1 1 1 K In llii) plan iiiliipli'd liuil Humlay. I.. II. C'lllllllllllKX ( Clllllllltl tin t ii k ii ii ii ihihIIIdii iih uiiIkhiiiiui hi Cimh iiuili'l) mini's I urnliiliiiiKH "I in . (.'hlll'U'H llowoll li'fl In m I iiIkIiI for Hun Kt'iiiiclin'o, nftor hiicihIIhk hIx iiioiitliit with lilu family, nuiir lli'iul C, H. IIuiIhoii mill Cly.lii M. McKuy wi nl up tlm l)imjiiiun thin iiiiiiiiIiik on ii flnhliiK trip, uo'iiiiipiiiili'd hy ihiilr noun. Mm. flmirudo WhllnlH, liii.l i uclor at III" Torrohonno school, npi'iil tin nlKht In lli'iul. Hill' wiih iirroliipiiii lod liy Iht noil. Mrs. Klmu I). Km It It. teacher itt tho I'liilnvlow school, wim u visitor toduy ut Ilia offlcu of the county iiiiporluli'iiili'iil. Minn Franco Thompson loft lliln murnliiK for Mill leu it lo ri'lurn thin livening with Iht Hlnlur, Miuy, who II lunching In Ihul dlnlrlcl. V.. It. Hiirkli.y, l'orllund conimls iilan ini'ri-liiint. In In lli'iul lliln wwk , llo oxpocls lo tirliiK I'l" (""illy hnri) lliln miiuniur fur a rtiinpliiK trip. Mm. Kit wan! J. Culliiw Icfl In si night for KiiK"i". lo vIhIi for u fow dnyn with Iht diiuxhtnr, MIhh Union' (.'allow, who In a student ul 1'. of O. Mr. anil Mm. K P. Ilrnslcrhnu drovn to Portland yesterday on n till nl ti-n h trip. Tlii'y will slop al Tho Unllim fur a nhort llino on Ihelr ri' lurn. Itayniond K link of I'uilland ar rived III Item! Inst nlrhi lo VIhIi his brother, t'hemer Kllnk, iniiniitil train 1 ii K liiniruriiii' nl ih" lli'iul IiIkIi HCllOol, Till' Ulllllll'IH I'f 111" ('111 Ullllll church will hold a "MoiIiith' Day" proKium ut Ih" rhiin-li Stimluy ul 10 o'i-Ioi'Ii. All iniilhi'iH mi' Invlli'tl 10 lllll'llll. Klwond PU-ki'rliiK ri'l uriii'd IumI nlKht to Coivnllhi, whom ho In n stu ilimt at I). A. ('., nfttr vIkIUiik Willi Ii Ih cousin. Mm. ('nil I.uni;. hero for olio day. Mr. and Mm. Aa llyland li'ft Insl nlKht for Piirllanil, lo iiiakii Ihelr hotii". Ilylnnd has hi'i'ii employed by III" lli'iul Water, l.lclil i Power Coin puny. Kinmott Molltor mid Specie Voiiiir wont lo I ( mI mo ml In h t night lo filr iiIhIi hi n l i' fur a pally. Mnlltor'a orchestra In rIvIiik n dnncn at I'rlno vlllu tonlKlit. MIbb Marin O'llrlmi loft thin morn I ii k for Purtland, whnro hIhi will bo Kin ploy eel In n Hlinllar position to I lial which bIio In leaving hero, us lolophono opnrntor. Dr. Iliunoy Furrell returned Inst nlKht from I. oh AukuIdh, whnro ho uponl I ho wlnlor. Ho wiih iiccoinpiin Ind on tho trip homo from Portland by Mm. Korrvll, who unit him I lime. fl, W. lluhblo, chef tin Rare, and J. Ji. Wcl.olland, oinniUHnlro In lumliint, of lloiid Volturo No. 117, l.a Hoclolo dnn 4(1 Homines at 8 Chovaux, loft this morning for Mud ran to ulti'iid tho Initiation to bo hold today nt thai town. AT TIIK HOTELS I'llul llnlli' Inn A. II, Kliilirhnr, J. 1.. (Miipsmlol, F. A, Klclh, D. I,. McNeil, K, II. Iluwu, Jiiimm It, l(nyn, I). 10. Crawfuril, A. 10. IIoiihoii, W. J. WiillhiT, I., T. Duwhoii, J. W. Diilunr, K. Di'lnnr, P, M. Clordim, I'orl laiiili W. H. IIiiiiiioII mid family, IIoImc, Ida.; J. II. (Iwliin. JI. W. Wi'li K"i'. Pi'iidlolou; Mr. iind Mm. John II. Kri.lt, HiiIiiiii; Mm, UoorKO Willi "lii. 'ri'iiiilioiiiio. II. llnliliiur, Tii coinii, Wiinh.; (I. M. 1 tin h nl y . Mini iiniiiiil; T. W, IIiiwIiIiiii, Condon. Ilonl Cii.y Mm. A. C. Vollmnr, lluriiH; J. W. Ilarnuy, O, M. Wi'hli, I'Tiink O'Kiillny, Prliiovllloi J. I,. Ili'i iiaiii'i , Kent I In ; Mr. and Mm. A. I,. Aiidiimnn, Walla Walln; (Ihoiko K. Ailknii, Hlnlnm; C. A, Aduuix, Koilmond; I., It. Knrbach and wlfn, N. .1 PiiiiIhoii, Poriland, Wright, II I Kind Wllmin, I'i'iiil litt on ; Frank K. Noilon, Hpok uihi; Mllio UavlH, Porllnutl: Pnlnr DoiiKhly, H In-v 1 1 ii-1 1 1 x on camp; Har old Iti'iid, Tho DiiIIiih; Tom Cronln, I'ownii iiiitio. IIohiiIiik lloli'l -lii'orKii Clark, J. J. Kliulholin, J. J. I.lnillilll, Port land; II. K. llaitnian, O.-W.; W. II. Ilrlolor, Vuklma. WuhIi.; H. B. Hholl, (luy Hhulpy, HrookH-Hcanlon Camp No. I ; J. Ilardi'iidorf, Itodmoiid. HT.M'K OK tllll'KION, DKPAIIT .MKNT OK HTATK, H.M.KM whit ok i;i,i-:ri To llio Khiirllf of thii Counly of DiiHL'liuli'H, Htuto of Ori'Koii'. Ill thu mi inn of llio Klalo of (Iro Kon : Wlimi'im, a pntlHon wan mod In lb" olllin of Hi" Hi'ciiilary of Hlaln of Hi" Klali) of OriiKoi! on April 2d, 11)2 2. by oliiclorn of tho Htato of OriiKon diimandliiK tho rucall of Froil A. Wllllumn from Ihn olllro of C'oniiulnnloiivr of tho Public Korvlre Com in ImmIdii of Oroiton; and Whiirran, mild Find A. Wllllami ax ComiulHHlonor of llio Public Korv Ii" CommlnHloii of Ori'Kon did not olfur bin ri'Hlnnalliin or ronlKii from mild olllco wltblu II vo (0) dnyn uflor III" IIIIiir of Ihn afornnnld pollllon; Now, Thoroforo, by vlrtuo of the authority vonlcd In mo by ihn coii Ht 1 1 tit tun and lawn of tlm Klulo of Orngoii, I, Hum A. Konor, Socrotary of Klnti) of tlm Htuto of Ori'Kon, do hereby order thai on Krldny, (he 1 9lli day of May. 11)22, a npoclal locllon bn hold In tho Klutii of OreKon for the purpono of HiibmlltliiK to lha li'Kal I'liTtorH of tho Ktato of Oreiion tho (mention of whether or not nald Freii A. Wllllamn, Cominltt Hlonvr of tho Public Kervlco Com lii Innliili of OroKon, ullllll bo recalled, anil for Ihn purponn of IIUIiik tho olllcii of (!oinn)lHnloiior of tbo Public Hervlco CoininlHnlou of Oreiton for llio remainder of thn term oxplrlim on Ihn llmt Monday in January, 1 'J 2 3 ; and You, tho mill Hhorlff of I he Coun ly of DunehutoH, Htato of Orenoii. giiro hereby riiuimiiniled lo forthwith notify lb" ncvi'inl Jndron mid clerkn jof elertton 111 earli and all of the several election preclurln In nald 'county of Deiicbuten. Stain of Oio- Kmt, to bold a Hpeclul elet-tlon In !eai-li of nald proi'lnrtH on Filday, the ' I'.ith day of May, IU22. as nforeHiild, lit the inunnor and form ax Kenerul j elertloiiH am held, purttuiinl to the ; i-tit t ii ( im In Hiich t'liHen mad" and pro vided, and for Ihn purpoHii herein before Hlateil. In Tentlinnny Whereof. 1 buve i hereunto K"l my hiind and alllxed 111" Seal of llio Htato nf Oroiinu. Dono at thu Capitol, at Salem, oreiton, lliln llmt (lay of May, A. D. 1 II 22. HAM A K07.EK, (KKAI.) Hocrolaiy of Stale . 1 26-1 33c Anita StfTWdrr" ui "A QaestLon oP lienor' l.llii-rly, Hoinliiy uml .Monilny What Babylon Hurfdod Ui. 'I'hii new xymein of dividing the (lay Into 21 boiiiK, liivenied hy the linby 1'iiilaiiH, uiih iiilopted by Hie (in(!i mid hliii e 1 1. en ll liu been liaiiduil down from ci'in'riitlnn lo (lenernllon wlihi.nl a n ultcrnlltin, .lifciiUhO' nn, holly him ilnre.l tn.tfhunfo It. Bv(li llm Frtiuh revolullonlHlnj who lulift dined n Inrtrc mid flabornio neile of liinoviiilnnn In ihn nyatehi of welnhtn and iiu-iiKtii-i-rf, mi j, went no far an to bniilfe the iinnii'H and order of -the dnyn of I '.vivli. did not ottempl to alter the ihi'K uiv.kIoii lulo 2-1 bourn. LIBERTY TONICHT Last Time Bert, Lytell IN "The Man Who" f li.jJffiw.MWi.l.MlllJl SCENE from "THE MAN WHO" Starnnq BERT LYTEtL ALSO Buster Keaton IN it ONE WEEK It b a Scream NOTICI-: During tho montlin of May, June, July, AuRtiHt mid Soptonibor our stu dio will not bo open Sunday o:;copl by nppolnlmnnt. fil!WA HD & NOUCOTT, TUB IIOHANH. Aiiv. Llflht Without Heat. One of the thlniiH which liivenlori would like much In iicconiilhli Ih the production of llirhl wltluuil lionl. N (mo nove Jiy the vMiiuplu of (he llrcfly find the ulnwwnnn Unit Die IhliiK cnii ho (lone. lOvpei'linci.lH miiile abidiid Imvn shown what Iind l""K boon beJIeved wllhoiil direct meiiHiiro int'iil of Ihn loinpenilui'P that the Huh! ladhileil from ll OolHsler tube, when an electric current pusses tlirouii'i II. In APCoinpnnled by very llttlo heat, Thl nccordn with tho view thnl wc mimt look to electricity for a solu tion of tlio problem of Veold Hunt.",, SPECIAL! Tues., Wednes. and Thurs. cSitfr: Georcte Melfoixh Moran of the 1 n f Attti DOROTHY DALTON PRICES: Children, 25c Adults. Bal., 5c Lower Floor 50c SEEK INFORMATION ON STEEL MERGER IH llnlM 1-mtbiTlw llin.l llolklln.) ' WASHINGTON, May 13. The federal trudo coinmlnnlon, Hctlnft on Boiialor f.uFollelto'n rtmoluliuD de manding an Invnnlliiatlon of tho pro poned nte.el inorxer, today wired tbo companion Involved, uskiiiK for "full and npoclflc Inforniullon" poned coiinollilutlon. on tho pro- COMMISSION SEEKS STRIKE SOLUTION (Hy IJiilt.il I'm lo The II nd Bulletin.) roltTI.AND, May 13. Efforts of tho (Ha to board of conciliation in tho lonKHhorninen's mrlke culminated to day In the employer and Itie union UKreelng to appoint mi'mlxim of a Joint commlsnlnn to seek a basis for a compromise, and to rrporl to Iht) board on Monday. Doubtful. "Pn," mild Johnny, looking up from his composition, "Is 'waterworks' all one word or do you spell It with a hydrant r' Boston Transcript. Adolph Zukor presents A ROBERT Z, LEONARD PRODUCTION "THE GILDED LILY Vith MAE MURRAY GRAND Tonight and Sunday A Paramount Special, land colored, that will thrill and dcligbt yon. ALSO "Snap Shots" Comedy rnmoomonDaoiKorxionnxnnrxnDnnomom naaaoQaaaaaDaomDQDaaDaaaDaaDaaa ii i a ORDER NOW Sixteen alb Wood, Summer Wood Prices now in effect Save Money On Your Fuel Supply Following our usual policy of making a low price on Green Slab Wood for the summer months, we wish to announce that effective from this date, May 13th, 1922, and continuing until June 30th, 1922, our price will be $2.50 per load, in 5 load lots. Take Advantage of This Opportunity Our price on this Wood is $4.00 where we have to put it out and dry it and rehandle it the second time. Why not get your supply now and rick it up yourself, thereby saving $1.50 ; on every load? If you use 10 loads in a year this means a sav ing of $15.00. If you use 20 loads it means a saving of $30.00. Worth thinking about and TAKING ACTION. Remember The Price and The Time The Price-In 5-Load Lots, per Load, $2.50 The Time-May 13 to June 30, 1922, inclusive 1 Place your orders with any of our drivers or telephone . the office direct. Number 166. - The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon ' ' Da ca on ca an DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC OC C DC DC BE Be DC DC DC DC BE c c DC DC B3 DQ Terms can be arranged on orders for 10 or more loads. - ' 1 ' DQ