PAGE 4 THB DBN'D BULLETIN. DAILY EDITION, IlKND, OIUWiON, WKDNKHDA Y, MAY 10, I0U3. STATE PITERS' WORKS LISTED The at. Ho library receutly Issued a list containing more than 400 Ore gon author. It includes not only writers o( imaginative literature, but hIeo writers of history, botany, tra vel, essays, geology aud educational Work. The Deschutes county library owns work of three new ones, listed below. Hook by Yliroc Nmv Oregon Authors Hall "Curtains." Poetry which Bomo critics consider better than Sara Truosdalo. Tho author is an Invalid aud lives in Portland. . Parsons ."Pastels and Silhou ettes." Tootry. The author also writes plays. Sho lives In Portland. Prise stories of 1921. Contains "The Heart of Little Shlknra." on which Edison Marshall the Oregon author won the $500 prise offered by the socioty of arts and sciences for the best short story written by an American in 1931. O til or New Books Lie -"Family at Gilie." The au thor Is well known in Norway as a portrayer of 'social customs. Sandburg "Smoke and Steel." Life today is transmuted into words, sometimes very beautiful, sometimes very ugly. Read these aud see new lights and shadows all about. . Untermeyer Modern British Poe try. Seventy-nine writers from Har dy to Graves are represented. Each author's pooms are accompanied by a short biography and critique and the names of his more important published" wort . Repplier Book of famous verse. One of the best poetry collections. Now Children's Fiction Johnson "Varmint." Martin 'Abbia Ann." MasetietdT "Jim Davis." , Masefieid "'Martin Hyde." ' Masters, ."Mitch Miller." Meigs- -"Kingdom of the Winding Road." ' Moleswprth "Cuckoo Clock." Montgomery "Anne of Green Gables." Morley "Donkey John of Toy Valley." Munroe-r-"FIamingo Feather." Pier "Harding of St. Timothy's." Seton "Two Little Savages." Sewell "Black Beauty." Stein "Gabriel and the Hour Book." Stevenson "Treasure Island." White "Blue Aunt." , Wiggin "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.". Wilson "Tad Sheldon, Boy Scout." Zillgmeyer "Johnny Blossom." Zillgmeyer "What Happened to Inger Johanue." ' DURYEA TO SPEAK AT HIGH SCHOOL Parents And Patrons Invited To Hear Addross By State Cham ber of Commerce Man. Patrons of the Bend schools and parents of students are invited to attend the meeting at 11:30 o'clock Thursday forenoon in the auditor ium, when M. J. Duryea, secretary of the organization and service depart ment of the State Chamber of Com , merce, will address the students and any others who wish to attend- His subject will be one of interest and benefit to parents and patrons, as well. as to the students, it is announced. Second Chilean Ends Life Because Pcgrgy Would Not Give Love l Br United Trw to Tin IWnd Bulletin.) PARIS, May 10. Lleutouaut Rlvas Muntt, Chilean delegation attache, is dying here todity from poison tuken to esse his unrequited love for Peggy Joyce, the "siren of the century." Clasped in his locked lunula was a clipping telling of Peggy's declared love for William Erra lufis, another Chilean youth who committed suicide lust week for Peggy's love. SAYS PREACHER LED COAL MINERS' ARMY (By United Preu to Tho Bend Bulletin.) CHARLESTOWN', W. Va., Muy 10. Rev. Jesse Wilburn, Baptist min ister led the first armed miner army company at the battle of Illulr Moun tain last summer, Volasco Cnrpenter, Brush Creek miner, testified today at the treason trial of Bill Bliuurd, union chief. MRS. MANNY WILL REPRESENT LEAGUE Mrs. Carrie D. Manny, president of the Woman's Civic loague of Bend, was chosen to represent the league at the annual meeting of the State Fed eration of Women's clubs, at Tilla mook May 31 and 32, and June 1 and 2. Mrs. R. S. Dart was elected as alternate delegate. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CI twined dvrtUttt chm pr Imim 10 nnU fur 10 word or !, On ent pr wurd for H ovr 10. All alaMittat fcdvtrti tag atrwtly tah In advance. WANTED SITUATION WANTICI Three year college commerce student desires work. Address A. D. Trotter, general delivery. Bend. 8S-132-134p WANTED Two rock men for Tum-alo-Histers highway. Phone R. 11. Gould tonight. 80-132c WANTED First clnBB cook at the Mouululii View hospltul. Phone 2SS. 83-131-132p WANTED TO RENT Furnished housekeeping room.- Call Phone 3R0-J. 80-13l-l33p FOR SALE. FOR SALE Kirston horse stump puller and 300 feet cable; ail good as new. Inquire W. K. Irvine, 134 Dolawuro avo., ltend. 94-132p FOR SALE Cheap; adjustuble dross form; nearly new. Apply- 833 Federal St., Bund. 91-132p FOR SALE Fifteen sucks of Earliest of All spuds, 2 cents per pound at the ranch. H. R. Holder, R. F. D. No. 1. 87-132-1 33p FOR SALE Small modern house, furnlMhiut nr iinfiirniHhnrt? Miiinll payment down; easy terms; would iukb car in traue; might . rent to responsible party. 530 Colorado ave nue. 84-131-132p STATE OF OREOOX, DEPART MENT OF STATE, SALEM WRIT OF KLECTIOX To the Sheriff of the County of Deschutes. State of Oregon: In the name of the State of Ore gon: .Whereas, a petition was filed In the offlco of the Secretary of State of the State of Oregon on April 25 1922, by electors of the State of Oregon demanding the recall of Fred A. Williams from the office of Commissioner of the Public Service Commission of Oregon; and Whereas, said Fred A. Williams as Commissioner of the Public Serv ice Commission of Oregon did not offer his resignation or resign from said office within five (57 days after the filing of the aforesaid petition; Now, Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the con stitution and laws of the State of Oregon, I, Sam A. Kozer, Secretary of State of the State of Oregon, do hereby order that on Friday, the 19th day of May, 1922, a special election be held in the State of Oregon for the purpose of submitting to the legal electors of the State of Oregon the question of whether or not said Fred A. Williams. Commis sioner of the Public Service Cora mission of Oregon, shall be recalled. and for the purpose of filling the office of Commissioner of the Public Service Commission of Oregon for the remainder of the term expiring on the first Monday in January. 1923; and You, the said Sheriff of the Coun ty of Deschutes, State of Oregon, are hereby commanded to forthwith notify the several judges and clerks of election in each and all of the several election precincts in said County of Deschutes, State of Ore gon, to hold a special election In each of said precincts on Friday, the 19th day of May, 1922, as aforesaid, in the manner and form as general elections are held, pursuant to the statutes in such cases made and pro vided, and for the purpose herein before stated. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my band and affixed the Seal of the State of Oregon. Done at the Capitol, at Salem, Oregon, this first day of May, A. D. 1922. SAM A KOZER, (SEAL) Secretary of State. 126-139c if iMM$k - - -p eg ' WA . Vi ' '' HMBSaifJ&SSHHHSQittlHMnvJ j kJ'- ' AVOID TOO FAST .:, 8 wT' y uSmiliffi'Jk 'n your Per80na' anl ' V Jvvi BB&&50ii II oul,lne88 extravagances. "5j 3 I Jfe !rasTtJ I "ont 'et prosperity run 8 1 YfwMk swiv ff J awaJ' w,th you" A cun" H ' I tWl'HXwWST mercial bank like ours Is j; llrij yl I IIMtXvlJl a suitable balance wheel, r m tFrijMJtsVV We will pilot you away Xi i I .dLyAf: J P&5sw trom the uncertain seas I 9S vV?r.2k. TiHl3 of adversity that often m m T (i 'fti" i -"n a business ship f m ' ''f&lptfjlRrla against the rocks of dis- . m 'WW".W'M1 artrous bankruptcy. II The First National Bank I I this Bank I o Member of the Federal Reserve System ',' . I l " " FOR SALE Modern house, four N rooms and sleeping porch; garden spot: wood snon; pince tor cnicKous close to mills and close to town good terms. Inquire 723 Hill st. 8S-131-135p FOR RENT. BALK OR TRADE 40 acres, Improved; close In; Imple ments for sale; also one mure and one yearling colt. Cull at cross roads of old Hums and Hour Creek roads. L. M. Burt. R.1-1 32-1 35p FOR RENT Modern house, live rooms and finished attic: 908 Ogdua ave. Inquire 901 Ogden uvo. B6-132-134P FOR RENIV-Ono lurge front room. 134 Colorado ave. 71-130-132p FOR RENT Four room collauo lo cated on paved strum, lnqulro Diieliwaltor's Sport Store. 8I-131-130O FOR RENT Throo room house; modern; 118 Hawthorne, In quire llullutln ulllcu. 72-130-13UC FOR RENT Largo, now, modern, furnlnhod four room house; alone In; no children. Inquire 214 St. Helens pluuo. 7S-130-I82 KOIl KENT Eighty ucres ut Powell Unite; forty ueres water right ; Htoro and sehool nn place. Phone 1-F-ia for furthnr liirormutlmi. 82-131-133(1 PERSONAL ANYONE knowing llio wheruiihoiitH of lloh ItohnrtH, know us '"l'e" ItdlieriM, pleimn notify XI 4, rare Tim lliillollu, Anxious frleiiil who Is 111 Imiulres. Illl-I 2H-I ht,t FOR SALE Comptometer. Bur roughs calculator; price 1115.00. Call Bulletin office. 78-131-132p FOR SALE Three good cows, two fresh, giving five gallons daily. Inquire 134 Colorado avenue. 71-130-132p FOR SALE! 100 pound Davis porta ble generator. Bend Iron Works. 69-130-135C FOR SALE Four room modern house, on terms. Inquire 605 Columbia. . 75-130-132p FOR SALE: Saw mill: we have a No. 2 Russell mill, complete, with 58 Inch I. T. circular saw, 50 b.p. engine and boiler, new carriage. 1800 gallon galvanized Iron water supply tank, all In splendid condi tion; also one 16 h p. upright steam engine, complete, with governor, brand new, for sale, or open to any business proposition. J. N. Masten Lumber Co.. La Pine,. Oregon. 48-113-143C TO TRADE WILL TRADE Stock of groceries. tinware, galvanized ware, etc., for 320 or 640 acres of desert land. Call of an evening at Wright Hotel. Ask for Mr. Cutright. 63-1 27-1 63p FOR RENT FOR KENT Large front furnished sleeping room; modorn home; close In. 42 Hawthorne. Phone 17-M. 92-132-133P FOR RENT Six room house. 328 Bond street. Inquire 946 Delaware avenue. RB-mztrc Try Workingraens Store First Boys' Scout Shoes, now priced ....$1.50 and $1.75 Boys' Home Guard now priced at $3.50 Every Boy, rubber heel, at ..i:. ...:.:......:..$3.50 Work Shoes America's Standard, at, pair $2.90 Regiment, Munson last, at $3.25 U. S. A., Munson last, at $3.50. Honest Shoes and Real Values To fit any foot; styles and prices too numerous to quote in this space. See our Buckingham & Hecht, and Endicott Johnson Shoes Ladies' Puce Silk Hose at, pair $1.00 22x44 Heavy Turkish Towels, each 35c Tents, Blankets, Bed Sheets, Robes, ' Under wear and General Line of Clothing. EIK BUILDING Opposite Postoffice - "r a ..!oJrii " JtL. S1LWIH.IIIIIIIMI 1' mm ' a (paramount Qtctuts? LIBERTY Tonight and Thursday 7:30 and 9:00 20c and 35c v it J V S M St,1 't - Never before could you . -n si get so mucn me worii JAR-OWNERS who bought a 30x3'A "Usco" for $10.90 last Fall have discovered this by now Nobody before ever got so much tire value in the neighborhood of ten dollars. They never had to question the quality with the makers of U. S. Royal Cords behind it. - ' They couldn't help admiring the grice spontaneously - made to meet the new economy times. mi1! "U:o for $10.90 last FaU have .. JBSg Mil United States Tires Ij Unhid States Rubber Company fF A tire that would be high value at morethan$10.90. At $10.90 it is unapproached. United Status Tires art Gestures 1921 U.S. Tin Co. kkkk k kkk.kkJkjkk.kkJwkkJkKkkwwkkkkkkk.kkkkkkkk.k.a Where you can ; buy U.S.Tirest Hubble Service Station