TUB IIKND niliMOTIN, DAILY RDITION, IIKND, OilKOON, WKONKHIM Y, MAY 10, 1022. PAGE 3 IIKND TltAIN Ht'HICDUI.H Oregon Trunk Arrives, 7:88 A. M. I.eovua, 8:00 I. M. O.-W. It. AN. Arrivui, 6:60 P. M. Lonvos, 7:00 A. M. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS C. A. lluydnn roliirimil hint iiIkIiI from u trip to I'orlliiiiil, Ilium Kliiimuriuuiih of Crescent In III 11(1 II cl (Olluy (III bllHllH'HM. MIhh K, 10. Itockwoll of I'rliinvlllo la In Ilund Induy on business. W. I., O'Diinnull returned this morning from a trip to l'ortlitnd. Mm. Krtmk It. I'rlncu wont to l'ort 1 it li (I liiHt IiIkIiI to apend Huvnrul (luyM. CIiuiIvh Illndiiiun loft tlilH imirn ItiK for I'ortlund, on u short business trip. B. II. IlrundnnliiirK wuh In Ilund yi'Dtordiiy from III liomu ut Dun chut Tho lltiptlsl hullo will hold a food Hulo Saturday ut tho lluyhurii liurdwara store. C. II. Mlllur of Itudiiiond In vlull 1 iik In Hund tnduy (or thu nucoiid time thin wuok. K. II. Minor, Hi oaks-Reunion of fice nmploye, want to I'ortlund lam nlKht for n Hhort visit. Tlia ludlva of tho Altnr society will meet tomorrow nt 2:80 o'clock ut tho ,nlghts of Columbiii club rooniN. Lloyd Kelly wont lo I'ortlund lust lilKbt on buslnoss In connoctlon with hi clulm with tho V. 8. Votcruns' buroau. Mm. Jumns Andrew, formnrly eon noctcd with tho Bllvor qrlll, loft for Sunttlo lam night, called by tho Illness of hr molhur. Charles Carroll mid Alllo Tuylor returned lust lilxht from I'ortlund, whars Taylor boxed Monday night with Jimmy Valantlno. Mn, 0. M. Ptigo, who linn boon vis iting with hur dnughtor, Mr. L. A. llolmnn, loft last night .for Butlo Moutana, to vlnlt with har Ron. Inland Dnvln hit relumed to bin duties ut tho frolght atnllon, uflur being In rrlncvlllo for omo tlmo on account of hi inothur' lllneaa. George Oaunt and O. R. Kudu to Silver Lako. It. Lemor and M. V. Fin ley to La I'lnn, wcra Ilia passengers on thin morning' Silver Lake atngo, A. F. l.nmon rvturnud yestcrdny from I'ortlnnd, driving a now Velio cur. Mr, l.nmon, who lit In that city for bur htiullb, Ih much Improved Minn JnulncD Simpson, Torrlll Simpson, Mm. C. A, lluydun and Kathryn Hnydun loft this morning lo drlvo to Corvnllls, to utlund Jim lor wook end. , Kred Fox of l.u Grnndo. brother of L. L. Fox, Howl iiiiiii who Ih nor lously III nt a hoHpltul In Portland nrrlvud hern lum night, iiccompniiled by hi wlfo. Tboy will louvo to night for Portlnnd. Mm. John Ncwby will bo bostons to tho Wo m it if it Foreign Missionary Hocloty of tho MuthodlHt church, ut hur homo, 21S Florida nvoiiuo, Thum duy nftornnon ut 2:80 o'clock. Mrs O. C. Wood will prosont tho lesson Honor qiioatH will ho tho members whoso blrthdny occur' In Mnrch April or May. Flro pro volition I mora effective bun flro fighting, wan tho dncinlon of tho Jtldgua following thu houlud dubulo hold lum night ut thu firs de part moot miiutlug, tho winning tnnin consisting of rhlof Tom Curlon, Councilman N, II. 0 1 1 hurt , und An Hlntant Chief John Tuylor. Tho grout percentage of flro which uro pre vontublu wu stressed by tho afflrma- Ivo loam, un woll a tho rosults gulnod wlinrovor un uctlvo campaign for prevention liu boon currlod out. Tho question wan, "Itonolvod, thut flro prevention Ih more offoctlvo tbun flro fighting." Tho negative tonm, enmponod of flncond AhhIhIuuI Chief Fred Kllonhurg, 8. Ktulnmnn and Hnglnoor Wlllard lloiiHton, brought out the fuel thut many flro uro not pruviintnblo, notably that which des- royud much of tho city of Hun Fran- clnco. und that provenllon doe llt llo good uiiIuhh thoro I a flro de partment to fight such fire u do occur In aplto of tho vigilance effort. NEXT SMOKER WILL BENEFIT BALL TEAM Tnylor-Vuli'iitlnc Ilout To Feature Card Arranged lly Cliiirlon Carroll. Alllo Taylor and Jimmy Valentine will moot la a 10 round return match In Bend aomo tlmo till mouth, at a smoker which Mutchmnkor Charle Curroll will glvo for tho boneflt of tho Itond baseball club, ho announced lodny. Taylor I satisfied with the oclnlon glvon Vulontlne at Portland Monday night, but bollovcs he can win In 10 round, a bo had tho hot ter of tho final round. Eddie Tracy and Duffy Knorr will ry It again In tho aeml-wludup, tholr hut match having ended abruptly when Knorr broko hi collur bona In fulling out of tho ring. Ono other bout I to be arranged, and tbo date ct. i The baseball loam I bound to mako Bomothliig out of thin smok or, a everything I arranged on a percentage baala. The aupportera of Don't mln tho nmilor play, "A Pair of Hlxon," Friday ovonlng, ut American Lnglon building.. 132-1 33c AT THE HOTELS Wlt llutle Inn J. W. Ouomaey, Vancouver, B. C; E. O. Rourk, Cros cont; M. J. Duryoa, J. C. Nnylor, I L. Detxol, Hurry I). Cllilo, Jumos Quit, L. A. Franal. J. B. Thorndlko, V. II. IlnlnoH, Don A. Bollnmy, Port land; L, H. cumnunga ana wiro, Condon; Katharlno K. Rockwoll Prlnovlllo; A. E. Da tin, Sonttlo; Har ry B. Walthor, B. C. Wright, R. L Anderson, San FranclHco. HidH Coxy P. B. Raines and wlfo, Portland; J. H. Oordon, On tarlo. ' Wright Hotol a. H. Jolinnton Harrlaon, Ida.; H. A. Rice, La Pino C. B. Harold, L. L. Funk, Hump ton; O. A. Hngan, Kvorottl H. Whom pino, Topponlsh, Wash.; Frod Broth era, Arlington; J. R. Roaa, H. Moll Silver Lako. DowiiIhk Hot-l Jnmos Frederick son, La Pino; L. A. Burdlck, Frod PoKon, W. Davison, B. L. Mann nnd wlfo, Portland; B. F. Hurtman, J Slocum, O.-W. ' HIGHWAY TRAFFIC BECOMING HEAVY Travol on Tho Duties-California highway through Croseent Is already oncoming lioavy, according to B. O Rourk, merchant of that town, who is In Bond on business. The high way between Band and Crescent is In now tho best condition possible, the county having graded and dragged ''IRE PREVENTION OF CHIEF MOMENT lelinte At I'lio Di-piii'lincnl M voting Iti'Niilln In Victory , For Alllriiintlvi'. V.1 i-'r . I ' "'I" . ,3 V f lit Hi' ', ' ' f Gloiia van.xn m the Paramount Pctuie THE OR.EAT MOMENT ' I.llieity Tonight and Tliurnday. the bnll team, an well as everyone who likoa a reul fight, should putron lio this smoker," auld Carroll today. BEND GIRL NAMED SORORITY OFFICER Coming! TO. BEND TWO DAYS ONLY Friday and Saturday May 12-13 AT THE LIBERTY THEATRE MITCHELL'S FOLLIES AND MUSICAL COMEDY Tho biggest ahow that over played Central Ore gon. ' 20 PEOPLE 20 Wutrli for the pnrnilo. Mirny luaiitlful gliln and gown. Dooih open nt 7:Bf uurtiun nt M:in. . ; Prior Children, Sftc and Stle. Adulta, 7 Be. Itesorvod Henln at MnglH & Krnklno'H, Vt.OO. Mln Jonnln Xorcm', Commerfe Htu dent At (. A. (.'., On Beavrr KtahT And Debute Club. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallla, May 10. Mlas Jen nie Norene of Bend, a junior In com merce, haa been elected treasurer of tho Gamma Iota sorority. Miss Norene' was pledged last fall to tho Phi Theta Kappa, honorary commercial fraternity for women the full term of this year. Sho holds a position on the "22 Beavor" staff, and ha shown great interest In the O. A. C. Commercial club, of which she is a member. At tho last nom ination of officers for the club, Miss Norene was nominated for secretary. Miss Nona Becker won the office by a small majority over Miss Norene. Resides being a member of tho Sliukopoan club, women's debating socioty, Miss Norene has served on the ). A. C. directory staff for the last yeur. CREDIT ASSOCIATION WILL MEET MONDAY The Bend Credit association will hold Its regular meeting next Mon day evening at 7 o'clock at the Pilot Butte Inn. Each member Is being asked by the officers of the associa tion, to bring with him, if possible, some new man In Bend who may become a member 4t the association. Fly Time Screen Time J. .0. JACKSON The Screen Man Shop, 121 Minnesota Call 311-W for Prices Wear a Flower Mother's Day- Sunday, May 14 ft g Remember Mother with a tS I'nttcil I'lant or a box of Cut a KlowrrK he will greatly np- (H prwluto It. jg l'liicc your order with the Riverside I Florist . I l Phone 3411 g American Legion BuildingFriday Evening, 8:00 A Pair of Sixes FUNNIEST COMEDY YOU EVER SAW BEND HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS General Admission, 35c and 50c. Reserved Seats - At Horton's, 50 Cents. This Week at Mannheimer' s These items point to new "leaders" we have just received items especially worth while for their value or novelty. Boys' Wash Suits Made of Duretta cloth, also fast color suit ings, and khaki. Eight styles are included at the special price of $1.69 Choose now while assortments and sizes are complete. Stamped Infants' Needlework Packages From Baby's Boudoir, Portland Included are Dresses, Gertrudes, Bibs, Pil low Cases and Tops, Saques, ready made. Just enough handwork to give the mother touch. Priced from 35c to $1.50 Lucette Frocks Simple, but Effective Wosh Frocks They are made of good quality Gingham and Voiles; the sleeves are loose, either In tbe long or short lengths. The dresses are attractively trimmed with organdy or applique work and are the newest styles. They are very popular dresses for summer and are priced for an immediate sell ing at $5.50 to $10.75 Capes and Sport Coats Noticeably attractive and stylish are the Tweed Cape Suits and Sport Coats we are showing. Everywhere both sport and tailored wear are welcomed with approval. In our displays combinations and materials point to beautifully styled garments. It is a genuine satisfaction to be dressed in any of these garments which carry our approval of select quality. $13.75 to $35.00 It's New, Shop For It at THE QUALITY MWSIOaot BatD M'GRATH HOLDING TRAINMASTER POST ' Conductor W. J. McGrath of the Oregon Trunk, who makes his home in Bend, has been temporarily ap pointed trainmaster, during the ab sence in the east of J. E. Charland, regular trainmaster, who was called east by the death of his father-in-law. McGrath will make his head quarters in Vancouver while holding this position. Put it in The Bulletin. im b rr u m a Safe Milk . For Infants ; & Invalids MO COOKING ."he "Food-Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch at Home,Office,and Fountains. Ath for HORUCKS. J-Avoid Imitations & Substitute United Army Stores PUP TENTS A fine Tent for Sportsmen, Hunters, and Fisher men; priced at $2.95 CAMP TENTS Any size from 7x7 up for $6.80 and up FOUR FOLD AUTO BEDS ; Mattress and Bedding can be used' as cushion if desired; priced at $12.50 PUP TENTS To be set in the yard for play tents for the chil dren; also Boy Scout tent; priced $2.95 CAMP STOVES California Collapsible Camp Stoves; now priced at ....!. ....$2.95 and $3.45 $10;Down Will Pat This Washer In Your Home Let Us Demonstrate The 1900 Cataract Washer The Best For Over Forty leans ' It Is made by the oldest ex clusive manfacturers of washing machines in this country. There Is nothing in the copper tub to lift out and clean or adjust. - The most efficient machine on the market today. The 1900 carries an unlimited guarantee. HOPE ELECTRIC SHOP "Service With a Smile" Aid in cutting down the timber less through forest fires by being careful when camping or fishing. The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. - It recently.