THE BEND BULLETIN 1'IIH WlCATIIKIt Fair tunlglit u nil lomorruw. DAILY EDITION VOI j. VI. IIK.VW, DKHCIIUTKH (XrUNTV, OltKMON, TI'KSDA V AKTKIINOON, MA V , IflUU. (. iai MAY SNOWFALL THAW ATTACKS Late Storm Is General Through County RESULTS. 'BENEFICIAL tmps And I(iiiik"II'Ik'iI Ity I'rrolp- iririiii iii miiiii'mii Vnlley llfHirliMl-3lny . Iti'fonl Hi'l. Know whleh full steadily for nearly r: hours ending t 10 o'clock (his iiicirnliiK. reached u depth of 3.3 Inrhos. Thou llio tliuw begun, unit ntru"U " worn dry anil lliu tiroul- ir part of ilia fresh full liuil luriiiiil Into water liy mid iiftiirimoii. That tho storm was general In Din thiilus county was learned liy tolu phono report. At Redmond, tlio precipitation wu approximately one hiilf of Hint lu llund, una a few miles nor III of Redmond th snow cvunod tnt truly. At I.u 1'lno tlm snow was no deeper t liun In llund, mid tho worm blocking of rendu wuii rvportod from the Mlltlcdti valluy, where miow drifted lindly. Mild weather lit I muled tlta Hlorni. lliu m I ii I in u in reached Iniil nlKlit lio 1 ii K only 28 degrees. Till, Willi the short luiigth of tlma during which the miow luy on tho ground, mndu the miow of tho sumo valuo to furms and range us heavy rain, at the on in u tlmo InyliiK the dust which was already bacomlng heavy on rural roads and city st roots. Hlieop I 'rot cried Tho buck ward season provod a Mossing In dlsguisa, nutting oft shearing much lutor than usuiil, re suiting In most of tho rnngo shoop doing Itft with tholr winter fiascos serving as a protection agulusl tho snow. Today's snowfall hero of 3.3 Inches stand as a record for tho month of Muy In llond, lite nonrest approach being May 13, 1013, whan two Inchos fall, according to thn government rec ords, which go buck to 1910. Homo thing over an Inch full In May, 1915, on throe soparato days; the 9th, lllb hnd 12th. Only one other snowfall In May was reported, n mere trace on May 8. J9U. OFFICIALS here on SCABIES CAMPAIGN Krmllentlon if IHni-ok of Mlir-op This HraMin Is I'urpoM of Wool (.rowers. To Burvoy tho genernl situntlon In Central Orngon at tho outset of tho 1922 campaign against scab among sheep In this section of the slule, Dr. W. H. Lytlo. state veterinarian, and Dr. J. C. Kxllno, of Spokane, of the IT. S. buronu of animal Industry, ar rived In Dend this morning. Thoy were last In llond at tho mooting of national forest graxlng permittees, el which tlmo plans were made with or ndlcatlon of scab this season as tho goal. Tho work Is being directly super vised In this dlHtrlct by Dr. It. A Parsons, government .. veterinarian tindor Dr. Exllno. MAJOR LEAGUE SCORES AM KMC AN LKAtil'K At Now York-J- , It. H. Now Tnrk . 8 13 , Chicago 7 H , At Philadelphia It. H. Philadelphia .......IS 20 Clovoland At Boston It."' H. Boston t . 4 Detroit '6 10 At Washington It. H. Washington 8 10 St. Louis - 7 11 NATIONAL LKAOUK At Pittsburgh R. H. Pittsburgh d 8 H Brooklyn 8 7 At Cincinnati R. - H. Cincinnati 4 10 Boston 1 , ' At Chicago R. H. Chicago 4 10 Phlladolphla 9 13 At St. Loulp-I , II. , H. fit. Louis 0 7 , Hit York Leonard Wood Will Be Philippine Governor for Remainder of Year (liy Unlled Virw to '11m llcnd Bulletin.) ' MANILA, P. I., Muy 9. Mu Jor (loiiural l.eouuril Wood will remain us governor of the Phil ippine Inlands until the end of 1922, ha declared in a stu turnout today. 1 lu hud boon usked to In dicate whether ho would remain us governor of the Isluud or re turn lo tho United Mates to be come ragout of the uulvurslly of 1'i'iiiiHylvuulu. . " ROADCONTRACT TOTAL LARGE Commission Meets To Ap portion Work Costing Nearly a Million. Hr United Pro to Tho llend Bulletin.) PORTLAND, May 9. Tho stale hlghwuy commission met toduy for throo duy session to ultot roud cou- rucls, and discuss ways and moons of saving Oregon highways undur pressure of tho heavy truck of com merce. Contracts for 00 mllvs of road Im provements, and H miles of concruto puvomonts, approximating a cost of liroo quiirlurs of a million dollurs, will ha let today, and about the samo sinouut tomorrow. K. OF P. MEMBERS TO VISIT REDMOND 'Inn To ('rente Ktitluilum For lU( r let Convention Anil D.O.O.K Ceremonial ' Severul cars of members of the local Knights of Pythias lodge will leavo tonight for Redmond, to attend tho mealing of the lodge there. Thoy will be haadad by Louis Bennett, dls trlct daputy grand chancellor,, for tho purpose of discussing with (ho Redmond members of the order the matter of the district convention to be held horo Juno 21, and tho D. O. O. K. ceremonial which Is to be hold on tho same dnto. Important matters will come up at tomorrow night's session of the local lodge, It was announced today. WEATHER MAN HAS v HANI) IN BALL GAME With Score 10 (o II And Five In ning Vet To 1'lay, Held Anil Nth (irucle Must Walt. An Inconsidornto weather man is kcoplng two loams of promising base ball players and the supporters of oach, on the anxious seat toduy. With tho score 18 to 11 In favor of the undofoated Itoid school team, and five innings yet to play, It was 1m possible for the game betweon that aggregation and the 8th grado team to be finished today. It was begun yesterday at 4. o'clock, and discon tinued about dlnnor time.' This Is tho Hold team's third game, It has defoatod the Kenwood twice. SEE SLIGHT CHANCE FOR BONUS CHANGE (Hr United Prni to The Bend Bulletin.). WASHINGTON, May 9. Preai dent Harding has not . changed his position rogardlng the soldlors bonus bill, It was said at tho White House today.'; This was taken as an indi cation that the prosldont will not approve the new bonus moasure sub mitted to him last week by senate republican leaders. . - , NEED OF TEAMWOflk V SHOWN BY DURYEA REDMOND, May 9. M. J. Duryea, secretary of the organization and ser vice department of the atato cham ber of commerce, Bpoke this noon boforo the Redmond Commercial club, stressing tho .need tor team work In solving t,own and country probloms. He will spoak tomorrow before the Bond. Commercial club. HEIR TO BRITISH CROWN ENDS VISIT (By United Prow to Ths Bend Bulletin.) KAGOSHIMA, Japan, May 9.-7-Tho Prlnao of Wales Balled for England today after tour weeks as the offi cial guest of, Japan, ' - PARIS BURNING; THEATER RAZED Casing De Paris Destroyed IJy Fire DISTRICT IS SWEPT I'lnyliotiM ('sod fly American Com pimy (.one, Famous Diinriiitf llcMirt lu Kliimes Appolln . Theater May Follow. (Ily United Prou t. The lu-nd Bulletin.) I'AniH, May 9. Tho Cunlno de Paris, one of tho lurgest theaters lu Purls, where a number of American artists, including Pearl White, were appaurlnx, burned lo tho grouud to duy. The flumes wore spreading through tho.lowor Montmurtre the atrical district this afternoon. Tho Perrouquet, a select dancing resort, Is In flames, and the Apollo theutru, next door, Is threatened. WITNESS TELLS BOMB INCIDENT Union Leader Urged Miners To "Go Get Em," Says Mitchell On Stand. (hr Unllrd Prrta to The Bend Bulletin.) CHARLESTON. W. Va., May 9. Frank Mitchell, stute witness In the treason triuls In progress, here, de clared thut after Bill Blizzard, union leader, found a bomb on the miners' battle front In Logan county lust summer, thrown apparently by dep uty planes, he urged the minors to "gd get 'em." The evidence was of fered to prove that. Blizzard was guil ty of treason In urging onion minors to attack state doputy forces. . PARENT-TEACHERS OF NATION MEET Hvxxlon of Xntlonul Congroiui Of Mothers and V. T. AssociatlonR Open At Taronia Today. (Hr United Pi-om to The Bend Bulletin.) TACOMA. May 9. The first rogu lar sessions of the national congress of mothers and parent teachors' asso clntlona opened here today with dele gates from all parts of tho United States In attendance. Mrs. Victor Halstrom. of Tacoma newly elected president of the Parent-Teachers, and Mrs. .Milton Hig. gins of Worcester, Mbbs., were the principal speakers today. BADGES RECEIVED BY BEND HIGH ATHLETES Ribbon badges for the athletes who took second place in events of the track meet at Prinevlllo Friday were received at the high school today. Jamoa McNeoly will receive five of these badges, one being for partici pation lu the relay. Elmer Johnson will receive two, and Ed Norcott. Lynn ICrlbbs and Gerald Hicks will roceive one each. Ardent Rooter Given Back Money He Gave For Scoring; B. H. S. Ball Players Learn Of Amateur Rules One of Bend high school's ar dont rooters became today possos HW of two silver dollars to which he had gladly said farewell over a week ago. Porhaps thoy are not the same dollars, but he has them, anyway. v It happened at Madras In the Inst game of the Contral Oregon conference baseball season, after Bend had already won the tltlo. Madras was loading by one run, and Ed Norcott was on first base. "I'll give you a dollar It you score," shouted a frenziod rooter, C. A Bunliong by name. "J'll give you a dollar it you bring him In," ho shoutod to Jamas McNeoly, at the bnt. ' . McNoely drove a long fly ovor center flold, and amid tho howl- World's Prettiest? (Catherine Mai-Donald, winner ct thirty brsuty priori, is now KleolH in New York at tile preltiejt woman in the world J'ormer Preiident Wil ton thiiik so, every leading authority of the tcrren thinks so, foreign artists say to. the reader! of thit newt paper think to? Mitt MacDonald it photographed here in her latest 1922 up-to-date riding outfit. Sunshine Disappoints . Outdoor Enthusiasts; Ski Party Postponed When the sun came out from behind the clouds today it was a bitter dlitappointment, local out door sports enthusiasts who had polished up their skis for a slide at Lava Hutte. Organized by R. N. Buchwalter they were ready to go early this afternoon, but tho Mny snow went first. "Perhaps we'll have another chance on the Fourth," Duch wultor consoled them. TYPHUS PLAGUE KILLS MILLIONS Scourge Ia Russia Worst ' Since Great Epidemics of the Middle Ages.. (Br United PrcM to The Bend Bulletin.) WARSAW, May 9. Wot slhce the great epldomics of the middle ages has there been anything to compare with tho epidemic of typhus which has devastated Russia and Eastern Europe during the past four years and which again Increased the last winter. Figures, as accurate as It will ever be possible to obtain, are now available for the first time to the western world,- through the re ports now being made at the Joint Sanitary Conference called In War saw by the league of nations. "Between 20 and 30 million cases of typhus have occurred in Russia (Turing the past four years about one case for every four or five peo ple in the country. Between two and a halt and three million deaths have taken place from this cause alono, the actual population of the country has definitely decreased due to it These are the statements made by Professor Tarassevitch,- In the report which has attracted more attention at the conference than any other. Dr. Tarassevitch Is well known among European medical men as the pres- dent of tho Scientific Medical Council of Russia. . , Ings of the Bend delegation, both romped home. Then, not being diamond lawyers, and entirely In nocent as regards the profession alism rule, the players collected from Bushong. Today a request for Information about the occurrence came from Principal Gabriel of the Madras high Bchool. McNeoly and Nor cott had a conference with Miss .Harriott Umbsugh, principal of the local school, and then sought out Bushong and returned the money. Here the incident ends, says Miss Umbnugh, tho boys hav ing taken steps, to keep their ama teur standing.' No charges of any sort will be filed, as the game was the last of the soason, the cham pionship having previously been decldod. What Do You SayCTHDMC CI (flV BEND FIGHTERS LOSE MATCHES Woods Takes Count of Nine Repeatedly Allie Taylor Meets Faster Man. (Br United Preu to The Bend Bulletin.) PORTLAND, May 9. Bend fight ers had a bad night at the armory tourney here last night. Jack Davis of Seattle, knocked Speck Woods of Bend, down four times in the second round for the count of nine. Woods' last fall proving to Referee Qruman that Davis was the better man. The fight was slated for six rounds. Jimmy Valentine of St. Paul proved too clever for Allie Taylor, taking a six round decision. Mike DePlnto bested Joe SimmonB and Brick Coyle beat Battling Les ter; each 'la-Tour roundBr-Intlre- maln event, Lakey Morrow took terrible punishment from Joe Gor man In the four first rounds of their 10 round go, then changed pis tac tics to long distance boxing and was accorded the decision, much to Gor man's surprise. Gorman had been the favorite before the fight. NEWSPAPER PLANT, BUILDING BURNED (Br United Press to The Bend Bulletin.) DES MOINES, May 9. Fire today completely destroyed the building and equipment of the Des Moines Daily News today. The blaze started In the basement paper storage room. A ".200.000 loss is estimated for tbe News, and $100,000 to the other occupants of the building. INSURGENTS FIGHT WITH CONSTABLES (Br United Pku to The Bend Bulletin.) LONDON, May 9. A terrific bat tie between Ulster special constables and the Irish republican army of In- surgents occurred ' today at Clady, Donegal, according to an exchange telegraph dispatch from ' Strabane, Tyrone. ' SWEEPING EXPOSE IS ASSURED HOUSE ( Br United Preaa to The Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, JJloy 9. A sweep Ing expose of activities of former "influential personages In the gov- ernment" In preventing the prosecu. tlon of war grafters, was promised by Attorney General Daugherty to day In a letter transmitted to the house by President Harding. VALLEY FRUIT MEN FEEL HEAVY FROS' (United Prese Staff Correspondent.) EUGENE, May9. LoW tempera tures prevailed throughout western Oregon Inst night. Heavy frosts made fruit men apprehensive. Four Inches of snow fell south of here. LAMP EXPLOSION IS FATAL TO TWO (Br United Prena to The Bend Bulletin.) MARKNCO, 111., May 9. August BorK, Jr., and four of his children were burned to death at their home here last night when an Incubator lamp exploded. -.-.' IJlUnmj,lLUULJ COMBINING IN TEXAS HORROR our Lose Lives In of Water Rush WIND FATAL TO THREE Humlrrfl In IowlanlH Ixft Honir- I Fort Worth, Already In unrlatrd. In Tlircntcnrd Attain. ( By United Pram to The Bend Bulletin.) DALLAS. Tex., May 9. Four per sons were killed, many Injured and large property loar caused when storms and floods struck the state yesterday, and last night. Hundreds of families are homeless In the low lands. ' Three were killed by windstorms In Oklahoma. The second flood In two weeks threatened Fort Worth, with the city's lower sections already inun dated. COMPLEuONOF CHURCH SPEEDY Mastering About Finished Brick Work Contract ' To Be Let For June. Plastering of the main auditorium of the new Methodist church will be completed this week, according to present Indications; and other work on the interior Is proceeding rapid ly. The Installation of the hot air shaft to connect with the furnace is also about completed. Window casings, which are being made by E. P. Brosterhous, contrac-. tor, wM I be ready to install as soon as the plaster Is dry. Tbe windows. sheeting and the lighting fixtures have all been contracted, and will be delivered here in July. A contract for the exterior brick. construction and finishing will be let next Tuesday ,a to be done during June, i' - August 13 has been set as the date for dedication, at which time Bishop W. O. Shepard and other leading clergymen of the northwest will be present to take part in the exercises. The program has not yet been defin itely arranged. EVANS AGAIN TRIES TO TAKE HIS LIFE Slayer of James Do ran Unsuccessful As Usual Is Bound To Prevent Injury. (Br United Press to The Bend Bulletin.) SALEM, May 9. For the fifth or sixth time since "his conviction on a charge of murdering James Doran near The Dalles last fall, Abe Evans, of Bend, attempted to esd hia life prison officials reported yesterday. It was only an " attempt, however. Later he set up a blood curdling wailing that disturbed the entire pri son and butted his head against the steel bars of his cage until It 'was . necessary for the officers to bind him to prevent self injury. Several months ago it was believed Evans was insane, and he was trans ferred to the state hospital for ob servation. - After several Weeks a commission . of physicians reported to Governor Olcott that the prisoner was sane, and he agajg was placed la a cell ?t tile penitentiary. Evans is under sentence to bo hanged. NEW PREMIER FOR CHINA IS CHOSEN (Br United Prcu to The Bend Bulletin.) TOKIO, May 9. Wang Shlh dheo has been appointed premier of the new Chinese government being set up following General Wu's victory. He succeeds Liang Shi. . THE BULLETIN Circulation Department will be open , Wednesday evening, May 10, until 9 o'clock, to receive sub scription payments. J