PAGE 8 llliM) TltAIN W IIDIH Oregon Trunk Arrives, 7:ilD A. M. Leaves. 8:110 I'. M. ..V. It. N. Arrives, (1:60 I'. M. Lruvus, 7:UU A. M. is Woman May Succeed Father in Congress TIIK IIKNI) lit M-lrriN. I)AIIY KDITION, ItKNI), OltKUO.f, MOMMY, MAV I, 11(22. BLO USES Beautiful New Tailored Waists Fashion Authorities this season have enme out llattooteilly for tho tailored blouse of fine (llmilie'i. hfitiMtcK, orKumlleH. etc. Wo have jut al the present time a mnit complete nhowing of nil of the best Klylo In while, pink, blue, nilo, tun and other wanted shades. Tell styles specially Priced at $2.50 all LOCAL NEWS ITEMS I'. T. Iliown (if Itoiliiiiiuil spent Holiday In Hood. V 1 1 1 lit til Taylor of Koiliiiond spool liiimluy hi 1 1 n il . W. ('. Iliilllniilii'iiil of I. a I'lne Hiii'iil Huliirdiiy In lli'iiil. Mr. mill Mrs. K. I'. Ill ontm Iiiiuh vliilli'il In Mmlniii Hnlunluy. Dull II lliiiiHliin linn gone ! K la in Mil Kulls in spend several ilnyH. Mr. mill Mm. Arthur ll,iuir of Itcd'innml spool Hnlunluy In lli'iiil. J. Chin I' H Hitillli returned this liiornliiK from u trip In I'urlliiiiil. lltirlii'rl Kby of Toi rolioniiit vltilted over tin week end with friend here t'llirolieo F. I 11 III I'll lanl llll'.llt ftir I'oitlitiid, to bo gone severnl days. (ili'iin II. Hindi In In lli'iiil loilny friini III ii i u in ti In the Arnold dlrf irlct. .Osrur Miiikiiii lift lintl iiIkIiI foi I'ortlmul. where In' will make liln liouiu. l.uellu tirubb, lltlli daughter of Mr. mul Mm. (). W. flrubb, In III Willi lonnllllls. A ni'W oda fountuln In being In stalled lit thu Ili'iid Dairy store on Wull street. Mm. F. Tomlln of Hunttlo wus In llcnd yesterday on Iter way homo from Hums. A. Iiyer of The Dulles who hus boon visiting hero, li'fi lust night for his liomu. Mr. mul Mm. A II. Lurriibco. Miss Miirl.i O'llrloti mul Leo Itnrldon finbad on I ho Mclollus Uuniluy. V. I'. Downing has received oil I p luont of mi vinculo niloinutla piano to bo Installed In his rostuurant. Max .Mondoiihull of Opul t'lly mjh-iiI (ho week end vlnltlnK with frlmidK In Ilend. i iiriiliiR lust night lo IiIh homo. Mm. John Dnhul ami duiighlor Joanne left Inst night for I'orlland, lo visit there mid In Cm vulllH for Kimifl tlmu. J. I. Ilonnessy, maniiK-r of The Shovlln-IIUoii t."i)iii iiatiy'B plant hero. loft lunt iiIkIiI on n short business (rip to I'm (land. ltnirv Kulntnil. Anton Kiilstml. Wllllmn Dnmnnlor mid Kit OumImi r. who fished lit ICnst laki! Snnilay. hroimlit haok Rood catches of trout. Orn Mnnlstor. postmaster, mul C. F. Hnydor. cashier of the national hunk lit I'ulsley. wore In Ili-ml today on their way from a trip to Portland. iim I il r'nilioii. who lum boon vlnltlnK hero, will leave tonight for hor homi) nt Vancouver, Wiuih. She. wild formerly Minn Kvolyu llodlent of Iln ml. Mm. I.. 1.. Fox mid Mm. B. F. Ktockwell returned thlH mornliiK from Portland, whoro they huvo boon Hi tho sick bed of Mr. Fox. who Ih critically III. Mrs. J. F. Wonger spout tho week end with her hUHbimd here, returning today to her homo In Portland. Weii Kr Ih proprietor of tho rurltnn dairy lunch. n. S. Hamilton returned this morning from Portland, whoro ho Saturday attended n mooting of board of directors of the Stnto Chnm hor of Cammorco. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Molstor and Miss Murgnrot McCarron loft Inst nlKht for Hpnkuno, to vIhII for mime tlmo. MulHtcr Ib logging uuperln tondont for Tho Bhevlln-IIIxon Company. In i.irY'"i". I Mm Witinifro'l M llork in tho Republican nointnce lo lurrrrd lur lalhcr in CoiiKrcst, (lie lale William K. M.on. I'lioto thowi Mri. Ilui.k ami lur chililrt'n al breakfast. Dr. II. W. Hair r-1 ii i ixm! (liln miiriiliiK from a trip to Portland. Dr. and Mm. Hair have taken up (holr rohMonro nt 317 Dolawuro avoinio. Tliolr clilldiou will ruitot lion: from Haloin aa noon iih hoIiooI Ih out. .SOilfK DiiiIiik (ho in i in I Ii h of May, Julie, July, AiiKiiHt mul Koptoinlior, our Kindlon will mil be upon on Sunday except by uppoliilmeitt. KKWAItl) b NDItCtiTT. TIIK IHKiANS. 121-12 20 Ton dllToront HtyleH of camp Htovon ul lluchwaller's. IIH 125c AT THE HOTELS Pilot llul to Inn J. K. Odi-Kiird, K. J. ltymi. K. C. Pulllum, II. V. (iranl, A. II. Kkiiii, A. J. Iluxnrd. Porilmid; P. V. Ilouoh, Kpokuno; ti. Kd IIohh. J. II. Sooll, Suli-in; 0. W. (IhiKur, II. K. t'tlHpou, Pondlolon; (I. A. Saundom, Kt. Paul. William f.'ox. Heattle; (Seurxn llolford, Mod ford; .MIhh Lou Foote. MntlrriH; C. W. DullolH. fovo; F. Minion Wllkos, ('. V. Ituupach, Klumuth AKoncy. Hotel IWy It. I). Murray, J. Pet erson, W. W. Merrlam. Porilmid; JiibIo DiivIh, Iteno; Mm. I). II. HiiiiIh (or, Mm. II. I.. .Stanley, 1'alnh-y; E. (i. Hnyder, HIhIoih; Dean I lull I tin heail, l,u Pine; V. I,. Marlon, Klam ath FiiIIh; HuhhoII Klldle, K. A. K II dlo. Klievlln-Illxon Camp No. I : C. M. tlriiham, llrandvlow; Kinma INt emou, Hampton. WrlKlit Hotel K. A. Klldle, Shcv-IIii-IIIxoii Ctiinp No. I; II. A. llngoii, lleiliiiniid ; Hon Holdoii, John Anper. JohIo DiivIh, Portland; fletn-Ro 1) l.lvenay. HunitiiT, Wash.; John Dnble, Viiklinu, Wasli.: Jainoii I.owIh. Sil ver Lake; K. V. Illiohard, Fort Hook; Max Mondouhull, Upal City; V.. D. Ilo.-'xlioe, Madras. HoniiliiK Hoiel I,. A. MuComber, V. E. Dloler, C. F. MoDowell, V. J. Whliuler. rorilanil; II. V. Waohter, S P. S.; 11. F. Ilariman. I.. J. SIo-t-iitn. o.-W.; Mr. mid Mrs. Con O'Keefo. J. C. St. Clulr. Silver I.ako; A. V. Holly, F. Holly. tleorRc Cot tle, I, us AtiRoles: Alfred JoIiiihoii, When you order me to collect your garb age your worries on that score arc over. I can also handle the cleaning of your cess pool. A. J. Woolsey City GnrbiiRe Collector Phone 288J. Central Oregon Second Hand Store Greenwood Avenue The tenderness of STEAKS depend- much on how they are cut Try Our Steaks We think they will please you. O'DONNELL BROS. LATEST and SNAPPY STYLES IN Men's Furnishings At Prices That Satisfy. Home of Society Brand Clothing. SHOE REPAIRING Shop in rear of Store; oldest established Shoe Shop in the city. LOVEN'S 1017 BOND STREET IYIm-IIIm Dean al the Liberty tonight Bhevlln-IIIxon Camp; Tom Cronln, Powell Hullo; William Cricked, Opal City. All tomilH supplies nt Ituchwul ter's. HB-mic O. K. Till Tholr Fun Blew Outl Their n:"elini was mutual. She he Iiir liit:ue Miitef y ollriieted by his mag netic personality, wb:t he whs not ropillcd, for his lips mon made con tact with hers, and the spark I nit grew Intense. He pnipimed with llRhlnlnK llko precision, then they were united. Their friends tvero electrified. Wasn't II shocking? K. K. Loafbourrow In Detroit Free Press. Mince Pis. Mince pie wus discovered In l.'Ofl. invB ii n exchange. Thut's n long while go. and yet a lot of us have nt il I to learn that II Isn't safe to eat It at night. When You baw Off Drop Down to the Silver Grill For Good Eats Save on GROCERIES Are you tnklnR advantage of the opportunity our deposit plan ofTcrs? . It will mean a groat ilenl in reilucInK jour GKOCEKY MIjIj..' ON EVERY CASH DE POSIT OF $20.00 WE GIVE 7 DISCOUNT In other words, when you de posit $20.00 wlth us wo credit your account With .!il.40. On nil deposits under $20.00 wo allow 2 per rent. A trial will eon'vlnco yon our prices nro aa low ns elsewhere, (ilve ns nn opportunity to con vince you Unit, wc can save you MONEY. Link & Brown CASH GROCERY Corner Clreenwowl and Bond 1'u.ono 20-J Coolness and Comfort Are In These Lucette Frocks They are dresses do luxe. They are dresses that typify the quality merchun dliie this store offers at all times. And then besides, they are of tho best values obtainable for they are as representative of our value Hiving a they uro of our uuullty. you should see tho new display. These are dressed for women of all types a oil all sizes, ull Inclinations and all pockethooks. $3.48 to $10.95 Women s Footwear Very fine calf and patent models In both Oxfords and Pumps. There are Flapper, Cuban and Military heels to meet your needs. A number of styles in black patent leather Pumps have Just arrived. We have styles of the dark calf Oxford, military heel, easy wearing and very popular. $3.25 to $6.50 Our sale of Plaid and Striped Skirtings and Suitings has met' with instant success. Assortments are still complete and we immediate selection. Priced special at, yard 2.95 A lways Pays lo Slop and Shop at lpUAUTYJJJCMoy BMP j ffiilill'ill'lli flMDM! Iijililililily Health Habits for Children. Health Instruction and Its result In Die formation of hublts, Is the sub ject of a dully record of health habits for every child In the schools of Wash ington, D. C, according to the United Htutes bureau of education. Blanks are marked after the morning dally In speeiluu by the teacher. Kaeh fccbool day a mark Is given for the pupil's observance of such hublts us brushing the teeth, cnrrylug a hunUkerchief, keeping a good posture, Inking thir ty minutes physical exorcise. Thirteen hculth huhlls are noted. At the end of a month a rating la given to cor respond with the dally record, and the sheet Is sent home folded around the report card, lo be signed by the pa rent mid returned. It Is expected thus to secure the co-operation of the home In Inculcating health habits, t'hlldren showing extreme neglect are referred to the school nurse. The Library Pest. You got a book out of the librnry, nnd notice thai some other render has Improved n the author by underscor ing the printed text or nclled notes in the margin. Occasionally these show Intense Interest and deep thought. Hut librarians sny most of the "Iniprove monla" arc changes In punctuation. Some folks are so busy looking for ether people's mistakes that they have n't any time for their own. Emerson at College. He found there but little nutriment suited to his appetite- ou) etrayed off, though with some uili-evingg, to other pastures. In one of nis Journals long jftvrwurds, be speaks cf the Instinct which leads the youth w!' bus no fac ulty for mathematics, aud weeps over the Impossible analytlca'. geometry, to console his defeut with 'Jhuucer and Montaigne, with Plutarch id Plato at ulKht." ... In his owu y he was Mulustrlous ; feeling vngueiy tst, for hint, power of expression waa more Important thiin pbllololcnt or KdectlQc .i sluing. Jaiaw Kllloit Cr'joi. Costly Debauch. One of the calamities of medieval England was directly doc to overin dulgence In liquor. lUmry l's son and heir, William, was In noli from France on the White Ship. The Nor man sailors got drunk Jim lie fore they started for England, and; the Teasel was lost with all on board. It waa a costly debauch, for by removing Henry's only male heir It opened the way for a civil war over the suo cesslon when he was no more. Camp beds, chairs and tables at Buchwalter's. 119-125c Auto Painting New Paint will make a world of difference In the looks to othora and add to your own personal satisfaction. FORDS Painted $10.00 Hee. mo first nt The Pioneer Garage, I'hone 22. RcllnlshlnK a Hpocialty STICE, the Auto Painter On May 1st, The Farmers' Market, now located at Bond and Oregon Sts., will move to 114 Minnesota Street. If Your AUTO TOP Leaks, have It Water Proofed It preserves the top nnd makes - it look Uko new. Bend Auto Top Shop Greenwood Ave. BETTER WOOD for Less Money And we put it right in your Shed Dry Body Wood Red juniper or pine cut from live standing timber or, if desired, cut from dry down timber. We have our own wood saw, so can give you any length. It will save you trouble and money to let us supply your wood. J. O. HAGAN "The Wood Man" Telephone 216-W J. E. ALBRIGHT General Contractor Reinforced Concrete Work, Brick or ; Frame construction, Concrete Sidewalks, Cabinet work and General Repairing. - c Miner Bldg. Room: 205 Hagan's Market ilas again been taken over by J. O. Hagan and a full line of Groceries, Fresh and Cured Meats will be handled. We solicit your patronage. Phone 216-W. We Deliver.