PACK 8 TIIK 11KN1) Ill'LI.KTlN. DAILY KDITION, IIKN'lt, ORKOON, HATl'ltlMV, A1MIII, in, lOliU. THIS SPACE BELONGS TO C. J. LEVERETT KIDK NO. -10 A IIIQ JIMP After Inking all tilings in consideration, l' rnmo in' the ixmrlusloli (lint il would be loo lil( n Jump from the ofuro of City t'ouiu-Umnn t Ileiul tit tln position of State lcKiHl.'i(iir "t hulem. XovortheleM 1 tlinnk my friends wliu . ui'Kl 10 'make the race. '' ' Thnnk yon, C. J. I.KVKHKTT. I. ti. Have for wilt' mtnllii'r lini'italii In house nml lot. . . ,1 OIUiw, 10.19 'Bouil Street. '- . . 8KK C. i. h. ' Sunday & Monday 7:30 and 9:00 -- VjjL "A SPLENDID HAZARD" fl 7 I Uf II an ALLAN DVAN production. I J I tieaur made up, mid dou't want sep aration." Shu has reconciled 101 couples., and grunted 2 46 divorces. ' ' , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR RENT FOR HUNT Oiiu double sleep room, two beds, in nice., elm comfortable blniL'k... Phono 1 :t t 520 Florida, bvu.- 3tl-n FOR ' WKNT Two room turntsliail housekeeping rooms; dose in, Jt 6 IrVlliK street. 40-1 Up FOR Kli.NT One 8veu room mod ern house on Colorado ave. See H. J. Ovortutf,. Flrat National Hunk HIiIk. 34-1 10-11 lc KOK HUNT A neatly furnished, clean, four room coUuko; clone in. Inquire 65 Franklin. 87-1 08-11 So FOR SALE FOR SALE Call 221-J for currant, gooseberry unU rhubarb plunla. .4 ai-107-lUp FOR SALE Eighty ticros with wa ter; near lloiid. Address a 5 U St. Helens pluco, Uond, Ore, 4 0-9 S-l 2 3p As the man who would not be stopped by love, man or devil Henry B. Walthall creates, one of the outstanding characters of the screen in Harold Mac Grath's extraordinary story of quixotic bravery, love, buried treasure, ghosts, intrigue and most thrilling adventure. Brilliant production. : Mayflower Photoplay Corporation presents an Allan Dwan Production "A SPLENDID HAZARD" A First National Attraction RULES GIVEN FOR HAPPY MARRIAGES CLEVELAND, April 15. Judge Florence E. Allen, perhaps America's most widely known woman jurist, has four rules for happy marriages. They are: : 1. The wife should have a regular allowance. Money matters cause many divorces. 2. The - husband should make a business partner of bis wife. She should share his confidence in all matters. 3. The wife should be sympathetic. 4. The wife should never nag her husband. She should work with him. ' In the "last two terms of court Judge Allen has tried 397 divorce eases, more than have been tried by any other two Judges here, in the same period. LIBERTY Tonight Last Time R0BERTON-C01E William , Chrily Cabanne . THEr Amplifying her four rules. Judge Allen offers some pertinent opinions on the "divorce evil" in America: "Hasty marriages are the most common cause of divorce. Young people today marry hastily not real izing the personal responsibility. They are ready to quit at the first quarrel. "I recall one divorce petition where the quarrel was over the nam ing of a baby. It was' their first quarrel, too. I reconciled them. ', "Women sometimes make the lives of their husbands miserable by nag ging." . M08t divorce laws, Judge Allen believes, are not too liberal, but are too liberally administered. "The longer a case is pending the greater chance there is for a recon ciliation," she declared. "Often when a case is called I find that the par- I m ' KA'' EVERY MAX WHO HAS i.j - 1 - - 1 IT INSPIRES AMBITION A commercial bank ac count is inspired with the ambition to add more to it, to keep It up to a cer tain amount, and pass that mark if it Is nt nil possible. Open an J ac count with uh If you haven't one already, and just see ' what a differ ence it will make In the money you will have at the end of the year. You will be surprised. The First National Bank Til Biwi or Bctio Sk thi Bank U a Mtmhr of the Federal Reserve Syate, &f 7 a rirri rmr i Also HAROLD LLOYD IN "Pistols For Breaksast" GRAND Saturday and Sunday William (Jo? ; "presents TOM "A Ridin Romeo" Hi JIOMKXTH OK TKXHK. XKHH AXI I.AKiHTKK When Jim Brown, lylnjr ros ily in bed, pulls levers that start tlie fire and cook the coffee and feed tho horse. When Hlglllow, the Indian, lirln((H Jim a letter from Mnlinl Hrentwowl, usklnK him to comn to her birthday party, and advising him that her father, who dislikes Jim, will be away. Whnn Jack Walters, angered at thn attention Mnlel is pay ing Jim at thn party, steals Jim's gift and puts a dead mouse. In Its place. When Mabel opens thn pack ago and finds tho dead mouse. Also INTERNATIONAL NEWH Wanted The address of all porsons who would like to re oeive our weekly progrnm by mall free each week. Call nt box office of either theater. Sparks Amusement Co. You invest in known value when you buy clothes here ' ;.' . .' ; Back of pur reputation for honest ' ' merchandise and fair prices stands the greatest organization of tailor- , ing specialists in the United States r a concern that Is firmly estab N listed as the foremost maker of men's high' grade clothes Hart Schaf fner & Marx We, are proud of our connection with this house because it enables . us to give the well dressed men in this community more for their . money than can be obtained else where. Not cmly the greatest val ue in pure wool fabrics, but the highest type of craftsmanship, correct style and perfect lit. Spring Suits for Men and Young Men , prices rnnge from $25 to $45 L ! r CASHMAN! .1.. '. IX , ! , v Bend's Clothier BoBuDuScSSBBuSa FOR SALE My J25 equity In 250 egg Incubator and brooder for wood or' what have you. l'honu 136-.M. 39-1 1 Ip FOR SALE OR RENT Store build ing with living rooms In connec tion; corner Slants and Arlsntia ave. Apply Hotel Portland. 14-106-1 Up WANTED AGENT WANTED A responsible party to handle agency for Port land Telegram. Call at Cozy Hotel and aHk for Mr. Crow. 29-109-1 lOp Put 11 iu The Hullotiu. WANTED TO RENT-Small house with llreplnco and bulh, within IS minutes walk of mill. Address XII, care Tho llullnlln. ll-10tl-lltp USED CARS CAR FOR SALE 1921 Ford tour ing; has cord tiros, starter, . font feed, shock absorber, spmnloyieter. Just been ovurhuulad; a real buy; cash or terms, ('nil Mr. Sullivan evenings between 6 and 8. Phone 10-J. 26-108-1 13c Bulletin Want Ads bring rosult try them. WANTED (Mean, cotton rags. No old, coats or pants. At The llullellu Office. TO TRADE FOR TRADE 120 acres of timber for equity In four or five room house or vacant lots. Address X22, cure The lliillutin. 22-10-U2p FOR TRADE Seven room house and two lots, clear. 111 Coour d'Aluna. Idaho, for Hnnd property or equity therein, Address X3Q. cure The' llullellu. 30-109-lllp The book that amazed and thrilled the country! Now the year's greatest screen sensation! jcmv'tAfHv 51m AG MP 5 AYRCSano RUDOLPH VALCNTfNO PRODUCTION Ct CpammounlQiclun? I ImTJmSySt WITH mm fiiiiiiNfi i(i;jiij in v X.M vrmi m m i . 1 . m A Jf. (ImI.1 wliUyoufg7:hu"fKtaln'who -,irSfjl, tVllE. Mfl '' ' Nof'hliiB approaching II XA giyjA ysr woii on tho screen I From the World's Best Selling Novel by Edith M. Hull. , Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Seats 25 and SO Cents ftpsij