PAf.K 7 mm innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnrTKinn innrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnr nrrrirTTTTinnri HJJUIJUUUUUUUUUUUUIJUUUUUIXIUUUUU TIIH IIKNI) IIIJIXKTIIV, DAILY KDITIO.V, IIKND, OIIWXW, HATI'IIIM Y, AI'lllli Iff, 1023. imrmi J THEORY PROOF, IS SOUGHT RijOfs SiiRjfests Kxpediiion To South America Says Evidence Is There. CIIICAdO, April 16. Di.rinlti' proof of llio I fiti-w lai lit ii tliimry of I'Vtilulloil (lint iiiiiii uvolvt;il from lownr iiiiliniilri lii'H hlililoii In tlm f;IHtliHN of I'iiIiikoiiIiiii Iiiiiiu CIIVOH, nocorillnK to Klmur H. KIkkh, ctini lor of pit liionl o Iok y of (tin Klnlil Mii m'liiii of Nil til nil lilittiii'y. KIkkh tmluy proponoil mi iixpiidl tlon to I it k it Ilia (mil of pnililHlorlc fossil In Ho ii Hi Aiimricii. Tliut iiiIhhIiik links III lliu Ioiik linn of ili'Homil from I ho hiiiiiII nIiik'o I'lilktU fciiioiilm In thu 2 U 1 1 1 cuiitiit y "HUporinun" hid lo ho full ml In llii' UK'iD'OliI MnrKiipliil roiiiitlns, In tlm lio llnf of KIkkh I' ml ItlH ui'lniitlflo an iioi'liitim, Tlm I'tpiMllllon, mitt of f I vi) bi'liiK Hon t to riMiiiitu plums of tlm carlli liy tllU III II H II III . Will Slll'k tl I'hlllll- IIhIi tlm ri'lullon hiilwonn it n c I n t mil mill llfo In Hoiilli A;iii'rlcii ami pri'H out llfn In I ho I'nltcil HIiiIoh, "Tint iiiiii ronf iihIiik tlilliK nlioul tlm iivoliitliiniiry I hom y," ItlKK Hitlil. "Ik that Ihoro wiih ml liiti-rcliaiiKO of Ho ii ih American mid Ktiroponti uml N'nrili Amorliun iiiiliiial llfo which III moHt iIi'Hlroyuil pnmilhllliy of cnn iiiiulliiK nil rtiu links In tliu uvolu tlniiiiry clutln." OiIkIiiiiI milnriil Ufa In Roulli Amorli-ii whs qullo (limine! from llfo on tiny othor coiitlniint, KIkkh huIcI. "It Ih an ohIuuIIkiioiI funt," tin milil, "that Iho cotillni'nt of North anil South Aniorlcu worn once ni'iiurutml. whoro wo now huvo Iho Isthmus of I'll hum it. Hut durliiK that svnr (lon milmnlH crossed plulnii (now tlm Atlantic oooan) from tho Kantcrn lianilniliro unci nil Intui cliuiiKO of ii ii I iti ii I llfo botwoon tha conlluoiitH of tho Wi'Kturn honilHphoro fol lowed." Tlm homo and tha snbro tootlind tlKr In thin country uccordltiK to KlKRs, aro roault of thin IntorclianKo of llfo. "I have roculvod foul la of tho gi ant ninth, n native of fin nth Aniorlcu from its fur north u Mlniicapolla," ho atiitml. "William JvunliiRH llrynn to tho contrary," thn aclontUt mitllml, "wo holliivo tho nijiwlim llnka exist uml Hint wo can find thorn." ItlKKa sultl ho oxpoctnd to Hpmid four your working along tho I'ntn Konlun couhI, Aa much of tho oxpocl Itloa iih piiHHlhlo will ho iiiudo In motor cam ahlppd from tho I'liltod Htiitna, wlillo tho morn difficult trulls will ho follownd with horm'S nnd mull's. Tho flfltl curator Ih ii wliloly-trn-volocl aclontlat. Ilia work Iiokiiii for tho Cni vol nil y of Kiiiihiih III 1HIH. I.utor ho miiilo iixpi'dltloiia for thu Anioi linn Miihoiiiii of Now York, All fossils plclmd up on thu trip will ho hroiiKhl to tho fluid iiiiihouiii lltll'll. To R amove Spot from Hardwood, (Iiciiho Npota on hiirilwoml floor inn ho ri'iiiovol hy aiTiihliliiK tho apnia 11 ml In wnior n hoi n n I In- liuml can hoar mid Ijion di'ipplim poroild of liyilriiKfii on thoin unij ullow It to re nin III until dry. & U.S. Army Goods Wool Army Blankets Have Arrived ! The demand for them at $2.95 each was greater than our KUpply. We telegraphed for more and have just re ceived them. The supply is limited. You will have to hurry. New Army Pup Tents $2.95 New Army Pack Carrier $2.00 Tents, all sizes, made of 29 inch U. S. standard duck. Look them over. The cheap price will surprise you. Uncle Sam Watch $1.00 Trench Mirror, (can't break them) 10c We still have many ar ticles left at very low priegs. Remember the place United Army Stores 122 Oregon Ave. Near Court House Entrance msmmwmf. a Mr. Repair Man- Why Send Away for Bronze Boshing Stock When you can buy the "B-I-W" (Bend Iron Works Brand) For Less-At Home? B-I-W" comes suited to your needs with assurance of satisfaction. Bend Iron Works THE NEW BEND TRANSMISSION ANNOUNCES PRICES Touring Car, Model B, (including War Tax) $ 1 OO.OO Truck, Model H, - - - - (including War Tax) $12S.OO , (K. O. B. Factory. Bend. Oregon) SEE YOUR DEALER AT ONCE You cannot afford to drive a Ford without a "Sixpeed Transmission." Saves Gas, Saves Your Car, Gives All the Speed or Power You Can Use ' Adds 75co to Performance of a Ford. Bend Transmission Co. BENDi OREGON !3 DC uc DC DC DC jnnnnnonnnnni juuuaDuuuuubl aonannnonciDnDnnnnnc IUI II II II II iL II lUL uLHjnrxojDnourjoocinc JUUUUUUL GIRLS TEAM MAY IN THE NEXT American Women Making Big Advance In Field of Athletics. BE ENTERED OLYMPIC GAMES CHICAOO, April 16. Girls (lush ing down the track between tho chulk lines, skimming over the hurdles and tossing the weights In mld-fluld may bo a fnaturo of the 1928 Olympic games. Intercollegiate track meets be tween Vassar, Bryn Mawr, Sweet briar and other elite schools for girls may become ordinary features of the outdoor athletic season In a few years. Wllllnm C. Prout, president of tho Amuteur Athletic Union, is one of tho authorities who not only believes that women's sphere in sports Is widoning lo this point, but Is getting ready for it. Within a year, tho A. A. U. mny recognize a subsidiary body to con-j trol truck and field nthlctlcs. Dr. j Hurry Euton Stewart, coach of Onkenmore school and chnlrmun o! the National Woman's .Track Ath-i letlcs committee, has , already op-i proiiched the union offlclulB for rec-j ognltlon, j While It Ih a generally known fact; that women have become Important figures In outdoor sports In England, Franco and Germany, the advances ' made by American girls in the snme; lines are comparatively a Becret. In tho rush of othor big sporting, events, threo big girl's meets were, virtually lost in tho dust lust year. I Tho EiiBtorn Preparatory schools meet at Mnmuroneck, N. Y.; the New England Y. W. C. A. meet at Har vard; and the Ornmmnr school meet at Los Angeles with 6000 entries were huge successes. Became of the flnnnclnl problem rlBlng from the fact that the glrlB compete practically In private with out gate rcvenuo, It is Impossible to hold a national meet for girls, but Dr. Stewart is making plans now to bold a telegraphic meet In May In which he hopes to have entered about 20 largo schools for girls. . Standard events under the existing rules are the 30, 60, 76, 100 and 220 yard runs; 60, 66, and 100 yard hurdles (2 1-2 feet hurdles); 220 and 4 40 yard relay races; standing high and standing-broad jumps; run ning high, running broad and hop- stop-and-jump; pole vault; 6 8, and 12 pound shot puts and throws of baseball, basketball, hurlball (six pounds), javelin (Official Olympic) and discus (youth's official.) The committee insists upon medl- cul examination of all competitors and close supervision of all meets. DEATHS ARE RESULT OF MUNICIPAL JAG LONDONDERRY, Ireland, April 16. A municipal jag here has re sulted in two deatbB, many illnesses and much sympathy for people in the United States. Tiievcs removed casks of whiskey from a local dis tillery and opened them in the street. Soon crowds of men, women and children with glasses and buckets were at the scene. Many became In toxicated. One man collapsed and died In the street. Another died later. Scores of people were ill. It was found the whiskey was immature. MOVIES THE STEALERS" B FILM WITH A HOlTi Art. Art, like the universe, exists for Its own sake, and as the universe re mains eternally the same, though our conceptions pf the universe are sub ject to Incessunt change, so must art remain Independent of the ephemeral conceptions nf nrt. Heine. The picture play with a sonl ia here. It is "The Stealers," William Christy Cabanne'a powerful bnman document, a Robertson-Cole eight' reel super-special, whick will be the leading attraction on tbe bill of the Liberty theater tonight. TOM MIX DIE HERE IN "A BIDIN' ROMEO" "A Ridin' Romeo", is Tom Mix'a latest William Fox picture, and he will be seen in it at tbe Grand the ater tonight and Sunday. From all reports, Tom gives you many laughs and many thrills in this photoplay. Pnt it in The Bulletin. tIMMIMMMMMOMITOM SrnnrMll oi Hi. Annual Hulu.nt of th NOHtlllillN lNSI'llAM'K CUMI-ANX ( OP NKW YOIIK of N.w York Cltr. In tho tub. of N.w Tork on Ui SUt Ur of lCfinbr, 10:11, iumI to tbt liuun&nce rominlMtoner of U Hulo ot Ortfon. punuant to law: CAPITAL Amoual of capita) stork nakiup.a 600,000.00 i.Ncojre Net pramluma rtcclfnl duriot Uia ..r ft 1.S61.28S.74 Intamt, dtHilraita and rvnta rt- orlfat durlm tha fHr. . . , . , lll.S&S.aS tBMtma from oth.r aourcea ra ' dtirlnc Uia aar Total ineoraa I l,ooe.8.S lilHIIIlRBIiUKNTB Nat Iiumi paid during tha year ' tnrtuillni Bdjimroanl rinovrt.t 6711,510.31 Ptrttlamli paid on capital acuck ditrine tlia fear SC. 000. 00 iCommlMiiin. and aalariaa paid durtiia Ilia year Q0M4R.16 Tain, llccn.. and fan paid duf Inc tlie TS.4Sn.9fl Amount of all otlial axpcndlturaa 80,044. U0 - ToUl oipcndlturaa . 1,876.882.0 ASSRTS Vahia of atorkt and t)othla owned w (market .alu.l . J.309.083.8T lan. on murtagca and oollat. i nl. cto , S7.00B.fl0 In banka and on hand. . . . 110.S27.02 rrrniluma In omil- of rt.lltctlon ; wratro ainca Sapiambar SO, 11)31 178.070 30 Intcmt and rtnu dua and ao- cruad ' SO. 112.811 ToUl admlttnl au.l. I 2,033.40.4 I.IAHH.ITIK.S flroM clalnia fnr li,..r. mipnul. . .1 140.tl7S.2S Aniomit of lilioaru.d prciutllina on alt out.tniulmii Tlika 1.400.873.12 All otlur llaMIIIIra Totnl llnhllltlr'., cscln.lTa of ranllal l"ik nf , I 1.011,110.40 II11H1NKNS IN OIIKIION FOR T1IK VBAB Net premium! received durlni tlia tear 18.840 311 I.oe.m paid during the year,... 18.70rt.43 l.oMF. rtriirred during the year. 12,404.0.1 NollTllKIIN . IN'HI'IIAM'K COMPANY Ut NKW YllllK PreiMent, WII.I.IAH pnKWSTKH, : Srrrelaty. JAMKS MAIIHIIAI.U Statutory reildem attoni.y for aervlca, WALTKR K. lit. IBB. Portland. Anpro.ed and flUd. March 91. 1011, A. C. DAHOlkU, inauranca cumiulHlouar. Western Grown Seeds Are Best for Bend's Needs All our garden seeds are western grown and we are firmly convinced that better results will be found in the germination of Pacific Coast Seeds. We carry the beautiful, highly cultured Spencer Sweet Pea in bulk, and in the following various shades. Mrs. Routzahn . Countess Spencer A beautiful blending of straw The original Spencer. Color color tinting with blushing is clear pink. pink. , , King White Royal Purple- A rea listeni white The A strong grower in a won- perfection of all whites. derful deep purple. r King Edward- Illuminator- a i v A glorious orange salmon of A very large open form, rich strfkm color arfd s5ze . crimson scarlet. striKmg coior ana size. Wedgewood Blue Asta Ohm A clear, light silvery blue, the This is our best lavender. best of its color. Flowers large and wavy. Garden Seeds in Bulk and in Packages : Per Pound Per Ounce Early Egyptian Beets $1.25 r $ .15 Early Blood Turnip , 1.25 .15 Sugar Klein 80 ' .10 Cabbage Early Jersey Wakefield 3.50 .35 Cabbage Early Flat Dutch 4.00 .35 Carrots Oxheart .'. 1.00 , , .10 Carrots Chantenay 1.00 .10 Carrots Danvers Half Long 1.00 .10 Lettuce Hansen Head 1.50 .15 Lettuce Early Curled 1 1.50 .15 Peas American Wonder 35 b Peas Telephone 35 Peas Little Gem 35 In addition to above Seeds our line of Grass, Lawn Clover and Meadow Grasses at prices depending upon quantity. Radishes, Spinach, Turnips, Parsnips, Rutabagas, in Bulk. Lawn Fertilizer, free from weeds, $3.50 a Sack BEND HARDWARE CO. .T.TaT.T.TaT.T.TiT.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.M.Ia: