thr bkkii ni-t.iacTiN'. ' DAH.V RorftoN, nKxb; onKOON, KATrnnAT, Amu, in, Ifcxi. "" The Bend Bulletin rAccV DAILY KDITIOS rli I Inn Iihmm KiMpt Su4ar, TW IM BatWlla (UmpatlM) Bmi M Srmaid Claaa maltrr January t. Mil, at tka IVat OilW at Band. Oratttw. waMr Ac l Marck I, 1M BORKKT W. SAWYKH BJItor-Mnw BBNHY N. roWLKR AimlMl KJllor C, H. RUITH Advrtiita Huunt AUKS U. O'NKlt...... .Circulation Ninon Am lJnHnnt Ntwanapar, taitdlnir for lb Mm dmi. elaan buainaa. cfean lwHtlca ana tlx baat tntaraata uf Utnd ud Canlral SUBSCRIPTION RATES Br MU Dm Yaar 00 Bti MixiUti M.7 Vhrn Moatlia . 11.10 Bt Carrier Oh Yaar M.I0 Six Month 13.60 Om Month Ail aubarriptloaa du TAYAB1.E XS AUVANCK. Notlcea of onlration art tailed aubacrlbcra and if -renewal ia nt aaad within rcmaonalil tin th paper wdl W discontinued. Plena notify oa promptly of any ehanta af nddrcaa, or of failure to receive the paper raa-ularlr. ' Otherwiaa we will not be re tioiuubla for eopiea miaaed. nana all enecaa ana orucra pajawt w Th Bend Bulletin. SATURDAY. APRIL 15. 1922. PROTECTING OUR FORESTS ' Tomorrow ts Easter. It is also the opening date of. Forest Protection Week. This is ot especial signifi cance in the Central Oregon country where a large part of the natural re sources are found in the forests of yellow pine, and where another great - division of wealth, found in the live stock industry, depends to a consid erable extent on the National Forest range. , Forest Protection week will be ob served in Central Oregon as conscien tiously as it has been in past years, and the emphasis placed on its im portance will mean careful coopera tion with the National Forest ser vice in protecting these natural re sources through the year. Officjal.announcement of the week and Its meaning is made in the fol lowing presidential proclamation: Whereas, the protection and per petuation of , our forests are vital to. our continued industrial welfare and national strength and to our individual health, comfort and pros , perity, and Whereas, a period of 50 years has passed since in April 1872 there was Instituted in the state of Nebraska observance of a day especially set apart and consecrated for tree plant ing and known as Arbor day, and ' Whereas, both-through widespread annual celebration of Arbor day and through the increasing observance of Forest Protection Week pumic atten tion has been commendably directed to the value of trees, the unneces sary waste of our diminishing for ests through preventable fires, the deplorable effects of forest devas tation and the need fcr remedial measures against depletion of an es sential natural resource, . Therefore,-1, Warren G. Harding, President of the United States, do urge upon the governors of the var ious Btates to designate and set apart the week of April 16-22, 1922, as Forest Protection Week and the last day of that week, April 22, as the golden anniversary of Arbor day, and to request officers of public instruc tion of counties, cities and towns and of civic and' commercial organiza tions to unite in thought and action for the preservation of our common heritage by planning such education al and instructive exercises as shall bring before the people the disas trous effects of the present' waBte by forest fires and the need of. individ ual and collective effort to conserve' the forests .and increase our tree growth for ornament, and use. )) In witness whereof, I have' here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. "Done in .the-District of Columbia, this 31st day of March, in the year of our Lord on thousand nine hun dred and twenty-two and of the In dependence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty sixth.'. ' ' ' WARREN G. HARDING. (Seal) By the president: ... Charles' E.' Hughes, l ' , Secretary of State. . TRAPPER PAYS FINE ; IN JUSTICE COURT -3b.WMIaa Outclassed When Ananias was on deck he sprung his false hoods day by day; he strove to make the truth a wreck, succeeding, in a modest way. ,He did his best, and if his best was cheap, compared with mod ern curves, we should not flout him with a jest, denying praise that he deserves. We should not greet with ribald jeers the liars 6f an age gone by ; we should not scorn the pioneers who lirst dis covered how to lie. There were no oil stocks to be sold when Ananias blazed the way ;-there were no salted mines where gold was shown to come-ona every day. There were no offices in sight, no can didates the snaps desired ; there, were no burbling blurbs to write, in praise of books that made men tired. Financial wizards didn't sell blue sky to boobs unknown to fame, and so there was no chance to tell a falsehood worthy of the name. There were no yearly almanacs in which to boost some wooden pills; men knew not how to dodge a tax, or sidestep merchants' monthly bills. The world was then a simple place where people toiled and paid their debts, and it is surely no disgrace if Ananias missed some bets. He bravely warred against the truth, with tireless if misguided zest, and if his efforts were uncouth, he surely'tried to do his best. , . SILENCE IS THE yell of the school, of experience:. COPlXlCHT 1922 PV AjlOCASrg 3CRV. Ql It Locked Bad. "Why you call my boy a poor nut?" qnir!cd nn Indignant mother, who con fronted thr dli'titlm of a New Jersey charities association the other morning at her ol!k-e door. And tiic latter h:is not Jet found a way of convincing Sirs. Cnruso that "poor nut" oa the face of Anci'lo's card stands fur poor nutrition. Survey. I': '"JJlJ.. II v " i .' HENRY B. WALTHALL m A SPLENDID HAZAKD ALLAN DVAN pro fu etion -4- 3 Liberty Sunduy and Monday Missouri's Beo Buclness. Missouri is the center of the bee and honey Industry of this country. Ap proximately W.iH.HI.OOU worth of honey Is marketed by the bcekcepera of that stute annually. , 'Payment to the county treasurer's office of $25 received as a fine by Justice of the Peace E. D. Gilson, was made following the plea of guil ty' by Robert W. Littleficld yesterday to the charge of trapping fur bearing animnls out ot season. SANITARY KREAMER : COMPANY FORMED J SALEM, April 1G. Incorporation papers were filed here this week by thfl Sanitary Kreanier Company of Bafid, with a capital "lock of 15,000 Incorporators are Olivnr O. Carlson Thomas E. Lyons and others. : V." I . 1 7 : ; , Dullotl'n Wunt Ads bring results try tim " Opcscums In Nc- Zealand. Opossums, which were introduced Into New Zealand from Australia many years a?o, have Increased until ilipy have become a pest In the fruit-growing region. Nevertheless, their value for fur outweighs any damage they do. It is therefore proposed to pvc them every chance to breed In the forested regions. CALL von 111 l)S Sealed bids will he accepted until Saturday, May 0, 1922, at 4 o'clock p. m., on the eight room stone school building to he erected in Mitchell, Wheeler County, Orogon. Anyone Interested In bids, write or phone DeYoung & Itcnls, Portland, Ore., architects, for dctnilcl speci fications. PAl'L LYNCH, Clerk, Union High School Dist. No. 2, 111-112c Mitchell. Ore-.ron. 1 The Central Oregon Bank D. E. HUNTER, President . CARLETON B. SWIFT, Vice President B. P. HAHAFFEY, Vice Pres. and Manager H. M. STEPHENS, Cashier BEND, OREGON , The Future of America Rents In the hands of the parents of today. It's the early training In lifo that molds habit and character. , If the boy or girl Is taught to save early in life that training will emtablixh a substantial foundation npon which success may bo easily built. . ' iJtM''-' ' A savings account In the name - of youf'.boy ,or girl will do much to encourage' the hulilt of saving 1 All'chuV dren take pride In doing well if tho reward l iralso. ' And they arc sure to take un Interest In building up- a saving account when H Is tlielr very own, . -'; ., ,- ,r . .- ' .'' v., 'y-"'j, ' Call and we will give you a savings bank for tiic, little folks. . . ' u. e. hcnter, , . y President The Central Oregon JBan.c E. P. MAHAFFKT, " ' A Home for Everybody HERE ARE A FEW REAL BUYS SELECTED FROM OUR LIST Four room plastered house on Delaware; nice lot, with lawn and wood shed. Price $1,850. Three room house on Franklin avenue; newly papered; well located; good lot. Only $1,000. Seven rooms; a fine modern home on Congress street; one of the best in Bend; beautifully finished; large basement, bath room, extra toilet, hardwood floors, large closet room, many built-ins, in fact everything to make an ideal and comfortable home; must be seen to be appreciated; garage; large lot with fine mountain view. You couldn't build the house for the price with the extras. $7,850; terms. Five room modern home; brand new; two large lots; in desirable district $4,490; exceptional terms. One hundred and sixty acre improved ranch; three miles north of city limits; nice house, barn, chicken house, root cellar, garage, fruit trees, berries, cow, team, machinery; plenty of water. A real bargain at $4,500; terms; or will trade for city property. . - . BEND INVESTMENT COMPANY 826 Wall Street "A Tent or a Mansion; a Lot or Half a County" flft l lal'WliI I, arraen rarrkau iiniia. in i m i ii in aal ilia nn Hi Something New in Battery Service It 1 v" '"' ,y-vJt''.'-tif''yi., "WE STINGHOUSE ATTENTION" . '.. Thousands of new car owners are having their . . "eyes opened" to what real Battery Service is. "Westinghouse attention" is the latest thing in the way of Service to them. It is unlike anything ever offered to you before. It is de , signed to make your battery, regardless of its. make, to give a maximum service and its fea tures include many things other than the' mere adding of distilled water to your battery. Nearly two thotmand of the leading battery stations in the United States are giving "WeHtinghouse At tention" today. Half a million car owners are profit ing thereby and are realizing; what this service means to them. You can have "Westinghouse Attention" in your town. Your battery man can place himself in a posi tion to not only give it to you but to build a splendid business -for himcsclf. h Ask him about, it and, for full particulars, suggest that he write us. ,,( , Jackson-Bischoff, Inc. Northwest Distributors 88 Tenth Street Portland, Oregon. , I fix najl 3