. ft THE BEND MTiUtTIN. DAILY EDITION, BEND, OIIRGON, HATIHDAV, Xl'MI. IK, tOlfJ. PAGK a (By Laura Gatchell, N'Op ft pufcUolUa In Uw nUI nlinn In Ikt Saturday Unit of Th BulUHn Mil t In nel Ultr Irian llSt 'clock Iht afteriwon af th daj pnctdlnc. Over two hundred persons at tended the dinner given by the Lad ies' Aid ot the Methodist church at Epwcrlh hall Tuesday night, the largest crowd that has ever atteuded one of these dinners. Satisfactory profits were made by the society with the dinner and the baiaar which was conducted in the afternoon, and also by two Sunday Bchool classes which conducted booths, about 1 160 In all being realised during the afternoon and evening. The hail was attrac tively decorated. ' An Easter dlnuer will be given next Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock at the home of Rev. F. H. Beard and family, 406 Wall street, by the Bap tist ladies. The Woman's foreign missionary Bociety of the Methodist Episcopal church met Thursday' afternoon as guests of Miss Alice Spalding at The Altamont. Fifteen ladies were pres ent, among them Mrs. W. M. Ers kine of Portland, who is visiting in the city. The Ladies' Aid of the Christian church held its regular meeting Wed nesday at the home ot Mrs. George Stokoe. Twenty ladies were present. It was decided to postpone indefin itely the proposed oyster supper. The Sunshine club will meet next 'J Wednesday evening for a card party at the home ot Mrs. Paul Loree. J . Mrs. S. W. Moore and Mrs. F. 0. Minor will be hostesses to the Emera club Saturday afternoon at' 2:35 o'clock at the Masonic hall. Bridge will be played. Voiture 147, La Soc'ete des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux, will hold' a supper and dance at the American Legion building on the evening ofj Thursday, April 27. Each member of the voiture is asked to invite a gentleman friend, legionnaire if pos sible. Members ot the voiture will wear their chapeaux. i j Spring flowers in abundance de-; termined the color scheme of decor-' ations for the bridge party Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. B. Gould. Jonquils were the predom inating bloom. Refreshments were arranged to harmonize with the color scheme of the decorations. Prizes were won by Mrs. R. D. Miles, Mrs. N. W. Boles and Mrs. Glenn Good man. Mrs. L. B. Baird and Mrs. C. W. Hayes poured. Honoring A. J. Woolsey on his 40th birthday, a group of friends met at the Woolsey home Monday night, to spend the evening in danc ing and games. Refreshments were served. Those present were Dr. R. D. Stowell and wife, Mrs. George Baker, Mr. and Mrs. George Sellers, and their families. IE 1 - ' 1 "fl T 1 ........ .. 1nMn dramatic club, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Coyner on Tues day evening for a pleasant card par ty. Fudge was made and a luncheon ; served late in the evening. Those BBBBaSBBBBaBBaBBaBBBBBBoBSaBaDa Prepare For Your First CO I DOUTHIT ELECTRIC CO. 913 WALL STREET e FOR FISHING TACKLE THAT WILL CATCH FISH roagnDOOToanngoDDonn Telephone 147-M.) present were Misses Eleanor Uoiium. Martha Bechen and Helen Johns, Messrs. Bill Williams, Lynn Kribbk. Ralph Curtis, Vance Coyner and C. G. Becheu, and the host and hostess. I CHUHCH s Alliance Church Our Bible school is growing both 111 interest nnd numbers. Last Sab bath we had an attendiinco Of 49. It not a member of any Sabbath school we cordially Invite you to meet with us tomorrow at 9:45. Wo have prepared a short Easter pro gram which will be given at tho close of the Bible school hour. Rev. F. David Sholln of Hood River who has been with us for tho past two Sabbaths will preach both morning and evening. Rev. Sholln is a most interesting speaker and always presents a burning message Christian Endeavor meeting ut 6:45 will be led by three young lad ies. Make a sacrifice it necessary to attend this meeting. We will have preaching every Sab bath from now on. Our regular pas tor will arrive in Bend in about 60 days to assume charge of the newly j organized church: meanwhile we will rush the erection of a suitable church building in which to worship. Arrange to attend some ot our ser vices. First Baptist Church Easter services as follows: Uni fied plan. Sunday school, with reg ular study of lesson at 9:45. Easter program. The Easter program will be given at the time for the regular morning sermon at 11:00. The com mittee and children have worked faithfully in preparing and promise an interesting and helpful portrayal of the Eastertide. Come, help by your presence and be helped by the message ot song and gospel story given by your boys and girls. B. Y. P. U. group III. In charge, Bernice Elder, leader, meets at 6:45. The Easter message will be in evi dence in this meeting. Easter sermon. The Easter ser mon entitled "The Results of The Resurrection" will be delivered by the pastor at 7:45. Good singing with special numbers will add to the power of this Bervice. The Easter tide with the Easter welcome awaits all at this homelike church. Church night. With prayer meet ing beginning at 7:45 and followed by the T. T. class, every Wednesday evening. F. H. BEARD, pastor. Lutheran Churrh Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. Divine services will be held Eas ter day at 2 o'clock p. m. only. Theme: "Christ is Risen and We Shall Rise." Everybody welcome. S. A. STE.VSETH, pastor. Irewbytrian Rev. Sceiey of Portland will preach the Easter sermon at the Presbyter ian church. Sunday school at 10 a. m. The Easter .program to be given by the Sunday school has been postponed until next Sunday. Christian Endeavor societies meet at 6:30. Mid-week prayer services Wednesday 7:30 p. m. The first Rudolph Valentino inths &0IXe Melford Production. VheMieik.' aParamountPicture. Liberty Three Days Next Week meeting of the missionary society will be hi' Id nt tho homo of Mrs. I,. L. Orr, Wednesday, April 19, 2:30 p. nt. A cordial Invitation Is extended to tho public for all of those meetings. ChrKtinii Science Society Services every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject for next Sunday "Doctrine of Atonement." Sunday school convenes nt 9:40 a. in. Testi mony meeting every Wednesday eve ning at 8 o'clock. Tho socloty maintains a free pub lic reading room and circulating li brary at room 9 Deschutes Invest ment Co. Bldg. Episcopal Church Communion services ot the Epis copal church will be held at 11 o'clock Easter morning at the Advon tist church. Rev. C. W. Du Bols gon eral mlsslonery will give the sermon. Music by the choir and anthem "Fear Not" by Splcker with soprano solos by Mrs. Byron P. Royce and Mrs. R. S. Hamilton; Mezzo soprano solo by Mrs. R. B. Gould and tenor solo by Mr. Kenneth B. Wlel. Baritone solos by Dr. Gatchell and Mr. Louis Ben nett. An offertory solo, "The Living God" by O'Hara will be sung by Mrs. R. B. Gould. The public is cordially invited to attend. Mot hod bit-Episcopal Make tomorrow, Easter Sundny, "Family Day!" Come to church with your family and sit with the family .during the services. You will enjoy this old fashioned custom, and It wilt mean much to parents and children alike. We have planned three very interesting services for the day, each and all or them bearing the spirit and flavor of joyous Easter. At 6:00 o'clock will occur the Stin rlBe prayer meeting, led by Floyd Reynolds. At 10:30 o'clock, the Sunday school and church will join in a splendid, unified Easter program. Se lections by the children, musical numbers by the girl's choir and by the church choir, a baptismal ser vice for children and adults, recep tion of members into the church, a children's sermon and the regular EaBter sermon these are a few of the things which you will enjoy at this Easter Bervice. At 8:00 p. m. the choir will render an Easter sacred concert. The Sunrise prayer meeting will take the place of the usual Epworth league service. The Sunday school and church will meet simultaneously at 1030 o'clock. J. Edgar Purdy, pastor. Logical. In his early rising the farmer Is per fectly logical. His Idea Is that If the day breaks before you get up, you can not expect to have a whole day before you. Boston Transcript. Fishing Trip It will pay you to buy your Fishing Tackle from us. We fish, so we know what they like. Our , stock is the largest and most complete. Our pritts are low and the qualily high. Our fishing experience has taught us how to buy and what to sell. SAYS FLAPPER IS ALL RIGHT Y. W. C. A. Secretary Tells of (lootl Traits Revculctl 15 v Misnamed Modern (lii l illUIKlKl'OltT. Conn.. April 15. "Today the public culls tint nrtlve youiiK Amor I ra n mtild it fliippr. but iipon close observation wit find that the flapper is not different from her older staler, her mother, grandmoth er or groat gruudniuthcr." Miss Aiuila Kyluud Smith, general secretary of the Connecticut V, W. C. A., made this statement to the I'uited Press In upholding the mod ern girl. "I'nfortiiiiatoly, as Is often the case in America, tho world lias boon misused mid Its misuse hits stimu lated license. Today the word flap per Is a careless and flippant ex pression of the reaction of war, econ omic conditions mid modern Inven tions, ii pon the young maliloii," Miss Smith said. "Flapper, originating' In England was u charming manlier of describ ing a decidedly -proper young ludy who amused one by thinking she know lots morn than she did, hut flapped her wings before she knew how to fly. . "Tho American flapper of today is original, creative mid courageous and also Independent hut are not these all quulltles which her ances tors ut least doslrcd to attain? "Health and vitality ure person ified by the young maid ot today. She has a groat stock of energy which will be a great contribution to prosperity. "Opportunities have been granted our present day youths which have made them grown-ups before they hud an opportunity to ronllzo the Joys of youth. The young people ot today have beon robbed of their girlhood and boyhood." VESSEL FOUNDERS, FIVE LOSE LIVES Wire And Children of Captain Drown When Schooner Kinks In The Potomac. (B- United Proa to Trw fend Dull-tin.) WASHINGTON. April 15. The schooner S. O. Kenhlo, of Washing- MBm toll, went down In a gala n mllu bo luw Alexandria, Vu., early yesterday with the loss of lliu wife nnd four children of the Mfhnohov'H nip And When you get a Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery, you get two guarantees Ours and tho Factory's. Our giiuimitcc iik'iiiin that ou don't have lo Mend lit Hie f nit iny In mull of failure. We Mill make Hie iljiillnelll right here, mid wo have m few, tve can ulforil to In liberal. The regular puhllnhcil factory guarantee iiiciiiim I hill the I'lllliulelpllla tin lory Ik hIIII IiiiIIiIIiik high iiuillty Diamond (irlil llallelli'N mill Maudlug buck of every one of tlielll, Jul n It iilunyN Iiiin, Ihh'iiI iiilJiiNtment ltt a convenience tthli-li Iiiim always hreii offered to cur owners under the I'lillnilvlphlu guarantee policy. To lliiike HiIn convenience, anil the liiemllli of the factory gimriiutcp, known to every Diamond (irlil Hotter)' pun liiixer, ami iiImi to nIiow our own iiinllileni t In tho lllaiiionil tirld lliu-l teiy, we ixiiiie, Willi each battery mild, a personal glial iililec. ' The factory uililiaiilcc In your ainninc that the pari li'iilar Diamond tirld llnlleiy you are liitcrcNtctl In, the one that gorH Into VOl'H car, will give you the wime low col per inoiilli us shown In the lalile, KING BROS.- 110 (iltKKWVIIDl) AVKM'IO Loss of timber by fire has been re duced 65 per cent during the past five years. The Shevlin-Hixon Company The Improved "Four Ninety CHEVROLET Chevrolet "Four Ninety" lias been refined and Improved to supply Huch llnlxhlng touches an with ncccNnary lo make It a thoroughly balanced, reliable, economical and rone fortulile car. Completely equlpptsl, stnndurd In construe tion ajid sturdy in every member, this model rrprrst'iitw unuHUul valuu at Km new price, $675 Delivered in Bend Itecent refinements In this model Includes a new rear nxlo with spiral bevel ring gear and pinion, tapered roller hearings In front wheels, and a hand controlled emergency brake lever. ' The Improved Chevrolet 400 gives morn reliable servlco for the money invested thun any other light car now avail, able, . BEND GARAGE CO. Chevrolet, Iiulck Motor Cars (Jqodycar Tires and Tubed nay and Night Hervlce lulu, William l.uwrimcu. Tim fiiiiiiiliiiliig occurred Hear Mount Vermin, In the middle nf the I'ntomac river. VULCANIZING 9 9 v