THE BEND BULLETIN J II 10 WDVMILH Kulr tonight ! tomorrow. DAILY EDITION Vol. VI. JIH.W, DI'.Hl'llt TKH COINI'V, OHIXiO.V, I'lllDAV Al TUItNOON', MAIM'H J7, 1 OUS. No. W CITY CLEANUP WILL SEEK TO FORESTALL FLY Work Announced To Begin Next Week COOPERATION ASKED j:illilclil A lil I'roiii CIiIoiin Ciiiuiti'il (III III CiiiiiiuIkii I'or Hiiiiltury ToHIl Mllrll 'I'll lie lllllll' Pel lure Fire Chief, Ill 1)1'H lllllllllll Cll'll II II II Will Hllll'l curly (his yeur. Next week Ih llm minting Hun', ii n no ii in 'n I'l ru t 'li I f Tom t'urlnii, wlio tli'rliiri'H (lint lliu chief object beginning before winter Ih apparently willed In to "nwul tho fly" hcforii tliul Insect him uppimrod. "Wo Inli'iiil lo liuvn removed ovory lln run mill ovi'ry lilt of refuse of liny kind which could servo uii a breeding plu co or rood for llm flln, lie mild. "Wit lii' 1 ! vi t li til In t Ii In wny III ii (ly ii ii Inn ilea In llund can li largely prevented." Ovlo lrlili i rgnl Cooperation extended liy lliu pi'ii lili! of HiMid In llm c li'ii ii ii i campaign of liml yi'iir wits excellent, Carton mill, iiiIiIIiik Unit liu coiiiKh on oven iiiiiin iifflrli'iil nBlnlaur thin yuur. "It In a iniilli'r of civic prldn im wi'll un Iii'Iiik lo I ho Interest of nvi'ry householder to Iiitvo property nightly mid wiill kepi," declined the flni chief. I Inn lo llm Ioiik druwn out win ter, llioru In much 10 bo tlonn. Cnr lou admitted, but lii'lk'Vi'il Unit III" work could bo uccoinpllHhod In n week's tlmo. FOREST NEEDS TRAINED MEN District Chief Sees Chance Tor Beginners Public Interest (Jains. PORTLAND. Mmcli n. More torlmlciilly trained men nro needed In Kiiveriilneiit furenlry work In till' Htiili'tni'iil of lllntrli'l Forester Georgo II (Veil In ru III UK (ittiiulioii to Hi" uperial cxiinilniil Ion lo lie held tlio latter purl of Miirrh for forest ns Hlmiiut mid grilling assistant throiiKbout tlio western states. "Tho spread of tlio forestry Idea throUKliout Iho I'nlted Ktiitun during tho punt few yours," mild Mr. Cecil, "has boon moHt marked. Tho croa Hull uf two now foront experiment stations by (ho fedonil government during llm past yeur mid the Intro duction of IiMIh ill congress for hov ornl more kIiiiIoiih, iih well an tho wldenpri'iid InleroHt bolim liuinlfeHted III tho two Riiiinrnl fnrnnlry IiIUh now linforo coiiKronH, tiro mi I n ill cut Ion but tlio country nu whole la reul liliiK (he norloiiHiicHii of tho foront jiroliloniH of Iho country." "TIioho prohleniH cull for nn onrly solution mid horo In un unpiiiulleled opport unity for trnlnod forontorB, whether limy outer Rovornniont work or wholhor Ihoy hocomo nnBoclutod with I ii in her nnnnclutioiiB. nn IiirxIiir onulneerH with lumlior companion, or with pulp nnd pnpor concoriifl, or wbolhor thoy outor tho tonchlng fluid." SEATTLE POLICE OFFICER KILLED Yi'tcrnn I'nl loliiinll I'llllinl III Auto, Willi Two lliilli't lloli'H TIhoiikIi llenil Minder l'niiit'Nlloiii'il (lly tlnlli'il rmi P. Tim lli'ml lliillitlii.) 8KATTM3. March 17. Shot twlco throuKh Iho bond, Iho body of ChiirleH I.oriiIii, veternn Sonlllo po llconinn, wan found today In Iho liacli neat of Ii Ih iiuliiinolillu. A third liul Int had gniin IhrouRh llm floor. Kvldenco nf Ihero hnvliiK boon n Hlrui;i;ln nnd (ho iiiinuliiral piiHlllnn of I ho linily, nro held by tho runnier mid by tho polico iih prlniii-fnolo evi dence of innrdnr. WIFE SHOOTS MATE WHILE HE SLEEPS CHICAGO, March 17. Mrs. IIiibii AhrnhnniHiin shot her liiinlumd (lend lis ho Iny Hloepiiig last night, lit a mill ch to huo If bo was (lend, dropped It nnd Hiirreudored to tho pollco. JohlcsH Man Wants To Spray Nutional Forest; Only 1,300,000 Acres "I iiiiilnrtitiind thnl you're go ing lo nprny llm trees In lliu licit rli ii I i'H Nu I IiiiiiiI fin cut Hi Ih your. I wjiut llm Jnli," '1'lm iipplli'iint for llm lank of I renting 1 ,:nii,onn urri'H of guv iTiinii'iil Umber, prnnumiibly for Dim uriiillriillou (if llm pill" bon lli, pri'ni'liH'il lilinni'lf at Nn- lllllllll flll'KHl lll'lllltllll'llll'M hero yesterday afternoon, mill ex pressed k i iii t disappointment when Inlil by Kupi'i vlnnr II. I.. I'luiiib Unit I hero wuh no vu ('tiury fur Din position. The forest servlco linn no plmiH wliiiliivi'r fur spraying, I'liinili hu lil thin luoriiliiK. ux Pii.'hhIiik bin lii'lli'f I hul lliu up pllrnnl fur work iiiiihI have been llm vli-tltn of u Iioiix. BY LEGISLATOR Bean Criticizes Political Ac tivity of K. K. K. And Other "Patriots." KIT.KNK, March 17. Melliodn employed by no called patriotic ho clolli'B of tho ntnto 111 uttemptlliK lo pick n Riivornnr of OroRon cmno in for hUiirIiik crltlciniu from I.. K. lieuii, npeiikiir of Iho nlalo hotino of reprenelilntlven mid candldato for noinlniitlon for Rovernor on bin re turn from a trip to Portland. Ho found thero that Iho pcoplo aro not ci'iilorltiR on uuy ono cnndldate and Unit Iho bucking evident In thai of I bono noclollen. While llenn nald ho had no quar rel lo pick with any of Iho ordern af filiated Willi tho patriotic noclely of Portland, ho did view tho melliodn beliiR lined by tliono nncletlen an on tlrely illl-Ainerlran whi'K- they under lako lo dictate to Iho pooplo of Oro K"ii who nliall bo Koveruor. Mr. I lean declared he wnn nullnflcd that none of Iho old linn fraternal orRiiulzn- lloim wcro baviiiR anyililiiK (o do with tho no called patriotic nocletlen. Tho Uruiigoinen, Ku Klux Klmi mid ono or (wo oilier nndoUe ho named un beliiR openly meuibern of tho pa triotic body. Mr. llenn, who In a Munnn and member of Iho KiiIkMk of Pythian, mild ho knew thorn nro no todRon whono rltiialn would allow them to delvo In polltlcn lis organlzatlona. SENATORS IN CLASH OVER I POWER PACT I. urge Kumn I'ni'il In Stirring tp Krnliiiii'tit I'or Itiitllliiilloti, Cliiirgi'M I-'riini'i'. (Py tlnltnl lr to'llm llonil llullcllll.) WASIIINUTON. March 17. Sen ators Franco of Mnryliiiid. Willis of Ohio, mid Pomoreiin of Ohio, climbed today over tho four power Pacific pncl when Krnnco charged that trea ty proponents had expended "large sums, probably two millions," stir ring up sentiment for ratification. Willis and Pomorono demanded that France furnish facts in substan tiation. Franco in turn urged Willis to demand n boiiuIo investigation. DESCHUTES STUDY IS BEGUN BY DERBY Hood Hlver .IiiiIhI Hero To llegln Adjudication Proceeillngs I'or Norlli Canal ('oiiipiiiiy. Judgo A. J. Ilorby of Hood Itiver, nltnruey for tho North Canal Co., ar rived In Ilend Inst evening to begin a study of tho wators of Iho Des cliulos In connection with the com pany's ninvo lo secure adjudication by Iho sliilo water board. J. I). Williams, mi engineer, nr lived (bis morning lo assist Derby In this Htiuly. They will bo hero until Sunday I his time, returning at n Inter tin ( u. Oswald West, secretary of tho company, Is expected lo ro lurn lo Ilend wilhln u few days. PLAYERS TO MAKE PRINEYILLE TRIP The Phyors will leave ahortly nf lernoon Snliirdiiy for Prinevlllo. where thoy will present "Tlio Oypsy Trull," Ibreo net ciiniedy which they gnvo here two woeks ngo. Ton mem bers of tho company will go by auto, Manager I.eroy Cnyner leaving curly in tho day. I CELEBRATED IN IRELANDTODAY si. Patrick's Is Occasion Tor Jubilation. TItEATY IS SUPPORTED Opponents Also Active Wearing of (it-i'i'tl In lli'inl .Not Lcmhi'Iici! lly Irish Independence Hlnn l''rlnrr lluyn Out Hun k of Kliiiinnii ki Illy United I'n.i to The llund llulletlii.) IH'HLIN', March 17. Irelund cele brated HI. Patrick's) l)uy by hulllliK lln- bl it h of tlio lrlnli Krno Htuto. Speaker everywhere heralded a vlg oriiiin campaign in Hiipport of the treaty wlib Ilrlliilu. Mlcliiu-1 Col IIiih, provlHlonul government huud, npnko In Cork, tlio center of tha dls uf feci oil area. Trouty opponents ulno ntnged dom ounlriitlonn. A shouting nffrny occurred lit Cork, lino Krno Stater being killed mid others wouiidi'd. "WmirliiR of tho Green" in Ilend (bin St. Patrick's day scorns In no way Ivnncnod by tlio fact that the wourlux of Unit color Is now unre stricted In the land where Iho cus tom originated. Ono native Sinn FVIuer was so eulhUHluntlc this morn liiK Unit ho bought out all of the stork of shamrocks which one of Ills countrymen hud laid In. The shum rocks woro dlntrlbutod among friends. Mnny Wear Jrifn Tho display of green was not con fined to denri'iidunts of tho Gaelic kings, however. Indeed, ono lady whono nncentors evidently lived in Africa was provided with a green decorai ion. Public celebration of tlio day Is to be confined to the ditnco at the Amer ican I.eglon building tonight, which protninos to bo ono of tho big social affairs of tho seimon, and tha Irish fair at Kp worth hull. A number of private parlies are to bo held. MANY HOMESEEKERS LOOKING FOR BEND Coiiimeit'lnl CIuIi'm Chief Interest Is In Olilnlnlng Settlors For Kami l.nndn, Serri'tnry Writes. From IB to 20 letters week from people contemplating moving to Bend nro being rocelved at Bond Commer- clul club headquarters, Buys L. Ant ics, secrelury. Answers are being promptly sent out udvlslng those making Inquiry that Ilend now has no unemployment problem, but that un influx of pooplo Becking work would result in ono. Letters from Iho club offlco em phasize that with present Industrial conditions tho club Is clilofly desir ous of securing Bottlers for Deschutes comity farm lands. SLIDE CLEARED UP TODAY, REPORTED O.-W. Trnck Hloekcd, K.nforclng Del our Near North .1 unci loll Car ltoporti'tl Derailed. A slide which has blocked tho O. W, track near North Junction for two dnys was cleured up today, ac cording to Information reaching the local station. Tho Blldo has dolnycd Iho evening trains for two evenings, It being uocessiiry for them to de- lour over Iho Oregon Trunk line. Details of the slide had not boil learned, but It was understood thnt It occurred while a freight trnir. wn3 passing, nnd Unit ono car was do rniled. FEDERAL MEN TAKE HUGE, BOOZE CARGO IVlMinors And 4,tM0 Cnse.i of I.lilinii' In Hands of Ollliers Following; (inn .Hal lie. I lly V'nili'il Prw t The lU'nil tlulli'tln.) NKW YORK. Mnrch 17. Twenty four men wero nrreslod and four tliou'.uind eases of liquor sol':od aboard n schooner following n bnl l lo between federal officers mid rum runners In Iho harbor hero today. aims woro used freely on both sides. Trains On Northern Pacific Crash; Trainmen Jump But Fireman Loses Life; Unidentified Hobo Is Victim (lly Unit-1 I'rraa luTlw Ibnd llulletin.) Hl.T'l'i:, Muni., March 17. Two pei nous went killed and three in jured when the Ilulto local pas senger train No. 20, crushed head on Inlo Northern Pacific train No. One. llm crack north coast limited, lit Welch, 2.'i inlii.'H east of Ilulto curly today. A fireman on tho local nnd un unidentified hobo nro the deud. SECTARIANISM IS REPUDIATED American Legion Post Asks Publication of Letter Defining Its Stand. "Such propaganda as you are spreading Is a menace to America and America's Institutions," was the reply of Ilaiiford MucNIder, national communder of the American Legion, to nn article entitled "Homo Hcods Tho American Legion," published In the "Protestunl," a magazine pub lished in Washington, I). C. Publi cation of MncNider'B reply was au thorized by the local post .last night, us a reply to any Insinuations that tho Legion or the post here took any part in secturlun disputes. "Religion In Legion membership Is no more a question than it Is In American citizenship, nor can it be brought into Legion affairs," said MacXidcr In his letter to the editor. "It was not a question when a man stepped out to join the colors nnd to defend hlB country. It will never be a question In our service as Legion men. This country was formed by men who sought religious tolerance and it is that spirit which has ninda it free, fine and worth living in. "I happen to bo a Protestant and attend a Protestant church, but as a member of mnny Masonic bodies of which I havo taken a more or less active part, I have great admiration for that Institution, the Roman Cath olic church. "lis stand and teachings for the preservation of our lawful govern ment were well exemplified in the heroic deaths of men who served In my own command. "The Constitution of the United States gives every man the right to chooso his own religion, and it was to uphold thnt Constitution that the Americnn Legion was formed." A membership drive will be Init iated by the local post March 20, it was announced last night by Com munder Enrl B. Houston. The mem bership now stands nt 1 1 G, where last year it reuched over 200. Lead ers In tho drive will be appointed soon. The post pinna to give dances on the evenings of March 25 and April 1. Joseph Hendrickson, a recent ar rival from Salt Creek, Wyoming, wns admitted to membership by transfer. He and W. J. Rnrlden, a visitor, made short talks. IRRIGATION PRICE TO BE DISCUSSED Agreement On O. O. I. District Serv ice Will Mean Dropping of Klertlon Cnse Appeal. To discuss whether or not the set tlers on the Pilot. Butte canal re cently excluded from the Central Oregon Irrigation district nro to re ceive wntor nt tho same price per acre na settlors within tho district, n meeting of tho district directors and a committee from the Tilot nmto committee will bo held in Red mond next week. If nn agreement Is reached It will mean (ho dropping of the appeal on tho Central Oregon district's bond election mid valida tion case. At n meeting held In Redmond yesterday, sintes 11. H. DeArniond ntlorney for the district, the direc tors favored making the sumo charge for nil $1.25 per acre. Pilot Butte settlers may ask for u lower figure. FIGURES GIVEN ON AMOUNT OF WHEAT WASIIINUTON, Mnrch 17. Seventy-two nnd one half million bushels of whent was In tho country's mills nnd elevators on March I, according to a doparlmont of agriculture es timate made today. Tho crush eatno on a mountain grudo. No names wero given In the re port hero. The Injured men are reported lo be the engineer of the local, und the engineer and fire man of the limited, ull of whom jumped as the crash came. The hobo rodo on the blind baggage on tho local. No passengers wero injured. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO PAY COACH High School Students Aided By Business Men In Financial Way. Subscriptions from business men of Head to finance the hiring of a baseball coach for the Bend high school team are being sought by a committee of students. Last evening 118 was secured, and an encouraging report today was given. This was decided upon after the school board fulled to elect a coach Wednesday night, on account of lack of funds resulting from the defeat of the school budget in the recent election. A total of $100 Is needed. That there will be at least two other teams In the Central Oregon conference is indicated in a reply received by Manager Chester Klink from Madras, to the effect that a team will be put la the (ield by the high school there. It is regarded as certain that Crook county high will have a team, and possibly Burns. Letter men from last year's team who are turning out are Captain Loydo Blakley, Ed Norcott, Kenneth Moody, and Buell Orrell. James Mc Neely, Leo Kohfleld, Guy Claypool, Gordon Valllchka, Leo Harrlman, Curl Erickson, Phil Phllbrook, Dwlght Cottingham, Warren Blrd snll, Stirling Swiggle, Mike Mahoney, Wilbur Wutklns, Durward Howell, and Darrell Whitaker are other can didates for team positions. OUTDOOR LUNCHEONS PLANNED FOR CLUB Industrial Plants And Scenic Points To Re Visited At Summer Forum Sessions. A series of Commercial club lunch eons at industrial plants in and near Bend, and at nearby scenic points is planned for the summer by the forum committee of the club. The Shevlin Hixon Company and the Brooks Scanlon Lumber Co," mills, the brick yard, the Bend Water, Light & Power Co., Pilot Butte, and Shevlin Park nre the points suggested at the com mittee's meeting this noon. The fish hatchery, the county agent, the auto campground, and the forest service were topics for future discussion at forum meetings which were recommended. It is planned to secure a number of out of town speakers, and to have more stunts and music at club sessions. CHANCE FOR BONUS BILL SEEMS SLIM Speaker Glllctt Opposes "Gag" Plan His Removal, Only Way Out, Would Mean Scandal. (By United Tress to The B-.'Hil Bulletin.) WASHINGTON", March 17. Chances of ramming the soldier bonus bill through the house Mon day under a "suspension of rules" gag plan nrpeared slim toilny. Speak er Oillett opposes it. and the move ment to oust him, if pushed, would create a political scandal. Power ful elements in the house will seek n parly conference Tuesday, to iron out difficulties standing In tho way of passage of the bill. MADALYNN'S CASE IN JURY'S HANDS (By Unili-1 Prinn to The Bcml Bulletin.) LOS ANGELES. March 17. The fnto of Madiilynn Obonchuln, former college bounty, accused of planning the minder In lonely Beverly Glen of John notion Kennedy, hor former sweetheart, went to the Jury nt noon today. Nine men and three women will decide her fate. PRICE RATIO'S EQUALIZATION BUSINESS AID Portland Financier Notes Prosperity Return BUYING POWER GAINS Ilend Favored In Lumber Industry, DoWurcs Robert K. Smith Live stock Market Must Strengthen, He Says In Interview. As the most encouraging feature in connection with the gradual bet terment of business conditions in state and nation, Robert E. Smith, president of the Lumbermen's Trust Company of Portland, in Bend today to address a meeting of Masonic or ders of Central Oregon this after noon, commented In an Interview given out this noon on the equaliza tion which is going on between prices of farm and manufactured products. The purchasing power of the farmer, Smith stated, has been badly crippled by the tact that while virtually pre-war crop prices have prevailed during the past year, man ufactured products Jiave averaged 168 per cent in comparison with that standard. Now, however, farm prod ucts prices are strengthening, and manufactured goods are steadily coming down, and Just as steadily in creasing the farmers' purchasing power and in consequence increasing the demand for more production. Equation in Values Shown In this connection. Smith quoted statistics covering a period of 20 years given him by an eastern econ omist, showing that the value of farm and manufactured products is equal. Based on this, he explained, greater value of crops will necessar ily mean a larger Industrial output. Bend will be especially favored In the increasing prosperity. Smith pre dicted, because of the nature of the city's basic industry. "Lumber is improving," he said, "and with a prospect for good crops and greater relative values there is bound to be considerable building in anticipa tion." The return of prosperity, he said, will be definitely seen with tha liquidation of the 1922 crop. Allied Debt Feature The livestock industry of Central Oregon in keeping with that of the country as a whdle, will become stronger through increased demand incident to the heavy marketing of young stock during the past fall and winter, caused by the spur of neces sity, he said. Mentioning the international ex change situation, Smith predicted that in two years there would be a strong sentiment in America in fa vor of the cancellation of the allied debt to the United States. At pres ent, he emphasized, this debt is ex tremely useful In insuring the na tion's strong diplomatic position. TROOPS' WITHDRAWAL AGAIN IS DEMANDED (Br United Press to The Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, March 17. Sen ators Underwood and Borah today demanded in the senate that the United States withdraw all American troops from the Rhine immediately ns an answer to the allies' refusal to permit payment of (241,000,000 due the United States for their main tenance. ARBUCKLE HEARING POSTPONED A DAY (By United Press to The Bend Bulletin.) SAN FRANCISCO, March 17. The Roscoe Arbuckle trial has been postponed until tomorrow. Eight men end four women compose the Jury. Alternates are to be selected Sat urday, nnd the trial starts in earn est Monday. DODGE IS RELEASED ON HABEAS CORPUS (By United Press to The Bend Bulletin.) DETROIT, Murch 17. John Du val Dodgo, son of the late million aire automobile manufacturer, was released today on n haheus corpus writ after spending lnnt night In the house of corroctlon for speeding. He will be arraigned later for vio lating the liquor laws.