VAG i 4 TITK nKXW lll'I.I.KTIN, DAILY EDITION, 11KXD, OHKtiON. HATl'llltAY, 1'KlllU'AIIV II, IDSia The Bend Bulletin DAILY KDITIOX FsaH.hrd Ertrjr Aftcrnimn KscM Bandar, llr Tha Itmd Itulhtln lnojriraliil Inured a l'la miitl.r Jaro:ary S. 1U. at tlio I'oct Otll.v at lU-nd. Olefin, sndar Act ot March 3, lKT'J. ROHKRT W. aiAWYKR Editer-ManninT HKNKY N. KOWI.KIl Aa-fiat KJItor C. H. SMITH A'tvortipinir Manawt-r JAMKS M. O'NKIL I'ircuialu-n BlantMiT An Inilceomlont NrwMaKT, stamlinff for tba atiuarv dial, clean busings, cu-an olitie and Ilia best ititrrcta of lurid and Central Oravun. ' SLUSCRIi'TtON RATKS Hi Mail On Year li.o.0 . Six Merlins $2.75 Threa Muntha , S1.50 usr carrier Or Year H.M Six Mentha $:l.fe Ona Month $0.60 All aubKriptions are due and PAYABLE m AUVA.M.b. Kctirea or expiration are mailed aubveribera and if rvnrwnl i not made within reasonable time the paper will be diarvntinucd. Pieaae notify ua promptly of any rharore of addreas. or of failure to receive the paper revularly. Otherwise we will not be re aponaihlc for coidea mi5scd. Make all eheeka and orders Jaj able to The Bend Bulletin. SATURDAY, FEBRfAUY 11, 1922. SIN SEPARATES: Your in iquities have separated be tween you and your God, and your sins bare bid bis (are from you, that he will not hear. Isaiah 59: 2. FOR BETTER MAGAZINES : The attention of the Commercial elub, the Civic league, the churches and other community organizations IB respectfully called to the following news item, which appeared in the Oregonian on Thursday.' , "A number of prominent Portland organizations have started a cam paign to bar offensive and sugges tive material from local newsstands . and stores, according to an an nouncement made yesterday after a meeting of representatives of these associations in the Y. M. C. A. The clubs have organized a "Better Mag azines" committee, which will in vestigate the matter thoroughly and take up the question with their na tional organizations. "Among the - clubs represented were: Rotary club, Kiwanis club, City club. Boy Scouts, Child Wel fare . commission. Child Labor com mission, Portland council of churches, Parent-Teacher associa tion, W. C. T. D. and the Federation of Women's clubs. Charles W. Koyl is secretary of the committee." ... There is a great difference obser vable in Portland between voting a tax on someone else to finance an exposition and subscribing money yourself to fill a community chest. The tax plan got a big vote; the chest does not fill for a cent. Friends of Cuban sugar say that the United States must not impose an import duty and make Cuba suf fer. We would feel differently did we not remember how Cuba made us suffer with 25 cent sugar a while back. Neither Alive Nor Dead. Researches made abroad have shown that many micro-organisms cun be exposed to the temperature of li quid air for a period of six months without any appreciable loss of vital ity, although, at such a temperature the ordinary chemical processes of the living cell must cease. The organ isms In the state just mentioned cun not be said to he either alive or dead, in fee ordinary acceptation of those terms. It is hitherto unobtalned con dition of living matter a third state. fv7c KppfmgRhreos W ' The Hotheads We labor at the daily grind, each in his wonted fashion; and some continue mild and kind, nnd some are in a passion. Some workmen cannot fix a chair, or ply a saw or chisel, but they begin to sweat and swear. and make the language sizsle. They grumble like a house afire, both in and out of season ; they're in a chronic state of ire that has no cause or reason. And one such delegate will spoil the ardor of the many, and kill the pep of those who toil at loom or spinning jenny. The hot head is a total loss, and noW admires his capers; we're not astonished when the boss gives him his walking papers. How different the quiet gent ! No stormy wrath delays him ; he calmly strives to earn the cent that his employer pays him. Side-stepping noise and fuss and strife, he draws his weekly money, and gives a nickel to his wife, lo make her days more sunny. Whate'er the tool that he may ply, a corkscrew or a spanner, he wields it with a beaming eye, in most efficient manner. Then comes the boss, some pleasant day, and says, "J. Reuben Smirker, we add nine kopecks to your pay, for you're a -dandy worker. Your influence is mighty fine, you do no useless wailing; you keep the other boys in line, and harmony's prevailing." WITH HER SOLDIER HUSBAND Wife of General Grant Accompanied Him on His Campaigns Whenever It Wat Possible. Like Penelope of old, Julia Dent Grant was wedded to a soldier nntned Ulysses. Also like Penelope, her bus' band Journeyed around the world. But there tne resemblance ceases. Sirs. Grant herself Is quoted by historians as saying: "Having learned a lesson from my predecessor, Penelope, I accompanied my Ulysses in his wanderings around the world." Julia Dent Grant was born In SL Louis, the daughter of Frederick Dent, a prominent man of that city, says the Detroit News. At the age of eighteen, shortly after she had completed her studies at an exclusive school, the charming girl met Ulysses Simpson Grant, then only a lieutenant. He was stationed at Jefferson barracks in St. Louis. It was not long before the young people were deeply In love. Af ter the war with Mexico they were married. Like that of most wives of soldiers, Mrs. Grant's life was one of constnnt moving about, until she fell 111, and was not utile to accompuny her hus band to California, whither he had been ordered. She spent two years at the home of her parents and at the end of this time Captain Grunt re signed from the army, tliut he might be cenr her. The Civil war brought him back into the service and it was during this time that Julia Grant revealed her brave and bardy spirit. She wos with her husband whenever it was possible, und spent all of her time on or near the scene of action. She saw blm twice inaugurated President. Achievement. There is no great achievement that is not the result of working and wait ing. J. G. Holland. ft TLbc Central regon Banfc D. E. HUNTER, President CARLETON B. SWIFT, Vice President E. P. MAHAFFEY, Vice Pres. and Manager H. ML STEPHENS, Cashier BEND, OREGON Handling the Business, House hold and Personal Funds. No matter the amount in either case, you will find it most advantageous to keep the money on deposit in Checking or Savings Accounts at the Central Oregon Bank and withdraw it just as needed. However, after an account is started, there is always plenty of insentive to add to rather than take from your balance. D, B. HUNTKR. FrealOeat MOST VALUABLE OF CEMENTS Artificial Product Known as Portland Is Highly Esteemed as a Building Material. Portlnml cement Is considered by far the most Important of the stone cements. It Is nil artificial product, named from Its resemblance to Port land stone. This stone Is a freestone quarried In the Isle of Portlnnd (a peninsula supposed t- linve been for merly an Island), In the county of Dorset, England. The stone hardens upon exposure to the air, renmrks nn exchange. 0 In the manufacture of Portland ce ment by the wet process, throe parts of white chalk are mixed with one part of clny. The .two substances, along with the water, are placed In a "wash mill," In which cutters reduce the whole to a, creamy "slurry." The slurry then passes Into reservoirs. There It Is allowed lo settle for sonic weeks, when the superfluous water Is removed by decuntutinn. The mixture Is next dried on heated Iron plates nnd then burned In kilns. Finally It is ground to n fine powder. Portland cement Is mannfnciured by the dry process from hard limestones. These limestones are crushed small, mixed In the proper proportions with clay, then roughly burned and ground to powder. Since Portland cement Is hardly ever employed pure. Its strength Is perhaps best tested when It Is mixed with un equal weight of sand. lalvatlon Nell" - ' II "Whitman Bennett ProducKon f Liberty Hunclay nnd Monday CHILDREN ALWAYS AT THE FEET OF LINCOLN It k nlwavj the innocent ami open imiul of n child which let viim-n, ii ml m alttui'tcd in trim Kicatncis. IcuIiiiich :u'o it win so when ihcy hcitil. "Sullcr lililc did-du-n ami c.inio iniio inr." I y hiv in one of the lis I .iilcrn rilici is a hramiliil tirmirc t..tue of Abraham Lincoln, hailv around its nnil lip with it arc little children. I he victtire shows a group o( yuuiiK.sU-rs brushing up the statue so that it may present a perfect ap pearance on the I l.tth anniversary ! r-- - -- , ( '' ' v -' I It is nlwavs the inn--nt and I1 ...t.'l'Vi.1. .1551 I , 01 tnc nirtii ol Amcncn's great man. .'--TV ,"',:i lLMt. M It i u A CHUMP IN THIS TOWN SEZ MS WIFE'S HUSBAND IS HIS BEST FRIEND. Precious Scot. Uy recovering gold and other pre cious uielals from the snnty deposit scraped from the chimney of nn nsmiy. i'i'h factory, n prollt of about ,MKI per cent Is made on the cost of eleniilng. To this factory inntiuracturlng Jew elers send their refuse nnd sweeplncs to have the sninll fragments of gnld and platinum which are Inst In work ing extracted. In the process scraps of the' valua ble refuse are ennied off In the smoke and fumes nml deposited with the soot on the Inside of the chimney and the luliiute particles of j:id and phitl mini are carefully sorted out from the soot. , Kven the clothes of the sts-plencks are retained for the sake of the pre. clous grime on them. The value of the metal recovered Is enough to pay six times over for the work Involved, Including the cost of new clothes for the men onirsired. Itrooklyn Kfiule. XOT1CK OK HI1KWFI"8 S.V l.K In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Deschutes County. Western Loan and Dulldlng ) Company, a Corporation, ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) A. Whlsnant and Grace W. ) Vhlnnmit. hls.wlfe. Jul-) lus Janctt and Catharine ) - -,;' Howard, Defondunts. ) Uy virtue of an Execution, Judg ment Order and Decree, and Order of Sale issued out of the above en titled Court in tho. nbovo entitled cause, to me directed, und dated the 10th day of February, 1922, upon a Judgment arid decree rendered and entered on tho 10th day nf Febru ary, 1923. in favor of the pluimlff, In the sum of $1.724. IS, together with Intorcst thereon at the rain of ton per cent per annum, from and after Octobor 16, 1 (i 20. for the further sum of $200.00 attorney's tees, and tor costs and' Ulsbursu- neuts taxed and allowed In tho sum of $22. 58, and tho costs on and upon said writ commanding me to make sale of the following described real property situate, lying and be ing In Deschutes County, Oregon, particularly described as follows, to-wlt: Lots Five (5) and Fix (6), Plock Thirteen (13), In tho town of Ken wood, according to tho recorded plat thereof on Ale In tho ofllco of tho County Clork In and for Des chutes County, Oregon. Now Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, decree and order of sulo, and In accordance with tho commands of said writ, I will on Tuesday, tho 14th day of .March, 1922. ut 10 o'clock A. M.t ut tho front door of tho Court llouso, In lleud, Deschutes County, Oregon, soil ut public miction, sull ied to redumption, lo tho highest bidder for cuitli In hiind, all the right, title nnd Interest which the within named defendants or either of them hud on tho lTlh day ot Juno, 19111, tho ditto of the mort gage heroin foroelosed, or since that 'iliitu hud In and to thn above de scribed promise, to satisfy ald .execution, Judgment order nml do 'croe, Intnrosl, utloiiitiy's foen, costs 'ami accruing costs. I Duied at lleud, Oregon, this II 111 day or February, H'22. , H. K. HOIIKHTS.' iHhcrltr of Deschutes County, Oregon. I Dntn of llrst publication. Full Hi lary 11, 11122. I ilatri of lunl publication. March 4, 1922. 67-03-6-75e Give The Children Plenty Of Milk And Watch Them Grow What nvoryduy proofs have we thul milk has good growing material for boys nnd girls? It is tho only food the majority of children get for tho first nine months of their lives, yet they live on It, they grow on It, thoy do their work of playing, kicking nnd crying on It. What docs milk supply? It supplies building material for the bones, teeth and muscles, It keeps tho heart boating regularly, It strengthens tho nerves and every other purl of the body, It bus a grow ing force which makes weak bodies grow Into strong ones. Would any other food do ns well? No other food could be used In Its place. No other ona food contains as rlinny of tho various growing mater ials needed by children. ' ' No other one food supplies enough building material for bones and teeth Good bones and tooth need lime for building. Children need a variety of grow ing mntorinls and thoy must all bo supplied If every child Is to bo 4 strong, hoalthy man or woman. I How much milk should children have? Kvery child must huve at least ouii pint of milk n day to supply mater ial for good bones and teeth. Every child ought to have at least a quart of milk a day because! It la so easily built up Into body tlmuoa. What Is Its value for adults? , It Is an excellent food for adults. It might tak,n the place of some mem. At least a cup of milk per adult per day should bo used In Ilia food or taken us a beverage. The food vuluo of thai milk Is thn snme whether tho milk Is tnknu In cooked foods or as a beverage. Hut one very Important matter to remember In buying and using any kind of milk Is to know that It Is thoroughly pasteurized. I sincerely hopo that overy teacher In Ilcnd will Insist that her pupils will bo glruti nothing but pure, wholosomo panteu riied milk. Children must have milk, but they must havn clean milk, so aoo that you buy from a clean, sanitary dairy liko the Ilond Dairy (store, whero the milk la guaranteed to bo "cloan milk from healthy cows." The Bend Dairy Co. Phone 127W AT Philadelphia Diamond Grid Ford Special! A Storage Battery, Built Especially for The Ford Car The Solid Composition Rubber Case, grooved in (bottom 4o fit carrying rod, eliminates all possibility of recking, end assures longer, more satisfactory service than the old style wooden case See This Ford Special Before Buying For Tire or Battery Repairing, 'Let The Kings Serve You" E, P. MAHAKFEV, Vic President CQfYfllCHT I0gg PUBrAUTOCASTCR HERV Cft