PAGE 4 TUB I1RN1 BriJJOTlN. DAILY EDITION, I1KND, OHWOON. WKUKHN1MY, KKII. I, lli!'J. BRITAIN WILL USE AIR ARMY IN GOVERNING MESOPOTAMIA Ity I. M. Harl (tinltml I'im SHOT Corrciii.lnU) LONDON, Fob. 1. Tlia possibility of effective controlling a troublous country by means of an "Air Army" is to ba thoroughly tried out by tlit British in Mesopotamia, or Irak, to Klve it IIh now-old official name. Tho originator of the scheme is Colonial Secretary Winston Church ill, who h undertaken many during: nml ingenious experiments during li is cabinet career. When War Secretary. Churchill had to face a considerable amount of criticism over the number of Anglo-Indian troops retained in Meso potamia at tho expense of the British taxpayer, and he promised to replace these troops immediately with "aero plane patrols." On going to the Colonial office, which is responsible for the supervision of Mesopotamia, he was able to perfect his plans and Etart an entirely new scheme. A fleet of 160 troop-carrying aero planes is under construction, each capable of carrying 10 soldiers fully equipped for fighting, and two ma chine guns with necessary ammuni tion. By this means a complete bat talion of 1,000 men can be trans ported hundreds of miles across the deserts and plains, and concentrated In any troublous spot, without the fatigue of forced marches, and before a savage enemy expects attack, he can be faced by a powerful and per fectly fresh force. A number of these aeroplanes have already been delivered and satisfac torily tested, so that within a very few months the authorities will have a unique but substantial movable force ready to put down trouble in any part of the dominions nominally ruled by Kiug Feisul. The Mesopotamian Arabs are fine hand-to-hand fighters and although they are a bit scared of aeroplanes, they are much more impressed by the appearance of a substantial force of infantry, llrlllsh War Chiefs will watch the experiment with intense interest and If It is sttrcosnful the policy of air defence will lie tried ill other parts of the empire. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Cltixsifivd KdvrrtUtaff chr per L-wue 10 crnt for fO vorW or !. On cent p?r word for all over 20. All cIMitcU nlver tu rn strictly ctvh in atUuiicc , FOR SALE FOR SALE Hemstitching nnd plcot ini; attachment: tits all sewing machines: price $2.00: checks. UK extra. Light's Mall Order House, l)ox 127, Uirniinfcham. Ala. S-4ti-l!p FOR SALE All hair goods dis played in the window of the Hulr dreRsing Parlor ut half price: this week only. 140 Oregon ave. Phone 269-W. 12-46-alc FOR SALE Wood: dry limb wood. 14.50: body wood. $5.50, per cord. Call Bend Investment Co- Phone 16-J. 9-19-61P WANTED SALESMAN' WANTED Position open for a salesman for Rend and vicinity, for an old lino life Insur ance company: If you are a live wire and want to make real monev. arrange for meeting by phoning T. J. Webb, ceneral aent, Uend. Ex perience unnecessary. 15-47-4'jp WANTED Dressmaking; prices rea sonable. 2064 East Second street. Phone 222-W. 6-46-49p WANTED Clean cotton rags at The Bulletin office. tfc FOR RENT DEADLY NATURE OF MOONSHINE SHOVN FOR RENT Two furnished house keeping rooms. Inquire Room 4 over Deschutes Garage, Phone 30S-R or 71-W. 7-4 6-50p ziS;l2L i Cc)a HftDCY CAREY . Liberty Theater, Tltitr-liiy, Friday and Saturday. tiled against you In the above en titled action within six weeks from the dute of the tlrst publication of this summons, to-wit: within six weeks from the 11th day of Jan uary. 1922, and if you fall so to answer, the plaintiff will, for lack thereof, apply to the Court for Judg ment against you as demanded In his complaint, to-wit: For principal nnd Interest due and owing upon a prommissory note for $350.00, given plaintiff by the de fendant on July 26. 1919. duo In six months after date, with Interest at eight per cent per annum, upon which there has been paid tho sum of J 100.00 on December IS, 1919. nnd the sum of $70.00 on December 31, 1919, together with a reasonable attorney's fee of $50.0: Vpon promissory note for the sum lllh, 1922, by I lie Hon. T. 10. J. Dully, Judgo nt tlio Circuit Court for said Judicial DlHliiet. Tho mild order require!) publication of this HiumunnH for hIx hiiccohmIvo and con secutive woekH, and that tho Hint publication thereof shall ho iniiilo on January 1 1 1 It. 1922. It. . HAMILTON. Attorney tor Plaintiff. Postolllce address: lloiid, Oregon, IllKIU 42-4S.04-tic A Definition. A will' m friend, linger, Is one who will let you borrow Ids cold ciimIi. Ilimtnii Triinncrlpty iiiimiutHiiiiuiiiiitiiidiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiuiiiiiitiilliliiiiiia What Do You Look For in Clothes- Pure ivnnl, good Hlyle, correct III, long near nml unusual val ue? $22.00 and Up Tailored to your liicunuro yon will Hull It nl DICK, The Tailor rirunttiK. PyHiiK unit litohin iUnituiii:ttti:t:ttiiti::tittittitiiiinu:i:iiittmttiriiiiiitiit:ttt The tomlcriK's.s of STEAKS (K'licntl nuich on how they nru cut Try Our Steaks We think they will please you. O'DONNELL BROS. of $225.00, Riveu by defendant to the plaintiff December 31, 1919. payable at tho rate of $25.00 on the Hint of each month thereafter,! with interest t hereon at tho rate of oiKht per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and tor a reusouublu attorney's fee of $50.00. j That real estate belonging to the defendant described as Lots 3, 4, ' and 5, In Block 10 of Park Addition; to Hend. Deschutes County, Oregon, ' heretofore attached in this action, , bo sold to satisfy any Judgment c b- tallied by plaintiff against (ho de fendant. This summons Is served upon you i by the publication thereof In The! Bend Bulletin, Dully Edition, for a period of six cousocutlvu and sue- cessive weeks, in accordance with an order made therefor on January Auto Storage Where Cur Will Not Freeze HuildiiiK Fireproof Every Convenience You May Desire Pioneer Garage Irving Avenue GRAND TONIGHT ONLY Toby's Comedians IN "The Sultan's Daughter" Al.o V catura Picture TOM SANTSCHI in "The Sagebrush Musketeers" Rview idJ ComrJy Knlire Change ol Program Tomorrow Fusel Oil, Lye, Wood Alcohol, Mice, And Wood Inf-ects Found in ' Illicit Liquor. HOUSTON, Texas, Feb. 1. Lye, fusel oil, aid wood alcohol are not the only jjo'sonous substances in bootleg wn'iskey, according to De puty Sheriff Frank Hampe. Hampe, Harris county deputy, who claims the state still-capturing championship, is considered the local bootleg author ity. "Not only do fusel oil and lye exist in poison moonshine whiskey, but frequently cockroaches, mice and wood insects go into the deadly con coction," Hampe said. "Barrels used for fermenting mash are left uncovered," according to Hampe. "This allows the rodents and insects to fall in and die. Moon shiners make no efforts to take the dead animals and bugs out." A dead pig was found In a barrel of mash destroyed on one cf his raids, Hampe asserted. Fire In Clothing. Fire In one's clothinz: Don't run. especially not down stnirs or out of doors. Rod on carpet, or wrap In wool en rug or blanket Keep the head down, so n no to inhale flumes. FOR HUNT Two rooms, furnished; hot and cold water. Call after 4 p. m.. 5IB Lava road. i3-4i-"p NOTICE TO CliKDITOKS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Des chutes. In the Matter of the Estate of Trula Kenyon, Deceased. Notice is hereby given. That the will of Trula Kenyon, deceased, ha? been admitted to probate, and that letters testamentary have been is sued to Lillian Kenyon, as executrix of the said will, by the County Court of Deschutes County, Oreson. All persons having claims aeainst the estate of Trula Kenyon, are hereby requested to present them, duly verified, with proper vouchers, to said executrix, at the law offices of R. S. Hamilton in the First Na tional Bank building. Bend. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: within six months from the 25th day of January, 1922. LILLIAN KENYON, Executrix of the Will of Trula Kenyon, Deceased. R. S. HAMILTON. Attorncv for Executrix. 42-Ii-54-60-Gljr; LIBERTY THURSDA Y.FRIDAY-SATURDAY Matinee Thursdiiy und Siiturduy, 15 - -- lOe-SOe-Sfle IX THE CIRCUIT COURTOF THE STATE OK OREGON IV AM) v FOR DESCHUTES COUXTV. Summons For Publication Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co.,) a corporation, Plaintiff,) vs. ) M. W. Wagner, Defendant.) To M. W. Wagner, Defendant: In the Name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint -rg- -a tl aw anuf ning like before Srow Carl Laemmla mmmr Presents The Bluest Town I I 6H1K Li si' !a AXD IX EVERY COUNTRY we can render you ac commodation of every kind consistent with sound banking methods. Bills of exchange and notes as well as every other banking facility al ways at your service. No substantial business man overlooks the value of co-operation with a sound bank for his own security and safety. The First National Bank Twr El nr. or Bofiinot Skwvicb ThU Bank I a Member of the Federal Reserve SyUem 'Vira reckless, death-acTying ndo or Harry vbMf&rtr K ftWoid. Carey's Famous Flying Squadron. ty$fii!F$lf C8 R ,housand and one thrills never filmed t 3 WiSiwyv before. The First and Greatest Supcry KafST'V' "(?rjrM western ever screened. if!WrA DIRECTED UNIVERSAL ROOT THORNS I &J$(K MiliiCWi' JErXVE,TJ. EVER SCREE S See a thousand horsemen ride like mad across tho scorching sands of the great Mojavo Desert See the terrific, blinding sandstorm a thriller you'll never forget. See the great battle against hundreds of outlaws ono of the greatest spectacles ever screened. See tho reckless, death-defying rido of Harry Carey's Famous Flying Squadron. See a thousand and one thrills never filmed before. The First and Greatest Supcry western ever screened. w If you are foxy you will come early and get a good seat, for you know all the thrill loving people of Bend are going to see the Biggest Western Thriller ever screened. At Regular Prices.