FACE a The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION' PaMtdwd Bmr Aflsrnson Rropt Bandar, Br Tha H.nd Bull.lln (Incorporate Batarrd as bond Class matter J miry I, l17. at th Post Oll.c it Brnd. Oraa-on. aadar Act of Mareh i, 1878. stOFKRT W. SAWYER, , Editor-Mananr HKNUY N. FOWLKR Asotiat Kditor & H. 8MITK Advertiain Miurt JAMES si. ONE1L Circulation Manaxw An Independent Newspaper, atandinjr for ta aouare deal, elean busmeaa, clean polltlca and tM beat tnteresta of Bend and Central Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Br Mall Owe Year $5.(10 Bis Month 12.75 Tare Monthi $1.60 Br Carrier On Year $6.$0 Sta Montha 1.1.5(1 On Month $0.60 AM anbucrlrtlona are due and PAYABLE 1M auvaisi ti notice ot expiration are nulled subscribers and if renewal u not Band within reasonable time the paper will to discontinued. Plea notify us promptly of any ehantre of addreaa, or of failure to receive the paper rearularly. Otherwise we will not be re sponsible for copies minted. Make alt checks and orders payable to The Bend Bulletin. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1922. SAFE FROM ALL EVIL: The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy eoul. Psalm 121:7. Hi M!L Mason ADVERTISE NOW (Grant County Journal) There is nothing on earth so mys teriously tunny as a newspaper ad vertisement. The prime, first, last and all the time, object ot an adver tisement is to draw up custom. It is not, was not, and never will be de signed for other human purpose. So the merchant waits till the busy sea son and his store is so full of cus tomers that he can't get bis hat off, and then he rushes to the newspaper and puts in his advertisement. When the dull season gets along and there is no trade and he wants to sell goods so bad he can't pay his rent, he takes out his advertisement. That is. some of them do, but occasionally a level headed merchant puts in a bigger one scoops in all the business while his neighbors are making mortgages to pay their light bills. There are times when you could not stop people from buying every thing in the store if you planted a cannon behind the door and that's the time the advertisement is sent out on its holy mission. It makes light work for the advertisement, for a chalk sign on the sidewalk could do all that was needed and have a half holiday six days in the week, but who wants to favor an adver tisement? They are built to do hard work and should be sent out in dull days when a customer has to be knocked down with hard facts and kicked insensible with bankruptcy reductions and urged in with irresis table slaughter of prices before he will spend a cent. Write this down where you'll fall over It every day. The time to draw business is when you want business, and not when you have more busi ness than you can attend to already. COLLISION DISABLES MAIL CARRIERS' CARS GRANGE HALL, Feb. 1. The cars of the R. F. D. carrier on the Grange Hall route and the R. F. D. on the Alfalfa route collided Satur day. They meet every day and trans fer mail but neither expected the other at the sharp curve where their accident occurred. Both cars were . disabled. J. K. Condon hauled Jay 1 B. Noble's car within a mile of Bend j when it was necessary to get assist- i ance from a garage in town. Helene Selde, the 12 year old! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Selde, had a birthday party Sunday afternoon. The invited friends were i Martin Pavick, Mary McClain, Mable' Boardman, Johnny Pavick. Thelma ! Kotzman, Melvin McClain, Lawrence Boardman, Francis Pavick. Mrs. Selde served ice cream with the birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McClain joined the party later in the afternoon. Joe Peschka has been helping Mr. Bratt fix his car. Mrs. Grace Rauch went to Port land Saturday. Mr. Scott has rented a house in Bend and will move there for the winter. Mr. Black who has been living on the Austin place is moving bis fam ily to Bend. Mrs. William Reynolds is serious ly ill. Her daughter, Gertrude Nic kersen, has been called from her Spring Is Coming Soon the winter will be gone from the haunts of freezing men, and the grass upon the lawn will be turning green again; verdure soon will run amuck, and we'll hear the quacking duck, and the earnest, thoughtful cluck of the busy setting hen. Oh, the wintry tempest blows, and it howls along the street; there is ice upon my nose and my ears are full of sleet; bleak the sky that o'er us bends, but the worst uprising ends, and we'll soon be tell ing friends that we're weary of the heat. Oh, the winter isn't nice, when it blusters to and fro, and my shoes are full of ice and my hat is full of snow ; but I try to dance and sing and be happy as a king, for I have a hunch that spring pretty soon her goods will show. And she has the finest line that a man could wish to see, singing birds on every vine, and a homing bumble bee; sweetest fragrance in the air, and a rosebud here and there, golden sunshine everywhere, and a flower bestudded lea. Rough house Winter stays a while, filling us with discon tent, heaping in a crazy pile snow that isn't worth a cent; but he soon is out of sight; then comes Spring, a bride in white, bringing comfort and de light to the breast of every gent. position in Bend to take care of her mother. K. A. Nelson and family attended church services at the Baptist church in Bend Sunday. Harold Barclay called at the Wig more ranch Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kotzman and Joe Boyer were In Bend Saturday on business. Ed Young and daughter Dorothy, were transacting business in Bend Saturday. Alvin Carter accompanied C. E. Dickey to town Saturday. Mrs. Starr is staying with Mrs. Charles Williamson this week. Johnny Wornstaff of the Richard son school district was successful in finding the two valuable English setter dogs that were lost in that vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Miriam Kotzman and daughter Thelma, were dinner guests at the Adam Kotzman home Sunday. Mrs. Hine and son, Dean, and Miss Walker and daughters, Virginia and Eunice, of Bend were callers at the Henry Selde home Friday. Fred Hettman's mother near Hood River is very ill and Mr. Hettman has been called to her bedside. 0. M. Swanson hauled a load of hay to Mr. Starr Tuesday. R. M. Chase made a business trip to Bend Tuesday. J. M. McClain hauled a load of potatoes to Bend Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll and Infant daughter. Mildred visited at the George Ericksen home Monday eve ning. George Spindler. Mr. Carter and son Alvin did the chores at the George Ericksen ranch Friday. Mr. Mosier hauled u load of hay to Bend Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rasmussen were among the Bend shoppers Sat urday. E. E. Butler was transacting school business in town Saturday. Ruben and Herbert Nelson, high school students In Bend, enjoyed a TERREBONNE HAS NUTRITION CLASS TKUKKIIONNK. Jan. 31 Miss Coineuys hits orttauii-.ed it nutrition dims for children who uru tuiiler wciKht. Mr. and Mrs. Vun TiimnoI were vis Horn In Mend Saturday ami Kuudiiy. Tliu I'liriiiit Touchers hhhih'IiiIIiiii will have a social evening next Wed nesday. Tim school will dike pint. Mr. and Mis. Ecluirt ami ilmiKhier Josephine have kiu to u mining dis trict neiir linker. Kthi'l I'ox has been sick with lun sllliln for (he laxi two weeks. A surprise party for tilmlvs Wimp' fourteenth birthday was' given last WedtH'Hiluy evening. Those I present were Kdini Premium, CIuiIvk! Van Tassel. Newell Vuu Tassel, Kr-1 vin and Avis t'adoiiaii, Ailccn John-! sen. Kreiit llchhiiid. Marvin and Al-i bert llllihuid, Harold llinker, lone1 and Gladys Wimp. i .Miss Gladys Van Tassel was a vis-1 it or at l.aimima for the week em!. The I,. 1. l ladles had an enter-1 lalniiient last Pi lilay evening. A I very fine proitnini was given and nil enjoyable lime la reported. I Miss I'oiiiogys demonstrated (lie ' pressure cooker to (he Ladles' club I las( Thursday. A lunch was served by (he ladles and In the afleiiiouii , Miss CoiuegyK Hliowud them some1 I new stitches In embroidery. I j Principal Irvine of Redmond gave la lecture here on Paris anil ulo ; iibout fishing. He illusdmed his1 j talk by pit-lures. j A private dance was given ill Mrs. Wlnfield'M hall Saturday night. I Mrs. Slanslniry acroinimuled by I her Utile son left fur I'liiiland Tiles'. ! day evening to Join her liuslmiid who is taking liealineiils fur rhrnmnilsm. I.eona Cox spent Sunday nMerunon and evening at the home of Arleen Johnson. Jay Freeman while on his way to Terrebonne hurt his foot when his horse fell on the lee. Caeanr Coins Discovered. Two Itiininii cuius, tiiarliiK tlioelllgy of Julius t'aeHir. have been found at Hit height of H.IKHI feet on a Kivlss llllllllltulll. iimttmimimmmmimimmmimtimmmtmumiimiiiimti Nee I In it nnil Hee Hotter MOW LOCATION II. W. Ilnrr Optometrist t'pslllll' liooitm Sill.;! (I'ksnc lllilu .miimimmtmimtimnmmmiitiinmniumminiiiimium Wher. Millions An InlarroO. The lloliiiin ciiliiciiiiilm are TiM) miles III exleni, ami II la estliniiied Unit oiuelliliiu llku In.utKi.iMio dead urn (hero Interred. lltlllllllUIIUtltlltlUlltlltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll !' When you want your Wood Sawed Plume llll J iiumtmiiiitiumimniiiiuimimimtiiiiMiiiiiiiMiniittmiuiii five mile hike out to the ranch Sa( urday morning slaying until Sundiiv. P.d Young helped O. M. Swanson load hay Tuesday. Mr. C. E. Dickey hauled wood Tuesday. K. A. Nelson was a Bend visitor Wednesday. Alvin Carter called on Joe Pesch ka Saturday. Dorothy. Bennett and Ed ward Young enjoyed "potato candy" an I flinch at the teachers' cottage Saia -day night. Freddie Carter visited at the C. E. Dickey ranch Friday .vnlni;. Henry Chrlstofferson motored to town with II. Helgeseu Saturday. Esther Ericksen, Gladys liable. Violet Hettman and Bennett Young passed into the eighth grade nt (he beginning of the new semester. Helene Selde passed Into the seventh grade. Credit Is Everything If your credit is good there is no limit to your expansion. Promptness in the payment of your open accounts is the only way you can build a credit. Do not buy more than you can pay for and always pay promptly for all you buy. The Shcclin-I Iixon Company The Suprtrrt excellence. In elianiiter, In nnimier, In style. In nil llilncs. i he supreme exielleiiev Is simplicity. Longfellow. Bt::nua:aa:a::w.Tia:aim:!:M::t:Kai:waijti::mi:::ii:at: PAULSON DECISION TO BE TOMORROW Decision in Mark A. Paulson's ap peal from the school board's action in discharging him was delayed from yesterday on account of several legal points which are yet to be cleared up, announced County Superintend ent J. Alton Thompson this after noon. His decision will probably be given out tomorrow, he stated. It was first Bet for yesterday. Shoe airing The oldest established shoe shop in Bend. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Rep AT LOVEN'S 1017 Bond St. umiBncttiKninaiinminimsinaaniaaiiiiiiuiauimictia PERMANENT AS 'I'M 13 PYRAMIDS Concrete Pipe Company UHNO. OKI2QON Sfwcr Pipe, lirialion ripe, Waltr Pipe, Culvert Pipe, Building Blocks Well Curbing, Concrete Silos It it's iiinile of concrete, vc iniikc it Box 157 BEND, OREGON Phone 219 FURNACES PIPE AND PIPKI.I-SS SHEET MI-TAl. AND HOOPING. Will. MONTGOMERY Minnesota St. Tune Your I'lnno At Leant Once n Year. I'J YKAKS i:XPi:UIr'.NCK It Need It. G. E. MAST-PIANO TUNER Tt'MNfl, CMOAMNU. KKI'AIKI.Mi OftU-c with Thompson Music Co. Phono TO. PROFESSIONAL AND BUHINKHH DIRECTORY Every Article In Stock Has Been Reduced! If a saving on stand ard makes of Tires and Casings, Oil, . Grease, and Auto Accessories mean anything to you, see FRENCHIE Bond Street SILVER GRILLE Our Prices Reduced 10 to 25 Per Cent MOST SANITARY COOKING IN TOWN Try Our COMBINATION BREAKFAST CAFE :::niai::n:imi;:m:uu::::ii:mi:iii:mmin:mtJit:i:isnni: W. G. MANNING, I). M. DENTIST Suit 12-14. O'Kano Building Phone 178-W. Ilend, Oregon :::tu:nt:::i:t::im:STim::u::t::i:at::::nnt!nutn:utiui 3:imt:::tu:niittn:u:a:n.'ii::ttt:t:uai::itnii:::in:ntttnit:!: Office Phone : : : : 58-J F. M. BLOOM Dentist Roomi 4 and S, orer Poslofflce ::intt:iinntan:tmntmumi::tRni:m::t:ti:::a'.:::n:::tm:nu THE LAW OKl'K K OK W. P. MYERS Now lo-n(et In Itoonm 2'Jfl-H Ml NICK lll'ILIil.N'O New I'lioiic No. 2A1I-W. DR. Hours: Kvalfw ami Your Shoes will smile with satisfaction over the splendid job of re pairing they will re ceive at our hands. Iindeborg & Hanson 120 Minnesota Street iius:u:un:::;::::R:::n:u:M:mR:n::K::::::::u::::::t: WE BUY SELL or EXCHANGE Good Used Ranges, Furniture, Phono graphs or Office Furnishings ELECTRIC VAGTTM CLEANERS RENTED 24 Hour Day BOc All makes of Hewing Jin chines rented by the dn.v, too week, or the month. BEND FURNITURE CO. (Exchange Dwrtraent) TELEPHOMi 271-W 8!:mu!ii!:iu.'Ki:iiawiiiiuiiiiniiiiimiiB!in!miitnnir.i. Majestic Electric Heaters "Ilest in Creation for Heat Itadiullon." Keeps the old comfortable and the young contented. Bend Water Light & Power Company 1 nttsztis mi !3 1! !T ttiTxn::mtnmmnn:mffi:!:,n:nRummi Save-But Save Wisely Money is seldom saved on out of town purchases. Quality and not price is important in the question of saving. It always pays to buy the best, and you are always sure of the be3t when you buy at home. ., , , The Brooks-Scaulon Lumber Co. !!tmiiiiii:i:iiiiimitiiiiiiiiitnimininitmn!inniiiiini;imiiiniimitimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii m m,,m.......!i iaraitmiiiiiMuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiim nni:::tti::::i::iutiu:iRn:t:::t:::::m:n!t:tttttn::::::::t:nt:ni::t DR. G. SKINNER DENTIST j Office, Room 18, O'Kane nidK. I Phono: OITico, Illack 2.1C-W Office Hour: 9 to 121 to S I !fu.'i:::ilu::::::n::;::i:::;:::i:tm::t:ii::::im::::::i::::i:::::::::::i t:ttn:t:ti::t:tt:::iiti::::n:i::i::!i::i:::!i!::!:i!:::n:t::ti::::::::::::: R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNET-AT-LAW j Rooms 13 and 1 6 First National ! Bank Building. Tol. 61 jj i (Dr. Cos's Forrasr Offles) I; l::n::t:t:tiumi::tlti:::Hi::::u:::::ttt!:tutttltttRni:::tint::m::t. Viiiiimiuiimimntuiutnnmiiintni!iuminiintmiinnnin CARLSON & LYONS PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and IToatlng Supplies Bath Room Accessories, etc., etc. Pipe, Valves and Fittings PHONE 159-J ,iiimiitiifuit:tHtnitmiiitfi;ttnitti.iiin.i,::,it:iiii:iiiititti i:t!:)i.:nmntn:mnit:ir:itjiiui!tiiii:un:jiimtiJ!tutn:i! J. B, MINER & CO. Real Estate MINER ULIKi. Room 201 I'liono 2."SW icmiiiiiiiiiiuiniitiiitiii::itiiiuiiiiiiii:mi:tii!i:tit::t:t:iiiti: BULLETIN CLASSIFIED ADS liitiiiuiuHiiiiitiiiHiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii'iiiuiuti ni:::tnmitutn:iu:i:iii:mi:mntimnmnmtiinmtnni:::t Tel. Z7-J O'Kane llldg. E. E. GRAY DKNTIHT to 12 1 to E:20 Bunds, a br AppolnUnsat i::tti:nttt:mun:iimti::t:tit!niiiimttmnittnmmitn:i v, '""i''i"in!iniimmimimmiimntim::;f r? DR. II. N. MOORE DENT 1HTRY Tel. 167 O'Knno llldg. im:i:aii!i!iti!!!:i!!i:!!::n:i:iti!i::mmmii!i!:i!i!!m;i!!im::: imranammKitintmmmtmtmtmmttmnMimmtimuiKt Olllco Phono 317 O'Donnell Uldg DODDS & BLOOM 'hjBlrlniiH nnd Hnrgetins Dodds, Res. Phono nr. 11 2S2-M. Dr. C. 22Q-J. Hours: 6 P. m.j F. Illoom, Res. Phone D to 12 A. M.j 7 to 0 ovunings. 1 to ' mniiiuiiimiiMiiimimimiiiimiuii! UmiHiaiij!! Kiimmimimmimmmmmmmmmmmjt UtlND INSURANCE AGENCY Wrllsrs of all kinds of Insurants. Old. sl Insurants An.nrjr In Csntral Orsson. U. C. ELI.I8 Ural National Dank Bids-.. Bsnd. iW """i:i!:::m::imiiilliiiiiimiiiiiiiiiilm,m; Jj""" raiaiiiiiimiiisnaimiiii mint :m MRS. V. A. SMITH ARont for the NU1IONK CORNETS Will call by appointment 1 059 Columbia St. Phono 803-M 1. o. Box 40 miimimiiim mmiiiiiim t miiinmi:!:" """""" ' i in iiiiiiiiii mm G. C. MORGAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Room 235, Minor Building Phono 325-W "' "'" '' mmimm tmmimiinmum! Bulletin Want Ads bring results try them,