PAGE 4 TUB BEXT) nnIJCTIN, DAILY EDITION, IlKN'D, ORFflON, MONDAY, JAMAKY It, lS!l. HAY GROWERS ; WANT CHANGE ORECON FARMERS AIM' MAN 1)1 CAPPEr KY WASHINGTON D1E FERETriA!,, SAYS ASSOIIA TIOX MANAGER. The present system of frelRht rates Under which Oregon . growers are compelled to operate Iuib the effect of placing a tariff upon Oregon grown liny sold tn either Oregon or Washington. Just exactly why this condition happens to exist is hard to explain, declares L. A. limit, man ager of the Oregon Cooperative Hay Growers. In a trip to Portland he made for mal application for an equal freight tariff on hay shipments originating In Oregon as compared with those in the state of Washington. The chair man of the agricultural committee of the Portland chamber of commerce, the Oregon Farm bureau, the Bend Commercial club and the Deschutes County Farm bureau and interested farmers in Clatsop and Columbia counties are uniting in their efforts to assist the Oregon Cooperative Hay Growers in getting a better rate. The present S. P. & S. and N. P. rate as it now stands is as follows, given from these key points, and in effect January 1, 192C. From Kennewick to Portland. 222 miles, present rate. .23; from Kenne wick to Astoria, 322 miles, present rate, .24: from Kennewick to Aber deen. 3S2 miles, present rate. .27 H : from Redmond to Portland, 234 miles, present rate. .27; from Red mond to Astoria, 334 miles, present rate, .4214; from Redmond to Aber deen, 413 miles, present rate, AIM. This present rate amounts to a dif- ferential of ?2.90 per ton in favor of Yakima shippers in some cases, while coming around by way of Seattle they have even a little better rate than this to Aberdeen. Oregon grow ers ask nothing but an equal show with other producers, says Hunt. They feel that they have a right to this, and know no good reason why they should be prevented from sell ing their own hay in their own state at least on an equal basis with out state shippers. Assistant Ceneral Fregiht Agent Pickard has promised to give the matter prompt consideration. Pick ard is quoted as having said that there was probably enough hay in the northwest now stacked on. the farms to take care of all require ments for the next three years, should no more hay be grown. All the Juices of tlio wood are cooked out, the pitch and part of the tar es caping into a pit, while, other sub stances are given off In gaseous form and are recovered by a scries of four condensers. One gss, or rather, a combination of gases, however, is not condensed. It is identical with coal gas, used for llhimlnutlng and heat ing purposes, and a part of it is con ducted through pipes to the furnace, furnishing heat (or the distillation. In the test plant, 100 pounds of wood Is required ii( starting the fur nace and furnishing heat for the be ginning of the distillation. After that, the wood gives off sufficient gas to continue the process, which In an industrial plant would be contin uous. More gas is generated than can he used, however, and a sliding gas tank has been constructed to the rear of the plant. Whether gas could be economically utilized in Hend homes or whether It could be used to advautngo by the company, is a ques tion which has not been exhaustively gone into. Charcoal filled cars stop in a cooling chamber for a time, to prevent the superheated material from Igniting on reaching the air. Industrial lses Many That the test may be considered entirely successful Is Indicated from statements made by Fait child and LjuiiKduhl that (he charcoal alone would pay the cost of maintenance and operation, any other by products being placed In (ho profit column. Present Portland price list char coal at two cents a pound, but half this quotation Is being used In com paring expected revenue with pro duction cost. Powder works, and stock food manufacturers tire the chief users of charcoal, but there would be a good local fuel demand, and quantities are used In the manu facture of filters and for medicinal purposes. In Sweden, LJungdahl stales, every lumber mill has Its by-products plant, and during tho greater part of the world war when gasolluo became only a memory, wood alcohol and the gasoline substitute derived from pine oil were generally used as motor ::;::;::::::::i:i::: I:: 200 Men Wanted to Meet Mr. T. D. Bill at Mann heimer's, Friday, Jan. 13. LIBERTY Wednesday - Thursday MILL TESTS WOOD WASTE BY-PRODUCTS (Continued from Page 1.) test gasoline. Pear flavoring extract is another substance which he has evolved from pine oil. Plant Makes Own Fuel The plant now in operation, which Is a small replica of one which Ljungdahl states could be built at the cost of one of the company's big burners, handles six small wire mesh cars every 24 hours. An inclined tunnel, the oven, is filled with car bon monoxide gas to prevent com bustion of the wood, then the cars are introduced. As they mount high er in the tunnel, the temperature be comes greater until a maximum of 1000 degrees fahrenheit is reached. paramount : &iclure 4i si .. i 4r 5 ' FAMOUS PUCfHB3 - LAS KY CORPORATION Efestless Sex Robert V.Cnsmh ers MAEDN DAVIES A Paramount Super Special Banking Progress There lias been a grout change In bunking methods In tho past ten yearn. People today recognize merit in a bank not simply because it lias been on one corner for fifty or a hundred yenm, but on account of progressive business methods which meet the need of the community. Hunks loan money today us a business, not as a favor (o a privileged few. It is the volume of small loami and small deposits which have made possible the growth of the American batikini; system. Keeping close to the people is the secret of success In present day bank Iiik. lianklng prosperity depends upon community pros perity. This bank is ready lit all tlnvs to discuss nny prob lems iiD'ecting the welfare of your business or community and to offer Its assistance in any legitimate milliner. The First National Bank Tm B- of S'J-.nioi 3Hvtc TVij Bank I a Member of the Federal Reserve System If - , J Tonight at the Grand DeMarco Aistrup Entertainers The 3rd Shevlin-Hixon Band Lyceum Admission 25c and 50c fuels. What is more, they gave ex cellent results. As far us Is known, the tests now being conducted by the llrooks-Hcnn-Ion Lumber Co. are the first In which distillation of Oregon pine has been attempted. You Lot Elthar Way, Don't ukum with n wnimm if convince her that she In wrong she will think yon pro contemptible for belne right. This will fix my cold I ALWAYS Iwp Dr. Kind's New Piscovrry lunitv. It lnvutii up turd, stuhUrn cohU and Mops tho paroxysms of coultin. No h.irmtul (Iruir, lut j ut-t good huh tit' inc. Alt (1 moists, 00c, Dr. King's New Discovery For Colds and Coughs Stubborn Dowels Turned. Leav ing the bowels unmoved results in health destruction. Let the gently stimulating Dr. King's Pills tiring tc you a regular, normal Ixwel function ing. 25 cents. All druggists. D PROMPT! WON' T GRIPE. rKinffs Pills THIS SPACE BELONGS TO C. J. LEVERETT HIRE TALK NO, IWt Practice lOcononiy lint not l-'alse Eriiiioiny. To uiiike a II) per cent wage cut on 'loin Cni'hiii, mill Hie oilier livu paid I'nuiiK'oiN In the llcud Hie Ili-parl incut, I would cull I'nlne Eromiiiiy, I ai'loil holds clown II John for the Nullity of m I .TO per mouth, IIoiisIiiii mid Hoover, engineer, cadi net floO per month I'J hour (lay mirk. Truly, c j. i.everktt.. I. H. Have party with Jt 1 ,11(111 Iioikk mid lot to (mile for lied cr home mill will iismiiuo illuVreiue. (llll.e, 10,1,-1 Itoiiil Htrcct, llend, Oregon. SMI1: C. J. I,. CLASSIFIED ADS t'liuiittlitl n.lvi'iiloltm I'hiiruu lr Umin V 1'iMiU fur 30 woriln or it tvnt ft r wonl for nil ovvr 'JO, AM t'Inlht-il mUviUif Inn ati'lrll) t'ttsli lit nilviitu't'. WANTED WANTKU lttintiit'iH nnil hounlrr.-t. Apply U2 1 Klurltla iivt'inic :t a -2 4 2'ip WOUK WANT!';!! - My iitieneunilnMvil WDinan ; cook Itiu, t'onfi'rt I'moi y work, or wallroM; Ioiik -pi'HMi((; ln'st of rcri'it'iucH. t iu u i i't tl Tho Mulli'lln oIIIim. 4 I 7-:i2i FOR KENT l-till ItKNT Ouo rurnh.hcil hiiu-.o-kei'iliiK room, l'houe "1 11. IS ST-'Jtic KOIt IIKNT Klvn room modern lioilso; tlcMralilo iliiilrlct; Ktiniite; close In. Ilcml liiveiiliiioiit Co. I 2-2 1 -.1 lie I-'OK SALE l-'olt KAI.H - KlKhty iicres IrrlKiiled land; fid aci-es lino it I fill fit stand; II room f iirulnlied lioune. clili'kcii hoiiiie. barn, well; fi;l tons of the best id fn I Th hay; ;i llm oimik iiiiires, Impli'iueiiiii: all for J V . ; Jl.lMni lasli reiiiilieil; Urn best h.uvuln In Hi" couuliy. I tii ui i HalidieHsliiH I'ai'lois, Mil Oiokoii avo. 4i-s-:tuc I-'OK S.M.K .- or will iriidu Tor I'orl land proiii-riy, I mill acres mump laiiil iieveu miles iiorllinest of lloud. It. It. liiiidner, .N'oi (hwiinlorii Hunk lllilK., I'ortliind. Orn. 4:i-'.'T-:i0e Put It III The lliilletlu. LIBERTY TONIGHT Last Time "His Brothers Keeper" AND JOE MARTIN in "The Good Ship Rock and Rye" ::::::::::u::::::::::j!:::t:::::::::::::::i::i":::::::mt::i!:::::it:::i What Do You Look For in Clothes- Vure wool. KHd Htyh, correct lit, Ioiik wear anil uniisiiiil vaU lie? $22.00 and Up Tailored lo your measure yon will Unci it ut DICK, The Tailor Clean Iny, llyeliiK and Prowlng PERMANENT AS THI2 PYRAMIDS Concrete Pipe Company BfiNI), ORIiOON Sewer Pipe, Irrigation Tipc, Water Pipe, Culvert Pipe, Building Blocks Well Curbing, Concrete Silos II it's nuule of concrete, we make it Box 157 BEND, OREGON Phone 219 LIBERTY Tuesday Matinee and Night GRAND Wednesday Night. Curl Laammte presarrta HERBERT RAWUNSOH IN MILIONAIRE ALSO International News and Comedy "ZULU LOVE" The tenderness of STEAKS depend much on how they are cut Try Our Steaks We think they will please you. O'DONNELL BROS. WE BUY SELL or EXCHANGE Good Used Ranges, Furniture, Phono graphs or Office Furnishings ELECTRIC VACUO! CLEAXKIIS RENTED 24 nonr Day BOc All make of Soiling Ma chines rented by tho dny, tho week, or tho month. BEND FURNITURE CO. (Exchange Department) TELEPHONE 271-W i.::::::s:nit::::::::!:::::s:::::t::::::un:t:::i:u::::u:nnu:jniun FURNACES InI3 AND PII'ULIISS SHI-ET.MIiTAL AND kOOPINO Wm. MONTGOMERY Minnesota St. Tune Your IMnno At I.enM Oni-o a Yenr. It Needn It. I'J YEA IIS' E.M'EIUENTE G. E. MAST-PIANO TUNER TININti, (I.EANINd, II I : I. 1 1 1 1 V ; OIHip llli Tliiniiiiin .MiikIc Co. I'lmre T:V ritOFKSSIONAI, AND IIUHINESH DIKECTOllY l:ll:lii::i!:i! tun: ::::i:iii:::iii:n:t:i::: gmsmmiiiuitiiitiitmuiniiMituiiminiiiunmiiiimutiiar, Your Shoes will smile with satisfaction over the splendid job of re pairing they will re ceive at our hands. Lindeborg & Hanson 120 Minnesota Street Auto Storage Where Car Will Not Freeze Building Fireproof Every Convenience You May Desire Pioneer Garage Irving Avenue W. G. MANNING, I). M. ! DENTIST Hull 12-H. O'Kiuio IliiildliiK j riionc 17S-W. Ilimd, Oregon !1 ij::::n:::!::ii:n:ni:::::::::t:::::::t:i::::::::u::t:i::::iti:i::ii:i:'i l:::!t:::::!;:::::::i:::::::::i:i!i::::::i:::iii:i::ii::i:::::tt:i:::::::t:i: NDTIt K I nm now iireuird to rotno direct to your homo mid over haul your car. Htmclitlty on IkiiI- ! li tlon. unuerntorn mid Mlurltnir niotorn. All work ftUHnuitecl Call 1B1-J. M. W. Ki-hllllim, l,1fi8 Nowport. ii:::tii:t::i:i::::tt::tt:tttitit!n:::i:tit:i:::u:::;::::::i::::':::::::: rimmniRimnntnnnnmiiiiiiitmnnti:niitiinu:itiii:u omco Phono : : : : 6H-J F. M. BLOOM Dentist Roomi 4 and 6, ovor Postofflce FilmlllJnttnmnunlnlnnllnlIlltlmIttIImul::llllllnImlt.1ll, i:nxnuiiuulllniuitmnltni:tiimitiim:n::it,ti::ittiiimi: DR. G. SKINNER DENTIST, noom 18, O'Knno Bldg. Phono: Olllco, liluck 235-W Ofrice Hohrs: 9 to 121 to 0 tnrnaimniniR:mttiiiimiitiii:iittttiiittii:::iiitii:t:ii:iiiiii ;:tiitiitmi:tii!iimiiitiitttiiiiiiiittiiiiiimiiiiii:iitiiitttttitiijh R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNET-AT-LAW Rooms 13 and 18 Flrnt National Uuuk UulldliiK. TqI. Dl (Dr. Coo'l Formor OfHeo) iiinmitiiiiiiiiiiiitmii:iiitiiiiiiiii!iiiii!:iiiii:i:tiitiiiiiiiitiilf iilillllllliilillllllilliiuilllilllllllliNilliilllllillllllllliiiiiiiiiie CARLSON & LYONS PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and HuntliiK Huiinllon Bath Room AncQKRorlos, olc, otc. Pipe, Valves and Fittings PHONE 159-J tiuittiitniiut!iii!iiiiiiiiititiiiiiii:iitti:iim::ii:iiimii::t::t: :ii:tti::ii!tiiiiiiliiitiiititiifiiiiiuti:i:iittiiiiiiiiiiitiiiti)itii:ti J. B. MINER & CO. Real Estate MINER IW.IX;. Room 201 Phone IK.1W niiiHiiiiiiiimitiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii THE LAW (H'l ICE K W. P. MYERS .Voir located In Itooiim S'JII.H .MINER lit II,III(( New I'lione No. l!t:i.W. nm:mmi::nnuninm:minn:imumniminn!nmnim:m.'' :mmmi.itmiititiiimtit:iintiitiinmnninii!intiiini Tel. 2T-J O Kuno Illdg DR. E. E. GRAY DENTIST Houm: 9 to 12 1 to B:30 Rnlitiri nil SuniUyi bf Apointmat imiimiuiiiummniininiiicmmiiimiimnmiiinmnmnill HiimnfiitiimmtttitmimmuuiimtmmmuHummtaauiir DR. II. N. MOORE 1)10X1 ISTRY Tol. 167 O'Knno Did. .imaiiRcjmtnnttmiiimimiiinniiiiiimiiiminmiinmn:, !ii:iniiiiiii::itm:it::i:iii:t::miiii:mtim:niiiiiiimiii:i:tu:in Offlcn I'lionn .117 O'nonuell 1 1 1 I k DODDS & BLOOM I'Ii.vmIi Iiiiis mid Hui'Ki'oim lr. II. C. DoiIiIh, Rob. Phono 2II2-.M. Dr. C. F. Illoom, Ren. Phono 22H-J. Hours: 9 lo 12 A. M. ; 1 to B P. ,M.; 7 to !l ovuiiIiikh, 'l:t:!:::i:i:::i:i:ni:ii!ii:!i:ti!!i!:iti!iti!!t!iT;i;ttM...H (""'nimnmnimmmnmiiiminmmmiiinimimnnnimj liLJND INSURANCE fi AuENCY Wrllm of nil of In.urnnra. Old. wit InRUrMncft Auimcy In Cuntrul Oreicnn H. C. HI, 1,18 Pint National IIhiiIc lll.l n -. Uianmiiuimimmiainiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmift,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,, "nuiiuimiiniinumimmu iiiniini .. MKS. V. A. SMITH Asent for tho ' Nl'llONE CORSETS Will nnll hy niipolntinnnt 1059 Columbia Kt. Phono 30.1-M p. o. Tlnr in ILiiiiunuiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimimiiiBiimmuiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiJJ iiniiiiiiiiiiiniii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiun ,, miinp G. C. MORGAN ATTORNEY AT I,AW Room 2,'in, Miner Ilulldlnjc Phono 32B-W imiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimimiHii,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rullelln Want AiIh bring romilts try them.