4 FACE the nnvn nriii.KTix, iaiiy edition, nKNn, oheoon, rati nn.w, jaxvaiiy t, 1022. The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION Faklbhra' Errrr Afternoon Kmpt Sunday. Br Tkt B.na Ilullrlln (Inrorporalnl) Knterrd as Sts-ond rlasa matter January 8, 1817. at the Tost Olllcc at Bend, Oregon, under Act of Uarrh , 18TU. BOI1KKT W. SAWYER EJitor-Manaarr HKNRY N. FOWLER Asuvlntr Kditor C II. SMITH Ai!vrttin Manactr JAMES M. O'NKIL Circulation Manaxor An Indrprndent Newspaper, staivlinir for the square ileal, clean business, clean polities and the boat interests of Beml and Central Oregon. One Year . . . Six Montha ., Three Mentlia On Year Six Montha ., One Month . . SUBSCRIITION HATES llr Mall Br Carrier , 5.00 2.76 l.5l tll.SO 8S.50 I 50.60 All subscriptions are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration ore .mailed Kubtcrioera nml if renewal is not i made within reabon&ule time the paper will be discontinue,!, j Please notify us rromptly of any rhanev I of address, or of failure to receive the patvi- J regularly. Otherwise we will net be re- ! sponsible for copies misel. j Make all checks and orders payable to The Uend Bulletin. I SATURDAY. JANTAUY 7. 1922. CENTRAL OREGON' FLATTERED Except for the antagonisms cre ated throughout the stnte by the plans for financing, now defeated and thrown uuo the discard, the Portland 1925 idea is back at the point from which it started. A hand ful of boosters have agreed that the exposition should be held just ns they agreed last year. They have not been able to decide how it should be paid for and in this their case is like that of a year ago with this exception, that last year the field of choice was wide open while now it is narrowed by the elimination of the possibility of a direct property tax for the payment of the cost. What financing arrangements will now be made it is, of course, quite impossi ble to foresee. It seems clear, how ever, that there can be no hatching of plans by an inside group followed by an announcement that they have state-wide indorsement simply be cause a few men from up-state are gathered in Portland and led to Bign on the dotted line without confer ence with the people at home. . Another thing which is evident in the present situation is that an ef fort is now to be made to bribe the up-state sections to support the ex position by telling them of special features to' be allotted to them. Chairman Meier is reported as saying that it has always been intended to make it a state-wide exposition. "The desire was," he say, "to have Round-Up at Pendleton for four months; an international regatta at Astoria; an international hog show somewhere in Central Oregon," and so on. Central Oregon will he flattered by this evidence of interest on the part of the exposition committee. It has. of course, always prided itself on its peculiar advantages as the site for an international hog show. Un doubtedly, when Mr. Meier was here last fall his mind failed to grasp any understanding of our scenic, timber or irrigation possibilities because it was so taken with the Idea that an international hog show could have no better location. Gratefully, but regretfully, we think Central Oregon should refuse the suggested honor. The hog show Should be held in Portland. WOULD PRESERVE OLD HOUSE Plans Made for Restoring Structure, Said to Be the Oldest in the Northwest. Plans are being laid by the Vancou ver Historical society to preserve the old Covington house at Orchards, six miles from this little town. The house is said to be the oldest In the north western part of the United States. It is of logs and is in a ruinous condi tion, being used as a sheepfold. The historical society expects to restore It. The cabin was built early In the last century by Richard Covington, an em ployee of the Hudson's Bay company, when Fort Vancouver was the capital of the fur company on the western side of the Rocky mountains. It was the first schoo'house in the North west. Covington taught the children of fur company employees and settlers there. Mrs. Ellitiiheth Bird, eiirhty flve years of nge. still living in Clarke county, Washington, was married In It In ISofe by Chaplain John McCarty, stationed at Fort Vancouver. This was a short time after U. S. Grant, after his return from the Mexican war, visited the fort. When Fort Vancouver was owned by the Hudson's Bay company, the enm pnny was ruler of three-fourths of the North American continent. Its do minion extended from Labrador to the Pacific and from the Arctic ocean to the Spanish settlements In California. It moved Its western headquarters to Fort Victoria on Vancouver Island during the. djspute between Encland and the United States over the Oregon boundary line. It surrendered Its sov ereignty to Cnnada In 1S70. They're AM at the Movie Temple. What ha.i become of the old-fash, loned family that used to pass long reninys In which one of Its members JM-iOlli.ft!0aB:It .good; nrrnvtitCblr: fgo News, Ar wax r&pntfx av-fe i The Critics The critics gather round me when I would play my harp, attempting to confound me with caustic words and sharp; they do not like the manner in which I hold my lyre; I smite it with a spanner, and that stirs up their ire. "Your pomes are punk and hollow," the busy critics say; "why don't you try to follow where Homer led the way?" And once they used to peeve me, but now I care no whoop; they cannot vex or grieve me, or place me in the soup. For evermore I'm clinging to one old fashioned plan; in sawing or in singiiig I do the best I can. No matter what you're doing the critics will upstand; odsfishing and beshrcwing, to say you should be canned. If you are painting fences they'll say your taste in paint would shock our seven senses, and make an artist faint. And they will rate you soundly if you are frying grease, anil they will roast you roundly if you are herding geese. There always are the knockers who watch you while you toil, repairing caneseat rockers, or harrowing the soil; but if you keep on doing the best that you know how, their ceaseless cotton chewing should never cloud your brow. AUK EVANS WOULD GO HACK TO CELL Sliiyer of J nines lloinn Misses UN Friends lit Munlcivr' Itotr After Transfer To Insane Hospital. SAl.K.M, Jan. 7. Alio lOvuns, sen tenced to tut UK for (ho murder of James llornii, of Uend, in Wasco county, Just transferred from his cell In murderers' row to the ward for the criminal Insane at I ho state hos pital, Is desirous of going hack, says Dr. U. K. Leo Kleiner, suporliiloiidoiit of the hospital, who has Evans under observation. Eviiiih also wauls to die, according to Kleiner. Ills desire id relurii to his prison roll Is bused upon the friendships which he made with guards and fellow convicts while hi jllie penitentiary, he says. I According to Stoluor, Kvann ront- i' plains of severe headaches and wants In die In get out of his misery. Physicians at the slato hospital I who have been nlicd f ov an opinion I as lo Evans' saniiy ate wnlchlng him closely every day and are seeking data as In his past behavior III order tn enable them to arrive at n conclu sion as to his menial condition. UNCLE SAM'S RAILROAD NEAK IYD0NE ' ml wmtim M$m a.'i J t ncic Sams own railroad, -)7I miles In ,nKil,', whit-It he li.r; hem blinding in Alaska lor about cikIiI yciiu, tr. nearly iiiinpleled. It Ih a moult. .menial work, with numbers ot great b,i,i:r over lotrentit. ,w mm,.s tlt-cp hll and many snowshnls. Above in a pliotogiaolt t,P iien,' ol mtr .nK jnol,ed. The pu lurc is one l u large nuinh. r JIM ol..,inc( jroin Alaska by the ' .Scientific Amcne.m" and is priulrd herewith .Iimilt.inc ously with that journal, by special arrangement. CHANGES IN INCOME TAX LAW POINTED OUT BY COLLECTOR married couple and that ot depend ent minor children equalled or ex ceeded $5,000, a return must be filed, regardless to the amount of the net income." PORTLAND, Jan. 7 "Must I file an income tax return?" Clyde O. Huntley, collector of internal reven ue, is being asked this question re peatedly these days and bis answer invariably is "yes." And what is more, individual taxpayers must file their income tax returns for the year 1921 not later than March 15, 1922, or suffer the heavy penalties pro vided in the law for failure to do!I,'i,lal "'c Vttr Interelass ttuini- so. SOPHOMORES DEFEAT FRESHMAN QUINTET Candy the Noweot Industry. The ti'ciuciiiluiis Ineretise In the number of coufevilnncry simps, t,c vast displays of sweet sniff which everywhere Mugger the eye, mean that eitntly-eatlug has become one of our chief milloual liidu arles. Arthur H. Folwell, writes In Leslie's. "Have you laid In your winter's supply of randy?" will soon be as common n question as, "Have you laid In your winter's eon!!" t'lindy by the ton must soon be. If It Is not already, the rule, anil we shall have candy bins In our cellars to which chocolates and bonbons will merrily slide down Iron chutes from the enndy truelts. "Semi u three ton of egu nml nut mixed." will be an ordinary telephone order to a confectioner. Inevitably, too, we shall read of rank extortion practiced upon the poor, who have to buy their cuudy by the pall. "Income tax returns for the year 1921 must be filed by the following persons," explains collector Hunt ley: "Every individual who had a net income of $1,000 or more, if single, or if married and not living with husband or wife. "Every individual who had a net income of $2,000 or more. If mar ried and living with husband or wife. "Every head of a family who had a net income of $1,000 or more, and every individual who had a gross in come of $5,000 or more, regardless of whether or not that sum netted him a cent of profit. "Exemptions are allowed as fol lows: Single person, $1,000; head of a family, or married person living with husband or wife, $2,500, unless the net income is in excess of $5,000, in which case the exemption Is only $2,000; for each dependent under 18 years of age, $400. "Do not confuse these exemptions) with the necessity of filing returns if the net income of a married per son is $2,000 or the head of a family (not married) is $1,000. "In other words, a single person claiming exemption as the head of a family must file a return if his net income is $1,000 or more, notwith standing the fact that as head of a family he is entitled to r.n exemption of $2,500 as well as $400 for each dependent minor. "Likewise every married person, living with husband or wife, In order to claim the exemption of $2,500 and $400 for each dependent minor must make a return although his actual net income for 1921 may have been only $2,000. "In both cases cited, the taxpayer must make a return in order to claim the exemptions to which he Is en-i titled under the law, although the application of those deductions may exempt him from the payment of an Income tax. "The head of a family under the law is defined as a person who sup ports In one household one or more relatives by blood, marriage or adop tion. . Heretofore,- an Individual whose net Income was less than his exemp tion ($1,000 if single, or $2,000 If! married) was not required to file a return. Under the law now in ef fect, however, If the gross Income of mi Individual during the year 1921 equalled or exceeded $5,000, or If the combined gross Income of a pion-hlp and t ail A. .lobnMin t up Set For Monday Aftei-noon. The sophomore basketball team in the high school interschoiastic ser ies yesterday defeated the freshmen in a game nt the Kenwood auditor ium by a Bcoro of 30 to 10. The final game for tho interelass champion ship and the Carl A. Johnson cup will be between the sophomores and Jun iors Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The teams last night were: Sophomore Forwards. Ulrdsall (12), Orrcll; center, Illalsdell; guards, Dugan, Philbrook (8); sub stitute, Norcott (10). FreBhmen Forwards, Strum (8), Moody (2); center, Henkle; guards, Jonas Sweigle. Oust Necessary for Existence. Dust plays an Important part In our existence. Itut for the fine particles In the air we would have no rulnfall. as the moisture would not condense without them, nml without the refrac tion of the dust our daylight would be far less brilliant. History In a Nutshell. Some time after the sli..i. system whs adopted by the navy a Filipino was directed to write an essay on (ieorgo Washington. This, however, was the first cotitriliiillon. and was us follows : "George Washington was sore be cause Ami't'lrnn persons was not free. He snlle for Encland on my ship nml sat to king: 'I express declnryatlous of Indypeudanee for Amerl-aii per sons.' King, he say '.N'otliln' doln' and Mr. Wasiilugton tell Admiral Dewle In shoot big guns lit hint. Illmeby King, he say he will not run over American persons again. 'It tieorge do It,' he say, und today American persons she Is free." (Irent Lakes llulletlu. Tree's Winter Plana. Tin1 ealalpa tte bus a way all Its own In gelling ready tor winter. ay the American Forestry Mnpilne. It place-, three ti uvea in a ulmrl nnl then at a Utile iIniiiiki- al'otc theie 's ititnitiei whorl so placed thai tin fines Hill eoier the spaces licluccn the Ifiives lielow. In winter we can not see these leavea. hut the Ifiirsuils "how wbele they were mid the Inula lust abote add eerlalnly lo (li-lr In ciillon. If e llnd a tree with I lie luuls arranged In Mils way on the via- onais si ts we may he assured it i one of the two species of ealalpa. IlIED ROLLED AWAY AS OFFICER DOZED One Pest Reproves Another. A public library pest Is the fellow who pencils bis opinions on tln mar gins of the mngn.!iif h, Iteei-utly he wrote In one, nppuKlto a statement he did not approve, "harried idiot." This angered another reader, for he wrote unilernenlh (he epithet, "Illumed fool! This Isn't tin autograph album." What No One Knows. Will some lisYclin!ii:IM klmllv ex. plain why 11 o'clock at night Is the best lime to write on a typewriter nnd even In the morning the best lime to play a cornel? t'lUiiinhlu .MIhmio. Han. TOI.E1K), Jan. 7. Walking a beat tin-so wintry nights proved a chilly task lor a Toledo copper. A railroad t-ahuoMii offered friendly shelter. lis entered It and sprawled out for a bit of rest. When he awoke tin was u tulli'S from his heat. I'lmhln to give a satisfactory explanation for his ab sence from duly, h wns suspended (or ten days without pay. MUGGINS HAILED CHAMPION TRADER NEW YOHK. Jan. 7. Millar Hug gins Is perhaps the greatest trader In the major Icmkiics. Klucn the mil" minuter took hold of the New York Yankees and while he was bossing I lie St. Louis Cardinals, hn has flit -tired ill six big deals each Involving seven tir more players. 1 1 u 1 1. In Want Ads bring results try lliein. Mechanism of Glaciers. In tunneling through glaciers during the Alpine operations of the war, op portunity was offered for observa tions of Inner structure nnd move ments. In shallow cuttings, character istics only to be expected ut much greater depths were found. The al ternation of lighter nnd denser layers cannot here' he euused by pressure, hut must be a primary, sedimenlury formation. Inlerior crevasses often elided In a plane of stratillciillon, thus pointing to the Importance of such planes in the glacier mechanism. Bulletin Want Ads bring results try them. f!!ii!ium!!iii:m:::tia:mn:ni::a::::!:::;!::::!iit!!aiiaii!:tit: Of course you want, to raise your income. Heo "THJi TK.V DOLLAR IMISE" Liberty. TpnlgM M.tlrrWt TLhc Central reoon Banh D. E. HUNTER, President CARLETO.V II. SWIFT, Vice President E. P. MAHAFFEY, Vice Pre, and Manager U. M. STEIWIENH, Cashier BEND, OREGON A BUSINESS NECESSITY A Check Rook Is an necessary an adjunct to nny man's business iw money Itself. Not only does It ellnilnnte, tho necessity of keoplng a Inrxn amount of cash on liiind for pending financial obligations but It likewise serves as a record-keeper of all important business transactions. All endorsed Cheek is .tho sanio its a receipt for cash. Hence it will pay you to start a ClicckliiK Account with us. And with our courteous service, you will II nil It a bl help In your business. , -he Central (Dregon; gunJj D, E, HUNTER, President ' B..l MAHAFFEY, Vice President Credit Is Everything If your credit is good there is no limit to your expansion. Promptness in the payment of vour open accounts is the only way you can bufld a credit. Do not buy more than you can pay for and always pay promptly for all you buy. The Shevlin-Hixon Company ittnmmm..im.raHnttmnnm Save-But Save Wisely Money is seldom saved on out of town purchases. Quality and not price is important in the question of saving. It always pays to buy the best, and you are always sure of the best when you buy at home. The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. !!f!!:t!l;;i:tlltlMllIIItHtfftt!rt'MrTftttM . fcanroliinnuiniaBKimiYnVnTa All Through the New Year let electricity help you cook, sew, house clean, wash and iron the electric way. Electric service pays for itself. Bend Water Light & Power Company 3::.ita::ti:tiin; nuwiaimttstssaiuuniimmiiuntB