TUB HKM1 tiri.lIOTI.V, IMII-V EDITION, IIKVI), OREGON, HATl ltDAV, JANUARY 7. 1022. GREAT THINGS ARE EXPECTED FROM NEW RULER OF JAPANESE NUW BUSINHSS I I I O-O-OH ! j n4 HENRY IBhiT MIR lly Cliuince Du lliMit (t)nlltil I'rvu Huff (airri.M,iiliit.) TOKIO, Jan. 7. J ii pan In oxuuitt li'K llK I ti I iik h (if 1 1 1 roll llo, iictlng 10 in -poror of Dili Nippon. Illl'llllllo WIIH appointed ItOBIIIlt 1)0- i'iiiihii of tint prolixin'"! mill miiiiiUH Nli'kniiHH tit IiIh f itt li itr. Iliu Kiiiiiiiiir Y(mlillilli). Ilii continues, ii I no, In ro t ii I ti I Iki lllln unit iiuhIiIiiii of Crown I'llnce, iiIIIiiiiikIi IiIh ltiKHii'y In III 1'ffnrl mi iisKiiinptloii iinw of Ilia lion lllnii liu will fill upon Ihu (I mi III (if Yiixlillilu. Illriihllo In extremely pnpiilur li in on k nil rliiHniiK tliriiiiKliiiilt Jnpiin. In ii 1 1 cl 1 1 Ion lo t Iki vnni-riil Ion (if Urn kfc V? AJ ILL GOOD EYESIGHT P'A.NsKN JMpR0VE HI Vy , v v4 Vour. 6) Y, W NSGontent. Wi A person ull limit 'fi M good eyesllthl In IlllnH- fJ fA Iiik half of hlit llfn. 'A ll A pcmon u ll limit Rood cycnlKllI In nilnH Iiik half of hlit llfn. Hon I imi n t mi I in on t mines from u full per n.pllon nf nil Unit Is KoIiik ii roll nil iik. If yiui wdiitd know eye liliinn cninfnrl, Ihtoiuii ni-itinlnii'il uldi our optical nrrvlre. Knipnror mid tho Impiirlul funilly, which Ih ml Iiiki'uIiiiiiI und f iiiiiliimiin Inl feiiluru or din JlipilllOHl) codn, J C 1 roh I to Ik tlm recipient or soma IhliiK nioro, xoiiinlliliiK no olhnr rtilnr of Juiiuii him iivnr liuil. It Ih u unit or pnmonul loiicli. It coiiiIiIiich fond noKit und iidmlriillou for u llknlilu In fl I v Id ii it I, Willi religious und patriotic devotion to u ruler limy riKind iih d vllinly di'Hcitlidml. K th n uvuriiKii JiipiiniiKU wcrn In put I Iki Idnu Into Auiiirlrnu lemm. It would lio li bout llkn (IiIh: "Wii'iii nil for Illrolillo, simply Ikh-iiiihii Iki'h ii Kooil hcoiiI, und snappy und up-lo-illitn mill mi IiIh llp-tocH nil till) llimi. Our nnclniil i ovi'i I'lico Ih uncliuiiK'id. you u 1 1 1 1 i h t ii ml, hut wo find tliut hero's li iul iih woll uh mi linpitrliil ruler dcHi'eiided from tlm finds." WOMKN UK.! KCTINfJ KUKNCII DICTATION Eillrf I 'or Longer Skirts (ilven lly Piirl Modistes In f'ulinly Ignored In American f'llles, NKW VOItK, Jan. 7. Anierlriin woiiiun liiivo def Inltcly rejected Krunch dlctiitloll on llio IcliKtll of lliclr HklrtH. Mouth uro Purls modistes de clined Unit tlm Ioiik Hklrt wim to bo tlm coiiiIiik voKiio for women. Amer- Irun designer wero nrnily to nKree Willi lliem. Ill fart they will tell you now thut tlm loiiKcr hem Ih lu-rn. I'er liiipH lull where? Nut on Filth iivenuc; not on llrniidwiiy: not on llcnler nil eel; nor M ul Htrrel, C!oiher I'rulrlc! Tlm flapper mill rinpH ii Imi u t III kiieii length skirl mid Iioho of guim. cl I iik I ) K t I Ii ii in heriiusa Him known III r li in ii 1 1 ii K up linr charms Hint Ii'kh lire not Irani. Tho ntliletlc girl in flat heelH und woolen hone strides mound In Iho freedom or her horl riurluK Hklrt. And 111" iniitron whose yenrH rerull the germ-luilen heniH of ' I 1 " ; B 1 ll!lW7TI.M'M'l'l,l'l I " . ' ' "-AMN-j-yfe'l Uli . J t SPANK HIM A3 SOON A3 "Xfi J : GEE CAN I STICK I (7 f5:,l ' .iVIwA tlfCi Ht GCS1S HOMEr '' JL k&W "i AROUND AND SEE ( ' -N ft Till U Gcotkc K Cnlp. o( Nrwr York, who is the (.ithcr of a n-w ytroi of tcllinx merchandise whiih hai opened the cyet of the natiou't eaptiiint of finanre He hat (food made in nun to sell at retail particularly in auto tires, and his lyvtcin enables him to sell murh cheaper, at the same time making money for everybody concerned, (rom the manufacturer down to the user of the tires. Culp is no hox. He is the moving ueuius in 1200 stores in America, but owns only one-fifth interest in any store, lie, however, triples the profits of .Ui main owner of store. yoiiterduy uwults for Homeonn with a' leiiH ulinpely uiiklii to huHlen the Htyle, In thi-Ho diiyii when u Ioiik Hklrt mlKht KUKKent it phyHlriil defect. It Ih u bravo woman who will attempt It. $100 PER CAPITA ROAD INVESTMENT KINSTON. N. C, Jun. 7. A per capita Invi'Klinent of $100 In Rood roadn Ih tlm boaHt of I.enoln conn ty, or which tli In town Ih the county Hunt. With u population or 35.000. tho county'a total llivemmcnt In pavud hlKhwaya when ItH prenent pro gram Ih completed will be approxi mately $3.1100,000. ThlH, It Ih be lieved, entabllHhoH u record. JAPAN'S CHILDREN TO SING TO PRINCE Prime or Mules Will Hear "God Hnve the King" Morn Than lliinziil" DurliiK Visit. TOKIO. Jan. 7. The Prince or Walcn will hour "God Save the K I iik," more than he will hear "Iian snl!" from the crowds that will greet him when ho riMh to Japan. A new counin has been added to the curricula of Japanese achools. It Ih dully drill it: singing; the British nutlonal anthem. Throughout the Kmplre more than ten million chil dren are now rehearning it every day. They are going to spring it on the prince of Wulcs wherever he goea in Jupan. Bchool children will be lined up along the railroad tracks and city Htreeta wherever the English Crown Prince traveln, Hinging the song they have been practicing for months. IB H 1 n I flarluK Hklrt. And the matron w Iioho ! FmmmWVumum"m I 'r-"f j Uft Frm Sa,e"N Hi,lw : Mr, S. Mcintosh WWslL -- . c WE BUY SELL or EXCHANGE Good Used Ranges, Furniture, Phono graphs or Office Furnishings ELECTRIC VACUUM CI.KAXEIIS RENTED 2 Hour Day 00c All makes of Sewing Ma chines rented by tho dny, I ho week, or tlio month. With. Neiv Features Never in the tire industry's history, has a tire been received with such universal enthusiasm. This black tread Ajax Cord meets first favor everywhere. "Most rigid tests prove its greater wearing qualities, and its superior non-skid security. Its tread is a pro tection against skidding in any direc tion. Even on your steepest hills, in dry or wet weather, the black tread Ajax Cord will prove its effectiveness. Dealers are displaying this tire and selling it at the lowest price at which dependable tires can be bought. ESTABENET & CO. HEN I), OREGON BEND FURNITURE CO. (KirhuiiKo Department) TEI.KPIIOXE 271-W i Their Remaining Years. Statisticians tell us that, according to figures. If the husband dies first, the wire lives, on the average, another 11 years. 1 the wife dies Brat, the bushund lives another nine years. "Regatta" la Venetian. A conte.it between bouts, . whether canoes, sailing or motor boats. Is culled "recntta." This word was bor rowed from the Italians, who used It In connection with the boating con tents on the Grand canal In Venice. The same word, however, meant to haggle over prices. The first "re gatta" to be held In England took place on tho Thames on June 23, 1775; but or course this wasn't by any means the first boat race held In England. The American Family. The average American family con sists of busband, wife and two and one-third children. Tbe Americas family Is growing steadily smaller. Y Start Your Nest T Egg with the Pacific a Savings & Loan o E,? T .? c 1 100,000 loaned by the Pacific Savings & Loan Asso ciation In this city alone. Annual dividends since 1107 have never been less than 8 per cent. One dollar opens your account. Get a nest egg savings bank with your deposit. J. A. EASTES, Local Representative COURT HOUSE BUILDING OX OREGON AVENUE THE DIAMOND GRID BATTERY Constructed Like a Bridge Unequaled for Endurance and Uninterupted Service fggg jpjp One of the least considered and yet most Important feature of a Storage Ilattery is the rupurlty of Its (liscliarge. When your motor Is cold, and the oil limy be Just a Utile thick, then Is when a greater liselini'gv capacity Is needed. The lHitinoml Grid two year guarantee will stand the test. We do not only say they will but we guarantee them to he all ve ") I hey are. The Diamond Grid is just us ef (lcleiitl)' built ill every other way as It is to stnnd a heavy discharge. Make the next ltattery a "Diamond (irlil." Save SO on Your Casings By Having Them Properly Vulcanized If you always keep your Tires up in shape you guard against tire trouble and assure much more mileage. LET THE KINGS SERVE YOU ING BROS. JZES