TUB IIKN'D nUIiliBTIN) DAILY KD1TION, BK.ND, OREGON, MONDAY, nUCKMIUCH B, I OS! I. PAGE S 11KM) TRAIN HCHEIllXli ' Ori'Kon Trunk Arrives, 7:88 A. M. Loavos :B0 P, M. O.-W. K. N. Arrives, 8:50 P. M. Loavos, 7:00 A. M. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS I Mr. mill A htifv, ii ra llm (i burn thl ii ml Mm. O. I'demon of UiIm piiimils of ii 1- pound Ii 1m murliliiK. WOMEN'S EXCHANGE CAINS MKMItKKSIIir lXllim of Dm Munsehi'iirl Legion hiu planning l' Ii 1 Ii 1 r tumiur rttriitVul In Kill licr'n hull tin iJereiii- Vbo Lowell literary society of the ir,or high school hold ii IIKHllllIK (till . . . n..... I II.. I ""JM HIl'TllOOII. I HO l.tiwuun mi' iiiin- 'U progruiii fur Hi0 near future. (ln account of Iho smoker, no gym n,"lum clussi-s will tiu hflil In llm (bViTlmn Legion building this vo- yiliiiti uimouiiri'H Director Tuuselier. TliruiiKh an error In Hiitunliiy's In ula, mi advertisement for llio Mulli ('.) l liilcrinitloiiiil dinner which will lir given lumurriiw, ui ininoiiiicoil for Thursday. A corr,octcd d I mjjI uy uiiitoiiiicittmtiil Is iiiiiiIu elsawliero In thin Ihsuu. The KplMcoiml choir will give a sa cred concert ill thn Liberty Ihcutre jhi.tho evening of December 20. Tint limHTiiiu which win uu miii'iu,'iii.-u i ly i film In keeping with the C'hrlsl ln uh smispn promises lo bo of gener al luturest. To select a mimic textbook for iiho !n llio IiIkIi school, a committee con klstfhg of MIm Luiim Itiuid. .Minn Vlr- q' a Hlnwurt nnil Mls I .en a Degg appointed todny lit lie IiIkIi school assembly by Minn Harriet I'm baugh, acting prlnrlpnl. llvrr ion Now Ijunllcil New Or. giiulullou Ih Ciiopenillvc Huh llri'ii Incorporated. Membership 'uf over 100 In report i'd by thu Ilmid Women's fcxchiinge, which opened In Hf Thiirsdiiy Willi 150 articles In ill mil, Thu cKchiingn him roceully been Incorporated. Over 250 Hiilim, wiiio miidii In thn throe dnys of business IiihI week. Tim membership Nut. which reaches from const to count, In constantly growing, Iho of. fleers di'cliiro, mid udilllloniil con hIkmiiioiiIh of urllclns uru coiiiIiik In Any Informal Ion desired inuy bit nhliiliied lit Iho simp, which Ih Incut ml In thn lllvorslilii Florists' quarters on Wull Hi runt. Tlio organization In Hlrlctly coop erative, nil money riicolvud boliiK turned buck Into thu exchiingn. Officers urn: Mm. Paul C. King, president; !Mrn. C. H. IliidHon, vice priiKldenl; Mr. J. V. Arnold, trens urer; Mrs. ('. II. Kntiwlos, secretary; Mr. W. P. .Myern. Mm. 'urrl I). Miinny, Mr. ('.. A. HtiinbiirroiiKli, nd illtlonul illreclorn. Mrn. M. Keeney Ih clerk. FOX BUTTE WELL NEARLY FINISHED Hole Now Down To 7ffl Knot Level, Will II" Almniloneil If Wilier Ih Xot'HIiu.k Within 110 1'iel. IluliiriiliiK from un Inspection of thu well boliiK Hunk near Kox llutlo In open up viiHt truclH of bunch Kraut lund In llm Deschutes Nutloiiul for est. KiiiiervlHiir II. L. Plumb stutcd thin morning thut llio drill Iiuh nl- ruady koiiii down 7UG feel, mill thut 'If wuler Ih not Hiruck tlio holu will ho ubuniloiied nl (CIO reel. Un now belleven that thu flow earlier report ed wan only u Keep. DrllliiiK tins un lln object the tup pliiK of thu name water table which Huppllcn tlio Cabin Dike well. If thin In not dona ut u depth of 830 feel, Iho lunk will bo reKurded an hopo-lonn. LIMBERS UP YOUR SORE STIFF JOINTS An art calendar for 1 'J 2 2 ur nniKed for mm with Kodak plcluren. Hotter tliuii II ChrlBtlniiM curd. HelU for 25c. KymoiiH llron., Jewelern. 1 H2trc Krnctor niitir untl tool chentM at Jliichwiilter'n, 10.1-ric riulletln Want Adn bring resultn try them. EI. KM' DIM NO KKKVUE Will Include lunch mid dinner eKch al (0 cuntn, until further no tice 13Clfn MiTirE All nnrMiuiM ItMltlliii; rttffle tlrketH . I t....u..l.....P. I II,.,.,,, l.'l lll'l i nun,',,,',., , ..,,,,.-., munt bo prnnvnl riaturiliiy iiIkIH al Moonn hall. 15:ic AT THE HOTELS t llntlp Inn J. It. Daley, I'urt II. M. JonkliiH, Portlmid; Her- lluiiH and wlfu, Flfu. it,-l 'iy W. K. Klnir. Prlne ; Tom Hlone, Prlnevllln; William Moore. Prlnevllle: E. II. Miller. iHand; E. A. Clirlntnnnvn, Muil- U Vrlnlit lloti-l Mm. I.onn P. Ilur- I iTmon Camp No. ll It. Klldle, Sbnv I f lln-lllxnn Camp No. 1 : JuineH Cluy, M Summervlllu: Wllllmn lliirlon. Kum- ' mervINo; Able Gordon, rorllnnd: Muff IlroiiHon, Porllund; Mm. Allco l.elithton. Torreboniio; I.. II. EvIuk ham. La Pino; W. J. ClrnvoH. Hed- 'niwtVlf P. E. Mnllory, Crencenl; K. D. Iliilcn. CrcHcent. DownliiR Hotel Oeorne A. Shruin, Moro; A. E. Doty, ltedinond; W. W. Caughey, Rpdmand; Dnnlnl Ilrecn Al fHlfn; H. EldrldKO. Khevlln-IIIxon Camp No. 2; Unrney Himnon, Mud- ,ni' f 1. Anlnv MtiilrnH! Prunk Htlll- rjf by. Mndraa; Peter Murphy, Silver l.Kc: r. ill. lurnor. i-orininu. nniitni:tl!iiliitiit:iiiii:tti!tiin!titti:it::itiui:iitt::an!iitiiit:li Wanted at Once! Consignments of hand made Children Clothes, Lingerie, Lunch Sets, Handkerchiefs, Doll Clothes, Novelties, etc. and Edible Delicacies The Bend Woman's Exchange Riverside Florists Wall Street I ,.::tiii:tti::t::::t:ta:iiiti:tii!ii:iiii!iiiii!m:iiii:ttitt!t::iai:iau I' .mumaunuiuiiaiauiiummmintiit 'iend Women's Exchange OPEN DECEMBER 1ST P Alt rtoBi-Md Alliclfi Received id Sold on Commiiuon. Orderi Mhcited. Id The Riverside Florist Shop 661 W.ll St. Phone 2'3.J imttinniwa. iiuniiiiinuiiminiuuiniiuiiiiunuuuiniiiiimiiiiiniuiiiiui Red Cross Shop OPEN 217-240 MlNElt HL1KJ. Wednmdny from 2 to R o'clock Saturday from 10 to Vi Mid 2 to ft immiiiinuiuinitniwuiiiiuiuiiuiiiiiiiiuiiuiuuiiiiiiiniuiiii Shoe Repairing The oldest established shoe shop in Bend. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed AT LOVEN'S 1017 Bond St. You Can Now Ride for io. LESS . Your tiro cost In nuuln ce il uii-d In price. Tlio nanio quitllty that Iiuh built the pop ularity of VniTUin Cup Tlren In uplii'ld. The nanm mlleane KUHinnlee In uiiiIiiIhIihsI, but Hie relull price linn been re ilui'eil Wo nlnce November 2L Vacuum Cup TIRES nnnouni en a now lOty Cut effective Dec. 5th In mill II Ion to tlio recent 20o reduction announreil In No-vember. TIiIn Innt 10 per cent cut does not Include thn cihIukh over 4 !i Inclien In alzo. M. & C. SERVICE STATION Tor. Wnll and (Ircenwooil Fairy Powder Tuff WEATHF.R exnonure ami hard work bring paim and acbca in niukilca und joiiita. Have a Ixitlle of Slojn'a Liniiueiit handy nnd 0lly freely. I'tnctratawithout ruUiin. S ou will find at once n comfort in semie of warmth which will lie followed by a relief from the soreness and etiflneu of aching joints. Aliw relieves rnciim.iiim, sciatica, neuralgia, sprains und strains. I or lorty years luin's enemy. Ask your ncitthlior. At all druggists--35c, 70c, $1.40. 1 -- -ft -i tn f Pain'sX lyllllll.l.&lLl Oil Cloth Table Sets I.lttle celluloid kewplen which may be bought everywhere have been used In tunny Ingenious ways for Chrlnt mas glfln. Here Is one dressed up like a fulry bride with rulTles of chiffon bound with nurrow satin ribbon for a skirt and tier bend adorned with a braid wreath and veil. She stands In a small bug stuffed with cotton und gathered about her feet and It hag a doth powder puff sewed to It thut rust lu a Klaus bowl. No hounewlfe will full to enjoy the new table sets of oilcloth with their cheerful borders of cay flowers and fruits. They are much handsomer than the stenciled pieces and many women use tbem for the dinner as well as the brenkfant table. These sets couslnt of a centerpiece, plats dollies and smaller dollies. The fruits and flowers In the set pictured are In their natural colors and the oil cloth lo a deep cream color. Good Writers of Opinion. The only good writers of opinion re those who Instinctively reproduce the atmosphere ef dlncnsslor, whose sentences have the tone of discussion, with themselves or with an Imagined group. Ilsndolph Bourne. &Oje 'ifUlA for INFANTS and INVALIDS Horlick's the Original void Imitations and Substitutes IRichmflx, nulled grain extract In Powder No Cooking Nourishing DtgestlbU For Infants, InvalldssnilQrowlngChndnn The, Original Food-Drink For All' Ages Mrs. Housewife Beginning tomorrow we will again be able to supply your table with Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Also good line of Xmas Candies, Nuts and Cigars at The Old Fruit Stand On Oregon Street P. B. Johnson, Prop. We sell the best quality for less International Dinner Cafeteria Style Yankee Encallopeol Oysters, fiOc Mexican Chill Con Carne, 20c African Hweot Potato, 10c Dutch Cheese, 5c ( American Corn Dread, 6c French Halails, 10c Arabian Dates, 10c Oregon 11 o, 10a Japan Tea, Sc Indian Itoant Hoot, 25c Itiillan SpughetU, 10c Chinese. Itice, 5c Swiss Rye Bread, 6c EnglUh RoIIh, 6o Hawaiian rineapple, 10c nrazllian Nuts, lOo Turkish Coffee, 5c Jersey Milk, 8c l;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;i;i;i;i ij;ii;i;i;i;i;i;i;iiiiiii;t;i;iiiii;i;i;i;j Serviceable Gifts for Xmas GLOVES ' One of The Most Desirable Gifts Whether It be a fine French kid glove or a warm lined one our Section is ready witb an extensive assortment, "Perrln's" Gloves spell quality, style and perfection of fit. We announce a new Hblpment of these popular gloves In an array of sizes and colors. "Perrln's" two clasp style with beautifully em broidered backs. In self or a contrasting color. Come In white and colors. Priced at $11.25. A Iho a nuede glove with two clasps, la taupe and gray, at $3.0fj. A complete line of one clap Perrln's cape gloves In brown and tan. Specially priced at 92.75. Wool Gloves for Men, Women and Children. Gloves for skating, motoring or general outdoor wear. Wool gloves priced at 50c to $1.15. GLOVE SILK UNDERWEAR ! Special Holiday Sale and Shewing of ' Women's Mansing and Kayser Mokes It would be bard to find a daintier or more prac tical gift for women than Ribbed Silk Underwear. The Knit Underwear Section has a special holiday display of gift Vests and Bloomers of flesh colored glove silk. Vests of flesh colored ribbed glove silk in plain bodice style with ribbon Bhoulder straps. Price $2.45 & $2.95 Garment Bloomers, $3.95, $4.25, $4.75 Our Entire Stock of Dresses at 20 Discount Included are Crepe Satins, Taffetas, Canton Crepe, Charmeune, Tricotines, Men's Wear Serge. Fine qual ity materials fashioned by skilled dressmakers into distinctive styles. Priced formerly, $18.75 to f 42.50 Sale Price now, $15.00 to $34.00 Only 17 More Shopping Days Before Christmas ' THE ' rlililililililililiirf ( Always Pays to Stop and Shop at TW QUALITY Epworth Hall Tuesday, Dec. 6th Beginning at 5:80 P. M. Sened by ladies of tie W. F. M. S. Ererjb.dy Welcome Indiana Moved in Single Fit. To go Indian file Is simply to walk In single tile. The Indians, when trav eling through the woods, especlnlly on the warpath, moved In single file the one behind treading exactly In the footsteps of the one ahead, and the Inst man carefully effacing the footprints of those that had preceded him. In this way the Indians were able to conceal not only their num bers, but also their whereabouts. Have your pictures framed now. A fine stock of mouldings and hand modeled frames to select from. SymonB Bros. Jewelers. 152tfc Handbags ef Long Age. The ancient handbags which most nearly approached those affected by women qf today were carried by tha Byzantine ladles of Constantinople, under the eastern emperors. This was a period of great commerce with the Asiatic races, who found a ready market In this luxurious court for the rich brocades of Persia and India and the embroidered silks of China, which were utilised In schemes of dress more costly and extravagant than the world bas seen before or since. Wagons and sleds at Buchwal ter's. 153-50 If you wish to write a letter to SANTA CLAUS and tell him all about the things you want him to bring you for Christmas, address it SANTA CLAUS Care of Toyland, The Fair Store Wo hnvo ninilo arrangements to have Santa, como to fh! store nmiln this Christmas, so a letter addressed In this manner will bo sure to reach him. Bo sure to sign your full name and wrlto It plainly. ,',,.' . . Oiuiiiiituniiiunaiiiiuuniuttiitiiuiniiuiiiiiiiuiiiiniuuiufi