The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, November 25, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
The Bend Bulletin
MkltehW Brtrr Afttrnoon Eicept BunAay,
Br Til Bend Bulletin (Incorporated)
tatared aa Saconil C'laaa matter January
a, 117. at U, Pot Olllc at Bend. Orea-on.
adar Act of March . 1878.
CHERT W. SAWYER Edltor-Mawer
IN BY N. FOWUKK Auoclate Editor
0, H. SMITH Ailvertiainii Manaxar
An Independent Newapaper, atandirar for
aa eqnare deal, clean bvmneu. clean politic
sd the teat ioteraita of Band and Central
Br Mail
One Tear f.
Ma Montha H ;
Ifcree Montha H."
Br Carrier
Oat Tear f-J
U Montha
Qma Month -
AH aubaerlptiona are due and PAYABLE
IN ADVANCE. Noticea of expiration are
nettled aohecrlbera and If renewal la not
u4 tthtn eeuonahle time the paper will
Pleaae notify na promptly of v ehanee
ef ailili eaa. or ox lauure to reww ,..
iil.W.. otherwiae we will not be re
voke all eheeka and ordere parable to
The Bead Bulletin.
The Bulletin is In full accord with
every effort that is being made to
further the construction of The Dalles-California
highway, nor is its fa
vorable attitude and desire to ad
vance the work any newly develop
ed feeling. For example, last spring
when the question of voting addi
tional bonds -to aid in the construc
tion of this highway in Deschutes
county was before the voters it was
actively In favor of the measure and
not lukewarm or half opposed. It is
now thoroughly in sympathy with
the desires of The Dalles-California
highway association.
In a large measure the goal of the
recently formed association is now
being leached before the association
has begun active work. As we point
ed out here some time ago the High
way commission is now planning
energetically the advancement of the
work on The Dalles-California. In
another year, according to Herbert
Nunn, engineer for the commission,
the road will be graded from the
Columbia river to Sand Springs in
Klamath county. If Klamath county
votes more bonds for the, highway
in that county as was proposed at
the dinner to the caravan in Klam
ath Falls last week, the association
can, however, take credit for having
given the initial impetus to a real
ization of this need.
Much was said at the dinner to
the caravan in Bend about Insisting
on the rights of this highway to
speedy construction and seeing to
it that the commission recognized
the road. In view of the present at
titude of the commission toward
the road, as indicated in the work
now going on, this sort of talk is
quite unnecessary. The big job of
the association, as we see it, is to
get the road bard surfaced and that
means getting the necessary money.
The recent suggestion that since
the road had no California connec
tion it could not be considered for
any of the new Federal road funds
suggests another job for the organ
ization and that is to get that con
nection. One other matter in connection
with the recent trip of the caravan
from The Dalles it seems to us de
serves comment. The trip was taken,
it was announced, to show that this
was an all-the-year road. Our con
temporary speaks of it as "to all
purposes, an open road the year
round." This is not so and we all
know it is not so. There 1b no good
in our saying so. Indeed to say so
merely raises doubts as to our good
iZJ in purpose.
Nflturn rlpatenorl Iho
iris to automatically
control the amount of
light reflected through
the cornea by enlarg
ing and reducing the
Cize of the pupil, it ac
complishes tlio sumo
purpose as the dia
phragm in a camera.
Our perfectly fitted
glasses will make your
troublesome oyen stop
troubline yon.
ML V k Vfelt Mason
Bootleg Booze
He bought a half pint in a wynd where bootleg
booze is dear, he looked before, he looked behind,
so see no cops were near; then took his drink it
made him blind, and he's been blind a year. He was
a large and stately man, an athlete, trim and strong,
built up along the Milo plan, no pistons hitting
wrong; and now a sightless also ran, he toils and
gropes along. He really didn't care for drink', he
had no costly thirst ; but he was aye a haughty gink,
his motto, "Freedom First;" he said, "I'll sip the
scarlet ink, though all the statutes burst. My fathers
fought at Bunker Hill that people might be free,
and no outrageous Volstead bill can come and hog
tie me; so mark my curves and watch me swill a
bowl of graveyard tea." He poured the deadly bit
ters down, and then fell on the floor, and had a fit,
and rent his gown, and his long whiskers tore ; and
though he hobbles through our town, he'll see it
never more. The bootleg merchants boost the tomb,
and for the death-cart root; they kill the young men
in their bloom, and do not care a hoot; the stuff
they sell is liquid doom, distilled from Dead Sea
fruit. It's made and sold by reckless knaves, this
substitute for rye; its victims fill ten thousand
graves, and hundreds daily die, and over them the
willow waves, the sexton heaves a sigh.
but that is no ri'imon why tlm (ax
I payers In llttud to whom lliu hIii'i'Ik
j lii-liing, hIiiiiiIiI Iiiivu to do it tlxlit
I rnpi stunt and walk out tut (tin
, curb. JtiHt why titir mi'iiiiiiiit prlmv
tiiro to iisKiiimi I In) iixl of a oohIIv
.liinmm stilt Willi pni-hups u ivmiiK-
I ItlK llll'KO VIMllll'l HKIllllHt llll'lll In
j stunt'thluK your riiitli'llMitni' riimuit
i iimliM'.stnud. M itny nf our citlziiin
I wour k'iixki'H Wlltl'll III ttllMUSI'lvi'K
tiro oxpt'imlvn, uiul tv kIIkIiI blow tin
a rontui't with im Iron i I pn lmu'i
! would uiidniiMcilly lni'ttk Uhmii.
faith in whatever else we may have
to say. Failure to understand the
truth about this road cost the life
of one man almost a year ago. One
of the men wno made the caravan
trip telegraphed back to Portland,
"Avoid The Dalles-California high
way south of Bend." He also said
that on the high altitudes south of
Bend the snow is piling up. And so
it is.
We are strong for the road. We
also like to see folks stick to the
The French phrase is "Cherchez la
femme," but today everybody is look
ing for the mails.
To The Editor:
While I regret very much that
Mr. Sparks had to Buffer the loss
of several teeth before you got on
the job and began panning people
who persist in maintaining awnings
which are what a sailor would call,
a danger to navigation, I feel that
the result will be one which will
allow Mr. Sparks to realize that his
sacrifice is not in vain.
Perhaps some of the goods in the
windows protected by these awnings
will not stand g. little real dnyllcht.
Consider Your Eyesight
Are you giving it proper attention?
The glare of electric lights is harm
ful to even the strongest eyes and will
subject them to undue strain. See that
all your lights are equipped with prop
er shades and reflectors. Where there
are no shades, put only White Mazda
or frosted lamps in the sockets. You
will never regret having thus protect
ed your eyesight
Bend Water Light & Power Co.
Yeast Vitamon Tablets
Bring Real Beauty
Banishes Skin Eruptions. Puts On Firm Flesh,
Strengthens The Nerves and Increases Energy.
m m.
Concentrated Tablets Easy and Eco
nomical to Talc. Results Quick.
jV you want to quickly clear your skin and
complexion, put aome firm, healthy 8cah on
your bonea, mcrease your nerve force nnd
Dower, and lnok nnrl fl inn - . , . .
T dSm IMfe ""Sk" VITAMON contain.
tuurciiiraica yeast viUroinm, aa well
w the other two atill more important vita
mines (Fat Soluble A and Water 8oluhl (X
NO fLABEINESS iiL ike mo? .. ipU? Mcm
"NO HOLLOWS .? complexion become, ireh .mi
V2r?1 the iirVed jr&SET.& p"l:
..h. hollow h..EYor . L?;Z n?ij?a!'ld ?' .du- Jh "hole .yatem
nock? Maatin-a VITAMON la poa- U and. 'OviEornted, and those who
itivalv auarantaad to viva vou Ste Under-weiffht beirin in . e
i aca and figura.
"atAV.fliora" ria.U tl , . "'"
. viia. auvwns is o.nsnititf V
Mastin'i VI-TA-MOW ih - ftJn ' Bo to "member the rmme
Are Positively Guaranteed
to Put On Firm Flesh,
Clear the Skin and Increase
Energy When Taken With
Every Meal or Money Back
New Lot of
Rubber Door Mats
Just the kind you have
been looking for
Size 14x3(5
5-10-15 & 25c Store
tin aa rKtlptl
al r
aa4 aaaraai
Hlnnaaaalla, Hlaa.
U guaranteed Dy ju yeara
acrvlca to mllllona at
Americana, nonuoaa
avorka wonJera lor your
ana.alng. coutn.
ionic caurrh. baaJ-
acha, aor now. ale
IiIiu'oh of kIiikh Iii'Iiik furriul into I Im
iyn, itrluiiH rtuidni'liiK th vli'llin
nllllllli'lH. Willi I (IiIiik libit MllH
would cunt Ih nut h pli'iiHiitit IIiIiik
to o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o mid mitliliiK ruiilil
r I m li u iho dm liijnri'il nii'nii (or
Illn MIlffi'l'lllR llll llllili'l'Kllil.
Il dutm lull ha v u to Im it vnty lull
IIOI'NIMI U'lllllllIK Oil tll bllHlllHHH
Nll'I'l'lH tl( lll'llll Willi lui il IiIh bill
liluii'ki'.l off oiilii a iniidily Hldiiwulk
rvciy iiiii'u ill ii wlilln, I'liunliiK tlm
linn nf imifiinti Iiiiikiihki'. On u w ' I
titty Hlli'll tin wu Iiiivu IiiiiI lululy,
ikiIIiIiik Ih ln'lli'i- fur Iho iiiinlllti
I linn to run Into olio of lliumi ruK
Kt'd fBi'iilliipi'il trlllKi'D llii'y iihii fur
ili'ioliitliill. unit llii'i'l tlio h)IuhIi III
tlio faro.
Siiniiilliiiti uk u lli'llil ii'hIiIi'HI
hlif (oii'il from tin iiwiiIiik null hi'
took It Into IiIh own IhuhIh to r
liuivo It. It in liopml Unit iinrliiipa
thri Ctnumorcliil i'IiiIi run do Job No.
HO mid K"t Iluiao uwiiIiihh flxutl no
Unit public opinion will not IiihIhI
ou tlielr imiIIio roiuovnl.
A.N 01.0 KI'HSfltlllKU.
lliilli'lln" Wimt Adit hrlliB rvNMltai .
try llii'in.
Taking No Chancaa.
Tbc mnti wliu lli-i'H from li-inptn-tlnn
KiMirnilly I J n r.-n t!n trull ao lie
i nn nnd IiIh wuy liiii k ! WiiyHlilu
Is That Cold and
Cough Hanging On?
'tllt will lir iDiiviiiii il )r.
I Kini;' i iv liimu t iy tlm it juit it li:r.illl toil" iiu'lllr-i liilill
raw I In ii.u h, en 1 1 1 -t mil iiiriiii'iiitil
t In nit. tn . im ilu' .lili:m '.nk iiinl
iiti.iU tin' i'l' iin.Ui' mill uiul fiii.j
tiilai k, tilu ii H I lit" roiiKt-at it'll in tlm
lint'!. .No li.iintiiil tliui:H, tlii'trliuo
Ki'txl fi 'r i 1 1 ill (l I'll an Wi ll tin Kliwt!llia.
Kitilil iiav yon will nmiie iho
rli.iinii' fur tim U'ller. I I n a urn
imun;, lit'.ilinK lii'ie lluit ymi will
tiiptri i. id'. 1 1 tix 'I I hi I'c ut liny ilnif
KiIb on llic wuy Imlnu to-ili;ht, b'K.
Dr. Kind's
New Discovery
For Colds and Coughs
l.uiy I'copli', l.uiy llnwela. (lon't
nt-(loi't t'tiiiaiitiatiiin. It iiiiilrriiiinra
the health, lakea all vim out of
vou. Ir. Kinit'a I'illa will Invlturato
I he avattm, aitr up the liver, move tlio
Ikiui'U. All tlriiKiiiata, lie.
. r. King's Pills
Gym Shoes and Suits
Wilk ctnawitdmnU H K. C. B,
Dorii siclc
with -the prunes
MY DAD'S favorite yam.
WAS THE on about
a a a
THE OLD tort'keoprr.
WHO WAS pluylns checker,
IN THE back of tbo atoro.
a a
a a a
AND THE prune.
WHEN THE ahorlff.
WHO HAD Juat Jumped bl klnc.
SAID "81 therc'i a cuatonw,
WAITIN" OUT front."
a a
AND 81 aald "Su h h!
a a
IP YOU'LL keop quiet.
a a a
MEBBE HE'LL so away.'
a a a
NOW HERE'S tbo big ldam,
WHEN A good thine.
a a a
DONT LEAVE It to OaorgtVj
a a a
TO GRAB the gravy.
a a a
a a a
YOU HEAR of a iraoka.
a a
OR READ about a amoks,
a a
THAT REALLY does mora.
THAN PLEA8E the taitte.
a a a
THERE ARE no hooka on you.
a a a '
THERE'S NO law agalnat
a a a
a a a
WITH THE other live onat,
AND 8AYING right oat.
a a a .
IN A load, clear Tolce.
"GIMME A pack of.
YOU'LL aay yon never tasted
such flavor, auch mild bat
fall-bodied tobacco Koodneaa.
You're right, too, becauaa they
don't make other cigarettes like
Cheaterflelda. The Chesterfield
blend cant be copied.
MB ' Did you lumi aketrf Ilu
Liooett & Myem Tosacco Co.
CkttnfUU paclimfrnfUt
) .