I PAGE 2 THE BRN'D nflXETIV. DAILY EDITION, IlEND, ORKOON, WKDNKHDAY, NOV. U.1, 1021. The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION Berv Afttrnoea Kirent Sanday. Br m utnd uulletia (incwporeteul Dtered as Second CI KM matter J Mulerr , HIT, at tbe Fuel Office at limJ. Oregon. A.CI Ol At&rCD S, IB.V. OXERT W. 8AWYKR. ...... Kditnr-Manwr KNUY N. FUWLKK Aewiele Kait.ir C. U. SMITH Advertising Maniutcr As Independent Newspaper, standing fer tae eanare deal, clean biuine, clean politic ead tbe best interests of Bend and . Central Oracon. On Year .... U Months . . Ikm Months Dm Year .... In Month! .. Om Month ., BUBSCMITION RATES Ur Mall Br Carrier ...SS.MI ... . ..H.iO ....so ...s.so ...o.(rti All subscriptions are due and PAAH;.K IN ADVANCE. Notices of explrelion ere aaaOea eubfcCiibers and if renewal ie not aaade eritain reasonable time the waiter will ba discontinued. Please notify as promptly of ana change af address, or of failure to receive Hie paper secularly. Otherwise we will not be re sponsible for copies miwwl. Make all checks and ordera payable to The Bend Bulletin. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23. 1921. TELEPHONE MANNERS If you want a cross section ot human nature, manners, customs and the results ot intense partisan ship we suggest that you get a job answering the telephone in a news paper office on a day wheu the peo ple it serves want to know the score of a baseball or football game, or the result of a prize fight or an election. It's a lot of fun. Of course they want the news as soon as they can get It and they call the newspaper office tor it. The request tor the information does not tell much. Sometimes it is . short and abrupt, sometimes it is more mannerly and sometimes it is altogether polite. The big reaction comes with the answer. Occasional ly, before the receiver is hung up, we get a word of thanks. That, how ever, is rare and unexpected. More often the answer is repeated won deringly as though it could not be believed, happily as though the ques tioner wanted but did not expect such a result, or sadly as though he bad lost a bet thereby. Sometimes all we get is the slam of the receive into its hook and we must admit that, having held the line to answer any other questions that might .be asked, this is some what aggravating. Sometime with the slam we get something that sounds like "well" but we are sure that no one would be so ungram matical when he means "Good" and we know that profanity is not al lowed over the line so we are left in the dark. The prize kick, though, comes when the questioner, usually a shall we say it, yes, usually a female gets the answer and lts out a scream, ot joy, we suppose, that catches as in the ear drum and rings for an hour. We got one of those on Saturday after giving the score of the O. A. C. -U. ot O. game and we have been sort of wishing since that the wires had gone out sooner than they did. We do not like to hear a female scream over the telephone. Wonder how the world feels to be cut off from Central Oregon this way, anyhow.' Oregon has gone wet again. Fifteen Years Ago (Prom the columns of The Bul letin of November 23, 1906.) The movement for a direct mail service for Western Crook county is appealing to every citizen in the Deschutes valley. The people of Prineville are en deavoring to raise $6,400 by popu lar subscription to pay for the beat ing plant and plumbing for the new court, house. They will undoubtedly be successful. It is stated that the building will not cost more than $40,000. There is apparently a widespread desire to force Roosevelt into the presidential chair for a third term. J. M. Lawrence arrived in Bend Tuesday evening and will be here for a week on business. It is reported that there is 14 Inches of snow at Rostand. J. S. Smith of Prineville was a Bend visitor last Friday. The crew working on the Des chutes Telephone Company's lines has the line stretched as far as C. F. Allen's place at The Meadows. NOT JUST MEAT BUT MEAT! jSppi.o&RhumGS'1 The Coroner The coroner is busy, ho seldom has a rost; bo rides in his tin Lizzie to hold another quest. He wears out teams of horses when Lizzie will not go; to sit on clammy corses he journeys to and fro. For every passing minute bootleggers sell their booze, and there is venom in it, and juice of overshoes, and sudden death and thunder, and powdered bones and crime ; and he who drinks goes under, long, long be fore his time. Some voters think it funny to beat the Volstead law, and so they spend their money for poison rank and raw. The coroner is toiling through bitter winds and strong; his clients will be spoiling if they are kept too long. The winds are gallivant ing, it thunders and it rains; the coroner is panting along the country lanes; along the village highway, and down the city street ; there is no road or byway that does not know his feet. The boys must have their bitters, from jug or demijohn, and, rounding up such critters, the coroner goes on. The boys must have their flagons the Volstead law be blowed! And then they ride in wagons along the boneyard road. And while the boys drink toddies, the coron er's on his way, and on their tortured bodies he places his 0. K. DEATH COMES TO ALFALFA RANCHER J. X. Crow, Native of Iowa, Was Re sident of Central Oregon 11 Years Funeral To Be Friday. Ending a protracted illness, J. N. Crow, rancher of the Alfalfa section, died yesterday afternoon at his home, death coming as the result of gener al debility which since last spring had gradually become more and more apparent. He is survived by his wi dow, two sons, Melvin, ot Alfalfa and Hugh, engaged in the lumber busi ness in Africa, by two daughters, Eveline, a teacher In the Seattle schools, and Mrs. Henry N. Fowler, of Bend, and by two brothers, Oren and Elmer, both residing in Iowa. James Nelson Crow was born on February 17, 1856, in Des Moines, Iowa. In 1880 he married Miss Mar- mini' V IH; NrX in.;;:: Are your 'EYE MUSCLES ruNCTIONlN& in .PROPERLY ? ' t r. The greatest perr centage of eye afflic tions is caused by the sluggishness of the ' eye muscles. They either become strained through . abuse or weakened by neglect. In either case we can determine the cause and supply you with the glasses that will remedy the trouble. ::::z:!::3:::::":::-:!";"::i;:::":::::" I Shoe I Repairing O'DONNELL BROS. sccni iiwiiirriimimunaa'.aaatiiiiwiiaianiiuaimm The Oldest established shoe shop in Bend. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed AT j LOVEN'S Bond at. ii;t3i;!mRmi:nKr:'.'M!:iu:u::iiirnri:unui:rj:i!!Riimiii tha Harlan, and 14 years later mov ed to the west, settling at Pe Ell, Washington. In 1910 he came to Central Oregon with his family, lo cating in the vicinity of Hampton, and In 1918 moved to a ranch near Bend, 'eventually transferring his In terests to Alfalfa, purchasing a part of the Johnston ranch when the tract was subdivided. Funeral services will be held at 7 VI I J I) 7h V Three Inseparables One for mildn .V1R.GIN1A Or for'mc!lovnej.2Tjr.LEY Otis for aroma. TURKISH The finest tobaccos perfectly ifcd and blended lOfoi-15 2 o'clock Friday urtornoon from the Seventh Day Advmitlxt church In this city. Elder O. M. Thorp officiating Hui'lal will bo at Pilot Unite come tory. Valuable Ideas From Dreamt. I often think that many of die iul vhIuuMo t ti I tins wo know are li-nrnrd by chance or by men the world Hiin posf'd to be dreamers. It took lny old Ike Newton, sprawled luxuriously under the apple trre. to discover the laws of motion as the apples dropped from the wind-shaken uoukIis. And the story of the boy watching the tea kettle with the white Klnnt Inside but emphaslxes the fact that keen ob servation and dreaming may bo two entirely different things. The County A rent. In Farm I.lfe. NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS. Whereas, on the 4th day of February, 1919. pursuant to the pro visions of Chapter 19 of the Charter of the City of llend. there wore entered In the Docket of City Lleaa in the office ot the Hucorder of said City, assessments tor the sprinkling ot certain public ways In said City of Bend for the year 1918, In the following respective amounts, against the following described parcels ot land, the owners or reputed owners thereof being as follows, to-wlt: Description Lot Lot Lot Lot N. Lot S. Vt Lot 10 Lot 13 Lot 17. Block N. 175 ft. Lot 1, Block Lot 9, Block 1, Block 2. Block 1, Block 8, Block 9, Block Block Block Addition Owner Amount 1 Bend J. C. Vandevert $11.01 1 Bend A. E. McKennott 1.1.76 2 Bend Bond Company 3.92 2 Bond It. B. Milttlg '6.88 3 Bend O'Donnoll Bros 3.44 3 Bend O'Donnoll Bros 3.44 4 Bend E. M. Thompson 3.44 4 Bend Mont O'Donnoll 3.44 4 Park Bend Company 6.02 9 Bend J. V. Frerich 6.88 Lot 1, Block 10 Bend It. B. Mutilg 26.11 N. Lot 2, Block 10 Bend it. B. Mutilg 3.44 Lot 16, Sub. L. 2, B. 12.... Bend Stella V. Bnlrd 2.20 Lot 17, Sub. L. 2, B. 12... .Bend Slolla V. Balrd 3.79 Lot 3, Block 14 Bend J. H. O'Nolll 6.64 Lot 4, Block 14 Bend J. H. O'Nolll 3.78 Lot 6, Block 14 Bend It. B. Mutzlg...A 8.39 Lot 11, Block 15 Bend R. B. Mutzlg 7.91 Lot 12, Block 15 Bend Jacob Mutilg 3.44 Lot 1, Block 25 Bend Bend Company 6.16 Lot 5, Block 25 Bend N. S. Lelthead 6.16 Lot 6, Block 25 .....Bond Bend Company 6.16 Lot 2. Block 22 Bend Bond Company 6.16 Tract N. of Block 2 North Ad...Bend Company 9.16 and said assessments not having been paid. Notice Is Hereby Given, That pursuant to Warrant No. 2-S, issued by the Recorder of said City, to me the undersigned directed, I will on Thursday, the 1st day of December, 1921, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon of said day, In front ot the City Hall, at the corner of Lava Road and Minnesota Avenue in said City, sell separately the aovornl tracts of land above described for the amoant of said assessments, against each, together with Interest and all costs and accruing costs. Dated this 1st day of November, 1921. K. H. FOX, Chief of Police, 1 27-133-1 39-145c Bend. Oregon. Every home should have Flow ers for Thanksgiving, It adds to the festive spirit and enjoy ment of the occasion and the cost is very moderate if you or der from us. We can supply you with Pot Plants and Cut Flowers Owi'nrf to the delay in express lervice lit will be impossible for us to supply Chrysanthemums. Riverside Florist Wall Street movu:s m:v film i)i:(i..ni:i iii'io W Ml i: IN KMAI.I, TOWN "No Woman Known," nt iho 1'ity tli.atro totiluht hit ruin Wmlo'd aiiotlii'r ouviuhlo frvoril In i. II, Mil lira in a a.'hli'vi'im'tit . Tin) story wan i.dopinl for tin, screen from "Fanny llorsolf," t li hu manly Inlero it IllK anil wiiloly rrall novel by Kilna I'oiiior. till Inmtt'ly um! It unHiiiHi.lv, llilii plot lire Inlroiliii'en Iho amlleiii'e Into llio family lli'it of n sin, ill town con pie it ml their two itlfteil i-lill.lren anil so naturally Is Iho story stiunt; to Kelltor with human Incidents ami the strength and wenluiess of human na ture that ten is anil lauitliter lulcr- mliiglu III n uoiumon bond of uyiic put hot lc ui:ilcrliinilliiK. What's tin One? Many it mini has iiiiiiuitcl in 1 1 vn ninety joins iiml then iv loriiiilluii In u week, MWtT Milk For Iiihiiti tc Invalids no cooKlNa h. "rood-Drink" for All Ai'.cs. Quiuk Lunch ot HorncOlficc.atul roumuins. A.k fur HORUCK'S. r Avoid Imitation. & Substitute 333331 William Russell, starring'for Fox Films, writes: I o 7ic. I The judgment of 500,000 New York men now wearing Monroe Clothes, confirms Mr. Russell' state mcnt. We Invite you to verify it personally by inspecting our stock. $25 $30 $35 Style Service Satisfaction THE GOLDEN RULE Yeast Vitamon Complexion Secret Banish Skin Eruption, Put on fhra fb Strengthen th Narva and taamUt TLnmtftf If you want to qulaklr i Un mad oomplaxlon, pus aome firm, healthy fleeh oa ytxtr doom, Increase your nerve foroe and power end took and feel 100 pe sent, hatter, ate pry try takina; two of Maetfa'a tinT VITAMON teUela with cms meal awl watch result. Maatln'l VITA MON Tablets eon tain Mchhr.oon aentratsd. yaaaVYitamlnes as wall as tha two other still more Important vitamlnss (Vat Rotable A and Water Aoluble C) sod are now being 'tiaed by thousands as s tonio rartorativs and aroasln oomplaxlon secret Pim ples, boils and skin eruptions snran to vanish Ilka manlo. the o mplraion Iw eomes fresh sad beautiful, tlis cheeks rosy, the lips red, the cores bright. Bo rapid and smasing are tha results that success U sbsolutely gusranteed or tha trial oosts you nothing. The soures of a lowing, radiant com plexion Is from fswss. You can't eipeot asternal apBUeatiotis to benefit THFIiniY I THE BLACKHEAD BEAUTIFUL) UNHEALTHY Via.-ia. 8KIN V VITAMON 8KJN Of a soDxuuott aus to aitsrnal oonaiaoas. I tm n Get sotas vitamlnes Into poor syaiasal I Q"T lis afcr to remember the Saras-1 I ff?" Martin's Vl-TArlaOrf. fan earn sal I tPg. MasaVa VFTAMON Taulsai Mil I tSTZ good draggM. ITaat Ilea Are eaerttful FWtar tf snsmar Staak. Art PoaWrJjr Ciitmnt)! to PM On Firm FhJt, Owf the Sarin Md mcraa)i i EsMtgy Whan Taken With ' torn Maw! or Money iUck w II Hi r mi J I ' la) fl4 V I J L J VY iMiTuilaTJ 1 1 rffiitAI f ii u L'sIju