The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, November 22, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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The Bend Bulletin
fafcllifcli Erarr A ftf rnOB Kxrtpt Bandar,
. Ur Tka Html Balltltn tnrarprala
afaterad u Bcond Claai matter January
t. 11T, at U. Po Offlca at Uand. Oman.
Act of Marco I, IbiV.
OMHT W. SAWYF.K Rditor-Manwr
C. B. SMITH AdvartUins Miwcr
Am Independent Newspaper, itantltna- for
Mm aqnara deal, clean busuiraa, clean olitict
aaa iha beat Intereau of Bend and Central
Ur Mall
OH Tear IK 00
ti Month. '--
Xkraa Uontha H.f
B Carrier '
Om Year
ktl Month
One Month
All ubeerlptloni are due and PAYAHLK
Di ADVANCE. Notioca of eipiralion are
Ballad tubacribera and If renewal u not
uda within reasonable time the paver will
Pleaaa notify promptly of ny chance
af anMreaa, or of failure to receive the paper
Mfpjtrly. Otherwiee we will not be re
pooalblo for copiee niMed.
Make ail checka and ordera payabla to
Taa Bend Bulletin.
Why is It necessary to wait until
Fomeone has hurt himself severely
before changing a condition that
threatens danger so long as it exists?
The awnings that hang over the side
walks in the business section are al
most every one too low to permit
a person of ordinary height to pass
without bending to save his hat from
being knocked off and of late even
the Iron frames on which the awn
ings are hung have been allowed, in
some cases, to drop and make a real
obstruction over the walk.
More than one pedestrian has run
into these awning frames and at least
one man was severely injured Satur
day night on Wall street. The owners
of the buildings, apparently, are not
interested to improve such condi
tions of their own volition and the
only thing left to do is for the coun
cil to enforce the ordinance that will
bring about a removal of these dan
gerous obstructions.
Surely a person walking along the
street ought not to be called on. to
guard himself against such dangers.
As things are today, however, he
must do so. Will the council make
this unnnecessary? ,
afVWt Mason
Old Friends
"".-.r-.'r w ia
An eight-year old lad was asked to
write what he considered a good din
ner bill-of-fare for Thanksgiving, and
here it is?
"First Corse Mince pie.
Second corse Pumkin pie and ter
key. Third corse Lemon pie, terkey,
cranberries. ,
Fourth corse Custard pie, apple
pie, mince pie, chocolate cake, ice
cream, plum pudding.
Desert pie."
Oklahoma Farmer Stockman.
Every time we have one of these
rail tie-ups it becomes clearer that
we cannot be sure of uninterrupted
communication with Columbia valley
points until there is a boat line run
ning on the Deschutes. Who will start
The county valuation is creeping
up, going over $9,000,000 this year.
It will have to keep on going too if
we are to have enough bonding ca
pacity to hard surface our roads.
Thanksgiving Exercises at Each
Grade Building Orchestra to
Play at the Reid.
Thanksgiving exercises will be
held tomorrow at each of the grade
schools of Bend. At the Reid, the
newly formed orchestra will play for
the opening and closing numbers
and each grade will give a dance,
song or concert recitation. The pro
gram will begin at 2:15 o'clock. At
the Kenwood, a Thanksgiving page-
As down the slope a pilgrim wends, where every
bramble scores him, he rather dreads to meet old
friends their conversation bores him. Few ja::e
upon him and exclaim: "You're looking hunkydory!
You have the same old stalwart frame, your locks
are far from hoary! Your step is bold, your back
uncurved, you still are spry and handy; you cer
tainly are well preserved, you surely are a dandy!"
Few talk in such a pleasant strain when on the pike
they meet you; your aspect seems to cause them
pain, and with a sign they greet you. "And so you're
bald," they grimly say, "who once had raven tresses ;
and your complexion, sallow-grav, your breaking up
confesses. And you are bent, oh Gaffer Jones, you're
doped with pills and lotion ; we hear the creaking of
your bones when they are set in motion. When last
we saw you, years ago, you were the living wonder,
and you could lay the fighters low, and pin the
wrestlers under. You hobble o'er the paving stones,
your face is most forbidding; your knees are spa
vined, Gaffer Jones, your feet are always skidding."
The pilgrim, in his weary walk, would have no old
friends present, for that's the way old comrades
talk, and it's a way unpleasant.
ant consisting of songs, recitations
and miscellaneous numbers will be
given at 1:30 o'clock.
The Central school program, which
will be given in the high school aud
itorium at 3:15 o'clock, consists of
a "Welcome" number by the first
grade, "The Day after Thanksgiv
ing," by the first grade, a dramatiz
ed song by Miss Dutt's room, the Pil
grims' story in pantomime by the 4A
and 5B classes, with a Dutch dance
by the 3rd grade and an Indian
dance by the 4tb grado nnd an
nouncements and recitation by Min
nie Hoover. In closing, a concert rec
itation will be given by the 5th and
6th grades.
In Another Sent.
She "Before we were married you
said you couldn't do enough for me."
He "Well, I guess time has proved
that I was richr."
Thanksgiving Special
Broken Mixed, Honey Mixed. American Mixed - 35c per lb
A Large Assortment of Chocolate - - - 35c to 60c per lb
Salted Peanuts -------- 20c per lb 2 lbt 35c
Freak Roaated Peanuts - -- -- -- - 20c per lb
Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Turnips, Carrots
Do Not Forget the Cranberries
Cash Grocery
Phone 2 6-J
Cor. Greenwood and Bond
Thursday Eye., Nov. 24
All Moose and their friends
' invited.
XTbe Central regon Banh
D. E. HUNTER, President
CARLETON B. SWIFT, Vice President
E. P. MAHAFFEY, Vice Pres. and Manager
H. M. STEPHENS, Cashier
The Vast Difference
In tlio method of banking in the year 1020 and
those of nowadays is one of the many things to lie thank
ful for this Thanksgiving Day.
Without the splendid convenience and assistance of
the modern bank, our forefathers were compelled to
utilize any biding place that would secrete their savings.
Now you can come to this hank and place your sav
ings in It care with perfect assurance of safety. The
convenience of a checking account is at your command.
Money placed in savings earns 4 per cent interest,
A safety depoHit box may be had, at a very small ex
pense, where your valuables will be safe from theft or fire.
May we suggest that on Thanksgiving Day each one
of us think only of the things we have to be thankful for.
If this is done we feel certain most of us will find many
. bright spots in life that have been hidiled by unnecessary
he (Central regon gemij
Vice President
Featuring Men's High Grade Overcoats
and SuitsFamous Collegian and Mon
roe Line. A sale that will never be
equaled in Central Oregon.
Sale Starts Saturday, November 19 -and
Continues 10 Days Only
Men's High Grade All Wool Overcoats,
Collegian and Oregon fc1 Q QEl
City brands; Special P 10.03
Men's High Grade All Wool Overcoats,
including our highest (IJO A Gfl
grade lines; Special...;.... V1
Men's Suits
Men's High Grade Suits, including
blue and green cheviots; also fancy
mixtures; every suit is d1Q QC
carefully tailored; Spc... vl.OO
Every Other Suit in the house, in three
big Lots, including blue serges, pin
stripes, gray serges; single and double
i $25, $30 & $35
Boys' Suits
Closing' out our entire line of Boys'
Suits; made with two pairs of pants;
all wool; expertly tailored t 7 QC
Special at P
One Lot of Boys' Suits; all wool; high
est grade; two pairs of flQ QC
pants; Special at W.ViJ
Boys' All Wool Mackinaws; extra fine;
newest patterns and de- flj? QGl
signs; belted styles; Spe
Men's Mackinaws; all wool; belted
models; ail seams taped; Q QC
Extra Special at W.VO
Men's Heavy All Wool Pants; Boss of
the Road brand; in gray and brown;
every pair is guaranteed; &A 7C
Special at O
Men's All Wool Worsted Dress Pants;
highest grade; reg. $12 tof QC
value; Special' at P
One line of Men's Extra Heavy Mole
skin Pants; finest quality; fcO QC
reg. $4 pants; Special
Men's Heavy Weight Dark Corduroy
Pants; extra good qual- IjO QC
ity; Special at V..ViJ
Men's Heavy Army Pants; wool; lace
leg; all new; an Extra d0 QC
Special at DO.i70
Shoes! Shoes!
Men's High Grade Loggers; all hand
made; including Bergman and Good'
year; plain and calked; (ti f QK
Special at VLVJ.VD
Men's High Grade All Leather Dress
Shoes; in black only; Spe- tfjQ QC
cial at VO.VO
Men's Cordovan Color English Last
Dress Shoes; guaranteed A QC
all leather; Special at 4r.UiJ
Men's High Grade Dress Shoes; John
C. Roberts; in ad 3 of all leather; the
last word in dress shoes; C7 1tl
Special at
Men's Medium Weight Cotton Ribbed
Union Suits; Extra Spe- d1 1 Q
cial at VI. IV
Men's Shirts and Drawers; cotton
ribbed; extra quality; heavy dQr
weight; Special at OVC
Men's Wool Mixture Union Suits; an
extra fine quality; Spe- tfo A C
cial at V.tO
Men's Heavy Weight Wool Mixed
Union Suits; with closed dJO QC
crotch; Special at PC.I70
Men's Heavy Wool Ribbed Union Suits
in white and gray; "Wright's Health"
make; the finest quality; d?0 C
Special at PO,0
Stag Shirts
Men's Oregon City All Wool Extra
Heavy Stag Shirts; Extra djC ACL
Special at PO.tO
Dress Caps
Men's Heavy Grade Wool Dress Caps;
newest styles; Extra Spc- (fcl CA
cial at ipl.OU
Sweater Coats
Men's Heavy All Wool Jumbo Knit
Sweater Coats; blue and gold colors;
good-value at $10.00; an tffi QC
Extra Special at PD,70
Men's AH Wool Jersey Sweaters; as
sorted colors; all sizes; fl0 QC
Special at V&,ZfD
Work Shirts
Men's Blue Chambray Work Shirts;
full cut; a very good quality; CQ
Extra Special at J7C
Men's Heavy Weight Wool Shirts;
Greenwood brand; gray o OC
and khaki; Special at PC.&0
Men's All Wool Shirts; heavy weight,
extra fine quality, olive color; this shirt
will give you the very best of wear and
is neat in appearance; an dQ A C
Extra Special at. PO.tO
Men's Heavy All Wool Oregon City
Shirts; assorted colors, all djo QC
sizes; Extra Special at vO.70
Men's Gloves
Men's Cotton Gloves; a good C
quality; per pair OC
Men's Heavy Mulehide Gloves oq
priced at, per pair OJC
Men's Heavy Mulehide Mitts AQ
priced at, per pair T"C
Men's "Boss of the Road" Gloves;
leather faced all around; an OQ
Extra Special at 67C
Men's Dress Sox; in assorted "I (
colors; priced at, pair 1 UC
Cashmere Sox; in gray and AQ
natural color; per pair riSC
All Bags, Suit Cases and OnfK
Trunks reduced O
The Golden Role
Bend. Oregon