THK 11KNI) IIULI.KTIN, lAII,Y KRITION, IIKVD, OflKGON, HATt'IMAY, NOVKMBKM 1021 LIBRARY WORK SCOPE WIDENED Tho county library l now cliciilut 1 ii u liookH from 17 Contois In !- chute county. Homo of tlin ure In I ii win a In liiinltnr ramps unu hiiiiki In school districts. Tho branch librni i-m uro located In Iho following places: Itmlmond. Terrebonne, I .a I'lnii, Hlsturs. TiiiiiiiIo, Clovoidulo. I'lulnvliiw, Alfalfa, l.ownr llrldK. Iliaoks-Hcaiilnn cum px 1, 2 nnd 8. Sliuvllii-lllsnh en nip I, n lid school (llHtrlrtH 10, 21, 28 nnd 21). Tim following new hook liiivn Just liiimi pluccd on Ihu shiilves for lr c i I n 1 1 ii : Fiction For tlrown-ups Junius "l.niidsnipii, I'ulntvr." Jordiin'tllrl In (ha Mirror." Kulliiiid "Hrnlturgnod llnluus." K. I'.i'wIk "Kino Air." I.llllhrlilKO "Wlmro Him Trull 1)1- Vllll'S." I.llipiniinn "KIiixIIiUi Kiinllimml." Livingston "Oimlmd Clip-" Lnckn "Itoimli Itoiul." MoFco "t.'nululn Mnriidiilno's Daimhtor." MrKiiiiiiu "Hhnllu Intervenes." MiiiHlinll "Mull und Iho druniiit." Murshiill--"Hlr Hurry." Morrli-k "Cliiilr on Uio lioulo' Tlllll." Morwln "Passionate Pilgrim." Nxo "Dltio, (llrl Allvo." NorrlH "Octopus." NorrlH "I'll." Norton "Drowned Oold." Piirn "I'aildy the Ntixt Host Thing." Phlllpolts "Miser's Money." lhlllpotls "Blorm In a Toacup. rinkcrtou "Long Travorse." Porter "Tangled Threads." lllchardson "Pointed Hoofs." Itlneliurl "Bight tjnseen und the Confession." Kswyer "Hllvnr Sixpence." Hnulth "Hallor." Hnultli "Undofoated." ; Sullivan "Rapid." Vorso "Growing Hp." Wulpolc "Cnpllvea." Wuila "llnardman Family." Wntta "Itiiddnr." Wells "Undying Klro." Wnmiiii "Vim never Kuw Such a Cllrl." Wharton "Ann of Innocence." Wilson "Mil IVltliiKlH." i Noii-I'irlliin For Children or I Crnlk- "Ho-Fut and Mow-Mow," Fluid "Fli'ld Primer." Fox "Third Itemler." ' l,u Fnvni "I 'mil, Mouse und I. It tin lied Hon." Poller "Tale of Peter Itulilill." I'lillnr "Tain of Tom Klitiiii." WIIIIhIoii "Jiipauoso Fulry Tales," Waterloo "Htory of Ah." lnirKi'' "lluppy Juck." Cli ii nil lor "M u x I" Plct ii res I.oiik Ak." Chlsliolm "Oolrinti Blnlrciisn. I n k lie n "Ono TliiiUKiind Poems U'nr Clillilrnn " Oleolt "Holiday Plnys For Homo, Hchool ii lid Holtlcmont." HI ork Ion "lluccaimora and llll'H llf OUT ClIIISlS." Perkins "Itiillun TwIiih." Hiinfnrd "Moiliirn Americans." Hunfiiiil "Moiliirn Kuropnuim." tlillilicu'a Flrlloii AIIhIiuIit "Oiiiik of Hhlloh." Colli) "Anita." Huhiillz "lireiidful lllvur Cavo Heumiin "Juciiuoliiia of tho Cur rler Pluoons." Wulliice "Troop Olio of lh Ln- lirudor." Csmant far China. PHIi'iito china may tin mended by slug Uio following cement: mix rice flour with cold wnlar and allow It to (liniiicr ovar a lira until It beconiKi l hick. Llnea to B Raroambcrad, AiiKtir blow out tho lump of the mind In llm examination of grout mid linporlniii questions avsryone should he serene, alow pulsed and coliu. It. O. Ingnrsoll. I'l- 7imiiitiiiiiimuiiiitiiiiiii:iiuiiiiiiiiimiiui:iiiitiiHUifumwinmmi:m:t:: JThe most convincing demonstration of your approval of the good work done by the Red Cross is your Mem bership Button' for another year. JOIN THE RED CROSS Shevlin-Hixon Company imtmiKaammttttmraiunittawmimnimifiiainm mnmmimiiwinmimimmimmimrmnnimmmnmnMimimmmtrti n!iiii;::iiUiimiiuHim!HuimuwMij!l:uu:uniuii:::i!!m: YOU don't use as much of Calumet a3 you do of most other Baking Powders. It has more than ordinary leavening strength. You save about hall You don't pay a big price for Calumet It's sold at a moderate price that rep resents another saving. You don't feel uncertain as to results. Bakings never fail because Calumet never falls below tha proven standard of "Best by Teat" MR. JOHNSON FINDS WALLET Indlanapolla Attorney Wakes Up When Ha Hsars Qlssful Olgglas From Wsads on Roadslds. Kinsley V. Johnson, attorney, was Ink I im a spin In his cur on a cniiniry rml ttitii(liinMt nf liiillunntiolls the . . - V - other nvcnniK wneii, iippniin ihhk nit i ifiwn up suw a larice. inuiuif. leu I her purse lylne between the wheel tracks. Mr. Johnson thrilled wiiii ih Mtiflfint nleusure of discov ery. He st(ipH'd the car and cllmlied nut, wiinilerlnj silently wno nno dropped tho wallet, and Imw muny xreen or yellow crlnky ones were In it 11m Innbitil nmitnil ns he allahted. and sow thut the roadway was walled on either side with a pigmy forest of Irnnweeds, ragweeds, hnrseweeda and jlmpson, forming a Jungle that crowded in ns ir tn cluse the highway. Walking buck to the spot where the purse hud been, the attorney runneii hiM .vi.n. Nn nurse wus there: Instead, there was a wide welt In the ilnsl as If some object hail bon iinigcco dlngiitiiilly iicniss the rlght of wiiy. The sniiie iiioiiient a broadside f gleeful giggles burst from the weeil Jungle, left and right. Mr. Johnson did not ii.. ,ii,i imi even sneiik. He smlleii slightly as bn clnmhered Into i.i. i,iin .'np Mr. Johnson him self was, once n hoy. Inillnnnpolls News. v )s the universal car Pride Ormership THE Ford Touring Car has brought to the farm homes Of the country more real, plea sure, comfort and convenience than perhaps any other one thing. It has enabled the farmer and his family to mingle with friends, attend church, neighborhood func tions, and enjoy thes many pleasantries that abound In country life. Truly the Ford car with its low cost of operation and maintenance, its. usefulness and efficiency, has been a boon to the American farmer. Your order should be placed at once if you wish to avoid delay in delivery. Central Oregon Motor Company FORD SALES AND SERVICE BEND. OREGON Engage Winter Storage Now $355 r. o. b. thimi , , yjjNy jj The Red Cross needs the moral and financial support of every good American. JOIN THE RED CROSS The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. imnmnrniimnnmmmtmamminminiuicaituiiiim!ii:inii:i unuumiuttuuu: siiaMsssisisiMSSsiwijriB sisbs It possesses the highest qual ity ever put into a Baking Powder. Contains only such ingredients as have been offi cially endorsed by United States Food Authorities. For weeks, for months, it keeps as fresh and full of strength as the day it left the Calumet Factories, the World's Largest, most Sanitary and Modem Baking Powder plants. Pound can of Calumet contains full 16ox. Some baking powderscome in U or instead of 16 ox. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. Calumet Gold Cska Redpa Yolks of 8 tgg Vt cups of gran ulated sugar, . cup of water, Vi cup of butter, 24 cups pastry flour, 3 level tea spoons Calumet Baking Powder. 1 tablespoon of vanilla. The mix in the recti lar way. THE FARM PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTING CO. OPENS IN NEW LOCATION TODAY, NOVEMBER 19 tt as k .1 ,ii.'in.v.f. i I k - .1 W ' In the Two South Rooms of the MINOR BUILDING on Wall Street - An archway has been cut, connecting the two g rooms, and no expense has been spared in supplying fixtures to make this THE FINEST i Grocery Store and Meat Market FLOUR and FEED in Central Oregon Our plan of handling farm produce, direct from the producer to the consumer, will be our pollry. Wo will aell the very biliest grades of Staple and Fancy Orocerlcs at the-very lowest possible prices. Our meat shop will be equipped with tho Intest machinery to assure perfect sanitation and a cool'"g plant la now installed. Our slnughter house Is equipped equnlly as well. When you buy meat from us you may bo sura that both the quality and condition is of the best. i ' Wo urge the formers of Central Oregon .'to make this their hendqiinrters'when in lietul. We will buy your produce and pay you as much or more for it, and we will sell you anything you may need in our Use at as small- or smaller prices than you can buy the same grades in any other town in Central Oregon. We feel that we are creating a market in Bend for all of Central Oregon. We believe our plan will prove most brncflrlal to every farmer who will take ad- ' vantage of it. ' -. , . . . j ' To the citizens of Bend, ' wo extend a most cordial Invitation to try our plan 'of marketing. We feel as sured that once you do, you will realize that we can save you money, ... The Farm Products Distributing Co. .) Two Big Stores in One The Minor Building Wall Street iliiniiiiinimiiiiinMiiMmiHiiiiiiirommmaiin