PAGE n iiicm) tkain N('iii:i)H.i: Oregon Trunk Arrives, 7:85 A. M. I.ihiyhs 7:110 I'. M. O..W. II. N. Arrives, 11:60 I'. M. Leaves, 7:00 A. M. . TMK IIKND ll:i-MCTIM. DAFIV KDITION, IIKND, OKFXION. HATl ltlMV, NOVKMIIKft . 1021. LOCAL NKWS ITKMS Mm. II. Kvuns "f llrulliers, In In tlm I'lly. I l.-loii M. Itllilile iiikI lliiih Milii.n mo vlMlturN In Hi" rlly liom Met. nllu. Mm. tieiiiKM IIhImh"! unci Mm. Kred l.uiiK", of I'rlnevllle, hh nl lunt iiIkIK . Ill lleml. T II. Kul'-y n-l iiiiiimI In Heml thin luiiriilnK friiiii u Hliurt liii'vneH vlxft III I'nrl liinil. . It. Ciiiiiiiilly, of Maiiln, Im ill IimiiIIiik hiiHlness iii it 1 1 -r m In Itecl inonil liiilny. M, W. Knlil(f hniker. county com mlf tilmp-r. Ik In Ihn rlly today from III" home In Maters. Iir. II. C. Ilurlriiiifi will preach n( Hi" AdventM church ui 7:30 o'i'lork Ktiiulay evening. I. . K. Ktnllli. former riiunly roin nilnloniT. aa In I'.cnd today from Iti'iliiintiil mi Ural hulne. II. K. May rand Is leu v In IoiiIkIiI fur Utile KnlN, Minn., culled liy tlm rliiua lllneaa of hi mother. Mr. ami Mm. William IIim-kII anl daughter, tlludya, 'f Culver, are aiicndln tho week pihI at Ilie W. V. Myers home. Jutnea lllnrk. prominent atorkman ml rancher of 111" I. I'lno aeclloti. relumed to hi home today f I r wis-! II InK In llrnil luce Thumiluy. ThH Catholic ladlea will ln card party and dunce Hi Ihn KnlxliUj of Coluinhiia hall on Wedneadny eve.; nln. Novemher Tlm public In In-, vlled. ! Kdwurd Walkrr of I lend anil Ml Vera Moore were married Wednenday ( at the homi) of Ihn hrlde In Mudraa. After a honeymoon trip to l'lirtluiid i und Willamette valley points. Mr. and Mm. Walker will make their homo In llcnd. K. C. Hi Irk reiurned to Ileiul laul nlnht from Cortland where, he has , heen mukliiK arraiiKcmcnta with wholesale houaea for supplies hefore ' opening a rlitar and billiard hall In' Kedttioml. The ww esiahllnhment will he ready for the puhllc within a wnek'a lime. I.yln liuwmin. of Portland. I In! the rlly an a wllneaa In Ihn rae of , K. Anderson, charged wMh lur- retiy from I lit lleml Water. I.lcht ! l'uwiT 'o.. whlrh In expected tu come hefore tho urand jury early in the week. Iliiwuon was iiiilll recently u realdenl of thin city. , Ms! ti'iMm. .. . .JM? O y WMlA HAWI.I.y lf fv v'l.r r . Uf. .....I fcr-: i . jT r i t . ToiiIkIiI I ""' 1 i'ltr. FOnt DOLLARS TICK DAY MADK CITY MINIMUM (Coiillnurd from P.iki 1.) D'-liiwnr! hvi'Iiiim rontruct. Th rm tiliiiliin puHHi'd without dhut. ItllU tr.-rl I'nlil T!im fullowliiK hill" hito ordi-n-d pul.l; Kniiiia Ilrodcrlrk f t 00 M, I. Hoovi-r. flro i-iiKlniiiT 160.00 W. M. ii flrn ciiKlni-cr 150.00 C. S. Il.-iimin. City Atty 41 66 Iton Kiirnhaiii. l(-cord-r .... 151.25 A n mi Itlin Klnlry 75.00 Dr. ('. A. Kowlor city phynlclan 40.00 Kuril O'Kunn, ri-lil 30 90 I). I'fzzo. trni't work 29.60 Tom Murphy, atrewl work SI. 00 Hurry Kmlth, iwri 67.00 I'. I'krion, tr,at Z 60 Htandiird till Co 24.23 ll.-nil Hull. .tin, prlnlli;n .... 57.26 11. Joiipii. atn'ola 7.60 A. J. TourK-llottn, audit .... 682 SO (). 1). linker, drayuica 4 26 Ili-nd I'rnm. prlntliiic 11.50 Miller l.l.r. Co IS 60 Hel Itonm 15.00 K. Ilranden, iirwH 73.44 Chnrh' Mumn, new it 48 00 V. W. Wella. aewer 20.00 V. D'llrlen, ulreelH 80. 04 K. J. Miller, atreeta 35.00 c, It Curtrell, mreela 35.00 Concrete ripe Co. newer . .. 138.65 W. K. Irvine. nn(lneerliiR .. 5.00 It. II. Could. en; 118.70 C. (1. WINon. eiin 65 80 J A. Itiiniee. en it 39.20 1920 Model "490" Chevrolet rpholHterliiK, hody und top In KOiil coll.lllloll. .Meehlllllrully per fect. K.julpped Willi (Juhriiil Miulilinrit. $450 The man who is in the market for a used car has much better prospects this year than for many seasons past. The used cars that are on the market are far better both in appearance and in mechanical condition. The extreme drop in the price of new cars has caused the sale or used cars that were in per fect condition. We have several other buys equally as good are far above the average in value. We stand behind every one with our personal guarantee regarding their condition. We can sdl them to you on easy time payments. Used Ford 1S17 Ford Touring Car 1U20 Ford Touring Car Cars ...$300.00 ...$330.00 0. M. C. Truck $300.00 We have several other buys equaly as good as these. Call at our Garage and see them. Buick "Six 1920 rncdel. Kxtra tiro, fully equipped. Appearance like new. Mechanically perfect. A real buy. $1250 The Bend Garage W. 1'. Ilardemy, enrt Seattle Kitchen, police .... A. O. AlhrlKht, feed yard .... A. L. Suye. auto hire - Kin in a U. Ilroderlck C. E. Oreeaen It. II. Kox. police chief T. W. Carlon, fire chief M. E. Coleman, treanurer City Treanurer County Library H. O. Jarknon Manlll tc Kmkine - II. W. L. & P. Co 114 40 6 86 19.00 10.50 6.60 44.00 160 00 150.00 104.30 .7(2.68 706.65 ITS 89 2.60 688.80 American Woman Aa Heateasaa. It haa often hern that Anierienn mun.-ii make the miMt delightful and xiieeeKaful ImnteMea In tiie world. I'erhupa tliU 1 lecaiiM tlij men of our land, mi deeply atiorted, aa they UHiinlly are. in lni',iiea or noua.laya g nerally leave the ilutlen :iimI plensuri-a of iMffpltullty to their uleK, ilaiiulilem. uiolhem and alfttem. Many a ninn la like a auet lu li! iioiiAe at a dinner or houae party and leavi-4 entirely to hla wife to hh- that (lie j;ueia are liitr.Hlu. .) and thul they lire lllll.le to feel at ene. Real Victory In Life. The true overecuiilnic la not In hai. .IK outward tlilnfi to auit our will, hut In living out our life patiently, tnintfully, and kln-lly, throuKh whut eeer the outward thlnga may be. Exchange. Curioua Currency. On neiiiiruii Irlund. the leaat vlalted In the .'a.-lflr, the only currency con lata of the teelh of flying foxea; the lalnnd la aurromided by walla of coral llmeatone over ; feet high. Doge Trained to Hunt Trufflea. The trutlle li an edible funnia crow th found In rertuin part a of Ku t'r. .wine a few imliea umler grouiid, and la '-otifldered a delicacy for the table. Ikeh are often trained to Hud tlieiu. They lenni to iletet.-t the presence of the truflle under the anr Muv of the ooll by a fiilnt odor given . by the Irullle. Tt.e dog, when over Hie aHit, atopa nnd pata the ground nlth hla paw. Then the uiall diga up the trullle. GAIN IS MADE IN WORK OF LIBRARY J,.VK llooka Clrxulale.1 During Month of October Children Heavy llorrowera In Bend. Pat It In The Hulletln. The Deachutes County Library cir culated 2500 books from the central library and Its branches during the month of October. 553 more than were circulated during September, the librarian's monthly report shows. The central library in Bend circulat ed 1273 adult books and 638 chil dren's books, a total of 1911 books, which is an increase of 391 over last month. Children borrowed one-third of the books circulated In Bend. Redmond circulated 369 books, of which 87 were borrowed by the chil dren. Terrebonne circulated 162 books. District No. 10, 38 and Sisters 16. Eighty-two adults and 34 children took out library cards, making a total of 1 1 6 new borrowers. Of these, 88 registered in Bend. During October, 11 new stations were opened, located in sinters. Low er Bridge, Clowerdale, La Pine, Plain view, District 21, District It, Dis trict 10, Alfalfa, and Brooka-Scanlon Camp No. 1. Etch station ia equip ped with a collection of 59 books, and more may be sent upon request. Six hundred and eighty six books were sent out to the stations and branches. One hundred and twenty-one new books were added to the library and 164 were rebound during October. Two hundred and fourty-slx shelf cards were made. Paid In Full. "I am old-fniihloned enough." said the old ludy with the angular face, "to believe that honesty pays, my dear young nephew." "You, quite so." answered the nephew, "and dis honesty gets paid." Pat It In The Bulletin. p:::n::;:::::i::::::::t::u::tnni:umn::mitt:inntnmtt:::ntnnia:nn:: irnsirnimiraminawanaKinKsnmsiatnaiR Reduction Evidently The rea why " people marry Is beeauae inlaery loves company. Woith While Livea. Life pnya Mi: dividend to t' v ho hear niitl . ! the liiiineinorlal iiikI IllimlltaMe .'O.lilllall'Illli lit of llle M. ter of life. '1 tie bro.. eu li. ail of It.i-iy la a lnl-M. Ill- ilh of . i.i.i .I'ui "li i rotutlilsrli'ti have found lillil out. II.' V'VN to tie ruM.Wh heap. Hut ri.-n like our octoiieliiirliiii ip. lple of oik havliii; eanie.1 the right to live, go on through the yeaia conn.lcnt nli'l en-ne. reilrliig Hun life la worth while. They make It worth while for them aekca uiiil f..r miillltuilea of their fellow men. Cliieliiuntl Kniiilrer. at waHWMl, laaBaf Jena HwaV sWaa 17 v ,i;illW'i'"':;'.''.., y wP Cii' "mi ii.:. Illii;;::rr--:::;; ; AT 1 5 THE POWEK . Of I Accommodation? In youth tho cryatal- linn leiia can as iiBiial ruin quickly nn- coniinoilntn tho locna- Ing of tho cyo. Thin power gradually dm hoiis nnd cnitsim I ho need of glllHHG. Our scletitlllc prnctlcn nnd reannrch ennbles tin to servo you optlrally. Illi. i 1 Ik ; hi NPei VAX of 20 in Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tires The tire that gives you long mileage 6,000 miles guaranteed and we stand personally behind the guarantee. H Buy them from the house that gives you real service 365 days in every year. M. & C. SERVICE STATION Corner Wall Street and Greenwood Avenue iinnnmimnnn t aiiaalll amintaiiaiitmiaailan mamiiiiamaaaiiliaiaaaaiuimuiiliimmiiliiaiiKua ..tti!MiimiiiiitiiinuaimiaMiiaiuuaaaanaKHHi;miiwiiHH" -w. J Would it not be advisable to start a small sinking fund for your Christ mas shopping? The holidays will soon be here and a small savings will be handy when Christmas buy ing time comes. The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. Mr. Car Owner Here is a saving of at least 40c per gallon on Eastern Parafine Base Oil Havolime SI We buy by the car load and do not add the freight Light and Medium Bulk and 5 gallon lots, per gallon, 90c Less quantity, per gallon - - - 95c In 5-gallon lithographed cans - $5.00 In 1 -gallon lithographed cans - $1.10 In 50-gaIIon Steel Drums and 30-gallon Steel Drams No Charge for the Drum Say "HavoIine"-it makes a difference This price is dealer's cost and will prevail for a short time only Send your car or phone us and we will deliver to your garage at no extra cost. Phone 8 BEND HARDWARE CO. I iicioii iuiar.n:n:antrenHgtunannumgi ilianniffliiiiCT'niiimn'tt"'""'"'''"""