TIIK IIKM) III LLKTIN, llAILY EDITION, IIKNl). OKI'XiO.V. TI KKIAV. NOVKMItKH I. III2I. FAGE 8 lir.M Til A l H III.IH i.i: . Oregon Trunk Arrives, 7: SB A. M. Limvcs 7: SO I'. M. O..W. II. N. Arrives, 8:60 r. M. Leaves, 7:00 A. M. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Dr. J. C Vinidcvort drove In llos chutes today. T. J. Qillgloy, "f llfil miiliil, visited In llond yesterday. ('. I., t!ll, of Wnlors, huh u vlnllur III llond yesterday. Mm. Muslim Klli wont til I'm ttiind In Ht nlttht fur u short visit. Frank Tulll, of A I fulfil, was In Hi ml yesterday nil business. The r-K ii In r mulc assembly was hold lit thii IiIkIi school ycsterduy. Mm. J. A. Juiksi f Culver, wim operated mi yesterday ut it local ho lilliil. Tim lli nil flr ili'imi iniiMil will give ii dame Kiilnnliiy ii Ik lit ul I In' Hip podrome. Itny Hnulh worth will lenvo IiuiIkIU fur I'nrtliiiiil. n-turnliiK lut''r In tin' week by nuln. Mm. James Mlltcnbergor. of I. Pino. In In llond visiting wlih friends fur sovorul days, J. Knloshery mul ). Saloshery Ml lust nlKtit (or Portland lo make their homo f"r tho winter. Fmnk My bun purchased now nldsninhlln four cylinder car from South worth llro. garage. W. II. Daggett, Itrdniond attorney, wim In I tin city today attending to business at tho roiirt housiv Mm. I. ('. Williams and lltiln inn wont to Uoilniiind last night to visit with Mra. William' parents. ('. A. Adams, district gnme wor doii, In tho rlty tlila morning from headquarters at Itrdinond. Tho Horn! Credit Men's association will bold Ita laat mooting of tho yoar Th'isday nlKht at the Pilot lluttc Inn. Mra. J. J. Knc to ' C- " Itoao to l.a Pino and I.. Fol.-y to Sil ver l-ukn worn thla morning's tiig passengers. Mra. Paul ('. King ahot a rattle, snake whllo durk burning Sundiiy with hrr husband and Ir. unii Mra. Paul Woerner. !. I.. Mdlaln. of Porlliind. arriv ed In llond tlila niornliiK to bo asso rlalod with tho llorton Drug Co. aa a pharmacist. Mr. anil Mra. V. A. Loot loft luHt night for Portland to ninko their homo. Thoy havo been located here for all moutha. Tho Ilnptlnt Women's union will tnn:raMnj:i:m::i:mii:inin::m:nii:::::i:::K::na::::m:::l Kcd Cross Shop and Wo men's Exchange OPEN 2l7-2 MINER lll.lKi. Wednesdar from 2 lo H oVIim k ii Saturday from 10 to 12 anil UtoSji RitnnumnmmnnunnianitiniitmuiimuuinnuuiiiiUiuii TLhc Central rajoit 3Banh P. E. HI'XTKIl. Proalilont rAltl.KTON II. HWIKT. Vlco lrrililont E. . MAIIAFKKY, Vlco PToa. anil Managor II. M. STKPIIF..NM, Caolilor HEM), OREGON A Bank Thoro l Unit MitlNfnrtion In tho arciiniulntlon of a linnk accoiiiit flint ran bo olitnlnotl tlironnh no otlior tliniinol. With It conii-a n ronlljtilon of mlvuncomont. A IIvIiik drllloimtl'ilf Ion of nltnlnliiK aucroaa. No mat tor how Ninnll tlio flrat amount Hint Ntnrta Hint nicoiinl, ovon If It In but ono ilollnr, tho account la uliii toil ntnl onro atnrtiMl It la oanlly onliirKiMl. With tho fliM ilolliir ili'l'OHlti'd In n anvltiK account comoa that grout di'hlro lo save. Anil to anvo gunrnntooa anccoaa. Htart a aaving" Account today and tho roaulta will convince you. D. E. HUNTKIt, Prealdent rfstrai The Delight of Eating lies ns ninth iii tlie Service us it docs in tin Food Served Wliy Not Dine Where They Combine Regular Dinner, $1.00; Sunday, $1.25 or a'la'Carte Service This Week's Specials I'tlot Hulle Club Sandwlclitl Sea I'uoJ Cocktail or Salad Ireih Crab l lakt a la Louis Squab Chlck'n a la Maryland hold iiu nil duy iiii'hIIiik Thursday! ut llm Iioiiiii of Mis. II. '. KIIIh, ior, Greeley MViiiiiii. I I I. K. Richards and P. W. Hutch- klhti worn In II I on tholr way from l.nkovlow lo Portland lust nlKht to ailoiid tho slock allow. Mr. and Mra. Frunk Dysart. roxld K ut Colorado and llroiidway, uro ilio ji:imilM of an olKht iioiind baby boy born at tho homo today. Mra. Claronro O'llrlou and Mra. Kuto M I.linKlilIll will ontiTlulii III'' ludl'-a of tho Altar aorli-iy Thuradiiy ufioriioon ut llm ICiiIkIiU of (.,oliim htitf rlub rooma. John Mlihiiol, Rialllii buHluvaa man, nwnor of tho Hphlor bulldliiR of Ibla rlty. ri:luriK-d to Ilia homo laat nlKht aftor apoiidiiiic aovorul daya in lli-nd lookitiK aftor hla locul Intoroata. Tbo Pronbylorliiil l-adloa' Culld will bold tholr roKiilnr nionlhly bual nom mootluK at tho homo of Mm. C. It. Klnipkina. 614 Doluwaro avonuo, Wod day aftornoon at 2:30 o'clock. OPKNH AUT KTl'IHO Mra. Floronco I.. Silvia announcoa tbo oponliiK of a downtown atudlo. Itiiijin 231 In tho now Minor niiim Inx. I'la and prlvato loaaona In China ilncoratliin and wator color work. Carofiil attontlon itlvon to aporlal ordor work. lllfta on aalo at roaiionubln prlcoa. Phone 2S3-M for claaa appolntmonta. 1 2 4tfc Walnut Holla, mailo In llond. 60c lb. at lliirhwaltor'a. 11 6-1 22c AT THE HOTELS Pilot llutto Inn 1(. 8. I'oiiK". F. S. Kaoltor. I). I.. Mclluln. C. A. Mc- ;mn, W. II. Smith. Charloa Kuddor ly, Portland: M. II. Malthow. Tho Halloa; A. II. SulihtaK. PrluoTillo; Noll Mrl'horaon, Spokano; A. J. Con nolly, Maupln. Ilotol tioay . M. Walkor. Rpo kmio; I). K. Illrharda, I. W. Ilotrh kK. I.akovlow; Ml Cryntal llannla tor. Mm. II. I.. Slanloy. K. C. Ilunto. c W. Pno. Portliind; Mra. I). K. Mill. I.a Pino. WriKbt Ilotol A. Doano, W. It. Crow, Porlliind: Albort Nlvo, K. C ( aldwoll. O -W. iNiuniiiK Ilotol F. K. HutchlnKoti, William McCalluni. Nottlo Waxh burn. F. S. Murphy. Portland; A. W. I. owla. Sllvor l.ako; F. ('. Donovan. Holyat; CoorRo II. Proaton, t'ooa liny; Harry Proaton, North llond; II. Shattuck, Maupln; O. A. Johnaon, Vancouvor. I llullotln "Want Ads" bring re laulta. Try thorn. Account H. P. HAnAFFET, Vice Prealdent Pilot Butte Inn AT TIIK CAMI' CKOUNI) When ono la "all dolled up," ha tuki'a euro not lo anil hla appurol. Itii'BMil In old ahabby clotliea, one duonn't Klvn a darn. Whoii Ilond'a city auto park la aod-d-d ii ii 'I rolled, and all of the mod ern cotiveiitonrea uro Inatallod, which tho council plana to do for next aum iiior. there'll 1h no trouhlo about ki'i-pli.K out paper llitnr and truah. Tho campera will avoid moaaliiK up tbo pluco, while cltlzona will walk blucka to pick up a atray piece of paper. Now, keeping the camp ground toldy la a hopeleaa tnak. Kuch piece of traah makoa ao little difference In the total appearance that nobody paya any attention and the traah multlplloa. On the Itoirlator Jamoa I.. Heath. Kelao; M. M. 'irlll, Gardiner. Mont.; Ira Illooin. Wultaburg. Waah.; Mr. and Mra. R. H. Doraott, IJonver: F. L. Ilugloy, Portland; J. W. O'Connoll, Portland: Stophon Tarter, Alrlle to Fort Hock; Mr. and Mra. E. Frederick, Ilrldal Veil; Mr. and Mra. II. G. Smock, and mo Donnivan, Alfalfa to Moadevllle. Pa.; .Mylea N. Jonoa, Koaoburg; N. A. Foator, Koaoburg; Don Hllas and family. Tillamook. Thsy Serve Humanity. The man or woman who sits all d.iv tiefore the iolcrucope Is serving Im munity aa truly aa did any soldier lu the treiiih. An article In The American Hoy entitled "Slxteen-C) Under K)o" makes this prociiuut comment on the work of the scientific laboratories : "Srleiioe and the mlcroseoe are chiefly concerned now with the altera tion of the serum of tho human blood thnt renders a iH-nmn Immune from disease and the dlsovery and Isolatlou of genus of other diseases as yet undia cocrcd. All over the world there are uion and women engaged In this re search work In thousunda of Isbora lorles. I my after day they sit before their microscopes hoping to trace some sly microbes to tbelr In Irs und make their extermination possible. Through thla Wfiiulerftil Instrument humanity bus been frevd from untold misery and nn Iticnlculnble number of deaths and throuiih Its revelations of tbo future may come undreamed of secrets con cerning the very nature of Dialler and even life Itself. MAN'S BEST AGE A man Is aa old as his organs ; ho can be 09 vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with COLD MEDAL Th world's standard remedy for kldnsr. Hear, bladder and eric add troubles ince 16M corrects diaordare atlmolaisa vital organs. All drarfista, three 4se. ill Liberty, Weilnosilny end Tliiiisiliiy. JWOVIES IlKi OI'PoltTI MTV GIVEN IV NEXT rirkHillll FILM Mary I'lrkford will bo Been flrat aa a litlN- llelglun girl when abe cornea to I lie Liberty theatre Wedneaday and Thuraday In hor now picture, "Through the lluck Door." A combination of American and rorolgn locale, thla picture offera ex cellent entertainment poaaibllitiea, featuring aa It doea the world's great eat acreen actreaa In a child part, the role In which Mary Plckford haa no peer. The atory opens at Ostenil In 190,1, then the gayeat seashore resort In Belgium. Little Jeanne llodamere and her pleiiHiire-lovliig mother are surn merliig at Ostend. whore Madame Hoil.imiTH meets Klton lleeves. a wealihy New Yorker. After a whirl wind courtship Reeves and Madame Ilodamere marry. I.lttlc Jeanne la consigned to tho care of her nurse, Marie, for one year, against the mother's wlxhos and only because the huaband insists. Five years pass before Mrs. Reeves returns for her little daughter. The old nurse, meanwhile has married and has come to regard little Joanne NOT JUST MEAT BUT MEAT! O'DONNELL BROS. Winter Months and Cold Nights Coming! The old oil la the crank case Is dirty and gritty. The tummer grade of oil Is worn )ut, and too heavy for winter ise. This dirty and heavy oil causes the motor to start hard, puts an extra strain on the battery and starting motor, all of which tend to cause serious trouble later. Oil should be changed and crank case cleaned at leayt every BOO miles to keep your motor at highest efficiency. We clean and flush your crank case, put In the proper grade of oil for your motor, on the street. In your own garare or any place in the city at a cost to you of 60c and ' the price of oil used. You will be surprised at tie renewed vigor of your enr after we have cleaned It, and replaced the oil oil with the proper grade for winter driv ing. Call 140-W and we are on the Job. Deschutes Garage Co. N'ash Cars Federal Tires If A m u i r. i f."T W&TV as her own. She tells the mother the child la dead. Illamirig her husband for the loss of her baby, Mrs. Reeves becomes fretful and divsmlented. They return to America, but not even Reeve's riches bring happiness to the discon solate mother. Meanwhile war breaks out In Fur ope. Fearing for Jeanne's safety, the nurse sends her to America with a note of explanation to her mother. Circumstances conspire to prevent Jeanne from presenting this note. She Is forced to enter her mother's home as a servant through the back door. Thus does the story get Its name. In tho capacity of maid, Jeanne discloses a blackmailing conspiracy ugainst her step father, reveals ber Identity to her mother In a touching scene and brings back to this house hold the lovebird which was about to fly away. Peanut P.rlttle. made In Hond, 25c lb. at liuchwalter's. 1 1C-1 22c Put It In The Hullctln. Our Latest Offer We are ready for the Fall with a fall In price. MADE TO MEASURE Suits $22 and up One half off on every pair of extra pants, with suit order. SPECIAL ATTENTION" CITES TO LADIES' MADE TO OR DER KIIT8 AND COATS. We guarantee every garment ordered from us to fit perfectly Workmanship and materials second to none. DICK THE TAILOR 1018 WALL rHON'E Itt-W Inecto Rapid The Perfect Hair Coloring The hair coloring that both the European and American experts say Is revolutionizing the art of coloring bair. Inecto Rapid does Dot rub off or wash off. It Is not af fected by waving. Eighteen shades, including asb, are pos sible with Inecto Rapid. Just arrived, the original Qulmlian Face Pac. Leading actresses are using It to get and keep a youthful com plexion. Satisfied customers guaran teed. Mrs. Muller's Hairdressing Parlors 140 OREGON" STREET PHON E 26U-W PIONEERS OF PROSPERITY The service of electric light and pow er is essential to the continued growth and development of your city. As a purveyor of comfort and convenience your light and power company is a vital factor in the every-day life and progress of this community. It is a pioneer of prosperity. The electric service which we supply makes living safer and more conven ient, industry more human, transpor tation cheaper and more rapid. Elec tric service affects us all in everything we do in every walk of life. The people of your light and power company are at your service day and night. They have your interest at heart. All they ask in return is your patronage and good will your con stant patronage constitutes their re ward and your good will gives them the inspiration to serve you better. Bend Water Light & Power Co. Clr of Paintings. The pictures In a homo are npt to suffer from the lack of attention which In time detracts from tholr npponr.inco. Ml nilii'iiifa should be llt;litly ele-ino'l once a your, being wlod gently with very Dee apimvc or cbiimola leather wet with clear water. Do not use soup or any other cleansing snbstnnce In the water. Immediately nfler spon;. log pi. Illi the surf in e lightly with dry silk handkerchief. Jilt frames should be dusted frequently. A camel'a bnlr paintbrush la effective for thla. Fly murks can be removed hj the use of a little white of egg. GRAND TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY Two Shows. 7:30 and 9:00 Tom Santschi, in "The Desert Wolf" The Last Two Episodes 'Ruth of The Rockies" Juanita Hansen, in "The Phantom Foe" All This Show for One Price Children lOc Adults WE BUY . SELL or EXCHANGE Good Used Ranges, Furniture, Phono graphs or Office Furnishings ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS RENTED 24 Hour Day BOc All makes of Sewing Ma chines rented by Ute day, the week, or the -saonth. BEND FURNITURE CO. (Exchange Department) TELEPHONE 271-W 25c Usk far elMjaaMOMMUM