The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, October 29, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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thk nKxn biujctix. daily edition, iiknd. oiucoon. nati kday. owoiikk itr, mm.
Within the Factory Wall
1 stood a( though paralysed, with
one foot uplifted, a hand pres.ed
airalnst the wall. nnnhte 'to niovt.
There was nothing I could do to avert
discovery, no place In which I could
crouch In likllnc. The newcomer moved
swiftly, knowing his way through the
darkness, and I had scarcely opjwir
tunlty to even glance backward when
he rounded the corner and tumped In
to me.
"What Hie h II!" he exclaimed,
startled at the encounter. "Why. d n
It. Charlett, what are yon slouching
here fori Vou"re Chatlelt, ain't you?"
"Yea," I muttered, the assent actually
frightened out of me; . then added
lamely, "I couldn't remember the sig
nal." The fellow laughed softly, releasing
bis grip on my coat
"If yon attended more meetings
you'd he letter perfect." he said, his
English without an accent. "Where
have you been the last month out of
"In Washington." I ventured, pray
ing the swift answer might suffice.
"Oh, I see." more heartily. "So you
were the one Alva sent? Did the wom
an come back with you?"
The woman I Who could he mean
but the same girl who had been wait
ing Id the saloon? I had ventured al
ready too far to draw back; I must
take yet another chance, an answer.
"Not with me; that would be too
risky. She Is here, though."
"Good enough. That means money.
Let's go In."
He pushed past, and I followed, to
tally unable to determine In my own
mind what to do. The fellow In the
darkness evidently mistook me for
some one of the gang. His confidence
In my Identity as Charlett might win
me entrance but what then? That I
wag not Charlett would certainly be re
vealed by the flrvt gleam of light, and
I would be helpless. I was alone, un
armed, and these fellows, beyond ques
tion, were engaged In a desperate
game. I am sure I should never have
ventured It had not my companion
suddenly turned and grasped my
"You snw Mender, of course?"
"And he vouched for her; be says she
Is all rlghtr
"He chose her; that ought to be
"II II. I suppose so. but even Slen
der has made mistakes. Here's the
- He rapped lightly, his Angers still
gripping my sleeve In a grasp of friend
ship. I could have broken away, and
ran for It. but something mysterious
held me, some odd fascination of dan
ger. I saw nothing, heard nothing, yet
had an Instinctive feeling that a nar
row wicket had opened in the door,
through which our dim outlines were
being scrutinized, t held my breath
"Who Is there?" the voice was a
mere whisper, so close as to startle me.
"Caspar Wine." was the answer. In
the same low tone, "1C3."
"What wordr .
"But there are two of yon."
"Oh, this Is one of us. It's all light,
Juan ; I'll vouch for him."
The fellow Inside grumbled some
thing In Indistinguishable Spanish, hut
opened the door silently. Just far
enough for os to slip through one at a
time. I felt Wine press past me, and
Was aware that the guard closed and
barred the door, but could see nothing;
Dot even my own hand before my eyes.
A latch clicked softly, and a dim
ray of light broke In upon us from a
revealed passage beyond. It was so
falot as to scarcely render features vis
ible, and, as my coat collar was still
upturned, I pressed forward close be
hind Wine without discovery. I could
perceive something of the fellow now,
rather squat figure, concealed by a
long, shapeless raincoat, wearing a
closely trimmed beard, and horn spec
tacles. Ills features were clearly for
eign, yet fulled to bespeak the fighting
type. I placed him as a theorist, a
professor, perhaps, In some small col
lege. Hut my thoughts were not so occu
pied with my guide ns with the prob
lem of how I was to escape from him.
I dare not go on Into the presence of
others, where discovery that I was not
Charlett would be Immediate. At nny
cost I must avoid such exposure but
how? The place In which we were
gnve me Utile Inspiration. I. was a
low passage-way. Inclosed by rough
board walls. Instantly driving home
Upon me the Impression that It had
been constructed for the very purpose
for which It was now being utilized
a secret entrance to prevent any gleam
of light from being seen without. This
precaution, coupled with the tightly
boarded passage, left the whole build-
au i mui or r
I Could Psreaiva Something of tha Fel
low Now.
Irig apparently" Tlesoflea aiul 3osotnTe,
to any chance watcher without. This
was evidently no common, vulgar hand
of schemers, but men with a definitt
purpose In view, which they were en.
gaged In carrying out with true secret
efficiency. They were plotting revolu
tion. Oaly a strange chance had given
me the clew, and only a reckless per
sistency bad opened a way before me.
Now my life was no longer my own ; It
belonged to my country. I must live
to expose these men. But how?
My heart failed me as I stared about
at the bare walls, and forward to
where a heavy curtain draped the end
of the passage. This widened ns we
advanced, so as to form what evidently
had been designed as a cloakroom.
Wine stopped and removed his coat,
appropriating an unoccupied nail, and
I followed his example, rejoicing to ob
serve that be still remained so confi
dent of my Identity as to not once
glance around In my direction. The
fellow seemed obsessed with some spe
cial desire, for he swept his eyes over
the swinging gnnnents, and exclaimed:
"Not half of them here yet. I want
a word with Alva before the show
opens. Charlett. so you better go right
on In. See you later."
He pressed something In the side
wall, sliding back a panel, and disap
peared, the rough boards returning In
stantly Into place. I was left alone,
staring at the spot where he had dis
appeared. Beyond doubt the entrance
awaiting me lay straight ahead, con
cealed by the hanging curtain. I
stepped cautiously forward, listening
for some guiding sound from beyond
that barrier, afraid to draw It aside
and take a blind plunge Into the un
known. I could detect the murmur of
voices, several of them speaking Span
ish, yet In such low tones I could dis
tinguish only an occasional empha
sized wonl. There was no door be
tween us; only that thick, hanz'ng cur
tain, and I ventured far enough to
draw this aside sufficient to peer
through with one eye. Beyond was a
rensonitWy large room, but so dimly
lighted as to be scarcely visible from
end to end. I could discern men pres
ent, a number of them, lounging about
on choirs, their outlines being fairly
revealed, but the light was not suffi
cient to give me any Impression of
their faces. It seemed quite possible
that I might slip In unobserved, and
pass among them unrecognized except
through accident. But the risk of dis
covery was too great. I must find some
other point of entrance.
The private doorway through which
Wine had disappeared gave me the
thought that there might also be oth
ers. I dare not follow after him, but
If there was anuther opening to be
found I was perfectly willing to ex
plore Into Its mysteries. The search
was brief, yet the very nature of the
rough hoard wall made concealment
Impossible. Behind the dangling coats
I uncovered what I sought, and not a
moment too soon. Even as my hond
touched the exposed latch, a murmur
of voices In the outer entry reached
my eurs there were new arrivals be
Ing questioned, and admitted.
The puni.-l slid back silently In lt
grooves, and I peered through the re
vcnled 0enlng Into absolute darkness.
All I could be sure of, as exhibited by
the dim light of the passage, was a
single step downward, and then ap
parently a strip of earth floor. I dare
not wait and meet those entering;
there was but one choice of action. I
pressed through the. orifice, forced the
panel back Into place, and stood erect
In the Intense darkness and silence,
listening for the slightest sound.
I was still motionless, my heart
beating fiercely, wheii several men en
tered the passage I had Just left.
Tressing my ear against tlio thin crack
I distinguished words so as to piece
together scraps of conversation. It
seemed to mo there were three voices
one speaking Spanish entirely, the
others using Kiigllsh. Olio of the lat
ter spoke first.
" Tls a dirty night out, but good for
our purpose. You came by motor,
"No. Wine said that was too risky.
1 walked from the car Hue. What's
up? Io you know. Captain?"
The fellow addressed exploded In
"Why you call me that? I tell you
my nunie!
"It's safe enoigh In here, but I'll be
careful outside. What was this meet
ing culled for?'
"It was a Piessage from Washing
ton, order .uayhe, that we act soon.
f hope U."
"Krjm Washington? Is Mcndes
here j"
"Saprlstn, nol Can he move with
out a dozen spies at his heels? He Hud
a messenger no one ever suspect She
bring the word."
"She? A woman?"
"Sure! that was better. No ore
know her; no one ever see her with
our people. It was a good trick, and
It fool the pigs."
"Hut who Is the woman?"
The other uttered a gruff exclama
tion of disgust.
"If I know, you suppose I tell? Not
much, hut I do not know. They trust
her Is It not enough? Tls my guess
she come special for to do this."
"Slie Is a Chilean then?"
"Maybe; mnyhe American, Spanish.
Whnt difference If she be In our serv
ice? They know what she Is; tonight
she Is Marie (lessler It has tlio sound
of Switzerland. Beyond this I care
"But you have seen her, perhaps?"
"Not a sifcht ; none of the boys have.
She was to meet Alva at Times square
this noon. I went with him, but no
girl Just a messenger boy there with
a note In code. Something had fright
ened the lady, and she made a night
appointment over here."
"Here! How did she know the way
"She didn't, for the matter of that ;
But she had been piped off on Jans'
place, and agreed to be there as soon
as It was dark. I'm wondering If she
showed up; let's go In and see."
The three moved off down the pas
sage, still conversing In subdued tones,
the sharp accent of the Spaniard most
prominent, and I became acutely
aware of the black silence In which I
stood. There was no occasion for me
to risk my life farther In an effort to
learn more. I had located the secret
rendezvous of this gang of revolu
tionary plotters. I was aware of their
connection with the Chilean Junta at
Washington, and It would be a com
paratively easy matter now to rapture
them red. handed. I saw therefore no
reason why I should venture further,
or endeavor to learn In detail the na
ture of this message Intruded to the
girl for delivery. Sly duty now was
to report what I had discovered, when
the prompt arrest of Alva, and a few
others, would end the whole scheme.
It seemed simple enough. If I could
only find my way out wifely.
But escape unobserved was far from
being assured. Any retreat by way of
the lighted passage was Impossible;
there were guards there at both ends;
the only hope lay In a blind effort for
ward. I accepted the only course possible,
and began to feel my wny to the left,
skirting the wntl of rough boarding,
until It widened out Into what was ap
parently the larger room beyond. No
sound reached me from any direction,
the silence and d.'irkuess oppressing
me, as though they had weight.
Yet one fact became more and more
i clear the deliberate purpose with
I which this deserted Iron factory had
been prepared for a secret rendezvous.
Apparently, from without. It stood
grim, desolate and deserted, yet the
Interior arrangements were such that
conspirators could meet securely In
side, protected from observation. In
rooms through whose walls no gleam
of tight might be visible from either
street or alley. Only an accident, or
conitunt vigilance without, could re
veal the true use to which the building
was now being devoted. This knowl
edge rendered the peril of my own po
sition 'the more Intense. I could be
killed, murdered, and no man would
ever be the wiser. I would simply dis
appear, vanish, and that would be the
At that moment I had no thought but
to dlscovsr some menus of escape. The
knowledge of the danger I was In
robbed me of all courage. I was like
a child afiald In the dark. I moved
forward. Inch by Inch, feeling my way
along tire rough planking with one
hand, my limbs actually trembling un
der me. If I con lil only find some
opening; see some gleam of light;
break away from this terrible silent
I supposed I wns moving with the ut
most caution, every nerve on edge,
feeling a way forward with hands and
feet. Once I stepped upon a shell of
some kind which crunched henenlh the
weight, und agnln my groping hnnd
dlKlodged a (.mull block of wood, which
fll with a slight clutter. I halted
both times, my heart in my mouth, yet
nothing huppeneil, and I moved for
ward nguin confident of not being over
heard. I could not have told what it was
that halted me. I remember I (topped
as though shot, my very breath sus
pended, one foot still uplifted In a step
forward, my eyes staring helplessly
Into the hluck void. The silence wns
that of a tomb, I couid feel the
perspiration flow down my face In a
stream; It was an Instant of torture.
Then an unseen hand gripped me and
an electric flashlight glared Into my
(To Ha Continued.)
Fst and Baggy Trousers Qlvt Nw
York Drink Vondsr Pottntlal
Oriental Atmosphsra.
IMctt resqut) ou hot days among
upper Kut sldo peddlers Is the Turk
ish lemonade vender, says New York
Sun. Ho uiuy be merely a native
American In disguise, but lie adds to
the Interest of what might otherwise
bo a commonplace occidental trade by
going about garbed like a Turk such
us children are familiar with through
the pages of their geography hooks.
Across his buck rests a lank as long
as his body, and held up by a thick
strap slung over his right shoulder
und under his left arm. A sort of
Sam Browne, belt enclit ics his wulst
cccpt that where on the Sum Browuo
belt would he a phuv for bullets he
has receptacle for glasses. You nk
ti I us for a glass f lemonade. Ho
hows to you, and In so doing oper
ates u incchiinl.Hiii which spills from
the tank, through a bung hole near
the bottom, some Iccft'old Ictiitmuilu.
which fulls Into a glass ho holds tu
his hand. As the liquid neurs tbo
top, he straighten up, huuds you the
glass, and you give him two rents.
A more frequent spectacle Is that
of the Individual who Is continually
crying: 'ilclscr arhus, hetser bub
bus," He Is declaiming. In Yiddish:
"Hot pens, hot beans." Ills heating
contrivance Is In n four-wheeled curt
he pushes by hand, r'or one cent he
gives you a small bag, for two rents
a larger bag, and for five cents he
sells you enough to give you cramps.
The presence of the "Helser arliua"
man I a slgnul for the kids of the
neighborhood to run to their mothers
for pennies.
Audacious East Indian Bandit
The death of a robber king,
7-arshah Shlnwarl. Ill a private quar
rel In his native village, has been re
ported from Simla, India. His most
famous exploit una the robbery of
the Calcutta mall, near IVshuwur. In
lecemler, IIMIi, when, with a gang
of thirty men, he killed the guard,
driver, and llremsn, and ransacked
the niull-van, but failed to discover
the rakh chest. Not daring to return
at once to the frontier, he hid lu the
hills near Attock. A cordon of troops,
with police levies of every description,
was drawn around him. but he evaded
them, and with consummate Impudence
kidnaped the Hindu station mns'er of
Khalrbad only two days after the
robbery of the mull. Ho retired to
the Attock hills with his aptlvi
whom he then, as a crowning piece of
audacity, set on a donkey and man-lied
at the dagger's point along the (Irnnd
Trunk road to I'eshawar, acros the
golf links, under the noses of H.ooO
troops, and across the border Into the
Afrtdl hills.
Squinting Brings Wrlnklss.
Squinting the eies Is a bad habit
tvhlch Is rather attractive when young.
ut which will Induce all sorts of wrin
kles around the eyes when one Is
Coming to
The Dalles
Dr. Mellethin
A Successful Specialist for llir Past
Fifteen Years.
Docs Not I'se Surgery
Will Ho At
Tuesday and Wednesday
November 8 and 9
Ofllre Hours: 10 a. pi. to 4 p. m.
Two Days Only
No Charge for Kxamlnntlon
Dr. Mnllenthln Is a regular grad
uate in medicine and surgery and Is
licensed by the Stale of Oregon. He
visits professionally the more Im
portant towns and cities and offers
to all who call on this trip consulta
tion and examination free, except
the expense of treatment when de
sired. According to his method of treat
ment he does not operate for chronic
appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of
stomach, tonsils or adenoids.
Ho lias to his credit many won
derful results In diseases of tlio
stomach, liver, bowels, skin, nerves,
heart, kidney, bladder, bod wetting,
catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism,
snlatlcu, leg ulcers und rectal ail
If you havn been allliiir for nny
length of time nnd do not got any
better, do not fall to call, as im
proper n ensures rather than dlseasn
are very often the caifse of your
long standing trouble.
Kemeniher above dale, that ex
amination on this trip will be free
and thut his treatment is different.
Address: 816 Boston Block. Min
neapolis, Minn,
Woinsn Danes With Arms.
The South Sea Island women alt
down to dance and Just wava their
Is n Tare, Wholesome, Sanitary Prtxluct,
deserving of Mend's undivided support.
It Always Satisfies
is the essentiul factor in
Auto Repair Work
That is whnt you get from us.
We Specialize In Dodge Repair Work
A. W. Bontrager
133 Greenwood Avenue
i n i
i ti i
11 $325 ko.d Dtma ""yll
pH 12 Ford runabout i3 just what its name
implies it's a regular "get-about."
There is no other car that will take you
there und back again, quicker, safer and
more economically.
It's tho car for the man of action the
farmer, the merchant, the doctor, the
contractor, the collector the car thnt is
useful every day of the year.
Iyjw in the cost of maintenance, with all
of the sturdy strength, dependability and
reliability for which Ford cars arc noted.
On account of th(- unusual demund wc urge that
your orucis be pUcvd os curly us possible.
Central Oregon Motor Cot
Engage Winter Storage Now
J. L. V.n HulTcl, A. C. Clark, Bend, Oicgon
Monev can't do everything, but It
can do ever) thing that most peopla
want to do.