TIIK IIKMI HCI.LKTIN, DAILV KMTIOX, HKNI). ORKOON, MONDAV. tHTOHKK 21, 1021. FAGH 8 m:m Tit.MN h ni:i)i l ie Oregon Trunk Arrives. 7: SB A. M. I.onvna 7:30 P. M. t.-W. It. & N. Arrives, 6:110 1. M. Leaves, 7:00 A. M. LOCAL NKWS ITKMS t'liiulea I., (lint, Hltcr hotel pn pileliir. Ih In lli iiil luilay. fli'iuge Madden wiiH a i;iHi'hi;)i' tliia iiiiihiIiik Hllver I. nk". I-;. N. Nelmni nf Hut nt wi-h In ll-nd IiikI night on IiIk way In i'liitluhd. Wllhilll tli-nlKe Wi-llt to l(-lllilil'd IiihI night, returning tnd.iy ulili rur. I, . M Km.it t" I'm Hand l.nl light. Ill' . i. I .1 III I'l'I'lIM Tllllll day. In. II ('. DimIiIi went In Tin- I'll-h-a hint nlKlit on u nlmit hti"lti.'H ti III. Hiilialil Hi iiIi.vii nf I'l ! I n v I ! I . mi'-n t tin- week end luri-. nliirnlun lnl night. t'liiulea ll.iwi-ll nf Kilwull.-Wiii.il. In cspi-rted lu ll- tonight to Ui.il Willi T" lal ivca. II. I. Itiiyrc lift Ian! night for Portland to return with rain for I ho Pioneer garage. A. Whlaiuiiit l''ft town on liit ii Ik ti t ' train. I stated Hint he ' roIhk to Portland. K. I.. Payne li ft Inat n Ik h t nn trip to Prattle. II- will return with several Naah rur fur 1 tt Dcarhiilca gnrngo. Mian I. a urn ZI-k1t lift lnt night for I'nrllnnil. where nho lm taken position Willi tho Celmun-llaki-r Urn Co. J. K. Jonca, formerly stewurd of the Kinlili'in club, la now proprietor with J. r. Stephens of tho Dixie Kit chen, In Aatorla. A. (ii hhart. who has I fi contrnrt for carrying mull between llmd ami Silver l.nke. wna In llinil today mitk I UK. plans for Hi" wlnt.-r. Charles penny anil hla father r t il r n I'd yesterday from n deer hunt In Ih" vlrlnlty of ("rrareiil. Karh suc ceeded III klllliiK a burk. Iht-y report Minn Mnry A. Kwlng. principal of til" Crook County high school, wan In llnid ovi.r tho week end. vlnltlug with Mr. mid Mm. W. I'. Myers and family. Tomorrow nlKlit at 8 o'clock the parenta' imsoiliitlon will meet at Hi" IIIIiiodroui". All who are Interested In arliool itffiilra ar" welcome, the officers announce. The Sunshine rluh will meet wlih Mr. It. A. Smith at her home. inT. Delaware nvi-nii" all day Wi-diii-mlay, an th rluh la preparing In hold n tin 7 mi r num. 'till!" In Ih" near future. Dr. John llcaatm w an elected vl president of Hi" Homeopathic medl ral society of Oregon, at "a nn"i litg In I'oi I In ml li.-l W"ik. 1 1 -.1 r i n R thn ki'mhIoii ho presented a paper be fore th" society. Mr. and Mm.' II. J tlverturf nnd Mr. and Mrs. I'atil C. Klnic spent y"-ti-rday dark hiiutliiK at tho Watnon runch nt tho hrnd of Crook"d rlvor. Mm. king "hot Iht flrnt durk, while thn moil kllli'd thn l"Kal limit. I.. Amloa dorlnro" thnt gi-riio nro morn pli'iitlful nl SununiT lako than Im him awn thi'in iinywhrrn In hi IraTiilH, but thnt limy am apparently mifo from ti In hIioIriiii. Of durk, liownyiT. ho and I). I.. Jnmliinn and two otlmr nx'n from Itndniond kllli'd a MtlNfnctnry numhor diirlns tlmir vlalt thoro Sunday. I'oanjit Ilrlttln. mail" In Ilend. 2,rr lh. at HlH'hwaltiT'n. Uti lise MCTTKItM I XCAI.I.KO IHIIt AT IUCXII ItnSTtll'riCK Mr. Thoinaa Ilrownn, Mr. W. K. lleat, Mr. I'oler Murphy, Mm. Venler Ollvn, Mntmleiir Hvnn Swimnon, Mr. t'hurlns K. Wnlln, H. U. Wulkor. C.HI Ol' THANKS Wn winh to I hank I'ercy A. Stov enn I'imt, Anmrlrun I.eKlon, nnd all otlmr frli'lliln who nnHlnt"il ilurlim our aepiirollon by dentil front our beloved aim and brother, Alvln Ol son. MltH. KM MA OLSON. Mlt. and MltH, I'. U KKMP. Ilccord of Transfers raralihnl by Tha Paachutra Abatrart Ca. Thomns P. Kennery to Tlmo. Doylo, part of NV4 8W14, sectlim 4, 21, 20, $10. L. W. Elliott to 0. C. Hnnklo, NW U NW'4, section 3.1, 16, 12, 1. O. C. Ilmiklo to L. W. Elliott, NE NEU, section 32, 16, 12, $1. The Bhovlln-Hlxon Co., to Amos J. Erlckson, lot 12, block 18, Park addition, $10. LIMBERS UP YOUR SORE STIFF JOINTS WKATIIF.R cxpor.uro nml liinl wnik lniiiK paina ami urlir ill iiinv li aii'l jniiila. Have a liolil" ol SI. ..in' l.niiin. in handy nni li..ly fnily. I'rnrtrutravilhaut rulihwi. Soli will find tit onto it i oinlorlin rii:,c of w.irililll wilii ll will lr Inllnwr l I'V a r. In I liimi tlin olcnr and btiflii' im of in hitiK ioinli. AImj ri'lirvi-n iii'-iniiaiiini, Li.tticat llMif..!,;i i, rii'l.tiimainl Kilalim. I i.r li riv yi jia j.iiii' cncii.y. A: 1c your nriMnir. 1. 1 mi inn:;,inii- -jjc, ii.iK. Iiniment&a AT TIIK IIOTKLS I'll.. I Hull. Inn S, K. llnxK"io. I'. H. Ilrah". I.. It. I', nil. II. 1.. I.. Il. ff.-ll-ImiiKh. c. :. Alllhon, II. W. UuiK I. y. M. Kuiiitiii'i fii'ld, I.. I'. Ilni"". II. my M. (iiiint, J. II. Wi-h-r. W. K. uilii. Jani' it J. (fi avi li-y. Wlllliuii S Wli.'i l. r. A. fi. Krohiiian. Kpi-ni i r III. I. II.-, II M. Touiliiii.oii. I'orllaiul: S. 'Iiiy Wlrio'l. Mluiii'iipollii: C)iarl"N J. Il'llir. Ilol SpiIiikk; Jark Car ruMirri, ClilraKo; Chaili.a It. Ciiini'H, N.-w H. ,.li. -Hi.; I.. W. Ilowi-ll. IIokiII la. Wai.h ; i. J. Hardy, I'alnloy; Nor man Jarolitou. HlHtfrx. lloti-l Cory K. II. Mllli-r. Kan Kraiirl'tro; Marin tlcrardo, rrlnn v 1 1 1 ; K. C. Oi-rlH'r. Floyd Krlrlmm, A. I.lnil' r. K. llano. It. K. Thompiioii, On-Kuii City; C. I.. Krlrk..i. V. K. ICiiiii' n. I'orllund: I). '.. Itolilimtt, HI I riT l.oko. Wrluht lloti-l Jakn Kuinulao and family. Honolulu, T. II.; Mr. and Mm. T. I.. Kulp. Now York: II. It. Mot. ChlraKo: Alli-n IlrlKht, Ilrothi-m; N"d Murphy, I'alHloy; Ooorito W. Itoo. Maupln; II. A. Jotloy. Iltirna: J. T. WII.!on, llronkn-Kriinlon Camp No. 3. Ihmnliiic HiMi-l W. II. Morton. Vanrouvi-r; It. l.a Crol, Alhort Ciiylo, J. H. CiirllHlu. U. II. KiiiiIk. William Khorl ti. M"ihua. Portland; . A. Johimou, VaiirnuTi-r ; Norman Ki'lhal, Iloiiolulu; il. ('. Hunter, ( ill Sua. II. C; T. tl. Klnley. Tim Dullea. RUTHLESS WORK OF HUNTERS Levari of Wild Llf Areuacd Ovar th Wholrul 8lauohr of Larga Anttlop Hard. IiuCcmitlon lui Ix-en arouod anions thoe liiti-n-atrd In the ronwrvatlon of wild n n I inn 1 . over the !i lighter by huntera of nt Iran half the antelope In a lurt-e herd thnt mnke Ha huino In the opin country northweat of Swift Current, Snakntrliew an. The lo rd lived ui.iinleted for yeara and nt If n itinxliutitn niiiiilaTed anl tualK. Ifuiit"-a ln Kiin to ninke rlaiidea tine nil. I on the herd Inat full nnd kept up their ih'pri-dntl.nK during the winter. At the opeiiliuf of aprlnc not more limn 1V1 nuteloie were left. J rri.uu' In-i ll antelope, oiieo rlvala of i ti. I. Ken in iiunitier on the plulni of i North Am.-rli-ii have been nlm."t or j ter'tiliiati-d. Thin In one of tho few j w ild lierdi reiiinliilns on the continent. Whi n 'he llmlion'a liny r.iinuiny i Tl-e i-ri-! .-ii power on tho prnlrlea the lai d wlil.di In now rnpldlv aelllllg to fiiriii aettlem awnrmed with ante lope. Now- only a few hundredn aro left of the host. The antelope of the t'nlted Stnten have nbiired the fnte of thoo of Cnn ndn. Kxeept fur a few fugitive hnnda In ih-ert wnitea all the wild nntelnpo hnve dlvappeiired. The (,'rentent herd left on the continent In In Yellow-atone pnrk under sovernnieiit protiM-tlon. Smnll henla alno are flntirlahlns In Koveninii-nt pnrkn In .Montana and Oklnl a. Antelope are prolific and multiply rapidly under favorable con dltlotin. The Ciinndliin pivertiment hn bi-on notified of the declination of the Swift Current herd by hunters and naked to Hike Immediate ntepi to sav the antelope from extermination. C.ltl K THANKS WIhIiIiik to annum thn public of my appreciation for their seneronlty In my behalf In thn carnival con lent, I rot urn my "mnnv thnnkn." 1 1 9p RI.I.KM FI.ACK. Your Brother's Keeper If n man accidentally In jurea another mnn, thn com mon law boldn that tho full burden of the mlafortuno oiiKlit not to full upon tho In jured pernnn. and (traiitn him thn rlKbt to nook redress from thn man who Injured him. Thin la vnry Impnrtnnt to you, an nn niitninolillo owner. Atitniiiohllea cnunn thounanda of Injuries cvory week. For a rennonnhlp. sum you cnn purchimo a Trnvolera Auto mohllo Policy which will lift it from your shouldnrs. J. C. RHODES INSURANCE 8PEOIAM8T 801 Wall HU Tnlephons 7 "Goodbye Anxiety" 0 The Delight of Eating lies as much in the Service as it JfK-s in the Food Served Why Not Dine Where They Combine Rsjjlir DinriPir, $1.00; Sunday, $1.25 or a'la'Carte Service This Week's Specials l-'iesh Club l laftet, a' la A'cnier SlireJeil Hient of Chicken, a' la King WckU liarehll, Cluh Style Tcwlcitiiin Strati, In Caaeiolle NOT LIKE MA'S W 4 Whh'flioosands of jmaararrti and ncsrly every drag store now TiavinR s loach counter? one of Ike bisgui imioatrin fa Nrw York rCity it the daily manaiactore of at acswJ a million aartdwichi-x. Scirnre and imrrntion have stepped Hi, sod now. tiacre are special machines for cuttintr op bread, faam, ebkinem, and for patting the sandwich to-V. tether arid wrapfMu; it ia oned paper'; alto tfaere are formtriaa ft Snaking the snort liquid ingredarnts. like pttnento encoe. en huge qnaap titira. HUMBLE KAK'S PFOUD SPIRIT Job of Cleaning Aihcs Out of tha Cellar la In th Line of Salutary Discipline. Clennlns the allien out of the cel lar In ol.e Job ile-lk-nnl to keep a man htinit.le. The man who ran pi-nd half a day In a duxt cloud, enrryiiie htudiel Lai-Let after liuhel hnaket niteil ul'.h rludera Into the Slley Slid at III bo proud of lilma. If In an etrotlat hevond ti-... He liinjr think he in il..li:g a sood Job and I proud of hla work.' but beyond thnt be raiinot Co. With nil that life tina given Mm of fume and po attloti he nevenhelenn for the time tclns hna bee. une nn ah--arrlor. Nor k-III all bin fnme ViH-p the dnt out of bin cam and hair nnd the nintill cinders out of bin hint auinnier oxforda, - blf-h he wenrn for the Job. An ho ntnBsern down hla bark .vnrd. restlns a buahel lialiet on the place where the even lint before he buttoned s white broadcloth vet. ho will bo forced to reallio that the mult! next door hna dlwovcred the fact th:.t ho In Jnat orillnnry ntuff. He will know- also thnt the ncli:!ibom are onto him: he take ordein from bin wife an does every oiher mnn. and In time dexrwitln to the common level of common work. It In Rood for a man to curry out bin own antic. He will rri'.nt and nwenr nnd nwont nnd hllnter hi hnnda, hilt ho will come out of the ordenl. If he hnn nny nenne at nil. a little humbler In spirit and with R little kindlier fecllne townnl tlie mnn who tloe nothlnir but curry aahe all bin life. Petrol! Kree I'res. Surely "Some" Luncheon. A ytiunu novoliat who recently nihil to Knt'nnd to ace a dramatiza tion of a novel wnn Riven a luncheon before tho bont Milled. It was quite luii.-heon, too, hut his friend mum used to set hliu to tho ship. About midnight ho swnkencd sud the only light wnn the light of the moon thnt mine through a porthole. lie gned uut of II In fiinelnnthm for about half an hour, and then rang wildly for the deck steward. "Steward." he said, standing unsteadily, "what's the Ides of all this water?" New York Corre aHindence Indianapolis Star. Walnut Itolla. made In Itend. 60c lb. at lluchwalter's. 116-122c ;mmiaaiuiuiiiui:tutinuuai:ttunnuiuua:nnuu:uiut:ia Our Latest Offer We arc ready for tho Fall with a fnll In price. MA UK TO MEASVRE Suits $22 and up Ono linlf off oa every pair of extra pun Is, with suit older. SI'KCIAI. ATTENTION GIVEN TO LADIES' MADE TO OK IER SOTS AND COATS. Wo gunvnntco rivcry garment ordored from us to fit perfectly . Workmanship and materials socond to cone. DICK THE TAILOR 1018 WALL rilOX E 14H-W ft,Mtr,.,.,HiimimmittHumm:itnuuaauwiinnuiim: Pilot Butte Inn SANDWICHES ROMAN RECORDS IN AFRICA Discovery It la Believed Will Throw Much Light en Early History of the Empire. A discovery which. It la claimed, will form one of the fundamental sources for a history of the Itomau empire under Augustus hits ticen made recently by Doctor Ollverio, an Ital ian snvatit In Cyrene, the ancient Greek colony In Africa, founded In the Seventh century. A Morning Post corrcsismdcnt. writ ing from Cyrene, fays that exravntlnns at llengnsl the ancient Iterenlce. which b:ikmI In the midst of the gar dens of the llcsperfdeft, near the mouth nf the Itlver Lethe have resulted In the unearthing of a block of marble eight feet long, one fnce of which beora a flawless flreek Inscription of over one hundred linen; the transla tion of s letter from Augustus on the government and administration of Jus tice In Cydenalca. giving a wo. derful InMtiit Into the financial and Judicial conditions of the country at that time. Oilier Interesting nr.. Is are a sanc tuary dedicated to Knsteru divinities, probably of the time of Julian the Apostate, with a remarkably well-pre served black marble statue of an Egyptian goddess. An extensive Ptoletnnle cemetery also has been lo cated. At Apollonln. a Christian ba silica of the Fifth century I being ex envnted, nnd at MenlJ, tho ancient Itiircc, some Cuflc Inscriptions have been found which are hold to be of great Importance when the history of the Arab cono,uest come to be written. IIKAITII'I L- KTAK I.IKKH IT Kill OIKI. KOl.KK, SIIK SAYS Although Grace Darniond. who Is feutured In "The Beautiful Gambler," coming to the Liberty theatre. Is one of the most radiant beauties of the screen and adds dignity and distinc tion to the most gorgeous costumes, Winter Months and Cold Nights Coining! The old oil In the crank cane la dirty and gritty. The lummer grade of oil Is worn ut, and too heavy for winter ise. Thla dirty and heavy oil causes the motor to start hard, puts an extra strain on the Imttery and starting; motor, all of which tend to cause serious troublo later. Oil should be changed and crank case cleaned at lonst every BOO miles to' keep your motor at highest efficiency. Wo clean and flush your crank rase, put in tho proper grado of oil for your motor, on the street. In your own garage or any plure in the city at a cost to you of 60c andi the price of oil used. You will be surprised at the renewed vigor of your car af'or wo have cleaned It, nnd replaced the oil oil with the proper grade for winter driv ing. Call 140-W and we are on the Job. Deschutes Garage Co. Nosh Cars KexInrsJ Tires Jl MP A Vigilant Store That Keeps Its Prices Always At The Lowest Levels These Good Looting Coats Invite Winter to Come Quickly 25 New Coats Just in by this morning's express. There are some splendid flolivhin, silver-tore, velours nnd broudt loth In the niut-fi wanted browns, navy and the no-. Hum shutlew of blue that are mi popular. Collars of s uline, rut-oon or lMaverette add a note, of trimmliia; a well as Hurinili. One plain toot with real full skirt Im large shawl collar or nutria. All are silk lined anil Interllnetl way fo the bottom uuiing extra warmth against winter's ilreatletl chill. Priced at $25.00, $27.50, $2975 $32.50, $35.00, $37.50 New Fall Blouses one of the large' selection of Waists ever put on su!e at sutli low prices. JNew Imported Beaded and Hand Made Blouses at $12.50 Crepe de Chine Blouses, in pfain and novelty models, at $4.90 to $10.50 Peter Pan Blouses, of Heavy Pongee, Special at $3.75 each Your roM weather nrcd can heat be supplied from our lmmrnM Mofkft. Mackinaw, I father vesta, over ccats wool pot, blanket, comforter, underwear, out ing night wear, glove, and mittens at prices no higher than you expert Co pay. Alicays Pcys to Stop and Shop at MANNHEIMERS The Quality Store of Bend Liberty Tonight and Tuestlay. she chooses roles In which she can wear gingham frocks and cotton stockings, rather than be decked out like a Parisian rainbow. i In the opening scenes of "The ! neautiful Gambler," which Is from the pen of that well-known writer of Western stories, Peter B. Kyne, Miss Dcrmond Is the youthful daughter of a profligate who wastes his last dol-j lur at the gambling table. In these: I scenes the actress wears the very! simple garments of a poor girl, snd , she felt happier in those clothes than! ' In the later scenes, when she was ar-, ! rayed like the lily of the field. ! "I'd rather play an 'Orphant An-! nie' role than that of a queen of j 'fashion," remarked Miss Darmond,' 'while vainly trying to hldo her beau-j i ty under a mantle of rags. j Miss Darmond hails from Indiana, j 'was educated In the middle west and received her first stage experience in ; ' dramatic stock companies. She has been on the screen for about four, yearn, the last two of which she has' ;:::::it::Kiiy""i".:":ntt::y:i:::::iy:tK: A Benjamin Two-Way Plug is a bargain only because it is so useful. Every wired home needs two or more. Price, $1.00 Bend Water Light & Power Co. been featured In big; successes. Re cently she was starred In "The Hope Diamond Mystery" sod was featured in such productions as "Below the Surface." "So Long Letty" and "See My Lawyer." In "The. Beautiful Gambler" Miss Darmond makes ber first appearance on the screen In Bend. GRAND TONIGHT LAST TIME Pauline Frederick "Roads of Destinf Tuesday & Wednesday Two Episodes of "Ruth of The Rockies" A two reel Vcatern Drana with a (ire reel story and crammed full ol action Tom Santschi "LaRue of Phantom Valley" ALSO Snub Pollard and his chocolate drop partner in "Fellow Romans' Thit It a program yon will wal to tm