page a TttK 11KXD lll'M.KTlN, DAILY EDITION, KXI. OnKflON. KItlDAV, OfrroilKIl tUttt The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION aaaaHaaaat KTrr Aftamaaa Birattl Banaiar, Ur Tka Band Uallalln (lacarparataO BulwJ aa Hrnd Claaa natter Januarf a Mil. at U.t r-oat Offlea at aland. Oman. aaaar An 01 ataroa a, iaw. BOFF.RT W. 8AWYKR. ENMT N. FOWLER.. 0. IL BMITH Editor-Manairar Aaaociata Editor Advarttainc Uanagar Aa Xndapandcnt Ncwapapar. atandinv for ato aquar deal, claan buiiniu, elaan polltloa aad tha beat Intaraata ol Band and Cantral Oraaroo. UBSCRIITION RATES Oh Taar ts M tlx Mentha M.75 Tkraa Montha On Taar u Mont ha M-'O Ooa Month M- All luharriptlona ara due and PAVAUI.K IH ADVANCE. Notifa ol piraiion arr aaailad aubacribera and it ranawal la not ada within rcaaonable tima Uta paper will aa dtacontinued. IMaaaa notify na promptly of any rnanee a addreaa, or of tatlura to receive tha paper rtaroiarlj. Otherwtaa we will out be ic tpooaible for copiea mfaaed. Make all checke and orjera paiabla to Tba Bend Bulletin. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921. HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST: Let this mind lie in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. I'hillnpians 2: 5, 3. HORNER'S "OREGON" The Bulletin ha's received a copy of J. B. Horner's "Oregon," the sec ond edition of the work, and while It has nothing but praise (or the material included in the book it re grets to note an almost complete ab fence of any mention of Oregon east of the Cascades. The early history of the Columbia and west-Cascade sec tion is told with considerable detail but there Is nothing about the rest of the state worth mentioning. In short the author, like so many other Oregonians, knows and sees only limited portion of the state. One would hardly call the book history. It is more of a reference and text book. As such one may find in it in brief, topical form all the facts be needs to know concerning the chief personages and events in the development of the state (in the lim its mentioned above) since the early pioneer days. Professor Horner has recently vis' ited Central Oregon, we believe, for the first time. It Is to be hoped that his visit has shown him enough of this section to suggest that the next edition of his book will not be com plete without some treatment of its history with that of the rest of the state. America and England. My hold of the roUuile is In the elose affection which grows from com mon names, frmn kindred blood, from Similar privileges and equal protec tion. These are ties which, though Hpht as air, are as strong as links of Iron. Edmund Burke In Parlia ment, March 22, 1775. Loanttete, , a . . ' -Hu.'?!l J - aaa-i'JaW'A- W':J J, "MOTHER O' MINE" Liberty, Friday and Haturday. I Love Helen Ardelle! Don't You? She makes the most delicious Chocolates. You can't get anything to compare with them! And listen The Girl to whom you present a box of these delicious confections will love you too. You will find them only at RiDpiiriSRhumQs . - ' . . . T. . . . ' -w taiw as The Modern Girl The other day while chasing along the thor oughfare, my old bus blew a casing, and I was stranded there. I heaved a sigh abysmal, and started to perspire, and life seemed bleak and dis mal I hate to change a tire. For I am old and chessey, my hinges groan and crack, my ancient lungs are wheesy, and cricks are in my back. With rusty jack I wallowed upon the baking soil, and, toiling there, I swallowed about a quart of oil. Then on her motorcycle up came Jemima Ulair; "Well, in the name of Michael," she said, "you've grief to spare! Your clothes you're disarranging, your whiskers are on tire; you are not built for changing a non-skid rubber tire. Go, rest for rest is bracing beneath yon sycamore, and I will change the casing, so don't swear any more." And I had said this maiden was frivolous and vain, a modern female laden with isms most insane. Because she was athletic, and wore a mannish Jiat, I'd said it was pathetic to see a girl like that. Because she rode her pony, one leg on either side, I'd said she was too phony to be a good youth's bride. "I will not let you wrestle," I said, "with my old scow; man is the stronger vessel, in theory, anyhow. But since you've made the offer, I dotf my hat to you ; and I'm the champeen doller when great souls are in view." RHEUMATIC ACHES QUICKLY RELIEVED fTMIU racking, ntonirinn rheumatic ache i titi kty relieve tl liy an ou plication of Sloan's l.iniinrnt. For forty yearn, folk ull over tin woilil luvc fminil Skun's to lo tha luitiitnl rnrtny of pniiu ntnl m ile. II ptnrttitks without rubtunt. I You run just trll t y its health v, rtimuUlmg odor that it is going to do I you k'xhI. ! Ar.p .Vixih'j him!y fur netir.tlKi.i, l ii l, lame Kuk, (tit) joints, 6010 lilUK'ies, strains mid "rain. At nil druggists J5c, lOc, tlAO. Liniment BWrf Makes SickSiina Well hllnilyl,cmiic, urn.-U'r, liiMllhi coinitlvxwu uu frily DrJIobson's CS tcxemaUintniGnt eleven, Is not thrilled over the pi'im pert of nieelliiK MU'IiIkuii. The oilier big ballle of Hie wenlern eniiferein'eii helweeil WIkcoiihIii mid HIIiiiiIh Nhoiild he tine of (lie heHt kiiiiich of I ho day. Artealun Walor Always Warm, WilliT llovvlni! fiiiin deep ml. 'mIiiii wellii la iiltvitv H mi in, mi neoiiiilit of Hie liileriiiil In nl of Hi" enrtli. WiiIiiiiI KoIIm, iiihiIu In lli'tid, lliiti Hi, lit lltiihwiilter's. 1 1 0 -1 2 it iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiitiimiiiiitiiiitiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tniitiiiiiitiiitiiititiiiiititii.tiiiniiiiitinimiiiiniiiti.iie American Legion Men! IT Wit. I, UK TO Vnirit AIIVANTAUK TO TALK WITH VH THE CENTRAL OREGON ASSOCIATES Mb W ALL STKCKT niaiitiitiitittiutiiiiiiuuiiiitinimtinaiuumiiimiuuiwuiimttuiiiiiniinmuimiit l'olut plulim for n name oilier lluin j with the Nnvy when Coneh Chin ley! : I ill ley 'n joldleia Journey to New ! llitven to meet Vule. Tim CndeU hnve i the mil k hi km of one of I he MtroiiKest teanm In the earn tiiul the chnnro for' the Holdlerfi to add an elite ncilp lo their belt In very brlRht. j Syracuse nnd I'lttnliuiKh nro trud- jitlonnt bnttlem and Hie giuno In j hound to brliiR out the best In each : team. Ohio State, after heiiix defeat-j ;' tl by Ohcrlln. an Ohio conference SATURDAY GRID CONTESTS MANY (Continued from Page 1.) the real fight of tht day will be be tween Penn State and Harvard In the Cambridge stadium. Penn State has been yearning for years to got a game with one of the "Big Three," and the championship of the east may hinge on this battle, as Hugo lieidek has another one of his great elevens. For the first time In history, the Cadets will get away from the Went I mnn:u:n:i::u::u.':::i:n:tn:i;mn;t:u;nm:imui;n:iim::: Red Cross Shop and Wo men's Exchange OPKX 217-UIO MINKK 11I.1MJ. Vlniliy from 2 to B o'clock Rntunlny from 10 to li! mid a to 5 Hiiwilui?tniii!iiiigniraoriiiiiiii!luTTTtttHliiniuuuttittul Put this down in black and I T'S A FACT listen i You know what you're nlways wnnted a cigarette to do. Chesterfields do it. They not only please your taste but they do another thing Tliey satisfy. They give to your smoking a "completeness" that is altogether new and different. Those fine tobaccos Turkish, Bui-ley nnd other choice Domestic vnrictics are blended right. Just right That's why you get "satisfy" in Chesterfields. And the blend can't be copied. There's no use looking for "satisfy" any where else. Don't try it try Chesterfield. and the blend can't be copied 111 esterfie CIGARETTES Id Liooirr & Mriat Tobacco Co. Havt ynm aaafl fA ntm AIR- TIGHT tint afSOf Red Hot Specials! SNAPPY VALUES C'OMK AND SKI. FOR YOURSELF Misses' Ilrown Calf Oxford, low heel .!" Misses' l.rown Kid Oxford, low heel $1.50 Misses' Hlack Kid Six Eyelet Oxford, very nifty, prieed at $l.'-" Misses' :i lUukle Sport Oxford, low heel $1.25 Misses' Hrown or Black School Shoes at $1.50 Ladies' Two Strap Kid Comfort Slippers $2.75 Ladies' 6 Eyelet Kid Oxford, EE widths $3.75 Ladies' Velvet Kid, rubber heel, Nurse Shoes at $5.00 to $5.75 Ladies' Hrown or Black Kid Dress Shoes, at $5.95 and $0.50 Children's Skuffers, extra quality, lonp wear ers, priced at $1.95 Children's Kid and l'atent Dress Shoes, sizes 1 to 8, at $1.15 to $2.25 Girls' Kid, English Last, Shoes at $3.25 Girls' Heavy Gunmetal School Shoe, priced at :$2.15 and $2.95 Girls' Real Dress Shoe, brown calf or brogue, now priced at $3.95 Too many other values to mention. Give them a look. THE HUB Today October 21st is the Forty-Second Anniversary of llie 'hlrtir of thr Inramleau-rnt lamp, lnvinlet hy Tttomna A. i:ll"in nl Menlo Park, N. J., In IHTU ttlirn he wait thirty two )fri old. Several lnentcinii liai! matin InrMiulearcnt lnmx, mot of Hlilrli rnltrl of rarhon roU lieatisl lo Inrnnilex riu-e In a iiirtlat viieuniil or In an Inrrt koa to irrvrnt llir rarlnin from liurniiiK lip. Noun of lliem wrro uct(uI aa they roulil not be niude to lat. Ktery time you buy an K.IHMON MAZDA I. AMI rflehruf IriK tin aueri-MM of Ttioman A. Idllaon. you arn Bend Water Light & Power Co. itttmrtnnmmitnnmimmiTmmnmTmm Better to be Slow and Sure Than Fast and Sorry Juat lirenime Kpeml rop ilimn't atop you every limn you step on thn nccellerutor anil watch the illnl of your apeMl ometer creep up lo 40 anil 45 nillea an hour is no reiwon why you alioulil not uae Rootl Judgement. to your own speed rop. Jtememher when you ilrlvo too fast you en-' danger thn liven anil property of other people aa well aa your'' own. IIcmIiIoii faid driving damage the road more than anything elite. The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. ? . . it i V. a a ' W ' i.H.lIlIUtia.iitttmiaallltMaimMHm.Mlla n:iinmnmmnim:::mmunminiiiuuiniuintu:iimmmn:itiin:minmn:nuimiinmunm:mu Ex-Service Men who are applying for the loan with which to build or buy homes in Bend need not wnitj for the mon ey from the State. We have a plan which will allow immediate posses sion of good, modern houses. Titles guaranteed. The Shevlin-Hixon Company