page a THKREXn nVM-KTIV. DAILY EDITION, REND, OREGON. TlENnAY, OtTOIIER 18. 1021 The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION Brarr AfWrnasn Kiraat 8aa4a. Bt Tk Bn Hall.lla (Inrsraaratad) aaitarad aa gerond Claaa matter January IS1J. at tU Post Oftlca at BnJ, Oracon. aanar act oi aiarca a, laia. ORBRT W. 8AWYKR Edltor-Mamm aUNRY N. FOWLER Asaoriata Editor a M. SMITH Advartuins Manamr Aa Indapandant Nawapapar. atandinv for a aenara daal. clean buainaaa. claan politic tha beat tntaraata of Band and Central (JBSCRIPTION BATES B MaU Oaa Tear SS.OO U Month. 13.75 tans Hontna 11.60 B Carrlaa OM Yaar M.M tx Mentha .. . Oaa Month ! All suWripttoaa ara du and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notitaa of aspiration ara aaaOad anbarnbara and it ranawal ia n.n Mda vhhin rraaonabla tima tha lapr fea dtaeontinued. Plaaas notify na promptly of any rhansv t addraaa. or of failura to racaiva tha papar raraJarly. OtharwUa wa will not ba ra aymaiala for copies aliased. Maka all rhacka and orders parabla to Tha Band Bulletin. Tl'ESDAY. OCTOBER IS, 1921. SEEK ETERNAL THINGS: We took not at (he thltiss vhlch are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal: but the things whl. h are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:. IS. GOOD HEALTH I am the cheapest thing in the world. With me, men have, felt within them the power to move mountains to fly the air as birds) .to gain the wealth of Croesus. I am the Secret of Happiness. Without me the years are but a men ace; old age a tragedy. I offer myself to you and you do not heed. I bide my time. Tomorrow you will come begging, but I shall turn aside. I can not I will tot be ignored. I am the sunlight of the day; the Star-dotted heaven of the night. I bold your future in the hollow of my hand. I can make of you what I will. am the Door of Opportunity The open road to the fairyland of dreams. I am the most Important thing In the world the one thing withont -which all else is impossible. You ask me who I am and I shall tell you: I am Good Health. From the Iowa Norses' Bulletin June, 1920. Panama Hats. Host of the o-n:!led Panama hats re made In Ecuador. The material ia railed paja toquilla and comet from a palm two or three meters high. The leaves are cut Just as they are about to unfold, the veins taken nut and the fiber remaining Is dipped for a few minutes In boiling water to which a little lemon juice is added for bleach ing purposes. Each leaf has approxi mately 30 strands about 55 centime ters In length, although the best grade reaches 80 centimeters. The hats can be woven only during the part of the day when the humidity Is greatest, since the straw of the best quality is not dampened. A nun working six hours a day completes an ordinary hat In six or seven days, but on a very fine one be spends a month and a half; it is the labor, therefore, which makes the bats expensive. The most famous are those of Monte Crlstl; they sur pass all others In fineness, lightness ana perfection. Advance With the Years. To find life easy you must develop right habits that make life automatic. Men who develop riht attitudes to ward toll soon become unconscious adepts in things burdensome to others. There's real Joy in being able to sur pass those who would be your com petitors. After all It's Just a matter of being on the Job. The normal man dreads the day when he will not be rud at his best. It 18 foolish to Imagine that you will never grow old. That's part of na ture. The way to enter the older stage without embarrassment Is to rise with the business to where you won't have to do the physical tasks that require young shoulders. Let youth hustle the merchandise, you rise to the point of telling them where to put It Grit American Poisonous Snakes. There are four poisonous groups of snakes within the boundaries of the United States. These are: "the moc casin, rattler, copperhead and harle quin. All are easily distinguished by their large, broad heads, deep-set black eyes, small neck, stout bulky body and short tall. The most dan gerous of these perhaps Is the mocca sin, for It usually rests on branches , of low trees and shrubs and strikes at a passing victim. However, It will re frain from striking unless Irritated and will give battle only when teased or frightened. BlMMt Table Cloth In England. In the line;; room of fSueklnKhara pabce g h beautifully hand woven tablecloth that wus made for Urn coronation of Queen Victoria and Is large enough to cover table for tf-O diners. It hns only been used on live ceos'oni. There Is c !'.gnd that wine hag haver been spilr on the cloth, nd that ft foreeaai i:i iUCk to say who spills wise ni it RipplirigRhijraos jfVWt Mason Cutting Expenses "We must cut down expenses," says Warren G., aloud, and thus he charms the senses of this tax weary crowd; beneath our load we've drifted, and hoped to see it shifted; we'd like to see it lifted before we draw a shroud. "What is the use of working?" the heartsick voters say; "the tax col lector's lurking to take our roll away; he watches what we're earning, tax hunger in him burning, and, when from work returning, he jumps us for our pay. What is the use of saving?" the weary workers cry ; "of pinching and of slaving, to put a bundle by; the tax collector's waiting, his zeal is not abating, we hear his teeth a-grating, he looks on us as pie." The heavy burden never will from our shoulders drop unless there's an endeavor to make . expenses stop; the foolish bonehead spending, the wanton waste unending; and Warren's slogan's lending some hope to souls that flop. "We must cut down expenses!" No wiser word's been sprung since Adam built his fences, when this old world was young; until that creed is taken, and wasteful ways forsaken, we still must lose our bacon, by tax collectors stung. .:- ivr-'.. '"Vt.-.., ESm "Way e. infill. IW.GTimtlv Kimti Eitst" nt id,. .r.,.fj Wcilm-sdny mill TIiiii-.I.ij. Best Equipped Mine. The Britannia colliery. South Wales, la considered by expert mining engi neers to be tha most modern and best equipped In the world. It Is worked solely by electrical power, and Is prob ably the only colliery In the kingdom which doea not use horses and doe not raise a train of rubbish. Ct Watchara Are Slackers. At a recent convention of employers one of them muile the statement that the efficiency of Ms employees had been Increased 300 per cent by the removal of all clocks from the plant. There are many employees who pay more attention to the clock than to their own work.- MOVI17S ltlti.lT Of KII.M M'htT.lrl.lN tMI; The engagement of ). -. Griffith' wonder sperturlv "Way Mown Kai" opens at the Liberty t lieu t re tonight for a run of three days. Hustcully "Way Down E.isf In a picturuutlnn of thut delightful story of New England rural life which Lottie lllalr Parker and Jo. It. Cra mer, made so fatniliur upon the Am erican Mage covering a period of more than a decade, lly Griffith's treutment it becomes a new art. vib rant with a life that I all but too rapidly passing from view and Infus ed with realism and tenseness plus the finest mingling of pun oral scenes ever conceived for an American drama. Music adds Its charm to this swelling appeal and the combination speua a new lorm or expression to every sense that seeks the playhouse for entertainment nuil Illustration. It Is deemed eeiillul lo mlvlne the renders of this impel' that "Way Down r.iiHl Is going lo park the til. 'n lie from the opening pronenl tlou nnd It will lie prudent for you to make your reHerviitloiiH well In ad vance anil before the word of It singular power nnd charm put Heal ill the grcatcHt demand. Chanusd In Transit. A tenelier iisUcd her pupil to mg gi st a "iiit tn le sum; ,y the rln nnd n patriotic I'I'le fellow In the rear culled for "My t'oiintry, "Tl of Thee." Ills voire m so weak Hint I till tenelier eeiilil not niitlersltiinl ami a youngster near htm Hang out: "He wants 'Ills t'o-iniry Tls of llltai." ItoMon Tninser pt. A Parsunai Application. We have never stink to our neek In lllli ksiind anil stl'tlL-l'leil to get nut. Imt we know the feeling. We have tried to get out of dehi. Arkansas nrette. Mlatd Radiations, The rnilllllloll of heal uml llcllt Just show Hie fiirtir aiirfare la a mix Mire of raillhllon front Hie aim, 1 1 a sky mnl Hie einlh Itself, With n it Arngo iiiilnomeler of ierfeetei nl. Ill'lllliill, 1. Vllllnl. II repelled o Hi ('leui-li Heioleni, lina been utile to e. tlinate the relative iroporiloiin, u the clear iitiiioptiere of Nlee the earlli appear to be the source of utiotit 7 per cent of the tolal initiation; tha ky, of ntuMil '.'H per rent, mid Ilia reiiinlniler ri preient (lie poilloti com. 'ng directly from the aim. Orajtorsa. A ninn In pnr.o.i -.i-rn.-. f,.,, no little wants 1.. . ..., 11V . aUlaJaa LIT Safe Milk For Infinli & Invalids rsO COOK1NO .ha "Food-Drink" for All Ac. Quick Lunch at Home, Olficc, ami Fountains. Aih for IORUCICS. it-Avoid Imitations & Subililutct t:in:::it:i:::::::::t:::::ii:i:u:tilm:::il::::ii::::il;l::jj:::j:l:ii:ti:iit:iji:iiini::i:::itii:t;liititin:i:i:::ttt:iitttttiitiiii:;ttiitti::iai::!t American Legion Men! IT WIM. UK TO YOl'll AIV ANT.UiK To TAIJC WITH I S THE CENTRAL ORECON ASSOCIATES jl S26 HALL STKCr.T ilimiBUmiitmmillMliniBmiiiiHiTtmimtimiiiitmiimtitiwwmiiiwmii iiiiihiiihiiii n iip.iwttwtyt Wuk ackn)wttdmiMU to K. C. 0. The Mystery of the Cook's Pet Parrot rnr Che A FUNNY paper recently. a a SLIPPED ME a good laugh. WITH A wheeze about. a a A FAMOUS ventriloquist, a a a AND WHY he had quit. a a a THE VAUDEVILLE state. IT SAID he dlcover1, HE COULD make more Jack. 8ELLING WOODEN purroU. 7 SO WHEN I got home. I PASSED the joke. TO OUR cook, who owns. BOTH A peechleis parrot, AND A sense of humor. BUT SHE muffed It. BECAUSE SHE didn't know. WHAT A ventriloquist was. a J SO I had to explain It as AND ON the way out. I BLEW Just a whiff. OF CIGARETTE smoke. a a a AT HER amusing old. a a FOOL OF a parrot a a a WHICH NEVER talks 1 AND I said, "PolL HOW D'YOU like mm AND TO this dar. ITS GOT me guessing;, v WHETHER IT was cook. OR THE blamed bird. WHICH 8QUAWKED baefc. JHEY 8ATISFY." :tmiiTO.mmiutmn::immtuiMmirmmwmtraimmtmm Better to be Slow and Sure Than Fast and Sorry Just lierause a spenl cop doesn't slop )ou every time you step tin the arrellevatnr mo I watch the dial of your apeatl. otueter creep up tu 40 and 4.1 mile, an hour la no reason why you should not use good judgement. lie your own speed rop. ItrmenilM-r when )ou drive too fast you en danger the lives and property of other people as welt as your own. Ilesld.-s fast driving damages the road mure than anything else. The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. :gura;n:tn:tTttnmmtT.n.nTnrra p 1 n TiiinrriTTTiTnni ininnnntninnttn 1 1 Ex-Service Men who are applying for the loan with which to build or buy homes in Bend need not wait, for the mon ey fiom the State. We have a plan which will allow immediate posses sion of good, modern houses. Titles guaranteed. The Shevlin-Hixon Company auuiiuaiiuranmj PROFESSIONAL AND HI HINKM.S DIRECTOR Y CHESTERFIELDS spealt for themselves. They let you know you're smoking. They "satisfy" and yet, they're mild. An impossible combination, you say? Sure everywhere but In Chesterfields. The blend does it and the blend can't be copied! . rim sienie. CIGARETTE S fiel Doorrr ic Mrtu Tosacco Co. rnnimKa:njn:uKaimn:nanuamnnnnnnaniittnttf itoHA VAX AMiit iu.ii ;iu:kn Dressmaking and Ladle Tailoring HWO Portland Ave. Tele. 2I4.M i i!::nKi:m:nltni:minii:n:it:in:i:in:ttrtc:i:n:t;:(ni::!l uiwitummmaiuuiuJCTtaintnatiHUiiiiiB.'iitiuiutu1 Office I'hone : : : : 68-J F. M. BLOOM Dentist Rooms 4 and S, over Postofflce DR. Cm. SKINNER DENTIST Office, Room It, O'Kane Bldg. Phone: Office, Mack 236-W Office Hours: to 11 1 to t MRS. K. A. M'.NDIIKIUi Taarkar mt alaaa. Crarfaata af asarlal w". I"'"' 'r Hral at lal.a it! 2 l a. U,",M I Ilk. Halaa ll.a p., ,r. -k.. ml all at 1111 ranlaaa Aa ' liiuimtmitnitimiaitKnitoiunnmiiottaiutttutiitnimaJt miniaimntiimmtmremmimnniOTiuiiaimiiniiiuuuii 0ra PkaM 71 It-Mwiaa IK 1 1n TV r s. . H Physician anil Surgeon 2- O'Donnell Ilulldlnic t II . m t I to I a. aij U nnlsn imniDimnmnimninaimjmminiinnonanjraainnniil' immitutmtninifiimuuninuim! THK I,AW IIFI'ICK ok W. P. MYERS .Vow loenteil n lt,,ma 220-8 MINKR III I I,l vj w phono No. aa.vw 'mt' tmswinmfitmi R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNET-AT-LAW Rooms 13 and It First National liank Iluildlng. Tel. 61 (Dr. Coa's Formar OnVa) imuu irtnunutuniutuniainna CARLSON & LYONS PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and Heating Supplies Doth Room Accessories, etc., etc, Pipe, Valves and Fittings PHONE 159-J Kir'au:n:t!iUJ!::ni:tii:n:rtniiinuiKi:m!tiitn!uiitifi umuminminitmtiituim:mnnmttaniuiuimiinuiiiinnm J. B. MINER & CO. Real Estate MINKR IiLIMJ. Room S01 Phone KtaMV B .nnnaannanntn. O'Kane DR. E. E. GRAY DENTIST Houra: to 11 1 to 6:S0 - ""Wrs tu Appoint! innwmttiuijmiiiitiwH Ultic.''! M II laUaMBS DR. n. N. MOORE DENHSTUT Tel. 17 O'Kane nidg. -.M.i..wniini.Tnmimiramiitnmmimn3i BEND INSURANCE AUENCY Writer, of all klntU , in.,,, est ln.uraM Atmy In Cantral Oralmi n, v. KJ.I.IH Nstlonsl Honk Bid.., JWtui. Ora. iimmmitiiinaiiaaiianj iiuuuuiiuitiTuiimrmmrin-,n MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent for the CB!.N1 COIWKTS 1JF. "PPomtnituit 106 Columbia 8t. I'bone 303-M P. 0; Bo, 4fl first SOTmiOTmimumttiimatnneatmnniitnmttmiuirBiiii