TIIK ItKM) lit IJ.KTIN. DAILY EDITION, UK NO, OKKUON, MOVMV, 'MTOIIKK 17, 1021. PACE 8 MINI) THAIN HrillllHLi: Ori'iimi Trunk Arrives, 7:8G A. M. Limvns 7:30 !'. M. o..w. it. n. Arrives. 8:50 I'. M. Lcuves, 7:00 A. M. LOCAL NKWS ITEMS J. A. lioiliniiil of Culver visited In lli'iul yeuierduy. W. A. Plehctt of T 'i n Iml.ll'l Wild III II' ml I Mm morning. William Vim A I l. n of lt"liniiii'l In Vlnlllllg III I ! 1 1 t today. Waller Wright nf Terrebonne vIh It ! Iii lli inl yi'Mi-iiluy. WIIIIimii Krliiilx went li 1 1 nod l!:ur lnnl night mi u liiinlm- n (rip. Hull 1 1 lie n of A I fit If it was In Hem) )i'Hii'rilny, I ii v I n k lut night for I'oit IiiikI. Will. am liuiiglii "f H"llil li ft hist II I K It t III spetlll several ll)H III Ojl.ll City. Jnllll Klllher of I or 1 1 II 1 M Vlnll lllK Hli lil imp-lit hero fur u few days. Mrs. K. I.. MlllT of Pulnley In vl liliiK wllh Mr. unit Mm. It. N. Ilurh- Walter. Mm. II. Kmart mid Mm. I.. Br Iht of Itcdiiionil visited In Hnid yes terday. Mm. Louise Krhnefer of Diamond ranrli was In Ili-ml yesterday on l.er way to Portland. Mr. and Mm. Hhulor C. Kldrldge of Burns with In Hend yesterday on thlr way to Portland. I. Welnsleln and dutiKhti'r of lliirna were III Hend ycsterduy on thrlr way to Portland. I.io Wright and John flu pp. who iiavs been at lledmond during the pant week, returned lant nlKht. Mm. Cluyton (I. Itoney returned last night from Hood Itlver. where she tin been fur aeverul inontlia. Mm. Oeorge Kanoff and sun re turned last nlKht from lleii:nnd. where t ha-y were for several diys hint week. John I), roln went to Portland lust night for an examination III connect lon with hla service compenioiilon rlulni. W. II. II..II, ikIh-uc! nf l.a Pir.e, who rerently mild hla land In th Des chutes tmln to a large limber roin pnny, la In Hend today. A. A. Anderson, Mr. and Mm. Clyde M. MrKay, (ionlon MrKay und J. Al ton Thompson have returned from l.a (irnlide, where they drovi" last week. On account of Hie rrpalra now go Iiik on In tin American Legion butlil Iiik, there will be no Hoy Scout me..'- ACHES AND PAINS SLOAN'S GETS 'EM ! AVOID tlir misery rif racking p.iin. Iluvo a IhiiiIu of Moan's l.ini mint handy mill noply when you firl Irel ilui ni hi or ikhii. It iiii My I'iiM n llir !. niul wn'ln a 1'iliiiK of warmth tliroiii(li I lm oc Iiiiik i.irt. .S'ouh'j Liniment penetrate! uitlwul tuhlnn.- 1 inc, loo, lor rheumatism, neuralgia, St latira, sprains ttii'l str.i inn, still juiuu, lame I. H k Ull'l aorc nniw Irs. l or fort v years ji.iin'a enemy, Ailc yoiirnrii-l'o'ir. At nil liugi:it 3V, 70r, 1M0. Liniment I GRANDMA'S COVERLET RESCUE C.mmw Your Cnmolvtrloa of plrnf!. vn art.l tillMf fnrnil i i.f i tir-ririt. Km frcoty lr. llfilMwn'a ktMtwm Uint- fTM-nt, (aOtall Ut OTfliina, lirrilNtf alllln. n. tHhor vktn lrfrull. Vum ut Vl- Dr.Hobsons EczcmaOintmcat Iiik till" win k. Tim in-Kl tliiK will hit u week from tomorrow I) ! K 1 1 - Ci'iirtci K. I'nliy. miinuK'r of lliv ArniH W'lill" I.1111I und Color worka, U In lli'iul on hlx hiuiiI-uiiiiiiuI trip. Ilj will l"ii vi tomorrow for an out 1 1: K In tli-' nioiiiiluliia wllh (ii'iirri" Child. ('. A. Klrpplii. n iil "tuti- dt-alcr of Ori'Knn City, und ('. P. Tullman of Cri-kluim, who huvn bi-rn looklnK at In 1 U In Ilui vlrlnlly of tli-nd for ai-v-ciul liuya, I' ll luHt nlklit for cuntc-ni Orvgon. Tl.p liciid Commercial cluli la In r--! nl of a li'ttnr from Mi'lvlllo T. Wit... of Porllund. rrrallliiK a brar hunt ni-ar llmid III 1 B 9 4 wllh W. P. mid Dirk Vand'-vi-rt. Two bpara wi-re hiii-Kod, Wlro, Portland milliliter, K'-lll.'K on u of t In-m . The nliTi-nplIran li-cture on the lllhli' and Mlimlonn whli h waa to have been civil ut the lluptlnt church to nil; lit I111 a been poat poned, ai lr. J. C Aunlln hua found It Impoaalble to n arh ll'-nd In tluia. The dute nf the tenure will bit announced luter. Ml III P. The Prenhyfrliin (iulld will pro neiil Hie riimeily "Mlria hunan'a Kor tutie." with aeverul mimical num ber and a ailver tea In the Preaby lerlan church WednehiUy. (let. 1. at 3 p m. A cordlul Invitation la etleii'led to all. 11 3-1 1 4c NOT l: Wauled It r Ik ti t yoiiiiK man to do fall- work, with car preferred. We train you. Apply at o::re, llend llrdar o. 113-lHc ::r:::r .1 sp y P;. H.f The Part Which Wire Plays ,ThlH room brcuthea comfort a iiiliit, roatfiil repimr'. KverythliiK about It ImllcnteH nil urt. We curry our art behind tho wiiIIh, too whern the wtiliiK (liilelly riirrleH the current In Jimt the correct (iiiniilliy to III like the nturea 11 nil lU'lillllK 1I0 tlmlr part In ncciirdiinco with purpimo mid pliin. VlrliiR Ih not almply n mut ter of HtrliiKlUK wire. 11 la a matter nf know Iiik the enn ac.lontlnim wny to plnco the wlrea rlKl't. bntwenn walla niul ii ml it flooiM which work you often do not aee. It la nlnn a mutter of doing tho work of flcli'iitly. Wo will ahow you whnt wo mnnn If you will lot ua know when your pinna either for n new bonne or for remodelling tho proaent 0110 nro ready for wlrliiH and for lighting. Bend Water Light & Power Co. AT TIIK HOTELS PH.. I Unite Inn 7.. M. Klimley. II. W. Kleet, II. I.. Ilynea. David Itob eriHon, J. It. Dunbar, J. K. Ilrown. D. J. Hldwell, (ieorgn JoIiuiihoii, II. () llarr. C. W. Truilgeon. Hen A. Ilell.iniy, V. II. WhiH-ler, A. I.. Ilerg. J. T. Hardy. Kugeno McMlllln. Mm. K. A. Will. K. A. Klnclulr. John I). Williaina, Portliind: K. M. Parnell and wife. w. C. Chumpion, F. T. Slllllll. Itnli-lt Allies, Keullle; O. J. It.n.rK''. lmliiih; Carl Wodeckl. The Dull'": P. K. Jiimeaon and wife, Den ver: Mr. and Mm. (Spurge Stanley, II. W. Anderson and wife. Chiragn; Mrs. Merle Kvaus, Knnsas City, Mo.; Miss Helen James. Jewell, Kan.; It. Ileali.y and wife, Meridian, Texas; II. II. Corey. Herbert II. Iluuser. (Suy M. llnrris, Mrs. Ii II. Duiiciin. Snlem; Hubert M. Diinrun, Hums; W. C. Hol llnnhe:id. La Pine; A. J. Connolly. Miiiipln. Hotel Cory Nellie Uott, I.ee Kldg way, hhaulko; Mr. and Mrs. I.. 8. Dey, Silver Lake; L. S. Newell, Charles Mapln, Mndrns: Jack Itose. Winter Months and Cold Nights Coming! The old oil III the crank rnso la dirty and gritty. Tho luniiner grudn of oil In worn ut, unit toir benvy for winter Ise. This dirty nnd heavy oil causes tho motor to ntart hard, puts an extra atrnin on the buttery nnd aturtlng motor, all of whlrh tend to cause serious trouble luter. Oil should bo changed and rrnuk rune cleaned at least every 5U0 miles to keep your motor nt highest elUclonty. Wo clean nnd flush your crank ense, put In the proper prnile of oil for your motor, 0:1 tho at rent, In your own garape or any pluco In tho cltv at a Clint to- you of r0c and the pi loo nf oil UHi d. You will ho surprised nl tho renowed vigor of your enr nfinr wo hnvn cleaned It, nnd replaced the oil oil with tho propor ginilo for winter driv ing. fnl' HO-W nnd wo nro on tho job, Deschutes Garage Co. Nasi 1 Cms Federal Tlrva TO THE VtfA.ni l arni liurcaut have Vilved Vir l:li:u wool grower' ililciiinu '' leiviiu; their unsold wool and nuik i:if,r covrrl'-n rf woiiderfnl old le i'iiltirr arc of ohl mill lb.it v..i l.roiiKlit into u-c; M-.mc ol llic ri'-is:n and Mr. Copcnhav;r who 01 iin alcil tlic plan. Havre. In.; Cliff Hill. Heattlo; Tom Kei-hoerch. (Jus Plikollc. llutte; U. Meiiklrrliner, l.a Grande; Mm. A. II. Myers. Fort Hock; I). E. Warner. Laurel, Wash.; Joe Hlllbacher. lirooka-Bcunlon Camp.; F. 8. Mur phy. L. J. Kmlth. Frank Ileaslcker. Porllund: K. I.. Murtln and wife. Medford: Floyd Kerchern, Oregon City; Mrs. II. W. Hurulsh, Sun Francisco. Wright Hotid I.. Ash and wife. L. E. I.oftus and wife. W. 1. Ennl. W. O. Ie Vore. Leonard Aldrlch, J. Leo Lonegun. Dirk Trow, Hoy Amar- 1 and wife. N. Smith. Harold Win ter! und wife. M. M. Andrews. Miles O'Nell. J. II. Hastings. William F. McFall. McKlnley Conner, Klax Hoa- pler. J. E. llordwlck, Anderson-Sra-der shows; Jack Hose. Havre, la.; C. Hill. Seattle; Estelle Kulp. F. L. Kulp. D. It. McGraw. New York; F.url Stephens. Friend; George Craw ford. Arlington; N. L. O'Donnell, H. K. Iloss, W. G. McAllister. O. Seara. (irover Clemens, Portland; A. J. Coole. Pleasant Hill. O.; J. T. Turn er, Juliette, Ida.; Stanley Charman, Culvln Charman. Frank Poseny. Ilrooks-Scanlon Camp No. 1.; Bolle Jenkins. Burns. IHrnning lloirl J. Carroll, II. Eld ridge. John Peterson, O. M. Roper. Shcvlln-Hlxon Camp No. 2: M. E. Shoemaker. Norman Kcrboe, William Pukarlc. II. L. Throop. Charles Sin lens, Anderaon-Srader shows; T. G. Flnley, The Dalles; O. A. John son. K. I.. Walter, Vancouver: J. C. Thorp, Cornelius; Lee Wright. Seattle. JYJOVS ti KKAT V4.AY AGAIN' l.IVTO TIIKOt (.11 ;ltlKHTH K WORK All arrangements have been com pleted for the coming engagement of David W. Griffith's masterful motion picture elaboration of "Way Down East" at the Liberty theatre. The presentation in this city will begin tomorrow night and continue daily thereafter, matinee and evening, for 28 Pojn't a Foot. A mini should i llit 'J pounds to -ry fo t of liK iei When the Children Are Young And they need a roof over their beads, three meals a day, and a constantly renewed sup ply of clothing When for at least ten or fif teen years they won't be able to earn enough to help sup port the family, even If their mother does take them out of cbooI to work Those are the years when you need to carry every dol lar's worth of life Insurance :hat you can possibly afford. Then, especially, you should let Travelers Guaranteed Low :ost Life Insurance and ae :ure the largest amount of ;ood life insurance that your J. C. RHODES INSURANCE 81'ECIAUST 801 Wall BU Telephone 1 "Goodbye Anxiety" Silks and Wool Fabrics It Is a rent of the mind to every Home Sower who la planning either her own Full and Winter robe or that of her children, to visit this store ll.is week and enjoy K many beautiful Frahlc Displays. Also, the many small accesHories that rn'-un so much, in the matter of style and harmony in ilr--; or through tho aid of which, one may accomplish smartness at suiuil expense. Silk and Wool Canton Crepes at I1.I5 yard. Crepe, de. Chine at tl.SH yard. Mescalines at 1 1 .9 t yard. It Inch Sponged and Shrunk All Wool Serge at $1.75 yd. tit Inch All Wool Cassirnere Suitings. 54 inch Luporfe Plaid Skirtings at 12.39, 12. 0, $2 85, 2.V,. 13. "a and 13.95 a yard. 60 Inch Pulret Twill at 2.39 a yard. DO Inch Trlcotlnes at 3.25 a yard. New wool Motifs. Head and Chemllle Bandings, Tasella, Fringes, Gold and Silver Klouncings, Military Braids, plain and embossed, for Trimming. Shoes for the Young Folks First and foremost as far as Mannhelmor's shoe for the children are concerned that are made for service. Talk mileage to a man who bus an auto, and he'll evince great Interest ut once. As a parallel, talk long service In children' shoes to mothers and they'll lend an eager ear. That's why they should know our shoes to be good shoes. The lasts are specially constructed by an expert In these matters; the character of the shoes changes with advanced sites, so as to conform best to the growing foot. We fit shoes properly. Sizes 5 to 8 at $2.35, 2.65, $2.85 and $2.95. Sizes S'4 to 11 H at $2.5, $2.75, $2.95, $3.35, $3 15. Sizes 11 to 2 at $2.95 to $4.45. Our Scotch Grain Brown Calf Oxfords Is the most popular of low shoes this season for girls or women. Anyone can wear this low bee) style as the flexible shank permits the arch to be fitted properly. Every foot muscle functions as nature Intended. The broad toe permits every toe to have all the room it needs. Anybody walks natural ' In a pair of thene Oxfords, they are very smart In appearance for street wear. Priced at $6.50 Other models in Brown Calf, Black Kid, Calf at $5.50, $5.95, $6.50 and $6.95. and Black It Always Pays to Slop and Shop at MANNHEMERS The Quality Store of Bend i Our Latest Offer We are ready for the Fall with a full In price. MADE TO MEASVRK Suits $22 and up (me half off on every pair of extra pnnts, with "'t order. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO LADIES' M.E TO (lt DElt HUTS AND COATS. Wo guarantee every garment ordored from us to fit perfectly Workmanship and materials second to none. DICK THE TAILOR 101 WALL PHONE I IH-W iiiiniiiiiaiiniiiiitiiiiKiiimtiiiimmniKiiisjnnniiiimiiii:: jjiiaititiiiiim!ti!niiiinimiiiinrottin:iimiitiim!iii!in!i''i:1 A Graduate of the , Marinella Beauty School In Chicago will substitute Mrs. Muller in the Hair Dressing Parlor for this week. She Specializes in Face Treatments Mrs. Muller Hairdressing Parlors 140 OREGON STREET PHONE 809-W Shoe Repairing The oldest established shoe shop in Bend. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed AT LOVEN'S 1017 Bond St. :aa:aii!:i!:i:ii:!K:"B"""!:!::!:::"-!:!::!:" WE BUY SELL or EXCHANGE Good Used Ranges, Furniture, Phono graphs or Office Furnishings a period of three days. Again, as In the case of "The Birth of a Nation," Griffith has turned to a success of the stage for his mater ial. This time be has taken a play that has withstood the tides of time for more than a score of years and enjoyed an unusual appeal. The suc cess that has crowned bis efforts proves that nothing dies for this mas ter of the silent drama; no art Is lost. This great play lives again in greater scope and grandeur through his touch and vivif icatlon. When Lot tie Blair Parker and Joseph Grismer brought forth this drama at a time before people were accustomed to think in or of the theatre it was referred to as a rural play; Griffith has utilized it to bring forth the story of a woman's soul and thus lay bare truths as urban as Broadway and as universul as the skies. In this pictur- Ization spectators are transformed from pastoral solitudes to the glitter of city life, thus furnishing a series of contrasts that enhance the dram atic values of the offering. The de lightful comedy scenes of simple country folk are retained and even amplified, while the finale brings forth the great snowstorm scenes ending with the stupendous crashing ice-gorge, all of which are presented in a manner the public has come to expect in a Griffith production. The orchestral accompaniment is said to be the most pretentious yet attempt ed in connection with a photodrama presentation. The management of the Liberty theatre wishes to advise patrons that owing to the widespread appeal and vogue of this presentation it is quite prudent that seats be secured in ad vance and as early 'as possible. Reserve seats are on sale at Hor ton Drug Co. Red Cross Shop and Wo- men's Exchange OPEN 217-240 MINER RIJK3. H Wednesday from 2 to B o'clock jj j) Sat unlay from 10 to 13 anil 2 to 5j ELECTRIC VACVVM CLEANERS RENTED 4 Ilonr Day 00c All makes of Hewing Ma chines rented by the day, the week, or the month. BEND FURNITURE CO. (Exchange Department) TELEPHONE 871-W FURNACES PIPE AND PIPELESS SHEET METAL AND ROOFING Wm. MONTGOMERY Minnesota St, i I All Radiators Repaired, Rebuilt, Recored New Ford Guaranteed Radiator. Stop those) leaky rear wheels with C. A M. Oil Retainer for Ford ram and trucks. Ijangbcin 4 Speed Auxiliary Trans mlwilon for Ford ears and truck. Hlmplez Ball Thrust Hearing lor Ford cars. Aluminum Repairing Auto & Radiator Shop III IRVING AYR. Phone Sttrt-W (tea. 301-. luuuuiinrmmmitujiuimuuiintuiiimniiiiiiirtiiituaui