THK liKXO nf l.I.KTIN, DAILY EDITION. TlKXn, ORKOON, NATl Itl.AY. OITOHKIl tout The Bend Bulletin l ii 1 1 a fi ajy. ja-aj. a Jiitoajr. IMCE 4 DAILY EDITION Bear Aft.rneaa Kieeat Sanaa. 7 T1m Haral Bnlletla llnnnniiMl Vntaraa ma Second rlaaa matter January I. 1(17, at tl.a Pot Office at Bend. Orecoa. Act IX MITCH t, 1S7. BOnKRT W. SAWYER Edltor-Manarer BNBY N. FOWLER Aoemtt Kailer 0. B. SMITH Advertising Manager Am Independent Nevrapaper, tandina- (or mm aeuare deal, clean biMineu. clean pftlitk- mm taa beat mtaraata o( ttcnd and Central SUBSCRIPTION KATKS Br alall Or Tear ivoo Su Mouth. :.:.". Thraa Months $:.&- B Carriar Oh Tear .S0 U aloith. 3.6.; Oaa Month 10.60 All atiburrii'tiona ara due and PAYAIU.K IN AUVANCK. Nolieea o( expiration are Mid subttribera and If renewal w not aaade within rcaaonabia time the laier wdi mm dtacontiuued. Plaaaa notitv ua promptly of any fhanc af addreaa, or of failure to reoeire me paiMT aearalarty. Otheraue e will not be re ponaibla for eopie mbseiL Make all rheeka and ordera payable to Tba bend Bulletin. eSTta SATURDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1921 THE WAY TO FREEDOM Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8: S2. GOOD TIMES AHEAD Is within our reach in of Prosperity America. All we need to hare and to hold it Is a sane, sure grasp on its simple elements. They are Industry, Integrity and Faith. These are the cardinal virtues of human relations. They are the under pinnings of healthy, natural business life and the foundation of a whole some social system. They are the fountainhead from which progress springs, A well-known business economist has called them the "Fundamentals Prosperity." Buying is the backbone of prosper ity. An active market means more employment, steadier earnings; bene fits are passed aronnd. The call of today is for cheerful thinking, willing working and con structive action by you everybody NOW. Tomorrow's change for the better will come about through the combin ed efforts of each and -everyone of us. By sheer force of numbers and co operation, by the high power of heart and mind, we can put business on firm, stable basis. We can do this because all of the material factors making for better business are right. Let us link our faith with Indus try, our vision with courage, and forge ahead. Let's make an uncommon effort to ward a common end Good Times. A message from the Associated Ad vert'slng Clubs of the World. COMMUNICATIONS TRAFFIC SUGGESTIONS MADE Bend, Ore., Oct. 12, 1921. To The Editor: You asked for suggestions on auto mobile parking on business streets. Here's one. The system adopted In Pendleton is very practical a reserved and marked strip along the center of streets in which cars are parked in oblique positions, being entered from either side. The several advantages of this system are obvious. On the Pacific and the Columbia River highways the custom of dim ming lights when meeting other cars is practically- universally observed, there being very few violations of this requirement. This does not seem to be observed by drivers in the rural districts in Central Oregon. Furthermore horsedrawn vehicles do no', carry head or tail lights, as re quired by law. The pitch of lights on autos, as required by law, do not per mit a driver to see the road very far ahead. Consequently he comes suddenly upon a load of hay or wood when to all appearance the road ahead Is clear. In the event of collis ion and damage In circumstances would most likely fall upon the driver of the horsedrawn vehicle. ' Motorist are entitled to protection through the enforcement of the law pertaining, to lights on vehicles of whatever kind. I hope this' observation will be as welcome as suggestions called for on street parking. X. Y. Z. Motor .Madness My shining car no more you see around my stately residence; the windshields hanging from a tree, the axles are astride a fence, and wearily my weird I dree, and wonder why I have no sense. "Don't go so fast," I have been told by many wise and nrudent guys, "or soon a wooden box will hold a delegate about your size;'' their counsel was as good as gold, but prudent counsel I despise. And so I stepped upon the gas and made my gilded wagon fly, and I would let no auto pass, however fiercely it might try; and sage advice like sounding brass appeared to me, as I whizzed by. "I've warned you once, I've warned you twice," the friendly speed cop to me said, "and if I have to warn you thrice, a prison cot will be your bed; or maybe you'll be laid on ice, with tapers at your feet and head." My pastor urged me to reform, and use my small supply of brains; 'all day," he said, "the sapheads storm along the pike in noisy wains, and soon the coroners will swarm, and sit on your and their remains." And so I went my dippy way, and laughed at max ims and at saws, at frantic speed I pushed my dray, and busted all the traffic laws ; and now you see me here today, the worst old wreck that' ever was. Learned surgeons trv to make me straight, but they are worried and perplext; apothecaries near me wait, and pastors, with their timely text; and staid morticians, at the gate, are saying that their turn is next. r sV. 'J m i L. Rear Admiral Newton A. McCuIly, United States Navy, is a bach elor. When the people of the Crimea fled en masse last winter before the Russian Red Butchers, thousands of children were left without par ents. McCully's ship was at Sebastapol, and he picked up the six waifs shown above He brought them to America on his shipand has legally adopted them. They are shown going to school in Washington, where Bachelor McCully has set up a home at last (or himself and them. Lines to Be Remembered. He who rails In the aid of an eounl endrrstandine douliles his own; and be who profits hy a superior under standing raises his powers to a level with the height of the superior under standing that be unites with. Edmund Burke. Why It Exists. An Arizona entomologist rlnlnis in have discovered usefulness in the eh!-. ser. Wt don't know hat It is. hut our guess is that the chL-ger prists solely for the purpose of giving neoi.le something to do when they might oth. erwise be comfortably doing nothing. Seemtd Only Explanation. Wilbur hail Keen the vnrtntis ped dlers coino through the alley with horses and wagon pulllns their ware. S.i when the sclxwu-e, grinder appeared one dny currying the bulky machine on his hack there seemed to he hut one explanation possible to the hid. When the man ciime near enough Wil bur asked sympathetically: ".Mister, Is your horse dead?' Inventor Well Rew.-raed. For his Invention of l.ul,l,; metal, a soft, antifriction alloy u.ed for hear logs. Iaac llal.Mtt reeehed reward of Stfi.firio fri r-',",-,w.t Dutch Concsrt. A Dutch concert Is a so-called con cert In which every man sings bis own song at 'he same time that his neigh bor U also singing Ills, a practice not necebsarily so national as convivial. There Is mmtVr form of Dutch con cert in wlilcli e.ich person sings in t jrn one verae of any he pleu. some well-t:Down chorus being used n a burden after t-ech verse. When every persou has nitig, all sing their repec tlve rong. slmulti.i.eous'y as a grand llnale. . , TLhc Central rcflon-SBanF. D. E. HCXTErt, Fresldent CAKI.KTOX n. KWJFT, Vice President E. P. MAHAFFEV. Vice Pres. and Manager H. M. STEPHENS, Cashier BEND, OREGON Your Obligations Are More Easily Met When They Are Paid by Check- It's that "always knowing just where you stand financially" that assures the most eco nomical handling of money. And the surest way of having an exact accounting of your financial affairs is by putting your money in a bank and paying your bills by check. The management of this bank exercises every effort to give its customers the most satisfactory service. We extend to you a courteous invitation to open a checking or 3aving3 account with us. he GEeniral COrcflou gemij K. HUNTER, PraiMeot E. P. MAHAFFEY, Vice President i ill1 NOW IS THE TIME! The mills are putting on "more mm. There a re not any idle men in the city now. More must come in. Bend is shy of homes right now. , If you want it home at a reasonable juice and easy terms, now Is the time to get it. Don't delay. Bend Investment Company (The House of Service) ailS' -' : i ' i ' S: I' ! r - uHHemliled fur a motion pleturo pro dui'tinii wim eiiKiiKi'd In the making of this work mill it end In n thrilling climax of Hpefturutiir an-Meit uinlil the veering fluwa of n New Kniiliind lll Kurd iitul the explosive tireuking of u river lee gorge, ull of which enthnill ux only a ('rlfflili effort run move iimlieiices. The tender luoineiitH. tin triiKlc episodes, the IhiikIiiiIiIk hIIiiii- tloiiN mid the Hilrrlng hcciici urn ac cent tinted by iiiiiiNiuil oicheHl nil nr coiiipiiiiiiiieiit, pronounced the moat t i ti I It I 1 1 h yet iitiempt lii I ho theutrn. Ilka Father. Like Daughter. The trio I. n. I. a of the ruthcr nre nienlly him, ted .on to ill, dnutrhter, while the ami Inherit tlioax nf the mother nill'IDUIl OM WAKI wn.tUM.roa mloovction. tiraiiil mihI humtiy. PIPE OIUJAX INSTALLED Ft 111 I.IHKItTV ItEtfPK.MNti Announcement hns been made of the reopeuliiK of the Liberty theatre Tuesday nlnht. with the plcturliution of one of the oldest, yet, most dod- uliir stories ever told on tho screen: "Way Down Kant." t'liimual interem in attached to this opening ierfrmaucp owlnit to the fact that it will be the Introduction of tho flint pipe ornan In llend. A Wurlitxer unit orKan haa been Initiall ed and the entire theatre has been refinished and decorated, during the time It haa been cloned. If poanlble, "Way Down Kant." pro duced by D. W. Griffllh the Keniun of I the acrccn blda fair to ecllpne even the enormous vokuo enjoyed by "The Illrth of a Nation." This plcturitation of the famous staRc succens furnlnhed by Lottie I'.lair Parker and Joiu-ph Orlsmer Koes much farther than the original tale. .Mr. Griffith lias begun where they halted, lie has not made It a provincial thing; attempting to ex plain nothing he haa welded a theory of eternal love and In so doing has removed his people from time and period. 1'onnpRned of a vlnlon and mentality too great to be handicap-' ped by anything, he has brought I forth an epic far more than clever Our Brown Bread -full of nutri and easily di- stomach.H Is made of wheat flour tion, delicious in flavor, jested. It makes healthy and hearty bodies. If you are a pure food advocate, or just a lover of good things to eat, you will he delighted with our Hrown IJread. Place your order today. American Bakery Two StoreH Oregon St. and Newport Ave. It has the ring of genius. The simple fun of plain people is brought forth ! in greater measure than the stage i nlav version could ever bone to attain i and offers keen contrast to the suf fering and woe of Anna Moore, her ' hopes and struggles. Probably the grentent cast of capable players ever il?.?.!.nmTOn!''m''m:"!mmramn' ........,.,......1..,MJ.liWUU0; Better to be Slow and Sure Than Fast and Sorry-- June l.iM-nu.e a speed rl iloean't atop )ou every time you step on the acrrlliTittor anil watch the illnl of our speed ometer rreep up lo 40 and 4.1 mllea an hour I no rca.on j.... ..i Mi-e, K'""i jimgemeni. iio your own cop. IteinenilM-r when you drive loo fnt you rn danger tho Uvea and properly of oilier people n well a your own. Ilealde faat lrlvln damngea Hip road more llinn anjllilng elxe. The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. i:auaii:i:a:::a:iia:aiaaiaia::ai!::uajuu:a:i:aiiiauimiiaa:!uiiim:iuimiiuiniii:aiii!:mim:iiuaiaan Do Not Wait Too Long Jack Prnat la wnltlnK Junt around Hie corner wllh Ills Mipply of miiiw and aleet ami lee, anil llrtl tiling you know your car will lie out In Hie rold. And ull Hie good lorauo pliiee In our IiIk, linn Kiiiigo ImiIIiIIiik will he inagil for Hie winter montlis. To leave your car out to stand the weather roatN more money than our monthly storage rale. KniriiKR your apace la available. whiter storae quarters now while Convenient location building unurpncd In tho city. Itn'es lo o.Ter. no morn than others charge who have leas Central Oregon Motor Co. Fold Hales and Service ' llend, fh-cgon