1 PAGE 4 TIIK IlKXD IU'UJCTIN. DAILY EDITION. HEM), OUKGOX. KltlDW, OfTOIIKIt l. I Will. NEW CAMP STARTS LOADING OF LOGS Brief Notice of KeopoTtliits Siirtlilenl To lnl Cnmp In M;', Assemble Men, Anil Stnrt 1'roduct Ion. 15, Hond 0. Fourth Quarter Norcott dropped NicNool.v's lateral pass. Hudmond recovering. Kendall made two. Redmond pennlliod five, offside. Kendall made three und Oil lotto throe, the bull going to I lend on downs. McNeely lost five. Norcott punted 25 lint both siih'9 were offside. Ilird- l.oadiiiR of Iors at Drooks-Scanlon gall made two. YicNoely punted 30 Camp No. 3 actually started yester- ( cilleite. who made five, lllllette day despite the fact that a complete made throe. Gilb.aith substituted for crew hua not been secured for lop- Wallace. Cillotie i.i.ide n yard and ging at the new point. The canr had n.,,,, foMr. i;.u t;)!i'j attempted goal j ?t .'h.. Su.? o, o'rcKo" been idle for nearly a year, and , kick fuilod. for the purpose of obtainlue nersonal Ilend took the ball on the 20 yard i service of the petition herein and this line. A pass was Incomplete. Ilinlsull ' order upon hint, but that they have tliii 17th day of September. 1921. It. S. HAMILTON. Notary Public for Oregou. Notarial Seal My commission expires July 20, 1922. OKPKR TO SHOW C.U'SK It appearing to the court from the foregoing petition that Uohort I. l'arrott. father of the child therein mentioned, has not given hia written consent to her adoption by the pet it loners. It further appearing from the af fidavit filed heroin of Oeorge A. rat kins, one of tl'.o said petitioners, that the petitioners have used reasonable CI.ASSII 1KI AOYKIP'ISINO FOR SALE cision Saturday by mill officials lu favor of a third shift was the first warning received by S. A. Blakeley. logging superintendent, that woods production would have to be increas ed, At first it was thought that the new shift might have to run for a time on the slight log surplus already made two. Norcott kicked 40. dlllette been unable to do so, nnu that It will bo necessary to serve notice of said fumbling and recovering for no gain. petition upon him by the publication Two passes were Incomplete, liar-' thereof : ton punted 30 to Plakeley. who made NOW. THEREKOMK, It is hereby 13. Norcott made three. McNeely two. 0nRl.JE1l) ,! ,n " hold up- , , on said petition on Monday, Novoiu- Norcott passed to Claypool for ls.(ber 14lh 1921 , ,wo oVU)ck p , Norcott made two and passed to Clay-1 at the office of the county court in on hand, but a skeleton crew was ; pool (or lM KruSall made two. Mc-he courthouse lu Bund, Deschutes rapidly assembled, the camp put in , Neoly two. Norcott lnade ,eTen. The j Jbo ''it'ob Znt shape for use. and loading started. ollt for Gales. noll(i ost B lird on a hereby required to appear and show only a few hours after the mill shift fumble which was recovered. Norcott cause, If any there be. why the said began work Wednesday at midnight. COURT CONTINUES NON-SUPPORT CASE George Child, charged with non support, asked this morning for fur ther time In which to plead when ar raigned before Justice of the Peace E. D. Gilson. The case was continued until 10 o'clock Monday morning. REDMOND TAKES FOOTBALL GAME passed, Kendall touching the ball, which was caught by Johnson for a touchdown. Goal was missed. Score, Redmond 15. Bend 6. Kohfield kicked off for Bend 40, Gillette returning 13. A line plunge failed and a pass was incomplete. petition should not bo irranted I It is further OKDEUEl) that notice be given of the time and place of said hearing by the -publication of said petition and this order, once a week for three successive and conse cutive weeks. In a newspaper pub lished and of general circulation in Deschutes county. Oregon: that the KOIt SAI.K lieo speed wiiiton; Just overhauled and paiuiod: Jliiiuin. Kurd Iiiik; n dandy Utile car lu (list class condition: $2ii(l.lMI. DKSl'lll Ti:S C.Ut AUK TO. Nash Cars federal Tiros 110-11 2c KOIt SAI.K Six room modern honi.e furnished or tinfiirniHhod ; will take car or small delivery truck for part Ilrst payment. 412 Delaware ave. ST-lIlp KOU SALE By non-resident, two room house and garage; also bed steads, sowing machine and other f ii in 1 1 u re. Cull before Sunday at 9!M Colon st. 7S-I I 0-1 I2p KOIt SALE Oood. snappy limb wooil from timber loKgcd last year: don't coufuso this with old lifeless limb wood, l'honn 2:tt-V. H7-I09-I Up h'Oll SALE Apples; I am soiling n good grade of rooking apples tit $1.10 per box. II. J. Lindsay, Hood ltlver, OroKon, U. K. P. No. It. r.s-iuii-i i!c Dahl went around end for IS. Barton ! last publication shall be not less than passed to Gates for eight Score. Redmond 15, Bend 6. The Lineup yards. (Continued from Page 1.) Redmond Holloway Hauser Doty Wallace Hanson Robbins Gates Gillette Barton Dahl Kendall Substitutes, Bend L E R L T R LG R C R G L RTL R E L Q L H R R H L F Bend. four weeks before the date of the said hearing. Dated at Rend. Oregon, this 23rd day of September. 1921. ROBERT W. SAWYER. County Judge. clIo1 193-99-105-1 lie G. Blakeley , Boyd i Kohfield Thilbrook Howell Johnson L. Blakeley Blrdsall McNeely Dutt Norcott for Dutt. Dutt for Howell. Referee, Gates; umpire, Dunbar; head linesman, Fleming. three. Time out Norcott. The next play was a fumble. Johnson recover ing for Bend. Norcott passed to John son for six yards, but the ball was' lost on downs. Barton punted 25 yards to Blake ley, who made five. McNeely made two yards, Redmond was penalized five, Norcott made three. Blrdsall went through eight yards and Blake ley four. Blrdsall and Norcott each made four. Blakeley failing to gain. Time out Norcott. Bend penalized five yards. The ball was lost on a fumble on Redmond's eight yard line. Barton made a yard on a fake kick. His Dunt was blocked. McNeely To the Honorable County Court of. ' .... Deschutes County. Oregon: recovering lor cena ou u.e e.s.n, Y(Jur petitiotler8 Gcorf?e A. Par. yard line. The half ended on thlsiking and cloe parkins, husband and play. Score, Redmond 6, Bend 0. j wife, of Bend, In Deschutes County Third Quarter Oregon, respectfully pray that an or- . . , b. r - , v.., 1 der be made for the adoption by them Barton kicked off 5 to Norcott Qf an UQaamed female nfant chnd who made 22. Bend lost on three of Robert I. Parrott and Laverna plays and was penalized fqr offside. ; Parrott, both of Condon. In Gilliam McNeely kicked 20 out of bounds. county. Oregon, born on July 15. . , . , . .. .. 1921, and for the change of the name Dahl made four and then five yards. of raid child tQ ghjr,ey Loj ,,ar. Keumona penalized live ior oiisiue. kins. PETITIOX IN THE COUNTY COt'RT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR DESCHLTE3 COUNTY In the Matter of the Adoption) of Parrott, an uc-) named child of Robert I.) Parrott and Laverna Par-) rott. ) Gillette made six, the ball going to Bend on downs. I A pass was incomplete. Redmond, penalized five for offside. A recover-, ed fumble resulted In a five yard loss. McNeely kicked 15 to Kendall,, who mane 13. ! Parrott, for the reason that be can Gillette made four and Kendall not be found within the State of Ore eight. Kendall made five more. Time ; gon, for the purpose of obtaining out for Boyd. Kendall fumbled. Red-1 P"a' , mond recovering. On the next play The written consent of the mother of said child to her adoption by pet itioners, and that her name be chang ed as above requested, is attached to this petition. j Your petitioners ask that an order be made for publication of notice to the father of said child. Robert I. him, as Is shown by the affidavit of George A. : Parkins, filed herewith. : GEORGE A. PARKINS, ! CLOE PARKINS. STATE OF OREGON ) I ! Barton kicked off over the goaI,connty of Deschutes ) line for a touchback. Norcott punted I We, George A. Parkins and Cloe I 40 to Kendall, who returned 2. Bar- Parkins, the petitioners above! i 1 namea, oeing nrsi amy sworn, sep- Kendall went over for his second touchdown. Wallace missed goal. Score, Redmond 12, Bend 0. ' InmtplT. tin each fnr himself and her. . . - - -- - ton passes to Gates for a gain. Gillette and Dahl each made geif gay; i have read the forego five. Barton dropkicked for goal from jK petition, know the contents there the 22 yard line. of. and the same are true as I verily Barton kicked off 55 to Norcott. j believe. irho returned five. Redmond was pen- CLOE PARKINS alized for offside. Score. Redmond! Subscribed and sworn to before me 11 State Warrants Called The following notice has been received from the State Treasurer and Is published for the benefit of those who may be holding State Warrants: "Notice Is hereby given that there are funds In the State Treasury with which to redeem all outstanding State Warrants drawn on the general fund, indorsed 'Presented and not paid for want of funds,' prior to September 3, 1921. All such warrants, properly indorsed, will be paid upon presentation at this ofllce. Interest thereon ceas ing from and after October 10, 1921." The First National Bank Thlt Bank l a Member of the Federal Reserve System GRAND OPENING OF THE LIBERTY THEATRE Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Pictures Accompanied with Pipe Organ Music Every Seat in the House Will Be Reserved ! GRAND Tonight Last Time William Fox Special! "WhOe New York Sleeps" ALSO Those Six Alabama Boys IN "An Hour In Dixie Land" Dancing, Singing Music, Fun. 1 ft f'T t- C c-; WARNER'S Cenlemeri Gloves Athena Underwear Pictorial Patterns Merite Jewelry Arch Preserver Shoes Burlington Hosiery Educator Shoes v :t i' - 1 i u t , ' .'4 !' ) Justrite Corsets Pearl Infants' Wear rr :: Wearwell Blankets Bridal Sheeting g i .' and many other Nationally famous lines of merchandise are here shown in NEW GOODS AT & -3 -3 -3 5? II rH u "m mm ii i i iw mi urn i n in i I GRAND I Saturday and Sunday iUA'CNSiy I NEW LOW PRICES I -3 If 3 KOIt SAI.K - Klnn bi'lfi'r. fnwh noon riionii 2S3-.M. X8-1 11-1 12c KOIt HAI.K One Tlmmnn drag miw with two 0 ft. lilad'H and two Cft. One Wado drug nw. two flro fool blndi-ii anil one nil foot. l'honn Utd mond, 910 or wrlto Overland (inr bkh, Ki'itmoiul. Crt-91-1 1 7 1 WANTED WANTKI) Snli'sliuly to ili'inoiiHirut)' 1 a Klandard Oil proilurt; K"d nul- nry If propiTly iiiulltifd. tSiimdard I Oil Co.. 11 1. Ore M l I lp Utter Your Own Jfeart Story by William Wallace Cool WANTKI) Orders for your wlntr'n wood; wo handle nil klmlM of body, limb, Blab, alxo lfi Inch wooil, at rciiKonabln pri'H. TIutm are no order too Miuill or too Iiitko fur n to handle. I appreciate Ihrni all. deliver anywhere, by Htouni, ttan nr team. I'hone 216-W. J. O. llaKuh. city. 98-!0-122 W.WTKII Kxperletired Klrl for Kem rul hoimowurk. I'huiin f. M 4-107-1 1 Ic W'AN'l KH-- fioud woiiihii to work lu hole!; one k ho uititer tlu:iltf rook hilt. Wrlin .Mrn. MuiiiiliiK, Silver Lake. Ore Mi. n-l I 2p FOU KENT KOIt HKNT Olio four room. on flvo roem, and one neven room moilern boime. See II. J. Overturf, Hn.t National Hank ImildliiK 77-109-1 12c KOIt HKNT Two mrlrtly miMlern Hleeplnit rixmiM milliililn for four Kentlemeti; with or wllhoiii hoard. 2'.5 lieluwurn ave. OTi-1 U -l 1 2p LOST Direct from Producer to Consumer SAVES YOU MONEY and Assures Better Meat That's why you should buy your Meat, Chickens and fresh Eggs, from The Farm Products Distributors CASH MARKET Watch for Special Announcement cf Car Load of Hood River Cooking and Eating Apples, at Specially Low Prices, Next Week WANTKI) 1'olnto plckern at Hie I'llot Unite ranch. 79-110-11 lc j WANTKD Klritt clajm wulter at Downing' Cafn. 70-1 09-1 1 4c 110.00 HKWAItK Kor any Informa tion Ii'imHiik to thn conviction of parly takltiK Kuril trnlb-r from tint ViM-itrn kii nexi to f.. M. I ho:n pmoll nmiilc more. J. It. Sparkx, mnnuKer 1 .1 In? rt y und (iraud theater. 7-IM-IHr ST. FRANCIS BAZAAR TONIGHT and Saturday HIPPODROME Something Doing Every Minute New Attractions! -New Ideas! A Crand and Glorious Time For Everyone Wilson George's Orchestra JITNEY DANCING! iv: