THE BEND BULLETIN tii ic wi:.vnn:ii Hul n IoiiIkIiI and tomorrow HtHWMUUUtmMWUnUHMM DAILY EDITION VOI,. V. IIK.ND, PHSt'lll'TEH tXJC.NTY, OREGON', FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OtTOIIKH I I., No. J 1 1 POTATOES FROM FAIR TO GO TO NATIONAL SHOW COMMERCIAL CLUP.S TO HACK PLAN MEET AT LUNCHEON ('01111111111-1 To Arrange Pnlnlo DN- ApMlnted I'reluht Itnlr On llll) IMm'IMM'iI Etrrllcliri lif N.Iiin.1 IMlllill. ( Spi'i'lal In Tim lltilli'lln I REDMOND. Orl. H. Central Ore gon potatoes will bn I'tlillilli'il at ill" I. anil I'rmliirtH shows of Portland mill rlpoknno. anil al III" Nallunal Potato kIiiiw at lliilulli. II Kan decided today lit I lin liuirliiMiii given hero fur Cniumerrliil organizations of Central Oregon, In-Ill aa today's feature of tlm In m' hul en Cull illy fair A com Inllten composed nf M II. ('in-. Kri'il N. Walliini, I). I.. JaiuUiin. and two others to be iiamml liy tho I'rlnnvtlln Commercial club or by the Crunk ('utility Kami bureau, will have charge uf Hi" work nf preparing and niei I ii ft Hi" eihlhlla. Tim ijii"l lull nf til" freight rul" mi liny, a matter nf vllnl Importance to Hi" farmer (if Ciiuriil Oregon, m il lru d. ami will be token up In detail liy a rniuinlttoe to ti eom poned nf i r xniitut I v-a nf the. llend. Iti'diiionil. Prlncvllle, iiihI Madraa rluba. iiihI of tli" Farm bureau nf lii'n huti and Crook counties. Exhibit Pnilsil Vlaitnr at llin D.-arhiitra rnunly f.ilr were especially struck yestrrdny With the evri.l,.ire of til" school dis plays, and It Wa noted thut two arhimla. I.a Pin rind Plulnvlvtv, mini" cluMt for tli" find lime. Tlm ill play fiom lh" iiulh "lid of thi roiiiity showed tlm high clan of work tx-liiK don" In lh" I.a PI tie) school, wlille a f.uturo of the. Plalnvlcw x lillut whs a allk patchwork in. m of Oregon. "'Ii county In a lirfrtil color nf ailk. with river and moun tain kIiowd l.y stitching. Tlm t!l dny Inrlmli d specimen of rug weav ing, basketry, Iiook roviis anil wall paper d"IKn. Tli" Nls'er srhnol lind a display nf sewing, ami Redmond exhibited drulng. k mtliirfiirti'ii and domestic science muk. and particularly fine sample of cabinet making done In lh" training rliin". NonloiiH woeila found III Dearhuti a county, brought In here from other srrtlona. worn shown III nn art tat Ir fVhlMt entered by Kirk Whltted. bot anist living 1" 'I'" north "ml f Hi" county. DENTIST USED ALIAS, CLAIM .tl.t.r.l IIIMSKI.K "NOUM.W WIIITXK.V" AT CAI.i.IIY. ( IKN TKSTIKV I.KKT HNI KOIt MIIH. WIIITXKV." KTATKU. ' llr llnltnl Pr to Th IVnd Itullttin.) HOKKIU'KO, Oct. M. Two worn pii toMllfled BKiilniit Dr. H. M. Ilriim flold loduy r"diirdlnK hli of the alia "Norman Whltm-y" during hla lay nmir Calnary. previous to hla nrroKt for Iho nlloR"d murder of Den li I a llusni'll. Mlaa Klorenen Currlo, telenrnph op enitor, an Id llriinifltild hud left 10 with her lo ho teU'Kniphed to "Mrs. Nornmn Whitney,' upon renuest. The reiiieHt never enmo nnd Ilrunifleld later claimed Iho money, alio anld. MIhh (iraro K ill In n. chninherinnld nl Ihe lintel whero Ilrunifleld atoppml while lit I.nkn l.oulao, an Id he uaed Iho name, "Norinim Wliltney," nnd marked IiIh liiundry with thnt nnnie. COK C.ETS FIKSTS ON APPLE DISPLAY Out of elKht ontrlea of apple. M. 0. Coi, rancher near llend, luta tulien four find nwnnlH nnd one aerimd ul tlm DeHchutra county fair. Winter biiniuuiH, NnwtntiB, Northern Splea, nnd (liinoH wero declared tlm heal exhibited, nnd bis wlncanps took second. 129 Chambers Of Commerce Work For Unemployed Illy IJlilll frru U. Tlie II. n.l llulMln.) WASHINGTON. Oil. 14. Tllll t'lllll'll Stale chamber of nun nii'im Inilay announced It hud "il"clil"il on liniirovniiiiTil III tlm Iniliinlrliil alluittlou K"ti- "rally." Onii liuuiln-il mill nine- t""ii cliaiiilii-rH In 35 atal" ro- iorl"d iliiflnllii Hli-iia lin vi) Ihh'ii laknii In r"-ll"vn iiii"iiiiloyniniit. REDMOND TAKES FOOTBALL GAME 15KND TEAM PUTS UT II All I) J5ATTLK HiiH-rlor W rlul't mnl Trunin in It IC ult In Irltiry For lloini Trnm lirmliill Klnr IU'IhI'n Mii1ti) otll Kurunril Vun hoi. Out flKhtlliR Itediniind every In 111 utn of play, tho llend IiIkIi football teum yeatnrday loat to superior welxhl and better developed team work on tlm fair Kroiinda field before a crowd of ltOO, by a acute of 15 to Ci. Iloth of Itedinond'a totichdowna reaulted from Ilend'a mlaplaya, the kfirl a uilaluka In alxnala which caus ed llend to loao the ball on the 20 urd Hue, tlm aicond an Inaccurate punt. Hurt Kin ilu 11 of Krdinond team wua reapmiallile for buili of the toucli downa mud" by bla tt-um. On the firat, he curried the ball tli times succeas tvely. and on the aecond he returned 1 1 ho punt to tlm point from which It Iliad been klck"d. and tli.'il cnrrled It jovi r on ailcceaxlve line plunitca. Har , Ion of Iti'diiionil drnpklcked a field run I from the 22 yard Hue. I The pnaaliiK ability of "Swede" 'Noreott and the recelvlna; of Clay ! pool ami Johnaoii are lo credited with Ilend'a acore. Johnann cauxhl the puaa which netted a touchdown after 1.' I..II Mit ll.ttl xi.tii.l li..,l l..,lr.w..l If Two paaaea to Cluypool hud placed tlin ball In atrlkluK distance of the run I llend limt two K"'d acorltiK op portunities, the flrat by a fumble and I the second when the flrat half end "d. The ruin" featured by nn cn . tire abaeiice of roiiRh play and "crab : lilnsT." Iloth lenma played clean, fitat b ill. Time was taken out only four I tlui. 'a. and no players left tho unine Ion account of Injuries. The decisions of the officials were accepted with out question by both teams. I l!etween halves supporters of the rlvnl teams serpentined tho field. Al IthotiKh on the enemy's territory. Ilend'a serpentine was tlm longest. The final qusrter of tho gnmo was played In soml-darkneaa. First Ouiirtrr llend won tho loss, choosing to re ceive. Itedmond chose the south goal. I Itarlou kicked off shortly after 4 o'clock 50 yards to I., illakeley, who returned 14. McNeely gained throe, llliitt two, nirdsull five. Dutt fiim- I I.I...I Il..l1u'nll MMrnrlnff for ll.wl. niiuid. Da 111 went around end for 15, but tho ball was brought bark nnd Ited mond penalized for holding. Ilurton in a de n yard. Gillette passed lo Gates for 15, but the ball win lost on downs. McNeely nnd ninkeley each gained two ynrds, Putt four. McNeely went nrnund end for a 20 yard gain. Illrd sull nnd Dutt fulled to gain. A mis take In signals resulted In a loose puss from center, Itedmond recover ing. Pnhl mndo three ynrds nnd Kon dull 8. Kendall ngiiln mndo ynrdugo on two lino smashes. Glllello gulli ed n yard. Kendall five nnd four. Kendall ngnln took tho bnll four times nnd went over for a touch down. Wnllnre missed goal. Ilurton kicked off liO yards to Illrlsnll, who returned 20. lllrdsnll mndo n yard. Seiniiil Qnni'ter Dlakeley nnd McNeely fulled lo guln. Noi'cott, who substituted for Dult, wont through center for 15. I II rrl nn II matlo two. rttakeley six nnd nirdsull four. Norcott ngnln plowed for an eight yard gnln, nnd ninkeley added' four. Norcott mndo two, Ilird hiiII two nnd McNeely eight. lllrdsnll fulled to gain, Norcott mndo two, Illakeley thine, mid n five yard penal ty against Ttedmond counted first down. IllrdNitll made a yard, McNeely (Continued on Page 4.) STATE ALLOWS TESTIMONY ON EARLY DEATHS EVIDENCE ARKAYED IN j SOUTIIAIil) CASE POISONING ALLECEDi Klnte ( oik llldi IMili'lll e On Charge of Kflll'ig Kdtvut-il Meyer Wo iniiirs I'revlous llblor)' To lb l!tniii:lil (Mil In Mndo Trial. Ili Vnlti I'rau toTlx II-nd llullrlln.) TWIN KAI.I.H. Oct. 14. Judge Hubrnck today ruled that the state may Introduce evidence to prove that Mrs. I.ydlu Southard murdered three previous husbands aa well as ber fourth husband, Kdward Meyer. I'rosecutor Htophan at once com menced arraying hli evidence. The state closed Its evidence ttgulust .Mrs. Houtbard, and District Attorney Stephnn then asked to be allowed to Introduce evidence per taining to the deaths of Mrs. South ard's threo previous husbands, whom the slate alleges she also poisoned to obtuin their Insurance. At this point It was necessary for Judge Dab- rock to decide whether such evidence could bo Introduced. Mrs. Kouthurd Is specifically accus ed of poisoning her fourth husband Kdward Meyer. PASS HIGHWAY ItlDS Folt (.lUIUVti OK 17 MM.F.S, IM'I.I DING lil STItKTCII olRIt I.AVA. CAI.I.KD Folt Ot'TOIIFIt 21. Construction of tho remainder of the MrKeniio puss highway Is fore seen In the announcement this morn ing that the 1. S. Hureau of Public rouds will receive bids for the grad ing of 17 miles of the highway up to October 2 4. Specifications may be seen at Ihe office or H. I,. Plumb, su pervisor of the Deschutes National forest. The sections left to be completed ns mentioned In the call for con tractors' offers, are from Delknup springs to Alder springs, and the summit of the lava, part in Deschutes and port In Lane county, for years the bane of autoUts. In fitting the lnva section for tra vel. It Is planned to put through a cut which will bring the surface of Ihe rock slightly below grade, then to haul In enough sand and dirt to provide, a good road bed. INTERSECTIONAL GAMES FEATURE WEEK END GRIDIRON CONTESTS Ity Henry I Fniri-ll (United Press SufrCorremwndentl NEW VOKK, Oct. 14. Getting away from tho paved pikes of the enrly senium, tho big football elevens begin to hit tho first of the hard going tomorrow. Four Interesting Intersection games feature tho cord In tho oast, while tho west will watch with equnl at tention tho flrat real conflicts of tho "Illg Ten." From nn Intersectloniil standpoint. tho buttle between Harvard nnd! Georgia, one of tho ranking elevens j of tho Southern Conference, Is the feature i.nme of tho tiny. Tho south also will atop onto tho, eastern stupe when Tennessee meets! Pnrtmtimh at Hanover. Colors of the middle west will bei cnrrled against tho east also at j Pittsburgh, where Glenn Warner's, fumed Panthers will play tho X'nl-. vorsity of Clnclnnntl nnd at West Point, whoro the Caduts will oppose Wnbaih. Tho biggest and perhaps tho hard est fought bntlo of the day will be Bottles Fall As "Liquor Special Flees Physician Hot lies to right of Mm. hot- 4 ties to li ft of him, crashed and shattered. Ills not lo reason why, bis but to sadly slKh, snineono hud blundered. Hut ihe bottle which Dr. Hlank pick- ed up had not shuttered, and was found to contain good Can- adian Scotch whiskey. What dls- position he mudn of It Is being withheld along with the physl- clan's inline, hut the Incident is a true one. Driving home after dark from a country call, the doctor over- 4. took and attempt to pass a car occupied by one man. The car ahead speeded up. Hefore long the doctor realized that bottles 4 were being thrown out Into the f 4 brush 011 either side of the road. 4 4 lit.1 rescued one. When he final- 4 4 ly passed the "liquor special" 4 4 nnd the driver suw who his sup- 4 4 posed pursuer had been he 4 4 suld but thut also must be 4 4 withheld. 4 444444444444444 BAZAAR DRAWS MUCH INTEREST OI'KXINfi M;!1T t'ltOWl) I.AIUJK I KI'ITK OK ISIVAI, ATTHAC TIOVS IIRTTF.K ATTFADANC'F. FXi'R(Ti:i tom;ht. All of the booths and attractions of the St. Francis bazaar proved In tensely interesting to last night's crowd, which was very good consid ering the rival attractions. A much larger attendance is expected tonight, and the management predicts that on Saturday night the Hippodrome will not be able to hold the crowds. In spite of the fact that only one day wub allowed In which to get the hull ready. almoKt everything was in Its proper place. One or two attract ions which could not be arranged in time for last night will be In opera tion tonight. Greatest Interest was manifested last night In the booth where lamps in the form of kewple dolls were raffled off. and in the faocy work booth. SIMPLICITY MARKS SENATOR'S FUNERAL (Pr United hru to The IVnd Bulletin.) WASHINGTON. Oct. 14 Ex treme simplicity marked the funeral of Senator Knox today. President Harding. Mrs. Harding, and all offi cial Washington attended. U. S. IS ASKED TO ACT AS MEDIATOR (Br United Press to The Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. Japan has approached the United States government to mediate the Shantung i controversy with China, It was lea ru led today. between Princeton and the Naval Academy nt Annapolis. All the bit terness worked up In lust year's battle, when "dirty football" was charged und countercharged by both elevens, has beou carried over. The midshipmen would take the same delight In trimming the Timers that tiiey do In healing the Army. Yale hns a comparatively easy game with Williams, and Penn Is exporting no great trouble with Swartlur.oro. Penn Slute hns a man sized Job with Lehigh, and the Syracuse-Drown game should be uii.vthlng hut n pink tea engagement. Ohio State and Minnesota have the banner attraction In the West ern Conference. Northwestern and Wisconsin and Iowa and Illinois will furnish the other banner con ference games. Notre Dame will minglo again with a "Dig Ten" team by playing Porduo. No Important games are carded In tho south. Centre hns a Boft op ponent In St. Xavler's of Cincinnati, and Georgia Tech has the same In Funnnn. INNOCENCE IS STILL CLAIMED BY HIGI1T0WER WILL BE SENTENCED TOMORROW VERDICT IS GUILTY Ufo IrnprlMonitiPnt ICf-oniiii-fn(lr4l Knew H VouJl JU ('unvlrtffl. He SaN Tolrl WrJrrl Story of Finding I,riwt It-tnly. (Br United Preea to The Bend Bulletin.) REDWOOD CITY. Cal., Oct. 14. Convicted of murdering Father Pat rick Heslin, with life imprisonment recommended, William Hlghtower faces sentence tomorrow. "I knew I would be convicted," he said to day, "but I am Innocent." Father Heslin was kidnapped by a "foreigner," who called one foggy night at the parish house In Colma and asked him to "minister to a dying friend." He was last seen alive driving away In the mutt In an automobile with dimmed lights. Two weeks later, when hopes of finding bim bad all but vanished, Hlghtower came to a newspaper of fice and offered to lead a party to the last resting place of Father Hes lin. Newspaper men and police fol lowed Hlghtower to the cliffs of Calada Beach, on the cost 30 miles from San Francisco. There they opened a rude grave In a ledge on the side of the cliffs and dragged out the crumpled body of the loved padre. Tc4l Wli-Ml Storr The body was still dressed In Its clerical robe of black; and on It was found In a Telvet case, the bread and wine for the last sacra ment: a silver disk bearing the images of Christ and the Blessed Virgin. "How did you know where this grave was located?" Hightower im mediately was asked. His reply was a story comparable in welrdness to the crime with which he is charged. A drunken Greek, he said, had called upon a woman of the night life Dolly Mason showed her a gun and told her: "That gun has killed a man and he is buried. But be isn't alone. A man always frying flapjacks sits 1 watching his grave." Officers looked up and there, not BO feet away was the sign familiar throughout the west the picture of an old miner frying flapjacks over a little fire. Hightower's story was too weird for officers to believe. He knew too much. "Dolly Mason" could not be found. Hlghtower was arrested In less than 24 hours after Father Heslln's body was found. He continued to tell weird stories, but he never confessed. Friends came to Hightower's as sistance and the dreamer. Idealist, philosopher. Itinerant baker, whose wanderings carried him throughout the southwest and finally to San Francisco and a jail cell fought to the last ditch the charge that he called a priest from his sanctuary on an errnnd of mercy and mur dered him to collect a ransom of only 6,500. BEND PLAYER GOES TO ST. LOUIS CLUB Curl Shoot:i, iiotiiilit liy Clowns From Victoria, .Arrives To Spend Winter Here. Carl Shoots, who will be remem bered by Bend as one of tho most brilliant inllelders on the old Shevlin-Hlxon team, as well as being a thoroughly dependable hitter, will got his tryout with the St. Louis Browns when spring training starts. Ho spent last season with tho Victor ia, B. C, club of the Pacific Interna tional league, and his work there In the outfield resulted In his being drafted to the American league. Shoots hit around .300 lost season. He arrived in Bend last night and will put In the winter months here. STRIKE LOOMS AS MENACE TO U. S. RAILWAYS COMPLETE TIEUP IS THREATENED OCTOBER 30 DATE SET Ten Dtrlxlons of Railroad Workrra Will o Out Kin -n.v.-l y I'liletut Kniploy-m Af(!f To ifpen NeKot in lion. (Br United Press to The Bend Bulletin.) CHICAGO, Oct. 1 1. Railroad union chiefs, with a strike vote in tliHr pocket, formally asked rail road executives today tn agree to conference to discus Wages and working conditions. CHICAGO. Oct. 14. A tieup of the nation's railroad system on Octo ber 30 loomed as a possibility today. Rail workers hurled an ultimatum at their employers by deciding to strike on October 30 unless executives agree to open negotiations for better wage and working conditions, with union beads. Railroad executives, meeting here, defied the most powerful labor or ganizations in the nation by proceed ing to slash wages In the faces of a strike. According to union heads all the men will not be called out sim ultaneously. The nation's transportation system has been divided Into 10 groups for strike purposes. One group will be called out on strike day, then If the management of the roads refuses to negotiate, the next group will be call ed out until all 10 have quit, tieing np the nation's roads, nntil 2,000,000 workers are Idle. Ail Industry in Danger All industry faced a tie-up as the menace of the railroad strike bung over the nation today. Railroad exe cutives are preparing to cat the wages of 2,000.000 rail employes ap proximately 10 per cent. In the face of the ultimatum that the unions would strike October 30 unless nego tiations are reopened. Both sides are holding councils of war. unaffected by the railroad board's decision to put all shop work on a time basis. This is regarded as not affecting the general situation. WORLD SERIES BEATS RECORD PLAYERS OX VIXXIXG CLIII KECE1VE OVER $3,000 EACH. YAXK TEAM MEMBERS GET TING $3,50O APIECE. (By Vntted Pnas to The Bead Bulletin) NEW YORK, Oct. 14. The world series, despite two small crowds, drew approximately $270,000, ex ceeding the previous record made in Cincinnati in 1919 by $177,000. The Giants, the winning club, got over $5,000 for each player, and the Yankees $3,500. LIQUOR CACHE NEAR DEPUTIES' AMBUSH After the arrest of A. L. Reynolds In Redmond on a charge of violation of the prohibition law, Deputy Sher iffs C. A. Adams and George Stokoe learned yesterday that they bad lain within three feet of Reynolds' five gallon cache the night before while waiting In a vain endeavor to sur prise the man. Reynolds - pleaded guilty to the charge In justice court In Redmond yesterday, and was fined $50 and costs. Sheriff S. E. Roberts reported this morning. FILMS TAKEN HERE SHOWN IN PORTLAND "The Deceiver," the photoplay for which scenes were taken near Bend, and in tho sawmills hero Is being shown In Portland nt the Hippo drome, according to word received here today. The scenes are described as very beautiful, the acting good, and the play as a whole a success.