TIIK ItKM) III M.KTIJf , DAILY KIIITIO.V, V.KSl), OIIEUON, TIEHIMY, fHTOIIKIl II, 1021. PAfil! S IIKM TltAIN N( III Kl l.K On-null Trunk Arrive, 7:35 A. M. l.eavea 7: SO l. M. ll.-W. II. S. Anlvea, :10 I'. M. l.iavca, 7:00 A. M. ... LOCAL N i:VS 1TK.US K. ('. piiniiviiii. Itulyiit nlii'i-iMiiiin, Id In thu i'liy linliiy on hunlm-im. J. It. KelltiKK nml K. Mli-lma win punm-iiKei a In Silver I " IIiIh iniuii I II K . (ii'iHKii Crowley of IHanicncI u ' In lli'iiil yi'Hii'i ilny u.i hi w,iy in I'm 1 1 11 1 1 ft . V. H. Hinlili nC I li 1 1 1 n (in .-.hi .1 thriiiiK'i lli'iiil yi-Mi-nluy mi iil'i way In KiiKi'ii". Mr. unil Ml" (!. III. Inn il-.ui mi. jiurt-iit-. of it II! piMinil lu.tiy rlrl, linrn 4miluy. ('. Villi Taaat-I went In H. ill-Ill lll'-t lilClil. ulii'ir he will unili'litn nil nil -riitliin mi hi li-K-f N. II. CilMii il nml fiimlly rl in m il In Hi-mi In. in a (ii ci it t ti 'n iiiiln Inur through ( i 1 1 fur ii lit . I.. V li it n k wi-iil In I'm I In ml I. ml 1 1 1 k 1 1 1 for iin i-iiiiiiliiiilliiii In run-lii-illiin Willi a m-rrliii illnulilllty. Mr. unit Mm. Cei-ll IIiiIIIiihIh-iiiI nf l.u I'liiit nti piut-tiia nf nil i-IkM l"ii i i I huliy Kill. Iiiirn lliln iniirnluK Mm ('iilherlne IS in 1 1 ti nf Kuk-M' whit lin l-i'ii tullliiK tii-ur Ili-ml nil miiniiu-r. wi-nl In l'f ji 1 l.i til IuhI nlKhl Tim KiiiikIiIiih iluli will nii-i-l MVil iipailiiy ttlli-riiiioii lit (In- heme nf Mr A. K. Wink, nil Iin- rnriK-r nf Vi--l lilll anil I'm limit ovi-mii-. Tin- l.ailli-' A I.I nf Hi- Chrlnilun thurrh will iin-i-t Willi Mm (ii-nrm-Htukiie n( I "07 Ki-'lerul miml In llmrrnw Itfti-rtlliiill lit 2 0 o'rliirk. M. It Mnllh. w u ml It. A. Cumin nf Tim Imlli'i unit II M. hit -(.tt-tiH nf lleiitl i-f( I hi iimriiliiK mi it ili'r hunt In ilin lif-nrliiit- Niitiiitutl fur rut. Thn hmty (if IT. Uaac II. WIIimiii nf l.a I'lne. who tiled hrr Saturday nlKhl. nliliii-ij Inil hlKlil in Iiitiinn. The fuiii-ritl will In- at Swn-I Home. It. It Krhctlrcr nf Iti-ilmnlnl wua "4 In lli-ml today nn hla woy In Crr-ri-nt frnm which pnliit In" will alnrt driving Ilin nhi-f-p hnrk frnm 111 mini nier riinxn to the home rum-h. Co it ti i y S ii i-r I m -inl- n t J. Alton TIiiiiiiiiiiiii. A A Aiiilt-mun. .Mr. nml .Mm t'lyili' Mi-Kay mill flnnlnn Mc Kay Iiiivii m I ui i i-il nn thn trip Id l.u (Jriiiulu, Knlnit hy wuy nf llurna. Ml KM 1 .11 II I'll .ll-Kll-r llllH UtlRI-ptctl II pmiltliiii wild dm (ii-liiiiiii-lliiiliir liniK Co. nf I'liiiliinil. Hliu will leave fur Unit illy iilimil October 20, Mlaa li-Kli-r him In-i-ii In thu i-iiiilny of I In- Mm Ion In in; Co. J It. KiiHIef wiiM liiiilly hruiactl yei-.ienl.-iy i-vi-iiIhk lit Ilm freluhl wuri-hnuuf, wlii-n it t.00 pniinil auc I Inn nf ii I'lini ri-ln mlxnr which Iin wui ln-l.lnn In loud nn u truck came lo""i fiom l hi- loail nml hunted mi t"l nf 1 1 till. No hlilli'H with broken. W C. ilolllln-lii-iiil Ik hllllllllK Ilm llilx- i in silver I. iik i- for Ilm Olio ll.in-hi-ii Co. ACniTOKIUM TO JJK C I.OSKI) I'Olt KKI'AIK I.iikI iil-.tlil'-4 iiinokiT wim Ilm IuhI in rani. .ii nn w ti l li tin- titiilllorlum nf ilm A iii. rl.ii n 1. 1 Kin" InillilliiK will Iin iimi-i iinlil Ilm ri-iiulm nf tin- rnof ami liiili'oiili-N Ih ronipli-li'il, MiiiiaK'-r I'olil. iimii.uiH. il Imlay. Tim wnrk wu o niiut toiluy. Tim vit u 1 -v it l- nliow ulilrli win Hi-t for Krliluy nlKlit hint In-i-ii iiomiiioiiimI until Wfilni-Hiluy, (ii-iolii-r 19. Tlmrn will hit no lnnri Snt in iluy iilrilit. DKMONSTRATOU TO HAVK FAIR H00TII A tllnplay nf lnhnr ituvliiK tli-vlren for tlm liniiif will nrrupy lht linmi' iltinnn-iiriitlnti Imolli ut thn rnunly fair ut Iti'ilinoiitl th lit wi-i-k, MIk Km Ciniii-Ky itiiiintiiiri-H. The ililliltH with tlnnutt-d hy HimiiI mid Iti-ilrnond hiinl Wiirt' tiii-rrhantit. Tht-re will lu ll di-iiiniiHtriitliiii nf thn prtiinurn cnnk- r itully. mid talk will In- Klvi-n on Ihi ilm of thn ntlmr di-vlci-n. MIik ("nim-ltyi JihIk.-iI tlm women'" exhib it at Urn Crook rniinty fulr limt wt-ek. FRKK KNTRANCE TO FKiHT RIVKN ROYS LNSURANCK MEN TO HAVE CLUB PROGRAM Tw'iil)-Ii Tli ki-tit I'lirt liunt-tl Hy tint .Mini To Atltiw YoiiiiKHttT Tit Ni-i- I l-.Hr limit m. CITY STORES CLOSE THURSDAY MORNING Wlmni witit ynur wnnilnrlng liny liiHt nlKhl? I'mloiilili-dly nioilii-m of miiim nf tlm 22 hiiyn whom-f uilmlhHlon Into tlm Ami-rl'-mi I.i-kIoii mnnki-r wiih paid hy V. O, ArniHlrniiK. won-ilvri-d what witit ki-i-illiK "Kmiliy" out mi Into. ArniHiriiiiK uppi-iii''d ut tlm window In Ht nlKht, I loiirlithi-d a hill, unit nrr.iiiK"d tliut ovi-r u Hrore of youtliH from tlm uk'-h of 10 to H mlKliI MlUii-mf tlm .-virfilnii'-i L-xhltlt-ion nf Ilm manly ail. Any iiiotht-r who wlKlm to know If hi-r mill Wiiii umnni; tlm favnrt-d may rminiilt tlm liil ut Tlm lliilli-lln Offll-f. NIGHT SCHOOL WILL OPEN NEXT MONDAY Kii. rlnli nili nt I'liinn To Arrimm All ( onr-.ii. l-'itr Wliltit Tht-re l Itt-iininil I ariilly CIiiim-ii NlKht Krhnnl will opi-n In thn hlf-th mlioiil hulldliiK Mnndny evt-iiliiK. Ku-ptTlnti-ndi-nt MiKjri; uiiiiounci-H. I'ro-pt-ctlvn ut uilt-litn may ri-Klnli-r Kriduy of UiIk w.-i-k and Monday ut the Bu-pi-rliiti-ndi-nt'ii offlc, or Monday eve ning ut thn hlKli nrhool.. Any counn for which thi-ri- IK nilf flcli-nl di-inand will be nlvi-n. Thn faculty an plunnt-d at prcannt coiilKitt nf A. K. Mill, principal and limtrurlnr In ati-noKraphy and book-kvi-pliiK: MIkb Tri-tnia Churchman, typi-wrltliiK; Mini Rnima Hrack, pen inanithlp und rpirlllnic und plntimntary lirancln-x: Mlaa Vlrnliila Stewart, KpnnlHli and KiikIIhIi. TORKEI.SON DAIRY HERD ACCREDITED lli'tid'a m-w orKunlxul Inn of fire liimiruii. i- nK"iit will have charm- of (In- proKrum ut tomorrow nonli'a Cninmi-rrlul cluh luncheon at the Pilot llutte Inn, It waa annouured HiIh in or i I ii k hy I.. A nt lea, necri-tury of lln- cluh. J. C. Ilhndi'it will pre-ulili- Klr Chli-f Tom Carltin will he umo:iK thoiti" to Hpmik nn fire pre-j vi-nilnu und kindn-d loplra. I One of the flmt dairy herds In Dea dline county to be accredited a tu herculonla free la that nf Ili-rt Tor-ki-Unu. who haa a ranch eaat of liend. Ho haa Junt received pupt-ra certlfy IhK the fact that his cows have been examined annually for three years, and found healthy. Torkelnnn haa all piiri-hri-d enwa und 10 Krude nnimnla. Ili-mra Klnrt-a will climt) at II o'cliiik Thumilny ninrnlliK t '" uliln local nii-ri luinln to utlnnil Ili-ml day ut thn Ih-hcIiiiIi-h county fulr ut Iti-ilinoiiil. 'lli In la In uilillllnn to thn i-IohIiii; nf thn achonlH for the (iiitlrn il..y. and tlm cloaliiK of the bunks at. noon, ua prevlouHly an-lioiincc.l. LEND MAN ARRESTED ON CROOK WARRANT CharK'd wlih ohtalnliiK moni-y undi-r falxn prntniiHca, W. (. Arm atroiiic wax nrri-Hli-d laat nlKlit on a Crook county warrant hy Deputy Sheriff (ii-orun Slokoe. Deputy Sher iff Jonea nf I'rliievllle urrlved later III the tviiilng for Armstrong. GIANTS EVEN SERIES WITH 8 TO 5 VICTORY (Continued from Pane 1.) HiiKa aafe firnt on Ward'a error. Snyder hunted fly into .McNully's handa. Ilarnea fouled to Mc.S'ally. Hums forced ItawllriKa at aecond. PecklnpaiiKh unaBalnted. No runs, no hits, one error. YANKS It. Meuael walked. Plpp fanned. Wurd fanned. Mc.S'ally filed to K. Meum-I. No runs, no hits, no errors. Sixth Inning CIANTS Ilancroft slnnlt-d. Frlsch walked. Youim fanned. Ilancroft out ateallnn third, Schann to Mc.S'ally. Kelly sliiKled, scoring Krlsch. K. .Mi-u-ael filed to Kewster. One run, two lilts, no errors. YANKS Schang slnKled. Khawkey forced Ki-hanK, iluncroft to ItawlInK". Kewster funni-il. PecklnKpuiil"!! flieil to K. MeiiHtl. No runs, one hit, no errors. Ht-venlli IiiiiIiik filANTS Itawinits popped to PerklnpaiiKh. Snyder out, Peckln puuirh to Plpp. Itarnes out. Ward to Plpp. No runs, no lilts, no errora. YANKS Miller filed to Youim. It. Meum-I fanned. I'lpp put, ItawllnKS to Kelly. No, runs, no hits, no errors. KIkIiIIi IiiiiIiik GIANTS Hums filed to Kewster. Ilancroft popped to Ward. Krlnch funned. No runs, no hits, no errors. YANKS Ward out, P.nncroft to Kelly. .Mc.S'ally popped to Kelly. SchanK walked. ( llaker bitttlritc for Hhawkey) Daker out, Hawlinits to Kelly. No runs, no hits, no errora. .Ninth Inninir GIANTS Plercy now pitrhlng for Yanks. Young ulnnled. Kelly fanned. Young out stealing, Schnng to Ward I K. Meuael singled. Itawllnns fanned. .-o runs, two hits, no errors. YANKS Kewster filed to Rawl Ings. Perklnpaugh filed to Itawllngs. Miller filed to Itawllngs. Mo runs, no hits, no errora. The Lineup GIANTS Hums, cf; Ilancroft, ss; ;Krlscli, Sb; Young, rf; Kelly, lb; j.Meusel, If; Pawllnga, 2b; Snyder, iToney, p. YANKS Kewster, ' paugh, s; Miller, cf ; ;Plpp, lb; Ward, 2b; ISchung, c; Harper, p. 'Giants B. If; Peckln H. Meuael, rf; McNally, 3b; R H E 11 0 5 7 a SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins, to stiffen rid movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that tha kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking' COLD MEDAL -lgftQfr Tb world's ttandard rttntdy for kidney, ttvr, bladder and or If acid troubles. Famous sine 169A. Tax rcfrularlf and kap in good health, la three sixes, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented. Leek fee U mm CeM M4l ee eeerr ke aa4 etwept ae tallstin TLbc Central Oregon J3anh I. E. HIXTER, rre.l.lent CARI.KTON It. 8WJFT, Vice lreident E. 1'. MAHAKKEV, Vie Prea. and Manager II. M. STEPHENS, Caxhier BEXD, OREGON Your Obligations Are More Easily Met When They Are Paid by Check it's that "always knowing just where you stand financially" that assures the most eco nomical handling of money. And the surest way of having an exact accounting of your financial affairs is by putting your money in a bank and paying your bills by check. The management of this bank exercises every effort to give its customers the most satisfactory service. We extend to you a courteous invitation to open a checking or savings account with us. She (Central (Dreoott icmti D. E. HUNTER, President E. P. MAHAFFEY, Vice President r3 FAIM AT REDMOND ELEVEN EVENTS IN RACE PROGRAM BEGINNING AT 1:30 P.M. 35 Runners Saddle Horses Pony Races Indian Races 20 Buckers Team Races 771m Will Be School Day. Children Free, Except Grand Stand